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912 r THE LEAP ER. [Saturday, September ...
LONDON: l« ilm<Hl l>y (»K«ii<ir, Hooi'ii...
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912 R The Leap Er. [Saturday, September ...
912 r THE LEAP ER . [ Saturday , September 17 , 1853 .
Just Pubh ' shed , : A SYSTEM OF MORAL SCIENCE . jMl By LAURENCE P . HICKOK , Author of " Rational Psychology . " Hoyal Svo , 12 s . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
Just Published , npiIEISM , ATHEISM , and the POPULAE JL THEOLOGY . Sermons hy THEODORE PARKER , Author of " A Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion , " & c . An accurate Portrait of tho Author engraved on steel will be prefixed . Large poet 8 vo , cloth , 93 . ( Price to Subscribers to " Chapman ' s Quarterly Series , " 5 s . ) London : John Chapman , 1-42 , Strand .
Just Published , A HISTORY OF THE HEBEEW MO-_ £ jL NARCHY , from the Administration of Samuel to the Babylonish Captivity . By FRANCIS WILLIAM NEWMAN , formerly Fellow of Balliol College , Oxford , and Author of " The Soul ; its Sorrows and Aspirations , " & c Second Edition . Large post Svo , cloth , 8 s . 6 d . ( Price to Subscribers to " Chapman ' s Quarterly Series , " 5 s . ) London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
Just Published , in enamelled boards , price Is . Gd ., TH E FUTURE LIFE . ByteMASTUEL SWEDEXBORG . Being Volume III . of the " Spiritual Library . " Belfast : John Simms ; London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
On the 1 st of September was published , No . I ., price 6 s ., pi " npHE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW . 1 COIfTKNIS . I . Christian Population of the Turkish . Empire . II . Wesley and his Critics . III . Forbes ' s Memorandums in Ireland . IV . Cryptojjamic Vegetation . V . Spirit-Kapinners and Tablc-Movings . VI . Modern and Medieval Hygiene . VII . Secularism : its Logic and Appeals . VIII . Pnblic Education . IX . Ultramontanism : its threatened Supremacy in Europe . X . India under the English . Brief Literary Notices . —Reviews . OPINIONS OF THE PEESS . "The articles are every oue , without exception , ably written ; some of them are , indeed , profoundly reasoned , and the London Quarterly Review , therefore ; bids fair to obtain a fair share of popularity , and to enjoy a protracted and healthy life . "—Obaercer . " The first number is a creditable specimen . The best paper is undoubtedly the fu-3 t , on ' the Christian Population of the Turkish Empire . " The other nine articles deal with topics of current interest ; and tho treatment is able and sustained . "Spectator . " The London Quarterly Review is well edited ; the articles varied and able . The all-engrossing subject of Turkey is treated of , in the opening article , instructively and philosophically . The article on ' Cryptogamic Vegetation' is clear and popular in tho exposition of a very curious part of botany . This paper is succeeded by an admirable one on ' Modern and Mediaeval Hygiene . ' Tho thrco concluding articles are ' Public Education , * Ultramontanism , ' and ' India under tho English . ' Thus , it will be seen , the contents of thin now lteviewaro varied , and proinino a now and important accession to our periodical literature . "Leader . " This is a new quarterly , and ia a very fair specimen of talent and sound judgment . The articles are sufficiently diversified to ensure popularity , and abound with sagacious observations . "Bell ' tt Weekly Messenger . " Wo hail tho appearance of another Quarterly , and especially fluch a Quarterly , with groat satisfaction . It se ' oius likely to assist in meeting tho greut want of our country in one respect —• elevated litoraf uro pervaded Ivy Christian truth , and written iu a Christian spirit . " —Liverpool , Courier . "Tho London Quarterly Review opens promisingly . Its catholic spirit , orthodox piety , and . sound learning , must ensure . Biiecess ; and it is likoly , judging from the lirnt Number , to talco high rank among the quarterlies . " Jlusliiifjs and St . Leonard's News . " This now serial puts forth claims of a hi gh order , and will certainly prove a formidable rivnl to the ostalilished unr ( . erlioH . If curried out with tho sumo spirit , as tho lir . st Number , tho London Quarterly Jteriem will establish itself as a favourite with ho rending public " . — Lead ' s Jntclliycnc . cr . " This is a new periodical claimant ou tho patrtmngo of tho public . First numbers usually have much e : ir « Hjient , upon thorn ; but wo have Mohlom seen «<> nuieh expended an ha . s boon dono iu tho tinsci of this new vent uro . If merit , iio ; : n » -vp . s kuccohh , tho London Quarterly will certainly come in lor ils nharo . " --(? hitrth and State ( ttizelle . " Wo trust thai , tho conductors of tho Londati QkoHvHij will bo jUHti / led , by i ( n miero .-i'i , iu ( ho iiiidttrtakiiig ( Wo ' y huvo ' oommoncoil . Wo should acooiint it a bad omen , if ii , work no full of talent , instruction , ami available powers ngniiiM tlio t liveateniug ovils of ( ho present tlinen , wore not , adenuatoly estimated ami HUsitainotl . " --7 /'< rMiHi < rK , London : Pnrtridgo and Oukoy , TiO , Paternoster Row ; ami 70 , U ( Jg « uro Jfoad : and all JIooIcpoUoih .
I 71 T II 10 J N S 17 . 11 A N C 10 A G 10 N C Y . I T | m DIKIOOTOKSof tho XTU 10 N MXI M FIU K OKFKMO licit ( IcHiroiiH of I'lstabliMliiiif ^ A |; c ) U-ifH in viirioun parts oi' l . innldii Hiul i ( H vicinity . Tho Afjomty C ' onmiiHsioiiH arohlionil ; mid Ihn < ) ri f ; innl and Important Plan , adopted by the Aril icn . icu . m , iimurt'H to OiMiUomcn of good ooniiootion and unci'fzy (| roal , anil porinniiont ndviintn ^ eri . A | ijilic ; ilion ; i by Lotlor only , ntiitiiif ; biiHinoiiH fnoililifs , and iuu'oiii | mmc ( l by ifo / 'croiici'H , to bit miido to tho Mnua ^ i 1 ! ' . ltd , Saoli \ ill ( i-Htnot , Piccadilly .
AT II K N 710 U M I * T J { , K O F F I C 10 , : i <> , NAOKV 1 LLK - HVUKKT , LONDON . CVpit . nl , 2 , 000 , 000 / . Htorling . I'olioioH inmicil at , tlio IowcnI . ritto < 'OiiHiHt < Mit with I ho rink iu « aeli oinic , ami frc (> of cluirgd for polioiou or iitiinipM . IiOhhcm in (« t « itli jji-onijititiido , and nmdc good without , doduotion or ( lim-ouut . HISNHY BALTIZU , Nnmuwv .
THE LADY'S NEWSPAPER , PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ,- PRICE SIXPENCE , CONTAINS ¦ BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE STRIKING INCIDENTS OF THE DAY , '; . , f / onkm nub ihmsimt Jfu ^ ton ^ . EECHEECHB DESIGNS FOB THE WORK-TABLE , With Orisinal Articles of interest-Reviews of New Books—Tho Opeva-A . Piquant Tea-Table Miscellany--Notices of ZcidForoln Watering-Places , Theatres , Music , Provincial Festivities , Archery M & to ^ S ^ Th * . ( fr ^ ^^^ £ ^^^ S ^^ £ ^^ - ^ advance , by Post-Oiuco Order , in favour of Jons Simpson . r ; ^™™~~~ ™—OFFICE—294 , STRAND , LONDON ; axd by akc , Newsmen .
Just published , price 7 s . 6 d ., a Second Edition of T ^ LEMENTAEY ANATOMY and PHYJ £ ji SIOLOGY . For Schools and Private Instruction . _ With Lessons on Diet , Intoxicating Drinks , Tobacco , and Disease . By WILLIAM LOVETT . Illustrated with Ten Coloured Plates . " This volume leaves other popular treatises on Human Anatomy and Physiology far in the shade . "—Lancet . " We should like to see . this volume taught in every school and read in every house . "—Critic . "We rejoice that Mr . Lovett ' s efforts to impart such instruction to children have led him to the publication of the excellent volume before us . "—Nonconformist : . Also , by the same Author , price 4 s ., SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MORALITY . " Mr . Lovett points out with truth and faithfulness the principles which will ensure a happy and a useful life . " —Literary Gazette . "We could wish that a copy of this work were in the hands of every working-man . "—Herald of Peace . '' An excellent -work winch we confidently' recommend as calculated to elevate and improve man individually , and by consequence society at large . "—Morning Advertiser . < c In this truly excellent work of promoting education , l \ fr . Lovett has well performed his part—the book is full of golden sentences which we might cull from almost every page . "—Eliza Cook ' s Journal . Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., London .
Just published , handsomely bound in cloth , price 2 s . TDOSCOE'S LIBRARY ; or , Old Books and £ \) Old Times . By the Rev . JAMES ASPINALL , M . A ., Hector of Althorpo , Lincolnshire ; Author of " Sermons , Doctrinal and Practical , " "Occasional Sermons , " "Liverpool a few Years since , " & c . & c . Sold by Whittakcr and Co ., Avo Mavja Lane ; and all other Booksellers .
Just Published , price Is . Gd . PASSAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF A WASTED LTFTC . By a Mn > mvi :-AGnn Matt . London : \ V . Tweodio , . ' ! 37 , Strand .
THE NEW CUSTOMS' DUTTfiS , LAWS , AND REGULATIONS . Will he . published on tho 30 th instant , npiTE BRITTSIT TARIFF for 1853-54 , i . 15 y KDAVIN BTCEDELL , of Iho Oflico of Kxamincr and I ' l-inoipiil Conirollcr of Accounts , Custom jFouho , London . ' Vridc ( is . ; or (! s . ( id . by jjo . st to any part of tho United IKin ^ dom . Tlio new edition will contain upwardw of'IHO pagos of matter , inicn'sling and iincI ' iiI ( o AlcmliantR , Ship Urokerw , and Aguntu , jis w < ll iim (<> all jxm'koiih ( Mifjfngod in foi'oijjn trade . Tho SubscriborH LiHt will bo tiloHod in a fow dii ^ 'f ) . London : Baily Brothorfl , Cornhill .
Just Published , cloth , 2 n . ( id ., T ^ TiECTlM'OITY and GALYANISM , in tho S J Tivadiwnt . of Cinmoroua , Norvoim , lth < iiiuii . t . i (; mid other . AirroUon .-i . l ! y HIOHARl ) M . LAWHANOK , M . D . London , HCnry lionshaw , ! i 5 ( i . Strand .
Just ]> iiblishtMl , in iVj > . Hvo , prioo Threo HhillingH , T EOTURES in AID of SKLF-IMPROVE-^ fl J MKNT , on-.-l . Solf ' -Tinprovnniont , and 1 . 1 in Motives to it ; 11 . IMi / jion us ; i Study ; . " ) . llooliti und Kciiiling ; 4 . Coiivcrmiiion juhI Diiicinsion ; 5 . AliuinerM and Hocinl ltcHpru-tabilily ; and ( i . < -irciiiiiHliiiicc and linr ! i < tl (> r : Addnvined < ihi (!( ly to Yoiiug Men . lty THOMAS T . I , YNCII , Autliorof " Moinori " aln of Tho . ophilus Trinal , " . Vc . ' . liondoii -. Longman , Brown , " Grficn , and LonginaiiH .
R < ' < -on ( l lCdiliou , ]) n "( -fi Is ., or five by jiohI . for 1 H ntam ]> H , r \ Mm DIWIMMJCTI VIO Ali / r of HlUALTNtt ; i or , Vavvh von Kamihhn . Hy tlm Autlior of tho "Kallimiiw ¦ ol tli <^ li ' aculty . " '' Dr . l ) i (; l ( H ( in ' ti i > rini > i )) loM uro Ijcconiinj , ' inoro and moni n ( : luio \ vl ( ' ( l (;< 'il , mill hiii )) rnclicc , an wo havn iiccn , in udoplcd in Mui trout incut of tionm ' iiioul , ob . Htiiniln fonnri of dinra , 'i ot ; and at all Kuihvay Btntiona .
1 VTEW AND CHOICE BOOKS .-All the ± S best NEW WORKS may be had in succession from MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY , by every Subscriber of Oue Guinea per annum , and by all First Class Country Subscribers of Two Guineas and upwards . For Prospectuses apply to Chables Edward Mudib , 610 , New Oxford Street .
Just published , price Eight-pence , ^ rOICES OF THE SAGE S , THE TIMES , Y AND .. THE AGES ; or , Historic Gleanings , teaching the way to attain Health , and Longevity , Virtue and Happiness , and to avoid Disease and early Death , Crime and Misery . " Life is only life when blessed with health . " Depot for English and American " Worts on Physiology , Temperance , Phrenology , Hydropathy , Mesmerism , and Vegetarianism . Catalogues sent on application , London : W . Horsell , 492 , New Oxford-street . N . B . Phrenological Examinations , with verbal or written Analysis of Character , by Mrs . Hamilton ( first floor ) .
HPHE BRITANNIA NEWSPAPER , J _ PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY . Office , 141 , Stbanvd . On the 8 th of October will be commenced in the columns of the Britannia , an Historical Tale , entitled WESTMIISTEE ABB EY ; Oe , The Days or the Eefokmatioit , By the Author of " Whitefriars . " As a Family Conservative Newspaper the Bbitannia is celebrated for " its consistent advocacy of the great principle of National Prosperity , and , from the systematic arrangement ot its intelligence , the comprehensive character of its contents , and the permanent interest of its Original Articles on Kelimon , Politics , Literature , and all Social Topics , it is preserved iur binding perhaps moro extensively than any similar publication . Price Sixpence . Post-oilico Orders payable to John Moktimbr .
Great Reduction- in- the Price op Advebtisbmjsmts . THE LIVERPOOL JOURNAL AND SUPPLEMENT , Pkice 4 Jd ., Is Published every Satubdat Moknino , in time for clespatcu by tho early Mails , at tho OtRoo , 18 , Caatlo Street , The Journal possesses the largest circulation of any Wcek / Paper iu Liverpool , ami its columns present to Advoi twe no most eligible medium for giving tho greatest publicity to classes of announcements . , j 4 iinnpi /» h-In addition to Us great circulation in Liverpool and U |" «^ hourhood , tho Journal ia read most extensively not on V n » oashiro and the adjacent counties , but also throngliout U » em » of England , tho Midland Counties , North and South Waiu , Scotland , and Ireland . 1 _ Tho Charge for Advertisements in the Journal is : Foirit Links , Sixpunom . linr 0 lines }»• ° A ' 7 or 8 linen ?«• *}• fl or 10 lines ^ ' Every additional two lines , ( id . ^ Small Advertisements must ho paid for at tho timo « ' " j ™ nul 8 as it will In ; impossible to open accountH for HitenirJii'i'b A copy sent free by post for five stamps . Liverpool Journal Ofllco .
NOTICE TO ADVERTIS ERS . In consequence of the Repeal of Me Ailm ' llSm ^ ed . Dal , ) , the following Kkduokp Scams is now o / iatjfor Advertising in this Journal : ^ ^ Five Lines and under - ; . r ' Knch iidditioniil Lino - - Hull" a Column ' n 0 . Whole Column 3 . ^ . Advertisements reaching Ms Offi ce on ¥ &»** " ' •' ' / o / 7 £ appear in at / Ij ' Kdilions . ' ¦ ^ Monkv OiiDjmfl */* o *»/ rf 4 « « ' <"'« ^'' l ^/ L ^ - AlVKHIM ) K . OiAIXOWAY , tfi //«? / 7 «^ ^ ' ' / Street . Strand . -r ' ¦
London: L« Ilm<Hl L>Y (»K«Ii<Ir, Hooi'ii...
LONDON : l « ilm < Hl l > y (» K « ii < ir , Hooi'iiu , C «! Y "; . "'' , ^ , ) » l I '"' , " i lnTlh " iiauim . THu . iih ii « . ui , in 11 . « < ' «» ' ''"V 5 ? J X «/;« ' , i » ;•;; :, Vi w AlMHMun . Ha . vu . 1 . and KI . WMIUH . N « . ' . ' •*!"' . „ . , ui < l 1 'ul ''' ' | ' ,, | 'S 'I ' llOHNTON I ..:..-.. II .-NT , ( Of NO . 1 » , H « »? ' * , „ () N h <' , ,. - Viu-h . ) .. I TIIK I , HAI > 1 ' . K «) KF « U 4 , No . 7 . W {' J < 1 'V 114 I miiiiO < - " * MTllAND . In tlio I ' l-mtlnrt of tlm Huvu . y , both 1 « Watuiuuy . tfoptomboi- 17 , 1 H 6 J ) .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 17, 1853, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17091853/page/24/