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1102 THE LEADER. [Saturday ,
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1102 The Leader. [Saturday ,
1102 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
Theatre Royal, Drurt Lane. Jl Jttiliejrs Congests. Last Week .But Two.
• OEETHOVEjKT FESTIYAL-New ALLIED Jt > ARMIES QUADRILLE- On MONDAY , NOV . 20 , the Programme will include Wagner ' s Grand Overture to Taunhauser-The New American Quadrille-A New Song and Serenade by Madame ANNA THILLON—Solos by HerrKcenig and SignorRobbio—The Moldavian Sehottische —The New Charge Galop—Spohr ' s Power of Sound—Sym-Vh T ^ ii ^ Ai NEXT the BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL will take place , on which occasion the whole of tho first Part of' the Concert will be selected from the works of Beethoven , the second Part being miscellaneous . On WEDNESDAY NEXT the New ALLIED ARMIES QUADRILLE will be produced . M . Jullien s Grand Bal Masque will take place on Monday December 11 th .
TBZEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE . M JULLTEN'S GRAND BAL MASQUE will take place ou Monday December 11 . Tickets for the Ball l « s . 6 d . Prices of admission for spectators , for whom the audience portion of tlie theatre will be set apart : Dress Circle 5 s . Boxes ... 8 s . Lower Gallery 2 s . Upper . Gallery' Is ' . Private : Uoxes £ 3 Ss . and upwards . Private Tioxes and Places may be secured at the Boxoffice of the Theatre , and of the principal Music-sellers and Librarians .
• pOTiL OLYMPIC THEATRE . JL \) Lessee and Manager , Mr . ALFRED WIGAN . On Monday and during the week will be performed -the Burlettaof T ) HE BBTILAH SPA . Characters by Messrs . A . Wigan , Emery , V . Robson . Da . nvers , CUfbon . 'White , Rivrersi H . Cooper ; Miss Julia St . George , Miss Marston , Mrs . Fitzallan , and Mrs . A , 'Wigan . After which the Drama called THE TRUSTEE . Characters by Messrs . F . Vininj ? , Emery , A- " Wigau , Leslie ; Miss Maskell and Miss Stephens . To conclude witb A BLIGHTED BEING . Characters hy Messrs . Leslie , H . Cooper , IDanvers . i " . Bobson , and Miss E . Turner .
, ' , ; ONE SHILLING . — MANNERS and GUSTOMS of the ETJB . KISH NATION , Past and Present : lrom Osman , the founder of the Ottoman dynasty , down to the present Sultan , Abdul Medjid Khan . —This extraordinary and unique COLLECTION of MODELS ( life-siee ) is realised so as to defy imitation . Illustrated by true representations of the said Sultans ; costumes ( -naval , military , and civil ) , arms , insignia of office ; also with buildings , the harem , the hamam . or Turkish bath ; the kalve . snoe bazaar , carriages , cattle , and scenery ; including every minute detail , renderingall the groups strictly correct and truly natural . The TURKISH EXHIBITION is DAILY OPEN , a , t Hydo-park-corner , Piccadilly , from Ten a . m . till Ton p . m . Admission , Is . ; on Saturdays , 2 s . 6 d . ; children , Is . Oil . { family tickets ( admitting five ) , l » s . A portion of tho Hungarian Band performs from Twelve till Five ; aftor which Mr . F . Osborne Williams prosides at the Pianoforte till Ten o ' clock .
TvUTT OFF TEA . —The REDUCTION JLJ of the TEA DUTY , and tho easy state of the Teamarket , enable PHILLIPS and Company to SELLStrong Congou Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 a . 10 d ., and 8 s . Rich Souchong Tea , 3 a . 2 d . » 33 . 4 a ; , and 3 s . 8 d . The Best Assam Pekoo Souchong- Tea , 4 s . Prime Gunpowder Tea , 3 s . 8 d ., < ts ., and 4 s . 4 d . Best Moyune Gunpowder , 4 s . 8 d . The Best Pearl Gunpowder , 5 a . Prime Coffees , is ., 18 . 2 d ., jand Is . 3 d . Tho Beat Mooha and the Boat West India Coffee la . 4 d . Sugars aro supplied at market prices . AU goods sent carriage free , by our own vans , if within eight tnues . T « as , coffees , and spices sont carriage free to any railway station or market-town in E norland , if to tho value of 40 s . or upwards , by PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea Merchants , 8 , King William-street , Oity , London . A general prico- < jurrent sent free on application .
xpENDERS , STOVES , and TIRE-IRONS . S . Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-RO 6 MS , 39 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . 1 & 2 , Newman-street , and 4 & 5 , Perry ' s-pl & oe . They are the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Staves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 21 . 14 s . to 51 . 10 s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 51 . 10 s . to 122 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with , standards , from 7 s . to 3 Z . ; Steel Fenders from 2 t . IBs . to 6 J . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from . 2 ? . 15 s . to 11 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 d . the set to 41 . 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating heartli plates . All which he is enabled to sell at these very reduced oliarges—Firstly—From , the frequency and extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . T HE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOK SILVER . —The Real NICKEL SILVER * introduced 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when PLATED by the patent process of Messrs . ElMngton and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very- best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Fiddle g ^ k King ' s Pattern . ? ££££ !* Pattern . Tea Spoons , per dozen 18 s . ... 26 s . ... 32 s . Dessert Forks „ ...... 30 s . ... 40 s . ... 46 s . Dessert Spoons „ 3 t ) s . ... 42 s . ... 48 s . Table Porks „ 40 s . ... 56 s . ... 64 s . Table Spoons „ ...... 40 s . ... 58 s . ... 66 s . Tea ana . coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATEDFiddle . Thread . King ' s . Table Spoons andTdrks , full size , per dozen 12 s . ... 28 s . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 2 ls . ... 25 s . Tea ditto .. . ; ...-.. 6 s . ... Us . ... 12 s . pUTLEBY , WARRANTED , —The most V ^ varied assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in . the world , all warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 | -inch ivory-handled table-knives , With high shoulders , 11 s . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; if to balance . Is . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . per pair ; larger sizes , from 14 s . 6 d . to 26 s . per dbzeaj extra fine ivory , 32 s . ; if witb . silver ferrules , 37 s . to 50 s ;; white bone table knives , 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . 6 d . ; caTvers . 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table knives , 7 s . 4 d , per dozen ; desserts ^ 6 s . ; carvers , 2 s * 6 d . ; black wood-handled table knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steels , from Is . each .. The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish carvers . Also , a large assortment of Razors , Penknives , Scissors , & c . of the best quality . WILLIAM S . BURTON has TEN LARGE SHOW-, ROOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusive of the shop , de' voted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated , and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged 1 and classified that purchasers may easily arid at once make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( por post ) freo . Tho ; money returned for every article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( cornor of Newman-street ); Nos . 1 1 , 2 , and 3 , NEWMAN-STREET ; and 4 and 5 , PERRY'SplA . ce . :
D . EAPNE 9 S . —IMPOETANT DXSCOVE 31 Y . —Dr . MANFRED , M . R . C . S ., Iiaa this day published , free by post , for eight postage stamps , a Physioian ' 8 Guide for Country Patients , for tho Perfect and Pormanont Restoration of Hoaring , by his invaluable Now Treatment , lloinp a stop to quookory , oruol impositions on the suffering -public , and exorbitant charges , this hook will Save thousands from , tho impositions of the aolf-stylod doctors , inasmuch aa tho hearing can bo restored for lifo . Deahioss ov tlio most invotorato nature relieved in half aw hour , cured in a fow houre , almost instant cessation of noises in tho oara and head , by painloss treatment . Hundreds of letters may bo aopn , and persons referred to , who have hoard tlio usual tone of conversation in a few hours . Pationta rocolvod daily at Dr . Manfred ' s residence , 72 , Rogonti-streot , London ( first door in Air-stroot ) , -whoro ail lottora must bo addressed .
D EAI ^ NESS AND SINGING NOISES . — Instant rollof by Dr . IIOGHTON' 8 now and painless mode of euro . Any extrornoly deaf tmfforor , by ono visit , is pon'manontly onablod to hear with oaso tlio uhiki ! tone of convon'Hation , without operation , pain , or tho uho of Intttrumonta . Thirty-four patients owred lost weeks many totally deaf inntnntanoouHTy roatorocl to perfect hoariiiK . Tcwtimoniala lrom tho higliost niedionl nutltorlty in London can bo uoon , and poraoua rotorrod to . Tho above diwoovory Is known and practised only by Dr . Knghton , Member ortho London Royal College of Surgeons , % a 1845 i L . A . O ., April 30 , 1840 . Institution for tho Curo of Uoafnoas . 0 . Sultolk-placo , Pall-mull . Just mvblUihod , Self Curo of Duafnona , for country paiioijta—aatop to omplrloiBin , quaohory . and oxorbitunt foea —sent on receipt ) of aovon otamna . free .
OHUBB'S LOCKS , with all the recent im \ J provements . Strong Fire-proof Safes , Cash and Deed a ficatkin SiZGS a " Pri ° eS ma * behnxL on j CHUBETand SON , 57 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London-28 , Lord-street Liverpool- 16 , Market-street , Tfiiffit £ : and Horsley-flelds , Wolverhampton . »«« -uesi : or ,
BENNETT'S MODEL WATCH In gold cases from 10 guineas . In silver cases from 5 guineas . Every watch is skilfully examined , timed , and its performance guaranteed . BENNETT , ¦ WATCH MANOFACTOEBIL GSy CEXJBAPSIDB .
FRENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . —A Tery large and superior stock now ON SALE at DE \ NE DRAY , and Co . ' s ( Opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established A . D . 1 J 00 .
FORD'S EUREKA COLOURED SHIRTING is now ready , in 200 different patterns . Specimens iu varied colours sent post free on receipt of sis stamps . PORD'S COLOURED EUREKA SHIRTS , Six for 27 s . PORD'S "WHITE EURBKAS , best quality , Six for 40 s . second quality , Six for Sis . ; if washed ready for use , 2 s , extra . Cacti on . — Ford's Eureka Shirts aro stamped , " 38 , POULTRY , LONDON , " without which none are genuine . *?* Catalogues , with particulars , post free . RICHARD FORD , 38 , POULTRY , LONDON .
DR . DE JON GIFS LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . "PREPARED for Medicinal Use in the Loffoden JC Isles , Norway , and put to tho Test of Chemical Analysis . Proscribed by eminent Medical Men as tho most effectual REMEDY for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , some DISEASES of tho SKIN , RTCKETS , INFANTINE WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , and sill SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS —effecting a euro or alleviating suffering much more rapidly than any other Mud . TESTIMONIAL FROM Tk © late DR . JCOSTATHAW PERJEIRA , Professor at tho University of London , Author of " The Elements of Matorla Medica , and Therapeutics , " & o , & o . "MV dear Sir , — -I was very glad to find from you , whom I had tlio pleasure of sooing you in London , that you were interested commercially In God Liver OH . It wia fitting that tho Author of tho host analysis and investigations into the properties of this Oil should himsolf bo tho Purveyor of this important medicine . "I fcol , however , uomo diffidence in venturing to fulfil your request by giving yon my opinion of the quality of tho oh of whioh you gave mo a samplo ; because I know that no ono can bo bettor , and few so well , acquainted with tho Physical and chemical properties of this medUrino aa yourself , whom I regard aa tho highost authority on tho subject . " I can , however , have no hesitation about tho propriety of responding- to your application . Tho oil which you gavo mo was of the very ihnost quality , whether considered with roloronce to its colour , flavour , or chemical properties j and L am satleflocl that for medicinal purposes uo finer oil can boproourod . " \ Tith my best wishes for your auoooas , believe ino , my dear Sir , to bo very faithfully youra , ( Signed ) " JONATHAN PEREIRA , - To Dr . D « Jo 5 . " ) Ury ^^ ' ° ' ° n ( iOn > AprU M > 18 G 1 > Sold witotKSAXH and uhtaix , in bottles , labelled with Vr ' ? ST i ° . J 5 h « HtRmp and aignaturo , by AN 8 AR . HAHVORD , and Co ., 77 , Strand , London , S , ° ? Ii £ " 3 ? os und Agents for tho United Kingdom and T ? X i * o ^ onh'oiim i and may bo obtained from rtmpootablo Ohomiats and DruggisttJ in Town and Country , at tho following priocH ;— IMT » E « IAT > MISABOniS . * . JInIf JP * nt » . as-Oa . j Pints , 4 s . 0 ( 1 .-, Quarts , Oh . "»* Xov > r hnlf-pinft bottloa forwardod , oahjwaoiu x « Ain , to any part of Unsland , on rcuoipt of a r © u » ittauco of Tun ShU-
T ^ FFECTUAL SUPPORT VARIJDw COiSE VEENS .- ^ -T his elastic and co rapressing stocking , or article of any other required-form , is pervious , light , and inexpensive , and easily drawu on without lacing or bandaging ; Instructions for measurement arid prices on application , and the , articles sent bv post from the Manufacturers , POPE and PLANTE , 4 , WATERLOO PLACE , PALL HALL , LONDON .
TRELOAE'S COCOA-IfUT FIBRE MATTINGr .-r-popr Mats , Mattresses , Cushions , Hassocks , Brushes , Netting ^ & c-, & c . Catalogues free by post-WAREHOUSE , 42 , LUDGATE-HILL , LOKDON .
THHE 16 s . TROUSERS reduced to 14 s . — - JL Trousers and "Waistcoat , 22 s . —Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers , 4 > 7 s ., made to order from Scotch Tweeds , all wool by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street . A perfect fit guaranteed .
r jTESTIMOjfflALS by PRESENTATION : JL having becotne so much the custom , and in consequence of Messrs . FUTVOYE having been frequently applied to for suitable articles , they beg to state to all those who '• would pay such graceful tributes to public merit or private worth , that in all cases when it is clearly shown goods are required for such a purpose , and tho amount exceeds 50 ? ., they shall allow 10 per cent , from their regular marked prices . 154 , Regent-street , August 23 , 1854 .
THE ONLY STOVE WITHOUT A FLUEJoyce ' s Patent , for warming halls , shops , greenhouses , storerooms , and all other places . Price from 12 s . To bo seen in action at tho proprietor ' s , SWAN NASH , 253 , Oxfordstreet , and tho CITY DEPOT , 110 , Nowgate-streot , London . PATENT PREPARED FUEL , 2 s . Gd . per bushel . JOYCE'S PORTABLE LAUNDRY STOVE will heat for 12 hours six flat and Italian irons with one pennyworth of coko or cinder * . GAS STOVES in great variety . MODERATOR LAMPS , complete , from 12 s . too 6 guineas . SWAN NASH solicits an inspection of his now and elegant SHOWROOMS , in ¦ which he has an assortment of tho above lamps , unequalled for price and quality in London . Refined Rape Oil 3 5 s . per gallon . Prospectuses , with drawings , free .
TO THE POLES IN LONDON , AND THE FRIENDS OP POLAND . —It is intended * to eelobrato tho 24 th Anniversary of tho Polish Revolution of 1830 , by a SUPPER * on Wednesday , November 20 . Tickets not to exceed 3 a . ( id . each . Gentlemen who may dosiro to attend tho same are requested to address , pro-paid , to the Secretary of tho Sobioski Society , under cover , directed to Mr . ' *\ V . Gcoson , Tom ' a Ooffeo-nouao , 250 , High Holborn . —London Nov . 16 , 1854 .
CHO LERA PREVENTED ! RETTIE'S PATI 3 NTS- SELF-ACTING SEWER AND SINK TKAPS , for Streets and Kitchen Sinks , to prevent all effluvia from Drains , OoanpoolH , and Urinals . Damp Houses cured atlTourpenco por day , by tho Economic Stovo . Riving a dry , warm temporaturo , lor Bick persons and invalids , and no risk of ilro . Now in use in H . M . Treasury , ltoyai Mint , Churches , Schools , Prisons , Hospitnla , Ships , Hot-Houses . & c . l ^ OK-TABLE CHAMBER . CLOSETS , iroo from all oflluvia . Orders to E . M > and M . Rofcfcic , 7 , Bronapton-roiul . ( Enclose Stamp , when Circulars will too sent . ) jq-jj . —Bowaro of imitations on tho above Patents .
lttJI'TURES . —BY ItOYAL LETTERS PATENTTHE MOO-MAIN LEVER , TRUSS is allowed l > y upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo tho most oU ' eollvo invention In tho euratlvo treatment ol ' Hernia . Tho uhooC a stool spring < ao ol'fcon hurtful in it a elFootu ) l » hero avoided , a aoffc Uaiulfigo boinff worn round tho body , whllo Lho roquinito roBiHMiiK powor in supplied by tho Moo-Wuin 1 ' iul and Patent Lover , ilttluK with ho much oaso and olouonoMB that it oannot bo dolootod , and may bo worn during wlcop . A descriptive circular nany bohnd , u . ml i . lio Tmsa ( whioh cannot fall to lit ) forwardod by » os » l , ou tho cirounuoronco of tho body , two inches bolow tho liijw , iwhiB Hout to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOILN WUITM , 228 , Piccadilly . London . BLAS'IIO STOCKINGS , KNKT 2 CAPS , & c for VAMOOSE VJ 5 IN 8 , and all oattos of WMAKNIJSS and SWKLLlNG of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . Th « y arc poroun . UghO la loxturo , and luoxpenHlvo , und imxj drawn on lUtu au ordinary ( Hooking . IMoo from 7 a . ( Id , to iOa . poutuKO , Oil .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 18, 1854, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18111854/page/22/