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70 «&* %ta* tV. [Saturday,.—— ¦ ~ ' '
GRAIN, Mark-lane, Jan. 11. Wheat, B. New...
BUTCHER8* MEAT. Nbwqatb and Leadbnhall.*...
BOLDKUO'S POWDERS for (lie CURE of OFFENSIVE WREATH.—The large sale is a sufficient in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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70 «&* %Ta* Tv. [Saturday,.—— ¦ ~ ' '
70 «&* % ta * tV . [ Saturday , . —— ¦ ~ ' '
Grain, Mark-Lane, Jan. 11. Wheat, B. New...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , Jan . 11 . Wheat , B . New 36 s . to 38 s . Maple 29 s . to 3 U F 3 g _ 40 White 24 —25 gS 38 _ 40 Boilers 27 -28 White" !! :. ' . " . ' 40 -42 Beans , Ticks . .. 24 -25 Fine . ... 40 —42 Old 27 —28 Superior New 42-46 Indian Corn .... 30 . —S * Bye 26 —27 OaU , Feed .... 15—16 Barlev i .- 18 —19 Fine ) 6 — 17 Sine \~ 23 -25 Poland 17 -18 Malt O « F ' " 47 -49 Fine .... 18 -19 Fine . I ! : 49 -51 Potato 17 -18 Feu ? Bog . .... 25 -26 Fine .... 18 -19
Butcher8* Meat. Nbwqatb And Leadbnhall.*...
BUTCHER 8 * MEAT . Nbwqatb and Leadbnhall . * Smithpibld * . a . d . b . d . s . d . s . ( 1 . Bcef 2 2 to 3 4 2 8 to 3 10 « T ::::::::::: . . S S = SS :::::::::::: U-U Pork ' . ' ....... 2 6-4 0 3 0-310 * To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfibld . Friday . Monday . S :::::::::::::::::::::: 3 I 12 :::::::::::::::: iS ? £ ™ : v .:: :.:::::::::: » : ' .:::: » " ¦/" .:: Ill
From The London Gazette. Friday, January...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , January 10 . Declarations of Dividends . — W . Walford . Great Winchester-street , merchant , final div . of l | d . on Tuesday . Jan . 14 or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basinehall-Btreet— G . F . Gardener , Bayleigh , Essex , grocer ; first div . of 3 s . any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghallstreet—J . Kaye , Pimlico , coal-merchant ; first div . of os . 3 d ., any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street— b . Ground , Wisbeach and Parson-drove , Cambridgeshire , draper ; first div . of 8 s . 6 d ., any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—G . M . Collett . Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , attorney ; second div . of 2 s lid any Wednesday ; Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street .
, Bankrupts . — T . Toynbee , University-street , Tottenhamcourt-road , horse dealer , to surrender Jan . 24 . Feb . 21 ; solicitors . Messrs . Lawrance and Plews . Old Jewry-chambers ; official assignee . Mr . Cannan , Birchin-lane , Cornhill—A . Willsher , 8 outh Island-place . Olapham-road , livery stablekeeper Jan . , Feb 21- solicitor , Mr . Jones , Quality-court , Chancery-lane ; omcial assignee , Mr . Whitmore . Basinghall-street —A . Moore , South-wharf , South-wharf-road , Paddington , stone merchant , Jan 21 , Feb . 21 ; solicitor , Mr . Vaughan , Porteus-road , Padditfton ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld , Basinghall-street—J . Smith , Kent-place , Old Kent-road , cheesemonger , Jan . 22 , Feb . IS ; Messrs . Hilleary , Fenchurch-street : official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abehurch-lane , Lombard-street—W . C . Ckanwbll , Feb 8 soli
Ely Cambridgeshire , potato-merchant , Jan . 24 , . J ; - citors Messrs . Pickering , Smith , and Tompson , Stone-buildings Lincoln ' s-inn . and Messrs . Archer , Ely , Cambridgeshire ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch-lane , Lombaed-Btreet C . G . Jones , Elizabeth-street , Hans-place , licensed victuall-r . Jan . 21 , Feb . 18 ; solicitor , Mr . Granger , Bucklersbury ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basingball-s ' treet— II . Crosby , Burnley , Lancashire , linendraper , Jan . 23 , F « sb . 14 ; solicitors , Messrs . Sale , Worthington , and Shipmari . Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Mackenze . Manchester—G . T . Rollason , Birmingham , china-dealer , Jan . 22 , Feb . 19 ; solicitors , Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and Emmet , Birmingham ; and Messrs . Wright , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham .
Dividends . —Jan . 31 , J . Honiball , Ingram-court , Fenchurchstreet , and Wickham , Durham , anchor manufacturer—Jan . 31 , L . Soihera and W . Peiritt , Gravcsend , grocers—Jan . 31 , W . Abbott , jun ., Bermondsey-street . Southwark , patent-hair-feltmanufacturer—Jan . 31 , 11 . L . Fluder . Roinsey , Southampton , timber merchant—Jan . 31 , J . Ball , Martin's-lane , Cannon-street , merchant—Jan . 31 , R . Andrews , Kingsbury-green , victualler—Feb . 1 , W . Jackson , Lichfield , wine-merchant—Feb . 3 , W . Drabbes , Aakern . Yorkshire , innkeeper—Feb . 3 , W . Thrtlfall , Addingham , Yorkshire , cotton spinner—Feb . 3 , H . Thurntan , Chellentiain . innkeeper—Feb . 5 , A . Mitchell , Cardiff , draper—Feb . 3 , W . N . Procter , Manchester , cotton dealer . Certificates . —To he granted , unlint cause be ihown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —Jan . : tl , W . Woods , Prospoctplnce , Wamlaworth-road , builder — Feb . 4 , It . Devey , Cornhill , cook—Feb . 4 , W . King , Gravescnd , draper—Feb . 3 , W . Simpson , Manchester , starch inniiufacturer — Feb . 5 , W . Huze , Stockport , diaper —Feb . 3 , II . Higginii . Bilston , Staffordshire , grocer—Jan . 31 , J- Haley , Dewsbury , Yorkshire , machine maker .
ScotchSk « juhstkation 9 . — A . Menzies , Aberfoldy , Perthshire , hotelkeeper , Juii . 1 ( 5 , Feb . 6— II . G . Booth , How , Dumhartonaliirt :, merchant , Jan . 18 , Feb . 8—A . Law , Liurntbroom , Lanarkshire , farmer , Jan . Hi , Feb . G— K . M'Keime , Kentonlmll , tile manufacturer , Jan . 17 , Feb . 7—T . W . Tait , Rroadhaugh , neur Chirnttidc , Berwick , farmer , Jan . 17 , Feb . 12—W . Little , Borgue , Kirkcudbrightshire , cattlu dealer , Jnn . 15 , Feb . 5 . Tuesday , Jan . 14 . Droi . aiiations or Dividends . —J . E . Curtis , Newport Pagncll , Buckinghamshire , printer , second div . of 2 Ad ., on Thurnday , the 16 th instant , and the three following Thursdays , Mr . Stansfeld , ilasinghall-strect—W . Maunder , Prel-pluce , Kensington Gruvel-piiM , baker—necond div . of 1 » . Id ., on Thursday , the 16 th instant , mid the three subsequent ThursdayH , Mr . HMtnafeld , BiiHinghull-Rtrcet—II . Hcholelield , Clare , ( Suffolk , cliemiut—lint div . of lo . 9 d ., on ThurHday , the 10 th instant , and the three HtibHcqiit-nt Thursdays , Mr . ( Stiinsfeld , BaHinghallgtreet—A . F . Hemming-, GlueweH-rtrettt . Fiuiihiiry , surgical in-¦ Irument maker , tlrnt div . of Hu . 7 d ., on Thursday next , mid the three nul > H <(| u » -i ) t TlmriiduyH , Mr . Giaham , Coletnan-ctreet 1 ) . Mallntt , College-street , Belviderc-road , Lambeth , lightcrinun , second div . of 1 M ., on Thnrtulay next , and the three subsequent ThurMlays , Mr . <> rahnm , Coleman-street- ¦ It . Wright , jnn ., ami J . Clarke , Liquorpond-strcct , builderB , tliird div . of -Ib ., on Thursday next , and the thre «" nubsequeut Thuindiiy ) . Mr . Graham . Coluuian-Htreel—The Merchant Traders Khi |» Loan and Insurance AvHociution , Hi hi div . of 1 b ., on Thiuudny next , and the threo subsequent Thursday * , Mr . Gruhum , CoYemun-street . ltANKitumil Annuli . ki > . —J . Curl , KaBt Winch , Norfolk , grocer . IlANliitui'TH . —T . ( Jox , Cambridge , chernint , to HUrrender Jan . 29 , Feb . Uf ); Holicitorn . Mr . Ruventieroft , Gray'H-inn-equare , and Mr . CocLenll . Cambridge ; official afmignce , Mr . Groom , Abcliiircli-lane , I . omt > ucl-H ( !<•<¦( II . (« . Mohtimkk und J . Moii'i'l-MKU , Niiyliind . Hullolk , builders , Jan . 'M . Fob . ' 25 ; Holicitor , Mr . bhattock , Coleman-ptieet ; ofliciul assignee , Mr . Edwards , Hunibrook-court , llaMn lmll-Btreet—E . lloims , Brighton , victualler , Jnn . 25 , March I ; HolicitorH , Mr . HpinkB , (« reat Jamou-alri-ft , IJ « mIford-row , und Mr . Itriufgu , Brighton ; official assignee . Mr . Ui cholhOn , ] lK < iiiffhull- » troet — W . B . Haurihon , HunderlaiiH , < riper , J « n . 23 . rob . ' 41 i solicitor * . M « i » r » , Solo and Turner ,
From The London Gazette. Friday, January...
Aldermanhury . and Messrs . Wright . Sunderland : ^ lal assignee , Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upon-Tyne — J- H . Stevenson Sunderland , miller , Jan . 84 , Feb . SO ; solicitors , Mes-re . BeH , Brodrick . and Bell . Bow Churchyard , and Meswra- Chater , Newca « tle-upon-Tyno ; official assignee , Mr . Baker , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . . r Dividends . —Jan . 4 , E . Parkes , Canterbury , shoe manufacturer-Feb . 4 , G . H . Blake , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , cabinetmaker-Fcb . 4 . J . Mathews . CarshaJton , Surrey , linendraper—Feb . 7 , C . Green , Beckford-row , Walworth . road . corn merchant-Feb . 6 . E . Tibbey , Frith-street . 8 oho . diamond-merchant-Jan . 31 , R . Knight , Lewes , Sussex , ^ teher-Jran . 3 L , H ^ J * . Hartley . Ventnor , Isle of Wight , hotel keeper-Jan-31 . W . Elhott Petworth , Sussex , corn merchant-Jan . 31 . A . Campbell , late of ReVent-street , army agent—Feb . 7 , H . R . Holloway . Ryde , Isle of Wight , bookseller- ^ Jan . 31 , W . Haslam , Hertford , chemis ^ - Jan . 31 , R . Green , Brighton , ironmonger—Jan . 31 , J . K . west , Millwail , Poplar , blockmaker-Jan . 31 , T . Colhngwood , Nunehead Courtney , Oxfordshire , innkeeper—Jan . 3 U Dowu . Oxford-street , fishmonger-Feb . 6 , T . Ashworth , Liverpool , merchant—Feb . 4 , R . Westmore , West Derby , near Liverpool , joiner—Feb . 6 , W . Gordon , Gloucester , dealer in Berlin wools . Certificates To be granted , unlets cause be ihoan to the contrary on the day oj meeting . - Feb . 4 , R . Dever ( and not Devey as before advertised ) , Cornhill , cook—Feb . b , 8 . A . Warner , Southampton-street , Strand , projectile manufacturer—Feb . 6 , A . Miller , Emsworth , Hampshire , ropemaker—Feb . 5 , W . Gibbs , Throgmorton-street , stockbroker—Feb . 5 , T . Skam , Claremont-terrace , Wandsworth-road , and elsewhere , builder—Feb . 6 , R . Smith , Liverpool , tavern keeper . Scotch Skqdbstbation . —A . Smith , Paisley , coach builder , Jan . 20 , Feb . 10 .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 9 th inst ., at Barrowby Rectory , the wife of the Reverend George Earle Welby , of a son . . On the 10 th inst ., at the Vicarage , Newent , Gloucestershire , the wife of the Reverend Arther Andrew Onslow , of a son . On the 10 th inst ., at Eerryhill , Mansfield , the wife of Captain Nicolls , Fourth Dragoon Guards , of a daughter . On the 11 th inst ., at Hoby Rectory , Leicestershire , the wife of the Reverend Gilbert Beresford , of a son . On the I 2 th inst ., at Northchurch Rectory , Herts , the wife of the Reverend Sir J . H . C . Seymour , Bart ., of a daughter . On the 12 th inst ., the wife of H . Sweet , Esq ., of Great Coram-street , of a daughter . On the 12 th inst ., in Cavendish-square , the wife of Edward Marjoribanks , jun ., Esq ., of a daughter . On the 14 th inst ., at the Vicarage , St . Martin ' s-in-the-fields ' Mrs . Henry Mackenzie , of a daughter , prematurely . On the 14 th inst ., in Dover-street , Piccadilly , the wife of B . Travers , Esq ., jun ., of a daughter . MARRIAGES . On the 14 th inst , at All Souls ' , St . Marylebone , the Reverend H . C . Stubbs , clerical principal cf the Training Institution , Warrington . to Ellen Eliza , youngest daughter of the late W . Collard , Esq ., of the Bank of England . On the 14 th inst .. at St . Giles * , Camberwell , the Reverend C . Smith , M . A ., incumbent of North Tamerton , Cornwall , to Elizabeth Scott , third daughter of the late W . Hichens , Esq ., of Camberwell-grove . On the 14 th inst ., at Christ Church , Highbury , the Reverend A . Harford , rector of Hutton , and vicar of Locking , in the county of Somerset , to Emily , third daughter of the late J . Taverner , Esq ., of Upper Clapton . On the 15 th inst ., at the Freuch Catholic Chapel , and St . Marylebone parish church , Mrs . Dormer to Colonel de Lara . The Karl and Countess W 'Harrowby jfav ' e away the bride . On the 15 th inst ., at Malton , S . Tetley , Esq .. of Bradford , to Kate , daughter of the late W . Spence , Esq ., of Allerston-house , Yorkshire , niece of the Reverend J . Spence , of East Kcal Rectory , Lincolnshire . DEATHS . On the 10 th ult ., at Madeira , the Reverend John Legh , M . A ., fellow of King's College , Cambridge , son of W . Legh , Esq ., of Windsor , Beikg . On the 1 lth inst ., at Brighton , Constantia , relict of Alexander Campbell , Miijor R . A . On the 14 th inst ., at Clifton , aged 67 , the Reverend Lord W . Somerset , son of the fifth Duke of Beaufort , canon of Bristol Cathedral and rector of Tormarton , Gloucestershire . On the Mth inst ., at Ball's-park , Hertford , aged 83 . Isabella Hankev , of London , widow of the late J . P . Hankey , Esq ^ . On the 10 th of November , at Simla , East Indies , Captain John Bracken , deputy-adjutant-asmtant-gcneral of the Bengal army . On the 8 th inst ., at Portobello , Lady Hastings , widow of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Sir C . II . Hastings , K . C . II . On the Oth inst ., aged 22 , Robert Maasie , eldest son of Lieutenant-Colonel Hort , lute Eighty-firdt Regiment . On the 7 th inut ., at KingHtown , Jaiit ) Archdall , relict of General Archdall , late M . P . for Fermanagh , und daughter of GustavHs Roohfort , Esq ., of Rochfort , formerly M . P . for Westtneath . On the 11 th inst ., Judith , the wife of Daniel Cullington , Ksq ., of the Terrace , Hammersmith , uud Craven-street , Strand , aged 57 . On the 13 th inat ., at Rowley , neur Stafford , the Reverend William Keen , aged 27 . On the 10 th iiiHt ., at Stepney . Middlesex , Thomas Clark , Esq ., Ansibtunt-CoinmitiBary-GeiivraL aired 08 .
Boldkuo's Powders For (Lie Cure Of Offensive Wreath.—The Large Sale Is A Sufficient In
BOLDKUO'S POWDERS for ( lie CURE of OFFENSIVE IJREATH . —The large sale is a sufficient
utubboru cases . Sold only by Mr . lioldero , in boxes , 3 a . 6 d . und 7 » . < kl . each , at No . 8 , Lower Jumt-B-atrect , Golden-square , and forwnrded into the Country on receipt of a Pout-oflice order , or Postage Btampa for the amount and thu carriage .
ANOTHER CURE OF COUGH AND OPPRESSION OF THE CHEST BY DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . From Mr . J . 8 i .-rffea . nt , Bookseller , Linton : "January 7 . 1850 . " Gentlemen , — Mr . Mitchell , of Abingdon , a reupectablo cooper , for upwards of twelvu months huti been suffering from it cough und oppreuHtou of the client . Ho ha . a been under the treatment of our neighbouring surg-eona without receiving any benellt ; but , Btrunge to relate , before he took half tho cont <; iitB of it Hiniill box of Dr . Locock ' u 1 ' ulinonic , Wnfera be rx |> erieuce < l alnioht iniracuIoiiH relief , mid biiH Bin < : «! eontiiiued in tho enjoyment of health , to which b « bad previously for it long period biien it Htfttiiger .- J . Skikikant . " DR . LOCOf . KVS 1 'III . MONIC WAFERH give ii , H » .:. nt relief nnd u rapid ( Mire of ABthina , CougliH , und ull dimirderi * of the breath and lungH . —1 ' rieo 1 h . l . ' d ., 2 a . « Jd ., and 11 b . per box . — Hold by all n ) edi <^ ine vcihIoim . AIho DR . I . O ( 3 ( MJIfH FEMALE WAFERS , highly recommended to ludieH , lmvii no timte of medicine . —1 ' rico 1 b . iAd 2 u 9 d and llu . per box . ' * ' * ? • AU 1 'IUh under similar iiumcw arq counturfeitH .
A NEW MEDICINE . FEANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant to those who object to fluid medicines , and suited to the convenience of peraon 3 travelling , visiting , or engaged in business . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating the doses without intermission—a desideratum essential to the proper development of the curative effects of any medicine , but more especially desirable in those used in the treatment of the diseases for which these Capsules are particularly recommended , and which ao anxiously concern both the medical attendant and patient ; the most delicate person may take them with perfect safety , and they are unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by George Franks , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , Blackfriars-road , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Vendors , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . "I have made a trial of Mr . Franks ' s Solution of Copaiba , at St Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henby Guben . " Lincoln ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " From Bransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy's Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , & c . "Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . " New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " ? » These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven " George Franks , Blackfriars-road "—being attached to each .
CURES FOR THE UNCUR . ED ! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . —An extraordinary Core of Scrofula or King ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . H . Alliuay , 209 , High-street , Cheltenham , dated the 22 nd of January , 1850 . "To Professor Holloway . "Sir , —My eldest son , when about three years of age . was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling i n the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed lot a considerable time without effect . The disease then for «> ur years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyea , which was expected to break . During the whole of the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being- for several months at the General Hospital , where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that , if that limb were taken off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease . In this desperate state I determined to give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and . after t wo months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly decreased , and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , ana the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health , to tne astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to the truth of this miraculous case . Three years Have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and the o <>> ia now as healthy as heart can wish . Under these circumstances I consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted with this wonderlul cure , effected by your medicines , after every other means had failed . „ ( Signed ) J . II . Allidai ' . Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple B * r ) . Lo 11-don . and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines tnro" - ; ' - out the Civilized World , In Pots and Boxes , at U- M" ., ~* . " . 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 22 a ., nnd 33 s . each . There is a * ery co nsideiauic saving in taking the larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot or Box .
BEWARE OF DANGEROUS IMITATIONS . . Sufferers are earnestly cautioned against dangerous inntatiouB of these Fills by youthful , recently-started ten-8 lulln > £ quacks , who assume the title of Doctor , forge testimonials , " 11 ( 1 dare to infringe the proprietoi ' a right , by advertising a Hpiirioiw compound under anothernaine , the use of which can only bnnjf annoyance und disappointment . PAIN 8 IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , RHEUMATISM , GOUT , LUMBAGO , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , Stc . & c . DR . DE ROOS' COMPOUND HKNAl j PILLS have , in many instances , effected a cure when id | other means had failed , and are acknowledged by tho / acuity " * the only eufe remedy for the above dangerous comp laints , ; i | 1 ( dirfcast' 3 of the Kidncyg , and organs therewith connecte < l , ? "" ^" rally , reuniting from whatever cause , which , if neg lected . I"' - quoutly end in stone in tho bladder , and a lingering death 1 ia aneHtablished fact that most cases of Gout and Khcui ""'^" occurring after middle age aro combined with these disi-aijeH , how necessary in it , then , that peiHOim thus alllieted ahoul ' »¦ oncnattviid to these important matters . By the salutary '"; " . of tlies * Pilla on acidity of the etoinach , they correct Bile iU 1 lndigCBtion , purify und ' promote the Renal secretion * , "' rie >> |> reventing tho formation of ritone , and ustubliBhiiig for li ' healthy performuiico of the fuuctiouu of thc-uu or « aiiB . May be obtained through all medicine vendem in thiiking "' at 1 b . l . Jd ., 2 b . « d ., 4 h . 0 d ., and Us ., per box : or should uiiy " ¦' llculty occur they will be Bent free , with full instructions ioi i p »¦ ' receipt of tho pricti in ]> oBtago stamps , by Dr . I ><> Roo « - Tc-utimouiulB , to teat tho genuinencBH of which !>«' . " «) convinced of their value . — Direct to l > lr < Furciuhar , Weaver , to :., KinroBH , Hcotland . " . „ Mr . J . Higluini , Burwell— - " I urn huppy to Hay that th" I"'' ¦ ' . ' though he bus taken Only one box , ia a wonderful deal ix" ¦ ¦ ' and will recommend thrni to any one ho uufferlng . " . „ AddrtiHH , WALTER DE UOOS , M . /> .. 3 , ) , Ely-Hacr , H <><" hill . London . IIouih : Ten till One . and Four till Eig ht . Hiu >< " j (! xc « - |) t « d , iiiiIchh b y picviouH nrrunge . ment | ,,. To prevent fraud on thu public by unprincipled Pl ! l"H"n ' |( , ' , i Miyenty'H Honoumblo Oomminwioiu ; rB ol' HtampB bav «; «'" ¦ t tin : iiaiiid of the I'ronriulor to bo oiigrav « xl on tho ( Jovcrin ¦ Btiinip ufllxo < l to ull Mb Medicineu . in white letters on » ground , without which none in genuine .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 18, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18011851/page/22/