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Attest 18, 1855.1 - THE LEADER. . 808
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Attest 18, 1855.1 - The Leader. . 808
Attest 18 , 1855 . 1 - THE LEADER . . 808
^ i GOTTISH EQUITABLE ( MUTUAL ) LIFE g ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incor porated by Special Act of Parliament . THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MOISTING of this SOCIETY was held at Edinburgh , on . S ^ w Mw l . W 55 . The Report , by the Directors , among Sher inforrnition , contained the following particulars :-" During the year closed on 1 st March last — 628 Policies have been issued . The Suras Assured thereby amount to 284 , 6707 . ; And the Annual Premiums thereon to 9041 J . The position of the Society at 1 st March was as foll 0 WS ' Existing Assurances . . . •**^ jWj » Annual Revenue . - • • " »•*»? Accumulated Fund 9 l 0 , 84 o This Corporation has been in existence Twewty-foxtb vea « It proceeds on the principle of Mutual Contribution , SSTsurplSs or Profit being wholly divisible among the Members . , ,. The total additions to Policies made at and preceding March 1 , 1853 , amounted to SIX HUNDRED AND SIX THOUSAND EIGHT HDKDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE rOCKDS . The amount paid to * ho Representatives of Deceased Members is upwards of SIX ntNURED THOUSAND rOUNDS . Conies of the Report , and all other information , may be had on application at the Head Oilice , or Agencies . Agent in London—W . COOK , 120 , Bishopsgate-street Within . VIEW OF THE PROOKESS AND POSITION OF THE SOCIETY ^ Amount Annual Accumulated Assured . Revenue . Fund . AtlstMarch . l 7 , £ $ * g S * ^ 1 « Do ' \* W 3007376 114 . 400 , 655 ! Vo ' . 1850 _ 4 ; 302 , 7 S 3 163 , 394 910 , 845 ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . WILLIAM F 1 NLAY , Secretary Head Ofllcc . 2 G , ST . AXPREW-SQUARE , EDINBURGH .
BANK OF DEPOSIT . No . 3 , Pall Mall East , London-Established A . D . 1844 . PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest may bo obtained with pb Thf I ^ teS ' is payable in Jakcak and Jcit at the Head Ollice in London ; and may also be received at the various Branches , or through Country Bankers , without delay or expense . ' PETER MORRISONS , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application . «>
A 31 GUS LITE ASSUKA . NCE COMPANY . 39 , Throgmorton-street , Bank . Clm iruinn-TIlOMAS FARXCOM ^ Ksq .. Alderman . Deputy-Chairman—WILLIAM LLA 1-, Lsq . Richard F . Arden , Esq . K " pcrl W fc Bs < 1 \ ,, l Sj ,,,.., 1 Haics Esn Thomas Kelly , hsq .. Aid . Thorns ( dunlin ; fo «| . Jeremiah Pilcher . W Jamc * Clift , Esq . LewlS l > ocock , ksq . John irunipluTy . Esq ., Aid . Phvsicinii—Dr . Jeaflrcson , ' 2 , Finsbury-squarc . Surgeon—W . Coulson , Ksq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-plnce , Old Jewry , ConsulliuK Actuary-Professor Hall , M . A . . of King ' s College . ADVANTAGES OF ASSVRIXO W 1 TII THIS COM PAN Y . The Premiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . The assured arc protected by an nmplo subscribed capital -an Assurance , Fund of nearly 100 , « Mt « . * ., invested on mortgage ami »» th (! CJovornincnt Slucks-and an income of 80 , 000 / . a your . ^_ ~ Freniiuin 7 to ~ AssTi 7 ( ' ^ U ) oT ~ i Whole Term . " Ago " 'Ono Year .: S «> von " Years ' ' WjiijiProllts , Without Profit a -V * o i 7 s , *; « u - xnpo * i ii io 4 1 5 0 | 1 0 » » 0 7 2 14 10 50 1 14 I 1 10 1 « 4 « » * 0 11 _ oq _ : » a 4 I a . . — *! I ? . 1 . -.. n ° 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurors on tlio lknuis system are entitled nt the end of flvo yearH . and nfterwnrds annually , to participate in fourllfthH or HO per cent , of the profits . The profit assigned to each policv can be ndiled to the sum assured , applied in rcduction ' of tho annual premium , or bo received in cash . At tho ( lr . st diviHion n return of 20 per cent , in cash on the promiuniH paid was declared ; this will nlhm- a revorslonary increase vary ing acconliiiK to age from < M to 2 H por cont . on tho promiuuiH , or from 5 to 15 percent , on the sum assured . Ono-halfof tho" Whole , Term" Premium may remain on credit for noven years , or one-third of tho Premium may remain for life its a dtihl upon tho l ' olicy at 0 per cent ., or maybe paid olf at any time without notice . Claims paid in ouo month aftor proofs have boon approved . Loans upon approved Hcourity . No ohargo for Policy Htamps . Medical atUnnlantu paitl for their reports . 1 ' orHOiiH niav , in time <> r peace , nrucecd to or resHlo In nnj part of Europe ) or British North America without oxtrs cliargo . , Tho medical omcei-H atteiul every day at n quurtcr boforc wo o o « c i . ^ UATIOS , Reuidimt Director .
U NITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-crb 9 S , London . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . Whole profits divided anriually . . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle . invalid » " | aSfB jSEtgg & gSrit ont Direetor .
E ACL E INSURANCE COMPANY . TCataKiifilifxl lRftT- EmDOwered by Act of Parliament , 53 g 5 ? iffSnd re & t ed S ? dced Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery . , _ . 3 , Crescent . New Br idge Street , BlacJcfrzars , London . DIKECTORS . , WBa 4 > iffi 5 «? SS . "SSKa 3 ! U Phnrlps Bkchoff Esq . Chas . Thos . Holcombe , Esq . lsi ! i » Es < i - sasassssajyr ssa ? pi ~ k % h , AtuHtors—TaoiiA . B Allen , Esq . ; W illiam H . Ssmith . ' ^ , V ! r ^ SS ^ S ^ JSkSSS ^ i U Actuary and Secretary—Chables Jellicoe , Esa-Tne Assets of tljia Company Exceed Three Quarters of a MUUon Sterling . THEAS 3 TCAL rsco 3 iE exceeds - One Hundred and Tixirty Five T housand Pounds . THENCMBEROF EXISTING POLICIES IS— Upward * Of Four Thousand . the total amount assumed— Exceeds Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand Pounds . at the division of sukplcs in 1852 , —About One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds was added to the Sums Assured , under Participating Policies . The Division is Quinquennial , AJJD THE WHOLE SURPLUS ( LESS 20 PER CENT . OSLT ) IS DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE ASSURED . The Premiums required by this Company , although moderate " entitle the Assured to SO per cent , of the quinquennial "" "Theiives assured are permitted , in time of peace , without extra chanrc , to reside in any country- ( Australia and California < £ cep ted ) -north of 33 degrees north latitude , or smth ™ 83 agrees south latitude ; or to pass by sea ( not beinS seafaring persons by profession ) between any places Sinif inthc same hemisphere-distant more than 33 degrees from the Equator , without extra charge . Deeds assigning Policies . are registered at the Office and assignments can be effected on forms supplied by the Com-Pa T ^ c \ nnual Reports of the Company's state and progress Prosnectuscs and Forms , may beliad , or will be sent , post free on applfcation at the OUice , or to any of the Company * Agents . ^ _^
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKXKG COMPANY . Iucorporatedby RoyalCharter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant "LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Pak-Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with the Australian colonies generally conducted through the Bank ' s Agents . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 54 , Old Brpad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , August . 1855 .
|^ ENERAL , INDEMNITY INSURANCE yJT COMPANY , Cannon-street West . —Capital , 500 , 000 ? ., in Shares of 51 . each ; call , 10 s . per Share . Every description of insurance business transacted at this office . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded to persons in situations of trust where security is required % . also against losses arising from robberies , forgeries , & c . Fire and . life insurances effected on improved and safe principles . — Plate-glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , & c ., can be had . on application . ^ ^^ R g - ^^^ J . G- HUGBLES , Secretary .
^ nT GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , fe U 8 , TALL-MALL , LONDON . Canital 100 , 0007 ., in Shares of 57 . each . Deposit , 1 ? . per 1 ' Share . ( On which Interest , at the rate of 5 ? . per cent , per annum , exclusive of Dividend , is guaranteed by the Deed of Settle-^^ - ^ SSir- ~ £ Secretary-W . C . UUQVHART . Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . \ iinuities and Endowments for families , children , and r > t " lu » rs on the most favourable terms . Premiums payable yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . v charge for medical fees or stamps . Logins granted for long or short periods , payable b > monthlv nimrterlv , or half-yearly instalments . Defective TitU's . Reversions , & c . . assuredand guaranteed . insurance
TTaijavay accident , io- >' l ? 5 s . have already been paid as compensation for Fatal and other Railway Accidents , by the RAILWAY PAS SENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . 10007 . was pnid to tho AVhlow ^ of J . G ., killed on the 2-tth Fehrunrv ls - > 3 , secured by n payment of 17-350 ? . « paid to H . 6 . H . J-, who had his lop broken on the i >> " « iKt Anir is . )« secured bv a payment of 17 . * Wl . ™ $ tto \ v : v ° severely injured on the 19 th September , 1854 , secured by a payment of 17 . For the ennvenienco of frequent travellers ^ o ^ iea Insurances are granted , which now coyer the risk of 1-ntal Vceide s wli \\ c iruveliing in any class carriage on any WniUvnv in the ITnit .-d Kingdom or on the Continent of lurone ind i iHur " Compensation for Personal Injury in any Rm ' hvay A ccident in the United Kingdom only . To Insure 10007 . at an Annual Premium of 20 s . Ditto 2007 . dlU - ° ° - ¦ feiWJ ^ ara s ^ a s ^ Jss ^ JffHt ^ : lU l C ^^^ ln ^^ l ^^ lHH . n o-taWI . lHul in cwo ! of Death by Railway Accident alone , without compendium for Injury . To Insure 10007 . at an Annual Premium of ....... »«• ' D tl « any huiu not exceeding 1000 / . lor ho w olo of lifobv utJiiiKlo payment of tl « . per cent .: thus one payment of M . will ueeuro 1000 / . Tho Premiums charged inoliuto V * , i . Tiav ^ SlJllts ; p ^ ' ^ ZSti ^^ lyB * btampD » ty . Beorot ury . ' Railway Tasnengors' AHHiiraneo Ortlce , ;» , Old JLJroad-streot , London .
O HOTO GRAPHS : A complete apparatus 31 ^ . KT 5 ? . 5 s ., and llZ- lls . Send for a list ( post free ) , at Silbert Flemings , 498 , Oxford-street , Author of " First Stepsn Photography . " Price 6 d ., by post , 7 d .
SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE SHILLING BOX OF AVATER COLOURS . —Used by the Royal Family . , ... . » CAunox . —Boxes containing the worst description of Colours , & c , are being sold as the Society of Arts Prize Box 3 f Colours . To prevent any further imposition on the public , the genuine Society of Arts Prize Shilling Box of Water DotoursT can be ha € l only of the successful competator JOSHUA ROGERS , 133 , Bunhul-row , Finsbury , JLondon ; or sent by post on receipt of Is . 10 d- in Stamps . Every other irticle required in the Fine Arts can be had , Wholesale and Retail , of the Manufacturer , JOSHUA ROGERS , as above .
FURNI SH YOTJR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses- Established a . d . 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , free by post . DEA 7 STE , DRAT , and CO . ( Opening to the Monument ) , London-bridge . ^
T HE 16 s . Trousers reduced to 14 s . — Trousers and Waistcoat , 22 s . —Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers , 47 s ., ibade to order f *> m Scotch Tweeds , aU wool , and ^ ThTTWO ^ UINEA DRESS or FROCK COAT the ^ j ^^ srs ^^ s & J ^ ss ^^ s ^ Re ? ent ° treet For quality , style , . and workmanship , cannot be equalled by any house in the kingdom . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in London " or three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or at the house of his PupUs . He also attends Schools both in town and country . Mt . ARRIVABENE teacheson apian thoroughlypractical , and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . ApplybylettertoMr . ARRlVABE ^ E , No . 4 , St . Michael ' splace , iJrompton .
PRIVATE EDUCATION ES PARIS . — T > rof . « sor S A . UVALLE , Rue des Postes , 44 , near tho Pantheon receives a select number of young gentlemen as . nu iIs Thev are treated as members of the family . The course of Instruction includes ancient and modern Literature and the Sciences . Particular attention is given to the Fr Fi par UcuTa g r S , apply ( by letter ) to Mr . ^ V ^ Sfeg ^ H ^^ Charing-cross . __—•
" « wlH O- » Nervousness , Debility , and Exhaustion . Just published . New and Cheaper Edition , price Is-, or by post for T HE SCIENCE of LTFE ; or , HOW to ro , ik Ksir ^ ^ s £ ^ oS ; i t 4 | ^^ fe ^^ - SSffi ASSff & . SSS ^ 2 iiMHSliSStS ^ hill ; and all Booksellers .
THE SATURDAY REVIEW . On Saturday . Kov . ^ ig ^ {^ published , «» *«' SATURDAY REVIEW of POLITICS , J > I 1 TFK VTURE , SCIENCE . anil ART . Tins pub i" uJn wm , ro . »« . y « ffM . f " *" matter , or of news cinUoiliocl n on *'"^^"" periodicals in will thus bo distinguished from nil «""?& , £ , tlio weekly several important resiwota . . {^'" l y borrowed hows , and newapiipeiH » " tlu ' exclusion ° V \\ ° , « l . o iulin « saion of political lYom tho i > ih- « 1 . v . l ^« n » ry J ^ l ^ 'J ^ S ^ ^ f ^ l discussion . H w in } ein ]** $$ L ' oc-iXa" «» W ^""* i ? i •«' principal topics iu th \\ T / V , '' mil oil bv ooiupetont writait * . which will lie M " llftrt i' ^ . i Puilouco which educated and with that UDornllty | t »« J" ^ HE whoassumo to guide and represent public o ( UU , ° 'V Y Rnvnrsv is entrusted The , » ul » li <; a {{ . "' of the , h ^ « i ^ ^ st strautL to i ? U ^ rii 2 Jaui ««» »» - » bo addled .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 18, 1855, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18081855/page/23/