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202 THB LBABIB. ^Saturday,
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202 Thb Lbabib. ^Saturday,
202 THB LBABIB . ^ Saturday ,
/^ fHUBB « LOCKS , with all the recent ira-VJ provemenis . Strong Fire-proof Safes , Cash and Deed Boxei . Complete , lists of sizes and prices may be had on application . _ _ ' CHUBB and SON , 57 , St- Paul ' s Churchyard , London ; 28 Lord-street , Liverpool ; 16 , Market-street , Manchester ; and Horsley-fields , Wolverhampton .
HOBBS' PATENT AMERICAN AND ENG & ISH LOCKS . MESSRS . HOBBS , AS H LEY , and Co . are now manufacturing their celebrated AMERICAN and ENGLISH LOCKS on the Premises , 97 , CHEAP & IDJB , and 33 , LAWRENCE-LANE , LONDON ; where by the introduction of their Patent Steam Machinery , they are enabled to guarantee SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP , combined with greater security , at a moderate price , than in anyLocks produced , either in Town or Country . ^ SSS ^ H ^^^^ S ^ S ^ S ^^ i STAMP , without whioh none are genuine . These Locks can be procured by order through aigrrespectable Ironmonger in the United Kingdom , or at the WAREHOUSE , as above , WHOLE SALE and RETAIL .
MILNER'S PATENT FIRE & BURGLARPROOF SAFES , fitted with HOBBS * PATENT POWDER-PROOF LOCKS , form the Strongest Safeguards against Fire and Robbery ; they are made of various dimensions , adapted for the security of Money , Plate , ana important Documents , Parish Registers , & c . Listlof Ppces and dimensions can be had on application to HOBBS , A & HJjiJi X , and CO . Wholesale and Retail Warehouses , 97 , Cheapside ; and 38 , Lawrence-lane , London .
BUY OF THE MAKERS—BRUSHES , COMBS , and BBOOMS , of every description , whether for the dresaing-table , household , or stable use , 30 per eent . lower than any other house in the trade , at the manufacturers , J . and J . WITHERS , 36 , Tottenhanvoourt-road { opposite Bedford-street , Bedford-square ) . —Warranted tooth brushes , Sd- j superior ditto , 4 d . ; the best that can be made , 6 d . eaeh . —N . B . The lowest price asked a » d no . Abatement .
FITCH AND SON'S CELEBEATED BREAKFAST BACON , 8 d . per lb ., Now for 25 Years before the Public , and still retaining its deserved pre-eminence , is CURED and SMOKED at CALNE , in WILTSHIRE , a district abounding in dajry farms , and -offering peculiar facilities for the breed'and fattening of Hogs . _ _ •" . _*_ It is SUPERIOR to all OTHER KINDS for its AGREEABLY STIMULATING FLAVOUR , and its freedom from saltness ; while it is a moat excellent stomachic , and adapted for the most delicate constitution . — The price is 8 d . per lb . by the half side of 301 bs . A middle piece of 121 bs ^ 9 d . per lb . WILTSHIRE CHAPS , cured at Calne . OX TONGUES , cured upon the Premises . YORK , SOMERSET , and BRUNSWICK HAMS . STRASBURG BACON . CHEDDAR CHEESE , of extraordinary richness and fine flavour , are all worthy of notice for their surpassing quality sod moderate price . . A remittance is requested from correspondents unknown to the Firm . Deliveries free to all tho London Railway Termini Daily . FITCH AND SON'S ECONOMICAL PROVISIONS . Per lb . s . d . Fine Rich Cheshire , by single Cheese 0 7 | -Good-Sound ditto ditto ... —0 7--Ditto Serviceable ditto ditto 0 6 & Rich American ditto ditto 0 6 £ Best Salt Butter , by half firkin 1 0 Very good ditto ditto 0 11 Fine Small Hams 0 & J A Priced List of the parts of a Side of their CELEBRATED BACON free upon application . PITCH AND SON , PROVISION * MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS , 66 , Blsbopsgate-within .
BUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be tho most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so often hurtful in its effects ) is hero avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Moo-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and olosouosa that it cannot be doteoted , and may too i worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post . on tho circumference of the body , two inches below the kips , - being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITS ., 288 . ' Piccadilly , London . ' ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNWB CAPS . Ac , for VARICOSE VB 1 NS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . They aro porous , light in texturo , and iuoxponsivo , and aro drawn on like an ordi- i nary stocking . Pricofrom 7 a . 0 d . tolGs . Postage , 6 d . ' - i
i - ' ' i i s i , 1 ! b n li oi d tc st g | NO MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER MEDICINE . —For Indigestion ( Dyspepsia ) , Constipation , Nervous , Bilious , and Liver Complaints , Cough , Consumption , and Debility . By DU BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARABICA TOOD , which saves fifty times its cost in modicino . A fow out of more than 50 , 000 cures aro given . Care No . 71 , of dyspepsia , from tho Right Hon . tho LORD SWART DE DEOIES : " I have derived considerable benefit from Dn Barry ' s Rovalenta Arabioa Food , and consider it dno to yourselves and the publio to authorise the publication of those linos . " Stuart rb Djeoies . " From tho DOWAGER-COUNTESS of CASTLE-STUART : Cmxo $ 2 , 082 , — " Roastrovor , County of Down , Ireland , » tn Deoomber , 1854 . —Tho Dowager-Countoss of Castle-Stuart fools induced , in tho interest of suffering humanity , to state that Du Barry ' s exoollent Revuloata Arnbicn Food has ourod her , after » ll medioinoB had toiled , of indigestion , bilo , great norvousnoas and irritability of many yoars' standing . This Fooxl deserves tho confidence of afl sufferers , and may be- considered a real blessing . Inquiries will bo . c & eerfuUy answered . " Ouro No . 49 , 832 . —" Fifty years' indescribable aaoaiy from dyspepsia , nervousness , asthma , cough , constipation . Hatulonoy , spasms , sickness at tho stomach , and vomiting , havo boon romoved by Du Jtarry'a oxcollout food . Maexa Joixy , 'Wortham , Ling , near Diss , Norfolk . " llb .. 2 B . pd . i 2 lbs ..-Is . 0 d . ; 5 lbs ., lls . ; 12 lbs ., 22 s . ; suporroiliujd , lib ., to ., 2 lbs ., lls ., 611 m ., 22 s . ; 10 lbs ., 88 s . iMio 10 lb . and 12 lb . carriage froe on reoeipt of a potit-ofllco order . Barry , Du Barry , and Co ., 77 , Regont-sfcroot , London ; Londoii agents , Kortnum , Mason , and Co ., purveyors t ? h ^ M ^ es £ y _ ' , ' « oa ^» yj and also at 60 , aracechurohstreet : 4 O , Jjaahopsgato-street ; 4 , Cheapsidoi 330 and 401 , ( Strand ; 50 , Charing-eroas .
B EAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , and MOUSTAOHIOS , aro invariably produced in 2 or » i weoks , by COUPELLE'S CELEBRATED 0 RINUTRIAR , s tkuo almost marvellous powors of which in tho production and i restoration of hair , strengthening weak hair , checking-grey - uess , rendering tho hair luxuriant , curly , and glossy , must bo ¦ soon to be boliovod . Dr , Uro sayss "if is tho only propara- , tion ho can rocommond for tho nursery , as forming tho basis 1 of a good head of hair . " 2 s , por package at 08 , CornhiU j I * , Edprwaro-road ; lffi Sloano-stroot ; Winnall , 78 , High-stroet , Birmingham * lUimoo and Co ., Leith Walk , Edinburgh ; and Mraklqgat ^ York ; WJiitaker , Shoffleld ; Haigh , lltt , n Brigcato , Leeds ; Jones , 5 , Paradi « o-Btroot , Liverpool : li Ferris and Co ., BriatoJ ; Westmacott , Manchester ; Hcnsfeigh , oi S &^^ kj E van 8 and Co ., Exeteir ; Campbell , Glasgow ; d w »* thTOueh all Chemists ; or sout post froo for 24 ponny tc StSSP'V » iyJ * ? l OowJPpJ'o . «» v Oastlo-atreet , Newman- st street , Oxtord-Blreot , London . g | lo 10 t ( St
T 7 ENIHERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRONS - £ ?• Buyers of the above arejrOTU ^ ed , befor ^ nalhr ^ de dding , to Visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOWROOMS 3 » , Oxford-street ( corner of Newnran-sfeeet ) , Nos , l & 3 , Niwman-street , and 4 & 6 , Perry ' s-pJace . Theyaxe the largest in the world , and contain "" fa - an . assor tment o FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRB-EBO 3 Sfi , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , b «»« ty of design , or exquisitenessof workmanship . Bright Stoves , with . bronzed ornaments and two sets ofTbars , af / tta . to 51 . 10 s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 51 . 10 s . to 121 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to 3 Z- ; Steel Fenders from £ 1 . 15 s . to 61 . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 . 1 . 15 s . to 7 J . 7 a . ; Fire-ironsfrona Is . 9 d . the set to 41 . 4 s . Sylvester and all other Pabsut Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All whieh he is enabled to sell at these very reduced charges—Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his-purchases Secondly—From those purchases bein ^ made exclusively for cash . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOE SILVER . —The Real NICKEL SILVER , introduced 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when PLATEE by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguishedfroiE real silver . Fiddle SSSS & King ' s Pattern . ^ ° ™ f Pattern Tea Spoons , per dozen ...... 18 s . ... 26 s . ... 82 s . Dessert Forks „ 30 s . ... 40 s . ... 46 s . Dessertspoons „ 80 s . ... 42 s . ... 48 s . Table Forts „ 40 s . ... 66 s . ... 64 s . TableSpoous „ 40 s . ... 58 s . ... 66 s . Tea ana coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by th < patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Fiddle . Thread .. King ' s . Table Spoons . and Forks , full size , per dozen 12 s . ... 28 s . . „ 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Teaditto 5 s . ... lls- ... 12 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads and bedding ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at ooce make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for every article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); 1 , § , and 3 , NEWMAN-STREET ; -and 4 and 5 ,-PERRY'S * LACE . -
FURNISH YOUR HOUSS WITH THE BEST ARTICLES A T DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses- Established a . d . 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , free by post . DEANE , DRAY , arid-CO . ( Opening to the Monument ) , London-bridge . .
BENNETT ' S MODEL WATCH . In gold cases from 10 guineas . In silver cases from 5 guineas . Every watch is skilfully examined , timed , and its performance guaranteed . BENNETT , WATCH MANUFACTURER , 65 , CHEAPSIDE .
A / fESSRS . SHOOLBRED A & D "Sr ' ATDJJf-M- SHAW , 34 , Jermyn-street , Patentees , Manufacturers of every description of ELASTICAL SURGICAL BANDAGES , as reoommended by all the most eminent surgeons , in acknowledging the very extensive support they have received , beg to call attention to the various improvements they aro making in patent Elastic Stockings , Kneo Caps , Socks , and Ladies and Gentlemen ' s Spine Supporters . A new description of Bolt , invaluable for prevention of Cholera and the cure of Rheumatism , Lumbago , Ac . N . B . Every description of India-rubber Bandages vulcanised on tho newest principle .
. ; ASG ¥ S JL IE E AS SUB AKCP COMPANY , •" 39 ^ Thregmorton-strect » B 3 tn ( k . ! Chairman—THOMAS PABNCOMB , Esq ., Alttermiin r Deputy-Chairman-WILLIAM UBAP , Esq / I BichardE . Arden , Esq . E-upert Inglefey , Esa I Edward Bates , Esa . Thomas Kelly , Esq . A 1 < L Thomas Campline , Esq . Jeremiah Pilcher Eso ^ . James CKft , Esq . Le % vrs Pocock , Esq . • J . Kumphery , Esq ., Aid . 1 Physieian—Dr . Jeaftoeson , 2 , Finsbury-sq uare . 1 Surgeon—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederiek ' s-place , Old Jewrv [ Consulting Actuary—Prof essor Hall , M ^ A ., of King's College ! ii ADVANTAGES 4 > F AS 8 URINO WITH THIS I ! COMPANY . ^* Tlie Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent wit >; security . The assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital ' —an Assurance Fund , of nearly 400 , 0002 ., invested on raort gage and in the Government Stocks—and an income of 80 , 0002 . a year . ' . Premiums to Assure jEIOO . Whole Term . [ Age . I Qne Year . Seven Years . WithProftts ) Without Proffts ~ lft £ 0 17 8 £ 0 19 " 9 ^ 1 15 fo 1 Jx Jo — 30 1 1 3 12 7 2 5 5 2 0 7 l . 40 1 5 0 16 9 3 0 7 2 14 10 60 1 14 1 1 19 10 4 6 8 4 0 11 60 3 2 4 3 17 10 6 12 & 6 0 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurers on the Bonus system are entitled at tho end of five years , and afterwards annually , to participate in foar-• fifths or 80 per cent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each policy can be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in cash . At the first division a return of 20 per cent , in cashoa i the premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a reversioaaary increase varying according to age from 06 to 28 per cent , on the premiums , or from 5 to 15 per cent , ou the sum assured . One-half of the * ' Whole Term"" Premium may remain on cuedit for seven years , or owe-third of the Premium may remain for life as a . debt upon , the Policy at 5 per cent , cr may be paid oft * at any time without notice . Claims paid in one month after proofs have been . approved . l Loans upon approved security . i No charge for Policy stamps . Medical attendants paid for their reports . ' - Personsjnay proeeed to or reside in-any part of Europe or ' British North America without extra charge . The medical officers attend everyday at ThrogmortonstreetAt a quarter before two o ' clock . E . BATES , Resident Director .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . —Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The-Court _ of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Pae . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with the Australian colonies generally conducted through the Bank's Agents . - Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 54 , Old Broad-street . London , WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , March , 1855 .
ONE THOUSAND BEDSTEADS TO CHOOSE FROM . —HEAL and SON have just erected extensive Premises , which enable them to keep upwards of . One Thousand Bedsteads in stock , One Hundred and Fifty of which are fixed for inspection , comprising every variety of Brass , Wood , and Iron , with Chintz and Damask Furnitures , complete . Their new w-arerooms also contain an assortment of BEDROOM FURNITURE , which comprises every cequisito , from the plainest Japanned Deal for Ser- - varits' Rooms , to the newest and most tasteful designs in Mahogany and other Woods . The whole warranted of the soundest and best manufacture . HEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BEDSTEADS , AND PRICED LIST OF BEDDING , sent free by Post . —HEAL and SON , 196 , Tottenham-court-road .
/ CABINET FURNITURE , CARPETS , CURKJ TAINS , AND PURIFIED BEDDING . —The general reduction in price of tho above-named articles have induced MESSRS . IipWITT and CO . to increase considerably the stock in their various Show-Rooms and Galleries . They respectfully invito public attention to tho largest and most vanod assemblage of FURNITURE in tho Kingdom , in ROSEWOOD , WALNUT , and MAHOGANY , and all of modern Manufacture . English and Foreign Damasks , Tapestry , Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets , rn great variety , and reduced from last year ' s prices . Bedsteads in Brass , Iron , Walnut , Birch , and Mahogany , with Spring and French mattresses , are fitted up in a room set apart fortlinf purpose . Roforcncos to all parts of tho United Kingdom and tho Colonies . All goods marked in plain figures throughout the entire range of thogroundjloor , show-rooms , and galleries : any article selected changed if not approved of . Books of Estimates sent free upon application , find nil orders in England deliverod in their own vanH . IlOWI'i'T and Co ., Albion House , 226 , 227 , 238 , 2-29 , and 230 , Higli Holborn .
nPEETH . —By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters JL Patent . —Newiy-inventcd and Patented ' application of rfiomically-proparod White andGum-coloured Inclin-rubber in the construction of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fiuins , and Palates . —Mr . EPHRAIM MOSKLY , Surgeon-Dentist , ( solo Inventor and Patentee . —A now , original , and invaluable invontion , consisting in tho adaptation , with tho most aosoluto porfootion and success , of CHEMUJALLV-l'R *<" PAH 13 I ) INDIA RUBBER as a lining to tlio ordinary gold or bono fnimo . Tho extraordinary results ol tins application may bo briefly noted in a few of thuir most promiaont features : —AH sharp edges aro avoided , no springs wires , or fastening aro required , a greatly increased frooiloiii of suction , is supplied , a natural elasticity hitherto unattainable ) , and a lit , perfected with tho most uiu'n'U'K ! U " . ouraoy , is secured , whilo from tho softness and lloxilnlit . v ° i tho ag-out employed , tho groatcst support is glvon to tue adjoining tooth when loose or rendered louder by tho w sorptiou of tho gums . To bo obtained only at ; , 01 , LOWER QROSVENOR-STREEO , , LONDON . 14 , Gay-street , Bath . 10 , Eldon-Hquaro , Nowcastlo-on-Tyno .
Leader (1850-1860), March 17, 1855, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17031855/page/22/