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480 T H E ^ - A D E H. [No. 321, Sat., M...
LONDON: Printed and Published by Alfred'...
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480 T H E ^ - A D E H. [No. 321, Sat., M...
480 T H E ^ - A D E H . [ No . 321 , Sat ., May 17 , 1856 .
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CHEAP BOOKS . S ECOND-HAND COPIES of Mucaula / tf " MiiKlaiid , " VoIh . III . and IV . ; " Memoirs of K . V < J »< Y , Rmith ; " I ) oran'n "Quooiih of tho JIoiiho of Ilanoym- ; "Lllllosloaf ; " "Westward Hoi" and nmny other worka or tho piiHtand present , HoaHon ar « now on nalo ut MUDILii'B ' 818 LISCT LIHltARY . | Li & t of 1 ' rlcon may bo obtained on application . CirAiti-KH EowAitn Minnie , 510 , Now Oxford-street , London ; and 70 , Oroas-strcot ; , Mauoliostor .
London: Printed And Published By Alfred'...
LONDON : Printed and Published by Alfred ' E » MUNi > Galloway , at " Tho Loador" OHlco , No . 154 , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —May 17 , 1850 .
Leader (1850-1860), May 17, 1856, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17051856/page/24/