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N °I; ' 1 l ! 1860 ^ The Saturday Analys...
fT F. Gou#h, General Printer. J__I_» moSTUAN1)— cliwrljllon of lotK
Fifty Thousand Cttres Effected Without M...
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* Tho Onrrlftgo Rtqr Railway O\\ Ton Pwr...
members of Mr . G . W . Martin ' s National Choral Society , drawn ( to specify then- topographical venue ) from the IT ., K . W ., nnd AV . C . postal . districts of the metropolis , among whom . were some of the most cflicient co-operators in MjvMarfcin ' a grand performances of . prize glees and choral part-songs at Exeter-hall and the Crystal Palace The programme contained Mr . Martin ' s national par ^ song , "The Volunteers ' Choral March , singularly appropriate for the use of hi 3 ' = Volunteer Choral Society , lor the singing of part-songs while on the march . These national choral unions , which owe their conception and origin to Mr . Martin , bid fair to become , under his efficient directorship and eminently successful methods of organisation , the most important associations of the kind that hare ever been established . The other national part-songs of Mr . Martin ' s composition given by the choir were ^ . llie Army and Ifavj , " " Our Saxon Fathers , " "Defence , not Defiance ; " "The Rifle , " and in addition , » The Xutional Anthem , " as harmonised by Mr . Martin . The hall was literall y crammed ( though not to suffocation , as the ventilatory appliances are excellent ); a Teat portion of the audience consisted of Volunteers in full uniform ' and the applause elicited by these spirit-stirring , pieces not to speak it profanely , bore the strongest resemblance to thunder which the human voice could perhaps be made to assume . Mr . Martin and Mr . Olhvier , the manager of the concert , appeared in uniform as Volunteers .
N °I; ' 1 L ! 1860 ^ The Saturday Analys...
N ' 1 l ! 1860 ^ The Saturday Analyst and Leader . ^
The Clifton Suspension Bridge. We See Th...
THE CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE . WE see that the company which has been formed for the carrjin <* out of this enterprise , is prosecuting it in a vigorous and successful manner . They have completed arrangements with Sir Greville bmyth , a landowner possessed of extensive and valuable estates on the Somersetshire side of the river , and who , in consequence of the ' advantages accruing to his property from the erection of the bridge , has agreed , to take £ 2 , 500 worth of shares , and to make a gratuitous contribution of the like sum to the funds of < lie company . Thus aft or allowing for the purchase of the chains of the Huniyerlord -bridge and the expease of piers , no less a proportion of the £ 35 , 000 capital than six-sevenths , or £ 30 , 000 may be considered as virtually realised The bridge , when finished , will be 30 feet in width , and G 00 feet in length and its completion may be looked forward to at no very distant period The progress of the matter through Parliament has , we understand , been smoothed , and the way paved for the sanction of the Legislature - indeed , no feasible opposition to so excellent a project , and one so calculated to promote public convenience , and to the already abundant attractions of Clifton , could well bo antici pated . The facilities and accommodation it will afford to the neighbourhood , are manifest . Its indirect as well as its direct advantages as a medium of " thoroughfare and communication" between the counties of Somerset and Gloucester can hardly be too highly estimated . The unrivalled beauty of the ' neighbouring scenery—we allude to Leigh-woods and Nightengale V alley m particular—is well known ; and to this favoured spot the bridge will aflbrd a direct cut . Thus a variety of " interests " will be benefited by tho bridge in more ways than o * ne . We observe many good names in the provisional committee . The offices of the company are 53 , Parliament-street , London ; and Captain C . Claxton , R . N is the secretary .
Thk British Syrian Relief Fund. A Nobler...
THK BRITISH SYRIAN RELIEF FUND . A NOBLER and more affecting spectacle it is impossible for the imagination to conceive than a people uniting for the relief of human misery , and banded together for the production of human good ; soothing tho sufferings nnd tin ? sorrows of those whose anguish tor tho cruel bereavement of relations tho most dear to them is onhoncecl by the uttor ruin of their fortunes and their hopes . Tho expression which Burke applied to India , " It was a nntion stretching out ; its hand for food , " is applicable to tho sufferers from tho Syrian disturbances nnd massacres . Some idea of ilio widespread misery produced by these harrowing ovents , muy be formed from tho following statement of facts : — "Tho following statoment indicates the ox tout and variety of tho Buffering's for tho relief of which tho eommittco address this appeal to British Immunity . Ono hundrod nnd fifty towns and villages hnvo been pillaged and burnt with the churched , pulriurehutes , monasteries , schools , the orops , silk factories , & o . ; also thowholo of tho Christian liousi's in Dumasoud destroyed ( a city itself ) , including tho European Doneulates . Sixteen thousand Christians havo boon killod , including ho men , women , nnd ohildren , murdered in cold blood . Among those ¦ vho wore thus assassinated , ! wero Mr . Graham and othor missionaries . Seventy thousand toeighty thousand persons , including twonty thousand vidows and orphans , loft homeless and starring . Upwards of 20 000 efugees tiro daily receiving relief at Boyrout alone . '
iai 5 si ^ iiB « SP Sir Moses Montefiore ; and amon ^^ t e commiH ^ wTflnrf 0 ^ 111 C ° " of some of the most eminent public men ™ d eiviT !^ f . ™ ? dignitaries of tho age . The secretaries S ° S" ? C K IX" Bar ? and Sir James Fergusson , Bart . ; and J . p . Konnarl Eaa 1 Tnm ' bard-street , is the treasurer . We are glad to info " m our readers tl ^ fc donations of provisions , clothing , medicine , tents , & e ., will be sent out free of expense , if addressed to the » British Syrian Belief ComnStee " « t the Victoria Dock Warehouse , Steel-ya / d , Upper Thames 8 " eet , \ ^ ev * ° nB sending goods are requested , to inform by letter the secretary Mr . Cyrus Edmonds , 12 , York-buildings , AddpliiThe following bankers receive subscriptions to the fund . —Messrs . Barclay Sevan , and Co . ; Glyn and Co . ; Robarts , Curtis , a :, d Co . ; Smyth ' Payne and Co . ; Williams , Deacon , and Co . ; Robarts , Lubbock , and Co . ; Dimsdale , Drewett , and Co . ; Ileywood , Kennard , and Co - Eansoia Bouvene , and Co . ; Child and Co . ; Praed and Co . ; Drum * mondaudCo . ; Coutts and Co . ; Cocks and Co . ; Call , Marten , and Co . ; Jones Loyd and Co . ; and the following banking companies : — the London and Westminster Bank , Lothbury , and all its branches : S w " ? 1 ; i > 1 lld ?? Joint"Sto ^ Bank ; London and County Bank , % ? i £ " ?• ^ of Inlan d , and all its branches ; the Ottoman Bank arid the National Bank of Scotland , and all its branches . Ihere never was a case ( not excepting ' that which arose out of the Indian mutiny ) which appealed so strongly to the benevolence of the British public . In the presence of a corrupted Mohammedanism , and of a blood- feud , which has existed for ages , exacting life for life , without discrimination ; in the absence of enlightened education and free institutions , the British people have now an opportunity of influencing the mind of a nation by an example far more impressive than preaching or teaching of the transcendentl y benign tendency of Christianity , which will thus be seen to compel its disciples , as by an irresistible moral law "to attend to the neglected , and to remember the forgotten . Great events are evidently looming in the future of Syria it will bo to tho honour of every civilized nation to have borne a part in preparing this long misgoverned country for the benefit of a better regime . '
Ft F. Gou#H, General Printer. J__I_» Mostuan1)— Cliwrljllon Of Lotk
H F . Gough , General Printer . llln HTl * A TVT It \ 7 * x •» .... -i 1 .. 1 I ... ^ r 1 _* ,... „
t - — — ------ —¦ a * v j lit I'l I lj > l |\ 'lt Ul I 4 \ I 111 rniBB , t'oppar-l'lato , mill Mllintfrnplilu l ' rliilln «\ exoniloil wlili NoiitiicHH , OlipupncHH , riinatimllly , 11111 I OUpuieli . Now Type , Huporilno i'npor , Supurlor AVorkinnnelilp , ftiul Koonoinloul CliargoH ,
TTollowuy ' s Pills and Ointment . ' - ¦ —* - Atonlnl WooIciiomh . —To tho muiiiiiuli , llvor , or olroiilntlon immt wo ifuiiurullyloukfuvi ho gloomy iliuiiglitii ¦ which HoniQtliiiort opprosn im , A sIiikIo doso 01 ' iipproprluto modlolnci liua prevented ninny 1111 net of nuk-ldo ! WIioiiovor npntliy inul duiirothIdii < in- < . > i'h 1 iiiiU >\ r tin , let iih lalcn tlmoly warning anil ivwuluto ( ho hmmivoh of lii'iiltli liv llollowiiy ' M rgmo ( JI ( 'M , winch will Int ' illllily hoi rlKlit lli ' c ( llfiOHtlon , mul purify iiml Invluorulo tlm olroiilnllnn , TI 10 olntmont HhouUt ln > rubbod twice niluy over ( ho livui-unil Htoninoh , uiulovor tho lionrl , If pulpllntlnii illsti'o » i . ( in . U will bo iihflorboil and wonilocfulfy iih ^ UI U 10 pllln In ihHr Jialutury uporuUon , wllhoui < llt . trom . lntr ut unduly wuukun-Hig tlio flyijtoin . Tulrtlrotttinont , imrHuvorliiffly followoil , soon bftnJulios inolnnclioly nnd incntiil liulluvlniitlonN .
Fifty Thousand Cttres Effected Without M...
Fifty Thousand Cttres Effected Without Medicine . —D u -Barry s delicious health-restoring Revalenta Arabica Food efTectually cures _ diseases which medicine only aggravates , such as nervousness , constipation , indigestion ( dyspepsia ) , flatulency , diarrhoea , hemorrhoids dysentery , biliousness , torpidity of the liver , fevers , sore throats catarrhs , colds , noises in the ears , rheumatism , gout , impurities , eruptions ! irritability , sleeplessness , acidity , palpitation , heartburn , headache , debility , dropsy , scrofula , despondency , cramps , spasms , nausea , sinking Ms , cough , asthma , bronchitis , consumption . At a few pence per day it saves all doctors' and apothecaries' bills , and restores perfect digestion strong nerves , sound lungs , refreshing- sleep , and functional regularity to the dyspeptic , nervously delicate , and most disordered or enfeebled old or young . In canisters , 1 lb ., 2 s . 9 d . ; 12 Jb ., free of carriage , 22 s — Barry du Barry and Co ., 77 , Regent Street , London : also at 182 , Piccadilly ; 60 , Gracechurch Street ; 4 , Choapside ; G 3 and 150 , Oxford Street ; 330 , Strand ; and 54 ., Upper Baker Street . — Advertisement . Oxe op the Handsojiest Buildings in London , says the Times Newspaper , is Partridge and Cozens' Stationary Warehouso , No . 1 < J 2 Fleet-street , corner of Chancery-la no . The largest and cheapest house in the kingdom for paper and envelopes . Carriage paid to the country on orders over 20 s . No charge for stamping . Useful cream-laid note , live quires for Gd . ; super-thick ditto , five quires forls . ; lurgo commercial ditto , 3 s . 6 d . per ream ; thiuk ereum-laid envelopes , 6 < i . per 100 large bluo offioo ditto , 4 s . 6 d . per 1 , 000 , or 5 , 000 for 21 s . 6 d . Superfine bluo foolscap , 10 s . Gd . per renm j straw paper , 2 s . Gil . per ream ; good copy-books ( -10 pages ) , 2 s . per dozen . Illustrated Price-list post-free Copy address—Parlridge and Cozens , manufacturing stationers , No . 1 Chaneory-lnno , and 192 , Fleot-street , E . C . —[ Advertisement . ] The New Fhkncii Taihfj ? . —It has puzzled some gpcople to find out how the French attained so good a knowledge of the niuries of tho multitudinous articles spooifiod at such length in their tariff . Wo ourselvea believe that for this purposo they have for some time had agenta inspooting tho stocks of tho leading manufacturers in this country . Whore , for oxnmplo , could better information havo boon obtained than from an examination of tho varied und extensive assortment of cutlery and oloctro-silver plate , which is to be found nt Messrs . Mnppin Brothers' only London Establishment , King William-stroot , London-bridge ( Outlora to tho JCmperor , & o . ) ; where almost ovory nrtiolo in cut lory and cleat ro-plulo may bo mob with , nt prices so moderate that our Continental nei ghbours must indood have boon astonished .
1 ¦ T ^ utcli FloAver Roots . —Ilya-- ¦— flnlliH , imnifil , ( Ih . por dozen ; ditto , inlsi'il , IU . ( Jit I |> or dozen i NiuvIhhiih , IU . por 1 I 0 / . 011 ; . ) oiH [ ull 8 , In , per ilo / . oi ii TiillpH , of HortM , In . i ) or ilo / . un ; Crumm , yullow , bluo , nnd wlilto , l > n . per lot ) , - ditto , inlxturoH , 1 m , Od . por 100 ( Hnowilrojm , lino mot , . » « , j > or 100 . A iilco nHtfortmont of Kvortrroons , fit for potting , for tmlconloH , & o . . lOHKl'II MAY , 1 , ¦\\ r olllnglon-Htroct , Htriuui , AViilerloo JJiIUbo , .
\\ 7 "intcr Hosiery of cvc ry de-» » ttcii )) iicin , IncliiilhiK " nil tlw unworn p . iilcrns In wnnn wniilluii sIhcUIubm and undur-ulutliliin f «> r nimlly iihu mid invulltlH . Wiipcrlor coloured HiuiihiIh for Bhlrtu , < li'oiJ * liiK-Hwnn , & o ., In grout vnrluty . —J'Ol' 13 iiiul IM-ANTK , inuiinfncturoro , 4 , Wulorloo-pluce , 1 ' till-iniill , I . oiulon , S . w .
T ? AU - DE - VIE . — This Pure - * - « l'AIJC liHANDY , thoiitfli only IBd . ]> ur ( fiilluii , in dumoiiMtrntod , upon miulyslM , to bo pooullnrly ( rev from "t'l'lliy ^ iuid very miporlor to rocont linportniloiis of vnrllnblo C ' oiriuu . ' . In I ' rouoli botllos , « Sh . per iloji . ; or xocuroly pnekod In 11 cniiu for tliu ooiinlry , ilDd . —1 IKNKV UHllTT & Co ., Old Kurnlviil ' B OlntllU'i'y , liolborn . To l > u oljtiilnud onl . v at . lliolr DlHllliory . ¦ — -
———— . — — , —> 1 , . Economy in Provisions . — rlii'ddnr 1-onf CIiochp , ttj <\ ., "id ., mid Hd ., por II ) . 5 l'lckl ( . (| 'I ' ,, n . ifiic-, / id , pi'l' II' . I lino IIhiiih , H ^ d por I Li . 1 OMmi-jii . ' h nt'ii ( -Hjiti )|< « ' < l JI ri-4 i fn « l llno'iii Ih now In u . xoullunt i-ni'i ' , IM < I . pi'i' lb . pi'i' linll ' -Nldo ; liuitorH In purfuotloii nt iVnrtiiiKibl ) ' r . il'H , A mo'liiu of 10 por oout In ofl ' ootod by Urn pini ' luiHi'i' / u thlr * lONiiibllitbinont on < U 1 ( Irat-olimu rVovlrtllillrt . I ' dt'lillH ' L'M ( fl'lltlM . OtiiioiiNu ' ii fiiiiiisn VVaiiijiioiwi :, Omiioiinu TIouhu , HO , Ltidgiito-lill ) , nourUt . 1 ' iiul ' s E , C .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 17, 1860, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17111860/page/17/