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_Jg o. 456, December 18,1858Q THE lEABEB...
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_Jg O. 456, December 18,1858q The Leabeb...
_ Jg o . 456 , December 18 , 1858 Q THE lEABEB ., 1399
MALMSEY , 24 s . per doz ., Cash . —This delicious wine may bo obtained at tho above extraordinary low price , from the importers , H ARR INGTON , PARKIER ., and Co ., 5 $ , Pall-mall , S . W .
" " WINE AT HALF DUTY . QUALITY AND ECONOMY COMBINED . . South African Port and Sherry .... 20 s . and 21 s . per doz . South African Madeira and Amontillado ... .. 21 s . per doz . Pure , full body , with tine aroma . " Messrs . Brown aud lirough ' s Wines prove , upon trial , that theyare richer and finer-flavoured than much of the foreign wines . "—Vide John Bull , Nov . 13 , 1858 . "Chemical analysis has proved Messrs . Brown . and Broug h ' s Vines to be free from all adulteration , and experience attests them to be both salutary and agreeable to the palate . "— Vide Medical Circular . ' Nov . 17 , 185 S . Delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . Terms Cash . Country Orders must contain a remittance . BROWN and BROUGH . Wine and Spirit Importers , 29 , Strand . W . C .. and 24 , Crutched-friars , City .
WINE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , MADEIRA , & c , in brilliant condition , 20 s . per dozen . "I find your wiue to be pure and unadulterated . " Ht . Leihebt , M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sample of either , Twelve Stamps . Terms- ^ Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . The Analysis of Dr . Letheby sent free on application . Colonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon . —WELLER and HUGHES , Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutched-friars , Mark-lane , London , E . C .
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DENMAN , I NTRODUCER of the SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , & c , 20 s . per dozen , bottles included . A PINT SAMPLE OF EACH FOR 34 STAMPS . "Wine in Cask forwarded to any Railway Station in England . Extract from the Lancet , July 10 th , 1858 . The Wines of South Afuica .-t- " We have visited Mr . Denmas ' s Stores , selected in all eleven samples of wine , and have subjected them to careful aiialysation . Our examination has extended to an estimation of their bouquet and ilavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount of wine stone , the strength in alcohol , and particularly to their purity . We have to state that these Wines , though brandied to a much less extent than sherries , are yet oil the average nearly as strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , and perfectly free from adulteration . Indeed , considering the low price at which they arc sold , their quality is remarkable . EXCELSIOR BRANDY , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or 30 s . per dozen . Terms Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance . Cross Cheques— " Bank of London . " Priced Lists , with Dr . Hassall ' s Analysis , forwarded on application . —JAMtS L . DENMAN , 05 , Fenchurch-street , corner of ltailway-place , London . ¦
ECONOMY . A 10-gallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SUBRUY , for four guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Casjk or bottle , and case included . Three dozens carriage free- Cash . —IIEMiKbYS , ABBOTT , and CO , Importers , 23 aud 23 , High Bolborn . Established 1831 .
HENEKEYS' COGNAC , A pure French Brandy , pale or brown , 2 os . per gallon , 12 s . per dozen . Packages to bo returned within throe months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid .
HENEKEYS 1 LONDON BRANDY , Pale or brown , Its . per gallon , 30 s . por dozen . Three dozens carriage free .
HEIMEKEYS' LONDON GIN , As from tho still , and the strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . por gnllon , 2 Us . por dozen . Six gallons , the cask Included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance .
HENEKEYS' PRICES QURRENT OF WINES AND SPIRITS Sent post frco on application .-HENEKEYS . ABBOTT , and Col Gray ' s Inn llistlHory , 22 and 23 , Uigh Holbom , " W . O . Established 1831 .
WHISKIES-EQUALISATION OF DUTY . Tho choioo ' at Scotch and Irish from l la . to ISs . por gallon . —OWEN and Co ., 7 B , Lower Thnnios-stroot , London , E . G .. opposlto tho Custom House . Snipping nnd tho Trade supplied .
UNSOPHISTICATED GENEVA Of tho true Junipor flavour , and precisely as it runs from tho HtlU , without tho addition of sugar , or any ingredient whatovor . Imporlal gallon , 139 . j or in o » o do / . on cases , 20 s ., bottles and case included . Prico currents ( frco ) by post . HENRY BRETT und CO ., Old Furnlval ' a Distillery , Holborn .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . TJTARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO . aro AX now dollvorlus tho October BrowiuKS of tho aliovo celebrated Ale . Its Hunmsislng oxoollonoo is vouched for by the holiest medical mid ohmnlon 1 authorities of tho day . Suppllodln bottlos . alHoin oawkHof ISKalloiiaand upwards , by HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wino and Spirit MorohantM . Pi , Pall-Mall . ^
EPPS'S COCOA . EPP S , HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST , Lon-, don .-llb . and ill ) , pftckota , as . ( Id . and 0 d . — This exoollont production . originally prepared fov tho special vise of horaoooputhlo patients , havjutf boon adoptou by the « onorn , l nublloroan now bo hurt of thn principal grocers . Each Eackot ly labgllod Jiuuoa Idpjiu , honuuoiuitulo ohonuat , ondon ,
NOVEL METHOD OF CONNECTING AND FILING PAPERS , & c . THE NEW TRENCH PATENT EYELET MACHINES , Supplied by Command to Her Majesty ' s Stationery Office , and now used in Her Majesty ' s Treasury Chambers , by the principal Railway , Insurance , and other Public Companies , by numerous professional and literary gentlemen ; by the Library Committee of the Junior United Service Club , & c & c , are to be had only of Mr . A . F . WALDBN , 2 , Stratford-place , Camden-square , N . W ., London . Cash price 15 s . each , complete with all et cseteras . Orders by Post punctually attended to . See Leader , October 30 th .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated byRoyalCharter , 1847 . LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS issued upon Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved draftsnegotiated and sent for collection- Every description of Banking business is also conducted direct with Victoria , New South Wales , and the other Australian Colonies . through the Company ' s Agents . Apply at 54 , Old Broad-street , ° > ' * WILLIAM PURDY . Manager .
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK FI VE PER CENT , paid on Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest half-yearly . Higher Interest for lorip ; periods . The Right Hon . the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , " 6 , Cannon-street West , E . C
PAINTERS'COMPANY . Notice is hereby < tiven , that a COURT will be held at Painters ' -hall , on Wednesday , the 5 th of January , 1859 , at 1 o ' clock precisely , to Elect Poor Lame Journeyman Painters to Mr . Stock ' s Charity of 10 Z . per annum . Petitions can be obtained at the Clerk ' s office , at the said Hall , 9 , Little Trinity-lane , Queenhithe , and which must be returned , correctly filled up and attested , on or before the 5 th of January , by 11 o ' clock in the forenoon . The form of petition " contains ample information in respect to the necessary qualifications of the candidates , and points out the description of cases which claim , preference . Office hours from 11 until 3 o ' clock . By order of the Court , P . N- TOMLINS , Clerk to the Company . December 18 th , 1858 .
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . Established 1 G years , for the SALE of HOUSEHOLD and FAMILY LINEN of the best qualities , every article made especially for their different uses , and warranted for durability and purity of bleach . . CitvBranch . 105 , Pleet-street ( E . C ); West End Branch , 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) .
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY'S LISTS of PRICES contains full particulars , prices , and widths . Sent free by post . City Branch , 103 , Fleet-street ( E . C ) , foot of Ludgate-hill ; West End Branch , 130 , New Bond-street (\ V . ) , corner of Grosvenor-street .
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . LADIES are INVITED to SEND for PATTERNS for comparison , and free by post . Address either to the City Branch , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . C ) . or 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) .
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . OLD PATTERN BRUSSELS CARPETS , original prices 4 s . Od . per yard , aro soiling at 3 s , 6 d . A large stock now on hand of Tapestry Brussels , 2 s . 3 d . to 2 s . Cd . per yard . Velvet Pilp and Turkey Carpets , Table Covers , and Curtains of every description . Price lists free . Patterns forwarded in town or country . Address , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . G . ) .
POPE AND PLANTES WINTER HOSIERY of every description , knitted and woven . Underclothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed and Woven Flannels in great variety —l'OPE and PLANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , London .
POPE AND PLANTES MILITARY SHIRT , constructed to ftt tho figure without croaslng with peouliar acouracy . ~ POPE and PLANTE , -I , Watorloo-placo , Pall Mall , London .
POPE AND PLANTES LADIES' ELASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , for use before and uftor Aceouohomont , ftdniirably adapted for giving oOlciont support , and EXTREME LIGHTNESS—a point Iittlo attondod to In tho comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabriosluthorto omployod . Instructions for measurement , with prices , on application , and the articles sent by post from tho manufacturers and inventors . POPE and 1 MAXTK . i , Watorloo-placo , Pall Mall , London , S . W .
THE PEN SUPERSEDED . Patronised by Her Majesty ' s Government OiTlcos . — Tho most elegant and easy method of permanently marking is Ms ? rw m ®& Ti ^ i 8 ®& Croat , 4 b . | Numbora uor aot . lu . « d y « oi \ t iiost froo oil receipt of stamps by tho Inventors , V . WHITE MAN & Co ., Jinpravors / Ae ., 10 , LJktlo Quoon-stroot , Mnooln ' B I "" - » olds . W . O , Stamps , Dies , Seals and Book PJatos , Arms nnd Crests found froo .
THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instantnneon » ly ¦ to any of four stapes , from a warmliiB power of 10 dog . down to 15 dog- A papor , doftoribhig tlio priiioiplos and riffht uso of proper Respirators , andosiKJolally of this rooont and important improvement , by tho original Inventor of tho ttosnlrator , Mr , JoiTroys , niav bo obtalnoU by post from J . H . I ' yroival , Managor . Clilof onioo , 3 H , BMoklorabury , London i and of tho Agents ovorywhoro ,
THEY MUST NOT KNOW I LOVE THEE . New Ballad , by Jessica Ronsein and Walter Maynard . THE OLD BELL . Ballad by J . W . Cherry . LET ME WHISPER IN THINE EAR . Balfe ' s new ballad , composed for Mr . Sims Reeves . London ; CRAMER , BE ALE , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
PIANOFORTE MUSIC . MINNIE : Air Vans ' , by S . Thalberg—3 s . LAST ROSE OP SUMMER . By S- Thalberg-4 s . HO 1 HE , SWEET HOME . By S . Thalberg—33 . As played by Miss Arabella Goddard . London : CRAMER , BEALE , and Co .. 201 , Regent-street-1
PIANOFORTES . pRAMEE , BEALE , AND CO . have every V ^ description for Sale or Hire . Warranted . — 201 Regent-street .
HARMONIUMS . / "IKAMEK , BEALE , AND CO . are the chief \ J agents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODE I * HARMONIUM :. Every variety . —201 , Regent-street .
WALTER MAYNARD'S INSTRUCTIONS and EXERCISES in the ART OF SINGING . Fourth Edition , 7 s . —CRAMER , BEALE , and Co ., 201 , Regent-street .
On Tuesday , the 21 st instant , will be published , price 3 d-, stamped , 4 d ., PUNCH'S ALMANACK POR 1859 . Illustrated by JOHN LEECH and JOHN TENNIEL . Punch Office , 85 , Fleet-street .
CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLD WORDS . Conducted by CHARLES DICKERS . A HOUSE TO LET . Price 3 d ., stampeded . Office , 16 , 'Wellington-street North , Strand .
" THE COUNCIL OF TEN " in the LITERARY GAZETTE , Published every Saturday , price 4 d ., stamped , 5 d . The FIRST NUMBER ' of Vol . H ., under the New-Management , will be published on the 1 st January . Office , 4 , Bouverie-street .
THE CRITIC .-weekly JOURNAL of LITERATURE , ART , SCIENCE and the DRAMA , is now published every Saturday , price 4 d ., stamped 5 d . The Critic contains Reviews of all the current Literature of the Week , Home and Foreign , including French , German , Italian , Sclavonic , and Oriental . Archaeological , Scientific , Artistic , Musical and Dramatic Summaries . Reports of the Learned Societies . Leading Articles upon Literary and Artistic topics , arid all the Literary , Scientific , and Artistic News of the Week . The CeitiC may be obtained through the trade , or ordered direct from the Office , 29 , Essex-street , Strand , W . C .
"One of the most thoughtful and eloquent religious serials within our knowledge . " — Church qf England Monthly Review . A New and Enlarged Series of THE HOMILIST Will commence January 1 , 1859 . In Monthly Numbers , price 8 d . ~ ) Sent Pn <» f c free as the Ln Quarterly Parts , price 2 s . V Subscriber mav dire ^ f In Complete Volumes , price 8 a . 6 d . ) isuosc > U ) er may direct . * * Only a few complete sots of the 7 . vols . remain on hand . The Publishers offer them , for Cash only , at the following prices : — Vols . I . to VI . —30 s . Vols . I . to VII . —35 s . Separate Volumes , price 6 s . 6 d . each . Post freo . Wabjd and Co ., 27 , Paternoster » row .
SIXTH EDITION . Now ready , in 8 vo , price 10 s . Od ., THE METHOD OF THE DIVINE GOVERNMENT , PHYSICAL AND MORAL . By JAMES M'COSH , LL . D ., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics iu the Queen ' s University for Ireland . This edition contains a notice of the Strictures in Mansel ' s Bauipton Lectures . Edinburgh : ScinEBiANDaJidKNOX ; London : Simpkiit , MAnsuALL , and Co .
i QK A LBTTS'S DIARIES , ALMANACS , xOOJ * & c , adapted to all Callings , Profossiona , or Trades , In above 100 VARIETIES of Sizo and Form , at from . Sixponco to Ifourfceon Shillings oaoh , as well as Descriptive Catalogues , GRATIS , may bo obtained lit ANY BOOKSELLER'S In tno Kingdom . LETTS aud Co ., 8 , Royal Exchange . »«___
$ ALL THE BEST NEW BOOKS , English , Fronoh . and Gorman , added Itamodlatoly on PubloaW to BO 6 tH'S , OHtTRTON'S , nnd HODGSON'S United Libraries , 307 . Jtegont-strcot , London , W ., no ^ o door to tho Royal Polytechnic Institution . Slnglo Subscription , One Guinea . Family and Club Subcrlptions , from Two Guineas to Ono Hundred Gulnoas . Torms and CataloKuos forwardod . on application . a 67 , ItoKont-atroet , w .
CARDS FOR THE MILLIONA Ooppor-plftto Engmvoa in any atylo , l * fiO « ost C » rd « ( any kl » eo Printed forl .. po 8 tfroo . A ^^ HURGRANQBB . Cheap Stationer , 308 , Hi ( jh ilolborn .
HANWELI . COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , Is still retaining Its high oharactor .- United Service Q * * A * rrosnootus will bo forwarded on application to tho Rov . Pr . Exnortou , tho prliwlpal .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18121858/page/31/