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November 18, 1854.] THE LEADER. 1101
($T,ftT> ^ri pf v vWJ*- X?H4XI
Theee is not much theatrical news this -...
Our readers will be glad to hear that Mr...
SCRAPS. The other day Mdlle. Rachel was ...
FR O M T HE LONDON G AZE T TE . Tuesday,...
M. AusxAinpBE Dumas has lately produced ...
Cmratmral Mara.
FORM I UN FUNDS. (LautOi'bioiai. Quotati...
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November 18, 1854.] The Leader. 1101
November 18 , 1854 . ] THE LEADER . 1101
($T,Ftt≫ ^Ri Pf V Vwj*- X?H4xi
Cto M »
Theee Is Not Much Theatrical News This -...
Theee is not much theatrical news this -week . Videna has been withdrawn from the bills of the Martlebonb Theathe , and another " legitimate drama , " called Love and Loyalty , has taken its place . It is possibly the result of a morbid fondness for melodramas—but we became physically incapable of going to see Love and Loyalty the moment we heard that the period of the play was the period of the Civil War in England . We can put upin the way of business—with a considerable quantity of stage conventionality . Dances of happy peasants—Adelphi felons returned from transportation , and accomplices they are obliged to bribe — " legitimate" old guardians who are in love with " sterling" young wards—the lover , with long tirades , who "will ""take the stage" at the end of every sentence of clap-trap in his dialogue—the low-comedy drunkenness which never gets higher than the actor's
legs—the charming young country girl with the ringlets , and the doll ' s hat always on one side of her head—the virtuous old man with the grey stockings , the broad beaver , the stick , and the incessant tendency to sit down , sigh , and tell stories—all these persons and things , and many more , -we have put up with , and are prepared to put up with again . But like the barber in Nicholas NicMeby , we must * ' draw the line somewhere . " And we have drawn it now , for some years past , at the civil war ( in plays ) . When we heard that we might see a Cavalier and a Puritan maiden , mutually attached , in Love and Loyalty , and when we were further told that the dialogue was formed on the model of the peculiar " Elizabethan" jargon first introduced to the notice of the English public by Mr . Sheridan Knowles , we resolved to report the production of Love and Loyally , but on no account to go and see it . We announce to our readers , therefore , that the play has been produced
—we- beg to inform them that the play-bills describe it as a great successand we entreat any of them who have " healthy" sympathies with the * 'legitimate" ( or jog-trot ) drama to go and witness the performance immediately If we could say more than this for Love and Loyalty we would . ; but it is the misfortune of our peculiar position that we really can't . The BeulaTi Spa las been revived at the Olympic Tecea-tbe ; and has afforded the company another opportunity of distinguishing itself—Mrs . Wigan , especially , having shown to the greatest advantage . But we know already that the company contains some of the best actors in London— -and
we know also that Mrs . "Wigan , in her own peculiar line , is an admirable actress . What we -want to see at the Olympic is , hot the revival of old farces of middling merit for the sake of exhibiting particular actors in particular parts , but the production of new plays of some literary consequence and some dramatic interest , to raise Mr . "Wigan ' s management at the Olympic to the place in public opinion which it ought to occupy . There is nothing he may not do—no high position he may not take , if he ( and his company ) please . But he will find it sadly against his true interests ( and theirs ) if he offers the public any more such revivals as the Beulah Spa .
Our Readers Will Be Glad To Hear That Mr...
Our readers will be glad to hear that Mr . Samuel Lover has completed a little one-act play , addressed to present war interests , called The Sentinel of the Alma . The piece is to be produced at the Haymarket , with Mr . Hudson for the hero .
Scraps. The Other Day Mdlle. Rachel Was ...
SCRAPS . The other day Mdlle . Rachel was very properly compelled by - the Civil Tribunal to resume the rehearsals of M . Xegouve " s tragedy of Medea . We cannot , we confess , feel much antecedent sympathy for M . Legouvc ' s heroine , and the objections of Mdlle . [ Rachel ' s brilliant and witty advocate to a part at once so truculent , and so stale had much of reason and of good sense . It appears to us almost a confession of weakness to write a tragedy on Medea , in 1854 , and the public who are now condemned to hear that Crimean lady- slaughtering her children in the coulisses , would , perhaps , have been spared an infliction if justice had . not triumphed before the Civil Tribunal , and Mdlle . Rachel ' s unpardonable caprices had been condoned . Still , as a question of principle , for the same reason that makes us regret the facile acquiescence of the Imperial government in the caprices of Mdlle . Cruvelli , vve rejoice in tlie -vindication of the rights of authors in the person of M . IJegouvc . It now appears , that in virtue of the decision in hia
favour , M . Legouve called on the administration of the Tbiatte J ? ranoai « tn fl » a time for commencing the rehearsals , but M . Houssaye , the director refused to £ *™ f J ^ l 7 * Accordingly , M . Legouve' summoned M . Houssaye before the Cml Tribunal to show cause for his refusal . The advocate of the theatre aS fora postponement for a week , but M . LegouvcJ ' s advocate insisted that the case should be gone into at once . The Tribunal fixed the hearing for Friday Cvester day ) . A propos of Mdlle . Sophia Cruvelli , whether her mysterious disairaearl ance was an affair of the heart , or of " capital letters" in the " bills of the Opera or of compulsive admiration in high places , ot a mere tiff with the manager or ¦ wh atever other of the hundred inventions of scandalous and idle sources we mav select * thing is tainThe for this
, one cer . apology prodigal daughter by the ™! n £ iS O 11 , - e < a ualled h 7 Moliere's «» Et voila pourquoi voirefille esi muette . " mdlle . Cruvelli ran away , and sent a commissionnaire to tell the management of the Opera she had flown : the letter miscarried . Mdlle . Cruvelli , sick of her escapade , desires to return repentant , but is afraid to appear until her absence has been felt . As we write , we believe she has re-appeared in the Huguenot * Verdi brings back his new opera , and even Meyerbeer ' s Afncaine , is once more whispered of for next June , if the International Exhibition , is not deferred to more tranquil times . Meantime the success of M . Gounod ' s JVbnne Sanqtante is decided : but it is a success of reputation to the composer , rather than of voeue to the theatre . 5
A new play de circonstance , by M . Scribe , of which no less a personage than Catherine the Second of JRussia is the heroine , has been accepted and put in rehearsal at the Praneais . The title of the play is La Tzarine . Mdlle . Rachel will be the Catherine : a part which , if M . Scribe aspires to be historically accurate , will tax all the resources even of the celebrated tragedienne . M . Bressant will , at is understood , be the Fotemkin , or as a French critic announces , un Potem Mnquelconque . A new drama , by Madame George Sand , Le Joueur de Viohn , is in rehearsal at the Ambigu , for Bocage .
Fr O M T He London G Aze T Te . Tuesday,...
FR O M T HE LONDON G AZE T TE . Tuesday , November 14 . BANKRUPTS . — Henby Boib , Penchurch-Btreot , and Addiscombo-road , Croydon , merchant—William Turneh , IJow-lano , Chcitpsido , tailor ' s trimming seller— Kafjjael Mojsti , Great Marlborough-strcet , and l ' rinces-streot , Hanover-square , aoulptor—John AViliey , Jli ^ h-atreot , Borough , cabinet maker—John Hisnry Banks , Little Quben-stroot , HoVbom , engraver — Peoteii OATrELfc , Long-acre , coaohmakor — John Buown , Winchester , carpenter—Samuel Osivran , Grange-road , Jtarmondsoy , leather factor—John JJAMiuurr Pain , Ohurc ) h .-torraco , and Aldonham-stroot , St . Paneras-road , anil Aoton-placo , Bagnigge-wolls-road , builder —Samuel Bailey . Daivioa-streot , Berkeley-square , hotolikcepor— K , oiiekt ' . Thomas , 'Wardour-street , Oxford-Btrcet , tool maker —John Bknnext Hart-street , l { lo <> mnbi , ry , artists' brush manufacturer—John Olay , AVcdneubury , brioklayor— Jqiin lSEEitY , Coventry , llconsod victualler—Viiomab ¦ Wai < ki 3 R LiNPor , Oannook , Staffordshire cattle doalor—Henuy Pbiucb , Liverpool , porter merchant — GKonoio IIoti . 13 and John Tatteusai-l , Whitewoll Bottom , noarNowclmroh , Lancashire , cotton lnanufaoturera—Jamhb Brown , Mickakx . Brown , and WioaoL Jiitowiv , Mojik Wearmouth , Durham , builders . SCOXOH SBQUJSS'JL RATIONS . —A . L . Elmbhk , Auohtennuohty , physician . — J . Ho-wirc , GlasRow , commission merchant— M . 'JPaylor or Donaldson , Miorduun , innkeeper —1 ) . Frabkb , son ., JDlngwall , burdwaro merchant — 1 ) . SpuuMti ) , Cairo , Ramiooh , mail contractor—J . M'Oallum , GlaHKOw , smlth—A . 'JPhomvson , ttathwoll , Lanarkshire , contractor . J'Vtc / a ;/ , Nnvenihor 17 . JIANKHUI'TS . — Tho ^ j ab Wicnji , Oullnm-Htroot , diHUllor —Jamks WAii-wioic"Wooi . i > niX ) aK . Martlu ' s-hum , ( Jiunion-Htroot , Hhl |) ownor — itoiiKUT VuiWiv ,, Oroydon , Burroy , grocer ftiitl brovver—Wxj . liam Aumtin , Oolofiostor , Eshox , wholosalo grooor — OitAiiLisB QoianiNann , Quoon-Htroot , Goldon-anuaro , victualler — OnAuraSH Lamboikin , Loiik Dilton , Burroy , lmrn « -b \ iildor and ( lontnictor — 'l ' iiOMAH ( iijsi . iJif and Silas Nohtow , Town Mnlltn « , Kcnl , Hcrlvonm-B —Tjiomah Oakdwkli ,, rark-turrnco , JlainniorHinlth , pUnnbor and Rlazuir— VnicviKKioic Wiiith , EwoU , Hurroy , and North-atroot , Chtilooa , browor —• OiioiKiK IMjnn , KuBluiy
Qreon , Kent , grocer and cheesomongor—Geoboe Edward FoKDYCij , Anstoy ' s-row , plumber—James Joiinbom , Winohestor , Surrey , builder— 'Thomas Lawrance , Reading , Berks , draper— Charles Mei . em , Birmingham , bakeriTohk Batob and E » wab » Bowkr , Loicestor , spinners—Edward Bldino . Donineton , Lincoln , Hnondmpor — Samdui . Moouk , Trowbridgo , Wilts , grocer — Wmlmam GitArifGJSK the younger , Walconeld , York , porter morclmnt —Geokgb Longmoee and James Lonomoue , Manchester , provision morohanta—Geouge Dkane and Fkedebiok Youle , Liverpool , xnorchaiits .
M. Ausxainpbe Dumas Has Lately Produced ...
M . AusxAinpBE Dumas has lately produced a drama in five acts and six tableaux at the Odeon . The title of this drama is Conscience-: the principal character is played by Laferrifere , an actor of considerable power in passionate expression , with an occasional tendency to extravagance in gestica latioii , but of decided intelligence . According to his invariable custom , M . Alexandre Dumas announced his drama with a strong preliminary puff in his own journal , and , as usual , attacked his always indulgent critics with all the asperity of a conscience anticipating a just verdict . The natural and proper consequence of this presuinption is , that the has "brought he glasshouse about his
ears in the shape of very lenient but effective reproofs from the critics whose sting he had taken the questionable precaution to draw . In bis grand Monte- Christo manner , M . Dumas mentions , quite by the way , that , having been requested by "Laferriere to write him a part , he had read through the plays of the German actor-dramatist lffland , and , as the result of his researches , had written the drama of Conscience in a week ot ten days . He read the play to the actors ; its reception -was icy ; it was an utter failure . He pocketed the failure and the play , and was off to Brussels again ; but , at the earnest request of Laferriere , lie consented to leave the manuscript at the actor ' s disposal .
JVl . de Fiennes , in the Siecle , corrects this free and easy account as follows : —M . Duinas cannot read German ; Iffland ' s numerous plays have never been translated , ex « epting a certain trilogy -which ( fifteen acts in all ) an unknown dramatic manipulator had placed as so much raw material in the plastic hands of Alexandre Dumas , who was deep in their perusal just when 1 / aferriere asked him for a " part . " Here was a part : two tableaux a day , or fifteen tableaux in a week , are a bagatelle for Monte-Christo . The plav was done : it was r « ad : it was a failure— " too German , perhaps , " maliciously hints the critic . M . Dumas returned to Brussels ; Laferriere goes to an experienced " manipulator / ' JVT . Lockroy ; and it is M . Loclcroy who recasts the drama of Conscience , and , in a word , makes it " possible" for acting . Conscience is a success-for Laferriere and tho Odeon . Whether it is a success for the conscience of M . Dumas , we cannot say ; but our readers will agree with us that a dramatist of so easy a conscience should hesitate to criticise his critics—in advance . A caution to followers at home .
* The latest story we have heard , is of a bet between two lions at the Jockey Club , of which a certain enlavement was the subject , of an . indignant brother , and of a challenge . At this point our deponent ceaseth .
Cmratmral Mara.
Cmratmral Mara .
Money Market And City Intelligence. Prid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Pridny KvenlnR , November 17 , " 1854 . Consols Imvobcon drooping nil the wcok , tho no-ws from SebaatopolbohiKwtill uiiHaiiialaielory , and tlio position of tho army in nssumod to bo « , iost critical . Added to all tlilw there haa hoen a completo pimlo in tho Turkiah Six pur Cent . Sorip market . Ono liouvy " Hull" Hpe < in ) ator having failed , nearly < t <) , <)() 0 ( . of tlxo stock has boon thrown on tho murkoti , and tho btook Has boon done as low aa ( I or 7 p « r cent , discount . Shares all rule lower , and tho pronpcofc ol" a new lon . li being noKotiatod , or a now utouk crtjated in order to 1 ' urniHh money to carry on tho war , would soum inevitable . Mining Hharoft hitvo boon but wparoly dea . lt In , and no very gi'iiatalturatioiiH in jirkwH . Oryiital Palaooa are still Hat . Tho iidxt account will lift a trying ono for twino of the BullH who have contrived to tido over thin account , uiiIohh wo havo doeidoclly impiovoil aocountM from tlio Orimoii . CoiihoIh orenud . 02 , » 2 A ; cloning prlcnn , 012 , » H . Russian ft porco » it ,., » r > , « 7 . Turkish ( I per cent ., 0 , fi dia . i elosinB i > rlco , CivlodoniariH , 50 , IMJj 15 a « t-cm GouiiUcm , 11 , ill ; Oroat Worthom , H 6 . 8 S > . A hloek , 74 , 701 U mock , 124 , 1 til ) i Oroat Wontdrii , 00 , ( Jfij ; l > n « u ) iwhir « and Yorkoliiro , 704 , TdJ ; London und JJri ( 4 rht . oi ) , maj , 1 () 4 J i London and North-Western , l » 7 ? , IWii Midland B 7 , 07 J ; North-MoHtoru HorwlckN , 715 , 1 V * S ; York , Rl , na ; Oxford , Wolvorhnniptoii , and WorcoHtor , , » i > , tJUj Soutli-KiMtcni , Dt > , 00 i Antweri * wnd ltoltwdiun , 0 ,
« 4 ; Eastern of Trance , 30 * . 31 i x d . ; Luxembourg , \ , ii ; 1 ' aris and Lyons , 18 J , l » tpm .: Paris and Orleans , 45 , ' 4 , 7 ; Paris and Itouen . 3 ( 5 , 38 ; Western of Franco , 5 , 0 nm . ; Australian Hank , 80 , « 2 ; Oriental Iliwilc , ; J 8 , 40 x d . j London Chartered , 24 , 25 : Union of Australia , 70 , 72 ; General Screw Steam , 14 , 15 ; AfiUd lMns , h din . par ; South Australian Coppor , i , i pm . j Wouvoiiu Mondo , 4 , g ; " Wiillor , j . ^ ; LinareH , W , H ; St . John del lt « y , Ml , : « i i ' onlnsuW , Jd . li ; Australian Agricultural , 37 , : JI >; N . . » . Australasian , jj , |; Scottish Australian lnvoHtiucut , 3 , 1 num .: fcSouth Auatralian land , 36 , 37 .
Mutish Funds For Thm Past Week,. (Olosxk...
MUTISH FUNDS FOR THM PAST WEEK ,. ( OlOSXKO _ P « X 0 BB . ) Sat . Mon . Tues . \ Wed f l 7 tur . Vrid . Bank Stock ! 212 J ' 212 & perOout . Red » li 02 ; 0 () j mil U 3 i W ) itporOuut . Oou . Aa . tt ! H mft V > 21 ; OUJ ill } Hi CohboIh Tor Account 03 03 J y 2 j U 2 J its * Md i ) i por Gent . An ; Now 21 per OcntB . Long A )> h . ittOO 4 } , i D-l « . 15-11 ) < U ! 4 IJ . HJ India Htouk 232 232 i iiii , UlttoDonds , XIO ( M ) 11 i : t it ' Ditio , under A'lOOO 11 10 1 W H 12 lix . Uiii « , xiooo 8 7 i 4 a i o i > a p Dltto ,. CO ( M ) H 7 7 |) 7 Ditto , Bmall H 8 7 |) i 7 ¦ ' ! 1 > « p
Form I Un Funds. (Lautoi'bioiai. Quotati...
FORM I UN FUNDS . ( LautOi'bioiai . Quotation duiiino tiik Wkmk endiko ' I ' liuiwDAY livmsna . ) Bra « lllan llondH M > Rwinn HotvlH . r , por HueuoNAyreslSiiorUiitH . 57 <) uut » IHUSS 1 ) 7 Chilian O |»» r UoiitN »< W Wuiw mi 44 pw < J « " « - » .--. »» UuhIhIi ;* i » or ContH Hp . m m > 3 p . CI , Now L » e . 1 « J lUcuiuliir / ionds ; M Spanish ConinilLtooCert . Moxiumi a iw Coutrt . ... aii ofCoun . nolfuii ....... 58 Miixldiui 3 pur Cl . lor yoiie' / . inilft . » 4 pcrConta . ... \ w JioliflH . it -I * por Cents PortuKi ' iViHO'l porC ' unts . 3 S < 1 Dutch Zi perCciits Ml Portiifjuoso y ii . Ctinto . ... . Dutch * norOont . Ortif , UOJ
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 18, 1854, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18111854/page/21/