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/jp^ -7* ^ - s^^ T ^ "^ SATURDAY ANALYST...
% $ebiefo mxir ^Ittorir ^cfifel , ITrfenttg, ^r&fk , mfo Serial ffiimtfs.
Nexo Series No. ±S\ NOVEMBER 17, I860. {...
CONTENTS. Garibaldi's Work. How to Dimin...
British Syrian Relief Fund.— rrcsi.lentLORD STKATFORD DE KEDCLIFFE
tt from C io 10.... ^ * >. M / - > -is, ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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/Jp^ -7* ^ - S^^ T ^ "^ Saturday Analyst...
/ jp ^ -7 * ^ - s ^^ T ^ " ^ SATURDAY ANALYST AND LEADER ,
% $Ebiefo Mxir ^Ittorir ^Cfifel , Itrfenttg, ^R&Fk , Mfo Serial Ffiimtfs.
% grtittt raft % ttax ) s of f ofitraf , Wxttmy , % x 6 s & c , mtb £ otstl < £ btnts .
Nexo Series No. ±S\ November 17, I860. {...
Nexo Series No . ± S \ NOVEMBER 17 , I 860 . { Price 3 d .
Contents. Garibaldi's Work. How To Dimin...
CONTENTS . Garibaldi's Work . How to Diminish our An-1 The Earl of Dandonald ' s Miscellaneous Works . Mr . Bright on Social nual Expenditure . ! Auto-Biography . Street Railways . Science . Selections— Tales , Toys / Ornamental Literature . Clifton Suspension Bridge Guy Faux and the Lord Caoutchouc . I What is London ? British Syrian Relief Fund Mayor . Modern Slang . | The Illuminations . Record of the Week . A Slight Revoke . Recent Novels . ¦; Foreign Correspondence Entertainments .
British Syrian Relief Fund.— Rrcsi.Lentlord Stkatford De Kedcliffe
British Syrian Relief Fund . — PrncMcnt . T . ORD KTlf ATFORD DE REDCLIFFE .
Chairman of tho Executive Committee , SIR MOSES MONTEFIOUE , BART . COMMITTEE . The Marquis of Lansdowne Adam Black , Esq ., M . P . The MarquU of Clanricarde General Peel , M P . The Lord Bishop of London G . Hadfield , Esq ., M . P . The Earl of Alalmesbury J . C . Ewart , Esq ., M . P . Earl of Shaftesbnry T . Bazley , Esq ., M . P . Viscount Eversley Edward Baines , Esq ., M . P . Lord Calthorp Sir Mo . ses Monteiiore , Bart . Lord Ebury ¦ Sir J . Fergnsson , Bart , M . P . Lord Stanley , 3 I . F . H . W . Freeland , Esq ., M . P . Sir S . M . Peto , Bart ., M . P . Hon . William Ashley , Sir Culling Eardley , Bart . Sir Walter James , Bart . The Lord Mayor of London J . P . Kennard , Esq . Baron L . Rothschild , M . P . John Dillon , Esq . Hon . A . Kinnaird , M . P . Colonel Gawk-r . Mr . Aid . Salomons , M . P . H . Austen Layard , Esq . John Labouehere , Esq . M . Sfpartali , Esq . P . Ralli . Esq . W . Holt Yatcs , Esq ., M . D . R . M . Milnes , Esq ., M . P . Colonel Walker , U . A . G . AV . J Repton . Esq ., M . P . Thos . Hodgkin , Esq ., M . D . H . D . Seymour , Esq ., M . P . Fred , Hutu , Esq . T . Baring , Essq ., M . P . 11 . X . Fowler , Esq . Sir Jas . Duke , Bart ., M . P . II . K . Gurney , Es ( i-Sir Joseph Pox ton , M . P . Adalr Crawford , Esq ., M-D . Sir J . V . Shelley , Bart , M . P . Coleridge J . Kennard , Esq . S . Gurney , Esq ., M . P . James Cook , Esq . Darby Griftith , Ks < i-, M . P . Hugh E . Eardley ChikU-rs , W . Tite , Esq ., BI . l ' - ESI-. M P . Tlie British public have by this time become fully informed by newspaper and Parliamentary reports of tho almost unexampled extent of the destitution and . misery which have been occasioned by the late frightful massacres of the Christian Jr > Syria and tho Holy Land , and which plead most impressively for immediate and effectual succour . " - , , , It is needless to dwell on tho fearfulnosn of tlio tragedy . Tho carnasre of . Lucknow and Onde was not . equal to that of Lebanon and Damascus . The male Christian population in some placos is not decimated but exterminated . Ihe Christian quarter of Damascus is not plundered—It is razed . Tlio merchant princos are hogging tlu-ir bread . The widows , orphnns . and helpless . hoiiiolcsd wanderers are reckoned by thousands . Compared to these sceuos tho chivalrous wars of ISuropo were very mercy . It resth with tlie tlovernmonts of Europe to punish tho jrullty to dovlso nieasurcs for restoring ncrmtuiPiit tru . iioulllity to thoso regluna ondearcd by so many sncroU assocbitiou ! ., an . l to provont rollgious persecution in tlio laud of tho patriarchs and prophets , and the birthplace of Bnt upon tlio humane people of this and othur countries rcstn another « luty—a duty which Is at tho samo t mo a prlvl , o « o . Wo have to clothe tho naked , to food the starving to heal « ho wounded , to nholtor tho housolosn . Uer Majesty thoQuoon , her Koynl Consort and licr Itoynl IllBlmosd the Duchess of Kent , have sot a noblo oxainplo by making liberal contributions to tlio Wyriun l < mid . 1 ho Kroftt Iiouhob of tills City , tlio merchants , traders , ami bankers of London , have tnkon the load by ( ionatlons proportioned to tho emergency , varying from iJJOO to 4100 and less 1-1 or Mujoety ' n Minister . ) and the loading statesmen of all parties « ro contributors , and sovcral are irioml ) or " of the Committee . It In oiirnostly and eonfldently hoped that allcltissoBln the United Kingdom wi 1 rosnoiul to tlio appeal which tlio Committee of the Syrian KoHuf Fnntl now iwlUrosBOB to them lor help proportioned to the vastueHS of tills omorgoncy . Wo earnestly call upon tho mayors and provonU of all provincial oltkm and towns to Initiate olVortB to cnll ' forth tho beiiollconce of their followtowiiHinen . Above all , wo trust that tho ministers or rollKlon of ovory donomlnatlon , tho Anglican clergy , tho Uoinun Ottthollo priesthood , the mlnUtorH ol the llvbrow iommunlty , and of every poiHua-ion of DlwiuntorH , will heartily oo-opornto In this gnmt work of phlhinihn > py by private mid oonffrogatlonal ml loot ions , nml thuj nffonl to to tlio Jarring antl mutually cjuwporated Bectbof the Bust , and o the world at largo , tlio most convincing ovldonco of the ImmmiUIng and hurnwnluliig inUuonco of the religion "' uonfttlons ' of iirovlHlons , clothing , modlclno , tonta , & o . will bo sent oit free of oxpomo U « a < JrosBo , l to , tho UrlllHh Syrian ltollol Oommlttoo , nt tho Victoria Doolc waroliouoo , St « ol-yivra , Upper Thumoa-utroet , B . C .
sons sending goods are requested to inform ( by letter ) tho Secretary , Air . Cyrus Edmonds , No . 12 , York-buildi «{ j 3 , Adelphi . Ladies throughout the United Kingdom are requested to apply to the lion , secretary for collecting cards in aid of the fund , and to supply materials for transmission to the Ladies Committee at Beyrout . Those principally needed are , Calicoes , bleached and unbleached ; do . figured , printed , and dark . Fancy Muslin de Laine , Linings , Stuffs , Blue Duffs , Blue Lindsey , Serge anil Sheets of Wadding for lining women ' s , jackets . And the benevolent Indies of Great Britain are earnestly entreated to raise and send contributions oE money and materials as above specified , for the use of the Central Ladies' Committee in London , to the Hon . Secretary , Mr , Cyrus K . Edmonds , ¦ 12 . Yorkbuilrtings AdelpW , London . The f olloiving bankers receive subscriptions to the fund : — Messi's . Barclay , 'Bevan , and Co .: Glynaiid Co . ; Kobarts , Ci'rtis , and Co . ; Smith , Payne , and Co . ; Williams , Deacon , and Co . ; Robarts , Lubbock ^ ind Co . ; Dhnsdnle , Drewott , and Co . ; Heywood , K en nan 1 , and Co . ; Ransom , Boiiverie , and Co . "; Child and Co . ; Prned and Co . ; Drummond and Co . ; Coutrs and Co . ; Cooks and Co . ; Jones I > oyd aH < l Co . ; Call , Marten , and Co- ; and the following- hanking companies : —Tlio London and Westminster Bank , Lothbury , and all its branches ; Union Bank , London Joint-Stock Bank , London and County Itank , thfl National Bank of Ireland and all its branches , the Ottoman Bank , and the National Bank of Scotland and nil its branches . Sir CULLING E , EARDLEY , Bart ., ) „ ~ Sir JAMES FKKGUSSON ; Bart ., y « ' »• " * - « - » . J . P . ICENXAHO , Esq ., 4 , Lombard-street , Treasurer . CYKUS R . EDMONDS , Secretary . 12 , York-buildings , Adelphi , "VV . C .
Pelican Life Insurance COMPANY . Established in 17 i ( 7 . 70 , LOMllAltn-STRKET , CITY , and 07 , CHAHINOCHOSS , WESTM 1 NSTEK . UIUECTOUS . Octavins K . Ooopo , Ksq . ¦ Henry Lancelot Holland , WiUimnCotton , D . U . L ., F . U . S . Esq . John Onvis , Es < i . Win . Jas . Lancaster , Esr ] , Jas . A . Gordon , M . I > ., P . U . S . John Lubbock . lCsq , F . Il . S . Edward Hawkins , tin , Esq . Itenjamin Slmw , K * ii . Klrknian , D . Iloilgrton , Esq ., Mutthew Wliitinjj , Esq . W . I ' . 3 M . Wyvlll . Jun ., Esq ., M . I * . Tills company offers COMPETE BKOUUITY . JIODEKATii IIAT 1 CS of Promluin wltli Pnrtlcipation in Four-1 'ifths , or 80 per cent , of tho profits . LOW HATES without participation in Profits . LOANS in connection with Ufo Assurance , on approved Security , in sums not less than .- £ 500 . BONUH OF 1801 . ALL POLlCIBrt ofTectod prior to tho 1 st July , 1801 , on tho Bonus Scale of Premiums , will participate in the noxt division of Profits . KOHEKT TUCKEIi , Soorotary and Actuary .
T he Rent Guarantee Society . : i , CUAltLOTTK KOW , MANSION IIOISL :, KstftbllBlicil 18 f > 0 . TO THE MILLION .
NOTIOB OB REJMOVAL from it , OKI Broad Stroot , to lit , OOltNIHLL , E . C . TUB lUlLVTAY PA 88 KNO 1 SR 8 AsSWllANOK C'OJU'ANY , lllSMrOS ngainst ull Acoipbnth wliolliov JUimvay or otherwise . An Annual Pnyinont of . CO tuocurofl 4 J 1 . 000 nt death from Aci'ldont , or £ 0 weekly from Injury . One PimaoN In every TWELVE Insured l » Injured yearly by ACCIDENT . NO KXTIIA PR 12 MIUM FOH VOLUNTliKHS . For fui'thor Informutlon apply to the I ' iiovinoiai . Aoentu , tlio Uailway Btation « , or to tUo Hka » OrnoK . TIiIh COMI'ANY without union with any ether has paid for coiimonrtulioii £ 65 , 000 . W . J . VIAN " , Boorotary . Kallway Paesongora Asmranco Company . Office 01 , Oornlilll , K . C . Aug . 26 , 1800 .
European Assurance Society . Einj > oicereil bu Special Act of Parliament , 22 Vic , Cap . 25 . FOR THE ASSURANCE OF LIVES , ANNUITIES , AMD THE GUARANTEE OF FIDELITY INT SITUATIONS OF TKUST . Chief Oflicc—2 , Watem . oo-place , Pali ^ maix , London . The existing' Iievcnuc from Premiums exceeds O _ VA' II VXD RED TIIO l ~ S AXD I' O V X D , S . President—The Kiglit II on . T . Milnev Gibson , TM . V . H 0 AItI > OF DIKECTORS . Chairman—Henry Wickham "Wickham , Esq .. M . P . John Cheetham , Esq ., Stalybridge . James Davidson , Esq ., Broad-street Building .- * . John Field , Esq ., Warnford Court , Citj-. Charles Foster , Esq ., M . I , for AValsall . Kicliard Francis CJcorg-c , Esq ., Hath . Henry II . Harrison , Esq ., Hamilton-place , Saint John's Wood . Thomas O . Haywnrd , Esq ., Minorios and Highbury . John Hedging , " Esq ., Cavendisli t'lub . T . X . McChristie , Esq ., Kevising Barrister for the City of London . James Kdward M'Coimell , Esq ., Wolverton . John Aloss , Esq ., Lilchurch , l ) erby . Charles VVilliam Ko . \ niol ( ls , Kmi ., Eaton-place , lioU'ravia . Klchanl Spooner , En < i ., M . P . for Warwickshire . Thos . Vinkworth , Ks < i ., Orcshain Club , and Cannonbnry . J . 1 \ Krowii-WcrithoaO , Esq ., M . P . for York . This is the only Life Assurance and Fidelity Guarantee Society whoso rollelcs of Ounrantec are accepted by Cloverunicpt , I ' oor Law Uoard , iiikI otlier Public Departments . The lending London and Provincial Joint-Stock sind . private Banks , the principal Hallway Companies , . Municipal OorporatloiiH , Life ami Firo Olllcos , Public Companies , Inatltutloun , and commeiviul llrnia tliroughout the Kingdom , accept the Policies of thlii Society lu Security for tliclr Emplfiyes . Inmicdinte Annuities , pu . vnlilo during' tho vholo < it ' Life , muy bo purchaHed on tho following Hcale : — An iw it irs ijiutntfil at lite iiixli'rinuiitioued Ayes for everii jCIOO of /' nrc / iasc Money . Ages . 50 05 00 j 05 70 __^__ i _ And pay- / £ 7 u fi _ 1 ( 1 8 10 3 d ' l 2 1 9 11 10 2 able yearly . | I Lists of { Shareholder ** , 1 ' rospootusoH , and ARoncy applications , may bo obtained ou application to the MANAOER .
B ank of Deposit . Established . a . D . 18-14 . 3 , Pall Mali East , London . Capital Stock , £ 100 , 000 . I ' urllos desirous of Investing Money nro requested to examine tlio Plan of tlio Hank of Deposit , by which u lilgli rate of Interest in « y bo Obtained with ample security DopoMta mndo by Special Agreement may bo withdrawn without notice . Tlio Interest is payable la . Tnnuary and July . PETEK MOHRISON , Managing Dircotor . Formo ( or opening aeeounts Hont free on application .
tt from C io 10 .... ^ * > . M / - > -is , * g «« ^ - ^ : \ - ¦ ^^ C x ^ V ^ Loan , Discount , and Deposit DANK . Ebt » bH » l » od 1840 . DEPOSITS rocolvod , bearing lutoroBt nt from 6 to I ? ,. — - ¦ . poroont ., withdrawable a » poriurroomont . / * \\ . > . . / . s LOANS granted . flS . { iiip ^' U -v <^) ^ Prospectus , u . ul ovary Information , may to «™ Wfo-Jw / ^ f fTi by letter or porsoiml iippUeatlon . JFH Jh \\ V , * A'ty- . ^\ - ^ y EDWAItD LEWIS , Jfc « # ij ^ . i \ ) HO , Dlnokfrlam-wiMl , 8 . <«! WW' ? ^" ' ^ /^ wlW r ? ^; V " w lv i 11 ^ ^^ 5 ^ ^^ Cxlp ^
Tt From C Io 10.... ^ * >. M / - > -Is, ...
tt from C io 10 .... ^ * > . M / - > -is , * g «« ^ - ^ : \ - ¦ ^^ C x ^ V ^ . nt from 6 to I ? ,. — - ¦ . / * \\ . > . . / . s flS . { iiip ^' U -v <^) ^ to «™ Wfo-Jw / ^ f fTi JFH Jh \\ V , * A'ty- . ^\ - ^ , Jfc « # ij ^ . i \ ) <«! WW' ? ^" ' ^ /^ wlW r ? ^; V " w lv i 11 ^ ^^ 5 ^ ^^ Cxlp ^
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 17, 1860, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17111860/page/1/