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1104 THE LEADER. [Saturday, November 18,...
LONDON( Ptlntoa ivnd Published by Aljtbh...
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1104 The Leader. [Saturday, November 18,...
1104 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , November 18 , 1854 .
LIST OF NEW WORKS . 30 years of Foreign policy-. P A History of tho Secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palmerston . By the Author of the Hight Hou . B . Disraeli , M . P . 8 vo . [ Immediately . 2 . SELECTIONS from SYDNEY SMITH ' S ¦ WHITINGS , III . and IT . Forming 2 Parts of the Traveller ' s lAbrary , price One Shilling each . [ On the 30 th inst . 3 . POEMS . ~ B j Matthew Abstold . _ Second Series . Fcap . Svo . [ Just ready . — 4- ] PEREIEA'S ELEMENTS of MATBEIA MEDICA . NewEdition-of Vol . I ., edited by A . S . TAYLOB , MJ ) . and G . O . BJBES , M . D . 8 vo , Woodcuts . JX ) a Thursday next . _ v . New Edition of LORD CARLISLE'S DIARY ia TURKISH and GREEK "WATERS . Post 8 vo , 103 . 6 d . vi . G The BALTIC and tlie "WHITE SEA . By tho Rev . T . MILNEB ., Ml . Post 8 ro , \ rith Map , price 10 s . 6 d . j VII . O From PICCADILLY to PERA . By JOIIN W . pLBMIXOIf , Commander , RJST . Post 8 vo . -with coloured Plates , price 10 s . 6 d . n VIII . Mrs , JAMESON'S COMMONPIiACB 3 Q 0 K of THOUGHTS , MEMORIES , and FANCIES , fiqiiare orovn 8 vo , \ ritli Illustrations , price 18 a . ' . ' ¦ : ' ¦ ' '¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ IX . . ¦¦ • '¦' LITERARY REMAINS of H . FYNES i < JLINTON , M . A . Edited by the Hev . 0 . J . FYNTES CLIN " . TON . M-A . Post . 8 vo , price 9 s . 6 d . ' x . . ' Seeond Edition of SIR ROGER DE J QOVEKLEY , from the Spectator , edited by W . H . WILLS and illustrated by V . TAYLEB . Crown Svo , price aos . 6 dJ morocco , 21 s . GHBOGRAPffy of HERODOTUS De- ( veloped , Explained , ana Illustrated . By J . TALBOYS WHEELER , IVR . G . S . "With . Maps and Plans . 8 vo , price 18 s . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ in . ¦ ' ' ' ¦ i Professor RICKARDS'S LECTURES on POPULATION and CAPITAL delivered before the University of Oxford in 1853-51 . Post Svo , price 6 s . xnr . Dr . " W . MACKENZIE'S TREATISE on the DISEASES of tho EYE . Fourth , Edition , enlarged ; with Plates and Woodcuts . 8 vo , price 30 s . XIV . ^ PHILOSOPHY at the FOOT of the < CROSS . By J . A . ST . JOHN " . Dedicated to the Rov . R . "VTalpole , B JD . Fcap . 8 vo , price 5 s . ] Gloic ' s School Sories . LI & ET aad HEAT . By T . TATE , T . R . A . S ., of Knellor Training College . 18 mo , with Woodcuts , price One Shilling . XVI " - ~< - Gloig's School Series . MAGNETISM , YOLTAIC ELEOTRIOITY , and ELECTRO-DYNAMICS . By T . TATE , F . R . A . S ., of Knellor Training College . 18 mo , with Woodcuts , Trice Ono Shilling- XVII . In course of publication , in 12 mo , price 2 a . caoli , A SERIES of SCIENTIFIC MANUALS . By tho Rev . JOSEPH : A . GALBRAITH , M . A ., Follow of Trinity College , and Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Dublin j and tho Rev . 8 AJMTJEL ETAUGllTON , M . A ., Follow oi Trinity College , and Professor of Geology In tho University of Dublin . Already published , MANUAL of MBOHANIOB ( Now and Improved Edition ) , . „ 2 s . MANUAL of OPTICS 2 s . MANUAL of HYDROSTATICS 2 a . MANUAL of PIANE TRIGONOMETRY ( Now Edition ) 2 b . In Preparation , MANUAL of AUITHMETIO 2 s . MANUAL of ASTRONOMY 2 s . MANUAL of HEAT 2 a . MANUAL of ALGEBRA 2 a . MANUAL of AlUTHMIilTIG ( Now and Improved Edition ) . . 2 h . EUCLID'S BLUMENTS , Hrafc OUook » 2 s . *»* Tho Prospectus may bo liad of Mosara . Longman and Co ., ftnd gratia of all Boofcaolloru . LONDON : I < 0 NGMAN , MHOWN . GR 13 EN , and LONGMANS . ¦
P On the 22 d inst . will be ¦ published , in a , handsome folio volume , price 12 a ., containing upwards of Six Hundred Wood Engravings . PICTURES OF LIFE AND CHARACTER , FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR . PUNCH . BY JOHN LEECH . BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE-STREET .
] _ G j , O n i BOOKS ON RUSSIA MD THE WAR . Just published . THE CRIMEA , THE BLACK SEA , AND THE BALTIC . Including an Account of Sehastopol . By CHARLES HENRY SCOTT . Second Edition , post 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . ¦ it . OUIt CAMP IN TURKEY AffD THE WAY TO IT . By Mrs . YOUNG . Author of . " Cutch , " * Western India . " Post 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . CNext week . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' • ¦ . ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' . III . • ¦ ¦ ¦ SECRET HIStOUST OF THE C 01 TKT ANB GOVERNMENT Oi BUSSIA . Second Edition , 2 vpls . 8 vo , 16 s . . ¦¦¦' ¦ . IT . ¦ ¦"¦ THE FEOUTIER LANDS OP THE CHRISTIAN AND THE TURK . By a BRITISH RESIDENT of Twenty Years in the East . Thu-d Edition , 2 vols . Svo , 28 s . ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ . ¦¦ . ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ' ' v . THE TURKS IN ASIA .. ANABOL , THE XAST HO 3 SIE OF THE FAiTHFUIi . By the Author of " The Frontier Lands . " 8 ro , 12 s . VIMAXWELL'S CZAR , HIS COTTRT AND PEOPLE . Second Edition , crown 8 vo , -with Portrait of the Emperor Nicholas , 2 s . 6 d . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ VII . ¦ COLE'S RUSSIA AND THE RUSSIANS . Foolscap svo , 2 s . 6 d . Tin . THE LAST DAYS OF THE EMPEROR ALEXANDER , and THE MUST BAYS OP THE EMPEBOB NICHOLAS . By ROBERT LEE , M . D .. F . B . S .. Fellow of the Koyal College of Physicians . Second Edition , post Svo , 3 s . € d . London : Richahd Betjtibt , New Burlington-street ; Puhlisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty .
NEW WORKS . I . REV . J- BILIAHSDEN'S HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and SECTS , from tho Earliest Ages of Christianity . Part I ., 8 vo ., 3 s . Cd . [ At the end of the month . II . PROFESSOR CUE ASYS HISTORY OF THE OTTOMAN TURKS , from the Foundation of their Empire to the Present Time . Vol . 1 . 8 vo . [ Next week . nr . OTfR CAMP IN TURKEY , AND THE WAY TO IT . By Mrs .. YOKING-, Author of ' * Cutch , " "Western India , " & c > Post 8 vo ., 7 s . 6 d . £ Next weeb iv . ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' ¦ XIEUT-GOLONEL MIINDY'S "OUR A 3 STTIPODES , " or Eesidence and Rambles in the Australasian Colonies . "With a Glimpse at the Gold Tields . Third Edition , 8 vo ., vith Illustrations . [ Just ready . v . XORD JOHN RUSSELL'S MEMORIALS AND CORRESPONDENCE of Charles James Fox . Vol . III . 8 vo , 14 s . [ On the 25 th . VI . LAMARTHTES MEMOIRS OF GELEBRATED CHARACTERS . Third and Cheaper Edition . 2 Vol 8 . 12 a . .- ¦ [ Just ready . VII . WOMEN AS THEY ARE . By One of Them . By the Author of " Margaret ; or * Prejudice at Home and Its Victims . " 2 rols ., 12 s . [ Just ready . Vin . THE BUNGALOW AND THE TENT ; or , A Visit to Ceylon . By EDWARD SUI / LIVAN , Author of " Rambles and Scrambles in North and South America . " Post 8 vo , 7 a . 6 d . IX . HAPS AND MISHAPS OF A TOUR IN EUROPE . By GRACE GREENWOOD . Post 8 vo , 7 s . 6 d . x . ' HABITS AND MEN . With Remnants of Records on the Malters of Uoth . By T ) r . DORAN , Author of " Table Traits and Something on Them . " Post Svo , 7 s . Cd . xr . RECOLLECTIONS OF LITERARY CHARA . CTERS AND CELEBRATED PLACES . By Mrs . A . T . THOMSON . Author of " Memoirs of tho Court of Henry VIII . " a vols ., 15 a . I xii . MATRIMONIAL SPECULATIONS . By Mrs . MOODIK , Author of " RoughiiiK it in the . Bush , " i " Flora Lindsay , " & c . Post 8 vo , 10 s . Cd . XIII . . ID ALINE . A Story of the Egyptian Bondago . By Mrs , WEBB . Author of " Tho Martyrs of Carthago . " Pooluoap Svo , 5 s . London ; Riohaud BENTi-Ky , "Now Burlington-streot , Publisher in Ordinary to hor Mnjosty . I
^ < ] ' Third Edition , much enlarged ; in fcap . Svo , price 7 s . 6 d . AN OUTLINE of the necessary LAWS of THOUGHT : A Treatiso on Puroand Applied Logic . By the Rev . W . THOMSON , M . A ., Follow and Tutor of Queen ' s College , Oxford . By the samo Author , in 8 vo , price 8 a . THE ATONING WORK OF CHRIST , viewed in relation to some current Theories ; ia eight Bampton Lectures , with numerous Notes . London , Longman , Bkown , Guben , and Long-mans .
I i Just published , Ne-w and Improved Edition , price Is . THE CURABILITY of CONSUMPTIONBeinff a series of Papers , presenting tho raost prominent ana important Practical Points in the Treatment of I the Disease . % I . EL RAMADGB , MD ., Fellow of tho College of Physicians , and late Senior Physician to tho Royal Infirmary for Diseases of tho Cheat , & c . Also , by the samo Author , prico 108 . fld ,., A Treatiso on Asthma and Diseases of tho Heart . London : Lonomak , Brown , Queen , and Longmans .
j . THE CORN TRADES . In Ono Vol ., price Oa . AN ESSAY on tho CORN TRADE . By R , TOURENS , Esq ., FJft . S . J Also , by tho samo Author , PRODUCTION of WEALTH . Price 6 s . OPERATION of the BANK CHARTER ACT . 4 s . Od . London : Longman , Brown , Qkbism , and Longmans .
This day , Cheaper Edition , with lustrations , 2 a . fld . WILD A . NIMALS . By MARY ROBERTS . By tho samo Author , Cheaper Edition , 2 a . Od . DOMESTICATED ANIMALS . London : John W . Parkhb and Son , Woat Btrand .
This dn . y , foolscap ootavo , 3 h . fld . ON MEDICAL TESTIMONY and EVI-, i u Vfyy ® hi OASES of LUNACY ; Oroontan Lootwroa dolivorod boforo thfi Royal College of I'liyaiolarui . With hi > mT ^? " ^ ^ , *^ "" , ^ Mental SoxmdncHH , by TJIOWAH MAYO , M . D ., V . K .. S ., Follow of tho Royal OoIIoro of l'liy-HioianH , lato Follow of Orlul Colloso , Oxtord . London i Joint W . Paukmh and Son , Wo » t Strand .
This dayio published , in post 8 vo , ls . PLA-T O , as road in English by an Englishman ; being an Addroaa to some tMondn . London ; John OnApMAN , 8 , KingWilllam-sfcroot , Strand .
ThlB day Is published , In 8 vo , pr ' oo Is . " T > EACB WHERE THERE IS NO JL P I'JACIil t" or tho Hies nan at Sydonham . With a aianco at the Sunday Life of tho HomoloHs Poor . London : John Ohai ' Aiaw , 8 , King Willlam-atroot , Strand .
Now ready , In 1 vol . 8 vo , prioa 1 b . Oil ., tho Second Kdltioa of SONGS OF THE PRESEM T . By AltOHEU QURNI 3 Y , Author of " King OliarloH the 1 'lrat , " " Spring , " & o . "A fulUift ^ l child of nature AroliovGurnoy has tmokod tho HtopH and watohed tho looks , mul loarnt tho loro , and nociuivud tho lauK » taK < iof tho ' Miiriiu Mutor . ' Well do wo roiuombor tho oxuILIuk ndinimUoii wltli which wo Hi'Bt hullod tho appoarnnco of a great poot . "—JSuallttfr lloviow No . X . XXIII . London : Ola . ukio and Uhuton , I'loot-stroot .
London( Ptlntoa Ivnd Published By Aljtbh...
LONDON ( Ptlntoa ivnd Published by Aljtbhi ) Kbmuhj ) Gaiiovay , afc " Tho Loader" Ottlco , No . 7 , WolUngton-wlrcot , Strimd , in tho County of MlddloBox . —November 18 , 1804 .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 18, 1854, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18111854/page/24/