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1374 ¦¦ ______ T H E X E A D E B. [No. 4...
THE CRYSTAL PALACE. The directors of thi...
AN AUSTRIAN ALLIANCE. Eeferking to the t...
IRELAND. There appears to be no doubt th...
THE SHIPPING INTEREST A mektino of gentl...
NAVAL AND MILITARY Greenwich Hosi'itai.....
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1374 ¦¦ ______ T H E X E A D E B. [No. 4...
1374 ¦¦ ______ T H E X E A D E B . [ No . 456 , Decjsmbe b ^ s , 1858
The Crystal Palace. The Directors Of Thi...
THE CRYSTAL PALACE . The directors of this company , in reference to a resolution of the Council of the Society of Arts in favour of decennial Exhibitions in London , and of an Exhibition to take place in 1861 , have expressed their desire to cooperate with the Society of Arts in carrying out these objects , and are of opinion that the building and grounds of the Crystal Palace Company might be made available for the purpose , as they present adva ntages not to be obtained in any other quarter . It appears that tbe Board of the Crystal Palace Company have intimated that they are prepared to negotiate on the most liberal terms for the use of the means already at their command , and for the erection of such further accommodation as the Society of Arts might require for the proosed Exhibitionin 1861 . * .
p , _ .,.. . _ ..... The directors expect that a considerable addition will ie made to the railway accommodation iii connexion -with the Crystal Palace by the year 1861 : they allude particularly to the probable completion . of ¦ the A ictoria Station at Pimlico , now in course of construction , and the proposed junction between the railways on the north and on the south side of the Thames . The company held their half-yearly meeting on AYednesday , at the Bridge-house Hotel , when the report of tie directors was approved of by acclamation , and a dividend at the rate of 2 s . Gd . per share declared . This business passed of harmoniously , but the discussion on the policy of opening the Palace on Sunday provoked a most discordant discussion . The Sabbatarians had the events in votes
• worst of it , if not in argument , at all . It was a good-natured , and yet a terrible fight . The authority of bishops and archbishops was despised . Gauntlets were thrown down , which do not appear to have been taken up- The word " Sabbath" was not allowed to be uttered , but the word " Sunday was reckoned permissible . Those who talked of Sunday observance , and yet kept carriages , cabs , omnibuses , and j servants employed on the Sunday , were called li arrant fcumbugs . " In this way tbe storm raged till nearly two Imndred gentlemen were exhausted , and when the vote ¦ was taken , the motion to rescind the resolution for openiDg the Palace to shareholders was rejected by a majority of twenty-four . A ballot was , however , again demanded , and it was fixed to take place on the 12 th of January and other days .
An Austrian Alliance. Eeferking To The T...
AN AUSTRIAN ALLIANCE . Eeferking to the threatening aspect of Italian affairs the Daily News says :-- Austria would fain have us Join in a confederacy against France . All Germany Vai be invited to join a new Treaty of Pilnitz in defence of legitimacy and the status quo of absolutist domination ; and England is besoug ht to become an accomplice . There is one paramount consideration ¦ which ought to weigh in point of policy with English statesmen against taking part on either side in the fray , if it is to come . Were we to do so , it would render inevitable the active interposition of Russia . This , on every accountis what we should most deprecate .
, " While England and Russia remain neutral , there may be sharp contention on the plains of Lombardy , or elsewhere ; but the industry , the arts , the commerce , and the moral -weal of Christendom will be preserved from the calamities of a general war . The pecuniary resources of one-half of the nations of Europe will still be saved from xninous waste ; and the evils of war expenditure will be thereby lightened even for the countries where war may actually prevail . Navigation and trade may still bo pursued with security , to a great extent , and the net Hum of human misery will be greatly lessened . For ourselves , as ft nation , it ia impossible to forget that the
jEwst shot fired in anger between confederacies in either of which the Czar should be engaged , while the Queen of theso realms took part with the other , would be tantamount to the undoing of all we have so latoty suffered ¦ and done to secure the integrity of the Ottoman Empire . Russia might , and probably would , be withheld from unsheathing the sword again , so soqhi after her late re-• wierBes , by the dignified example of reserve on the part of this country . But it is too much to suppose that she « oald remain passive or apathetic were all the other great powers of Europe once committed in deadly conflict . Her hour -would then indeed have come , and it is
ridiculous to imagine that she would be unconscious or apathetic . If it gave Franco , England , and Sardinia . enough to do to restrain her single-handed aggression five years ago , what would the chances bo of saving Turkey from partition if all theso Powers were engaged elsewhere in deadly strife ? Our manifest policy and duty is to abstain impartially , and to counsel and warn others to abstain in like manner . "
Ireland. There Appears To Be No Doubt Th...
IRELAND . There appears to be no doubt that the Government is In possession of information showing extensive disaffection , If not treason , in Ireland . On Sunday , at Belfast , the police effected th « capture of a lilbbon Lodge , comprising fifteen persons , who are of all agfis , and of tufc class of working men . Tim society wan assembled , in ft house la Cromao-streot , and was
surrounded by an armed body of constables . We are not informed of the specilic charge upon which the prisoners will be examined . The authorities have since apprehended sixteen other persons at Kenmare and Killarney on the charge of being members of the Phoenix Associa-r tion . They are mostly young men of a respectable class , such as clerks , shopmen , and assistants . The capture was made with secrecy , but two persons against whom warrants are said to have been issued managed to make their escape . The prisoners were duly despatched to Tralee , under a strong escort of police , for committal . The Kev . Dr . CahilJ , in the Weekly Telegraph ,
addresses words of warning to his " fellow countrymen ; " he tells them that " the Government are generally well informed on the organisation , the plans , and the very names of the leaders of secret societies in Ireland . It cannot be doubted that the proclamation issued in the end of last week by the Lord-Lieutenant has been called forth by the stringent necessity of the case . I have never known a similar proclamation founded on false information . The Viceregal authorities may occasionally make a mistake in the extent of the confederacy , or in individuals ; but beyond dispute their knowledge of its originators , members , abettors , and silent friends , is most accurate . "
A preliminary meeting of landed proprietors was held in Dublin on Saturday , to make arrangements for a general meeting of the landed gentry of Ireland of all parties , for the purpose of taking into consideration tbe defects of the law for the protection of life and property , and the amendments which should be sought for in tbe next , session of Parliament . A Belfast paper says " that the Phoonix . Club was preparing to receive with open arms the regiment of American Militia which we lately heard so much about as coming to Ireland to see once more ther native land . ' Colonel Rvari' was to command them , and their stay in Ireland " was to be about six weeks . During that
time they -were to ' encamp' in the south and in the north . Great things were expected from these Yankee invaders , who would have endeavoured to spread as much disaffection and disloyalty as possible in the breasts of the ignorant people who would have flocked round them . " According to the Cork Constitution , " treason was carried much further than any one not engaged in it suspected . There have been nightly and daily drillings , pikes have been manufactured , arms have been imported , and the use of them has been taught . Government was not a minute too early in interfering ; but it did wisely in waiting until satisfactory evidence was obtained . *'
Sir Mathew Barrington is at Cork , and his arrival is believed to be significant , as confirmation of the rumoured intention of the Government to issue a special commission for the immediate trial of the suspected parties . A large detachment of the Staffordshire Militia has left Cork to occupy the temporary barrack recently hired at Bautry . The artillery at Ballincollig arc held in preparation for movement at an hour ' s warning . The Cork Reporter states that Dr . Delany , the Roman Catholic Bishop of that diocese , has forbidden his clergy from hearing the confession of any member of a secret society , the right rev . prelate reserving all such cases for his own ear . It is said that in some paits of the country the well-known and harmless society of Odd Fellows ha * been banned by tho Roman Catholic clergy , and that such members as belong to that communion are not to receive the rites of the Church any more than the associates of the Riband or treason clubs .
At a Court of Proprietors of the Bank of Ireland a dividend of 4 £ per cent , for the half-year has been struck , making , with the Midsummer dividend , 9 A per cent , for tho year . After making tho dividend , a sum of 800 / . remained to be added to the rest , which now amounts to 1 , 067 , 000 ? . The dividend at this time lust year was 6 per cent .
Accidents And Sudden Deaths. A Dreadful,...
ACCIDENTS AND SUDDEN DEATHS . A dreadful , explosion of firotdamp took pluco on Saturday afternoon at the Tyldosloy Colliery , at Tyldosleyle-Banks , a few miles north-west of Manchester , by which it has been ascertained that twenty-flvo men and boys lost their lives , many of tUo men leaving widows and children to lament their loss . The explosion topk place at a depth of one thousand yards below tho brow of tho pit , so that no noiso was heard by those on tho surface , nor was any gearing injured ; but a minor who was below says that a noise like thunder was heard , and in a moment nearly all tUo colliers and drawers working in the mine wore killed . It was some bourn boforo any of
tno colliers could enter tho pit , on account of tho sulphureous vapour which filled it ; but when it was entered at last , a shocking spcctaclo presented itself on ovory side , and portions of human remains torn from each other wore found scattered about . Tho minors worked nobly to recover tho bodies of Ifhoir unfortunato companions . Tlicvo wore twenty-soven or twouty-olght persons in tho pit at tho time of the accidont . 1 ho pro . oisQ causo of tho calamity is » ot yet ascertained , i'lio Inquest was opened on Wednesday . Tho Government lnspootor Iirb not yet completed his investigation , so that thojuTy uid nothing boyond viewing Ilio botllos ami receiving pqpof of their identity . Thu Inquiry wan udjoiwnod . ^
The steam ^ tug Glowworm , belonging to the ,, hH '"" writers , came into collision with the tuff Chamn 5 Tuesday night , off the Cumbries , when XlgHS Mraws 3 te ^ -S = SS ^^ " ^ ^ ° Wned ^ ^ * 2 £
The Shipping Interest A Mektino Of Gentl...
THE SHIPPING INTEREST A mektino of gentlemen interested In British slw was held on Wednesday , at the London Taver 7 » T take into consideration the ruinous condition of Brif h navigation . " Mr . Duncan Dunbar was in the ch and the following members of the House of ' Comm * were present : —Mr . J . C . Cobbold , Mr . Kobert iS ? Mr . John Mellor and Mr . A . W . Young , Mr II f & Mr- James Clay and Lord Ashley . The large room was crowded with representatives of London firms ami dele gates from the various ports of the kingdom . Tho chairman said that the object of the meetin CWis to take into consideration tlia depressed state of the shipping interest . Some time ago the Lclshture thought lit to repeal the Navigation Laws , but , whatever might be the various opinions as to the expediency of that course , he did not believe there was any one present who believed in the possibility of ro-enaain " ttios- laws , lie was anxious to disclaim , for the meeting , any idea ' . of asking for a reversal of recent legislation on this matter .
Mr . it . F . "ioung moved the first resolution "That British shipping is ; it present , in all its most , important branches , in a state of most deplorable and ruinous depression , has been partly caused and tis greatly a itff ravatcd l > y the . unequal competition to which , by ° repeal of the navigation la w * , British navigation is now exposed with the shipping of foreign countries . " After adverting to hi , s long absence from public life , the hod . gentleman proceeded to disavow , on behalf of the meeting , any intention of . reviving , the controversy of Freetrade r . Protection ; . It was of importance ^ even to obtain a hearing from the general public , that it should be distinctly'understood that they had no intention of flying in the face of the decision which had been arrired
at on that question , however , erroneous some of them might think it . lie was there , not to ask . fur Protection , but for thnple justice . He did not wish for any new legislation , but merely that the law as it now stood should be carried into execution . Mr . Young then went deeply into statistics with ; i view to show that British shipping interests were severely sulleriug from foreign competition , ami that America especially was making great progress at out expense . The evils of
non-reciprocity ' wore also slropgly urged by him , aud lie concluded a . long ami eioqueut speech by saying that for many years lie had been an advocate of what were called the principles of protection ; but he was neither bigoted to protection as a principle , nor to five tradoas a principle . The navigation laws could never be reimposed in their integrity , and th .-y ought not to be , but there was much of good in thu navigation laws , an . I that good ought to be restored , or the maritime commerce of Great Britain must sink from the position which it had so long
occupied . Several othor resolutions oxpressingjlie feelings oftne body ' were unanimously adopted , and also a memorial to the ( > uocn praying that * lio would issue nn order m council depriving the ships of nun -reciprocating couutnes from the unrestricted intercourse which now exists . It will be seen that the promoters of the meeting wow anxious to divest it as much ; is possible of the clmnu' er of a Protectionist gathering , and in the memorial to tlie Queen they " emphatically protest again- > t any attempt to connect their application with any wii & idcratiuus oi disputed systems of general commercial policy . Another lur £ t > meeting of shipowners und others inwrestctl in the shipping interest wa « held at tho Ninora Institute , Slmuwcll , when a resolution was uimnimouy paused in support of tho MeraiutiUi Marino Association .
Naval And Military Greenwich Hosi'itai.....
NAVAL AND MILITARY Greenwich Hosi'itai .. — Tho vnonnt Owe nwR ;! po ° " ' pension has been conferred on Ooinmnnclor Henry com e , who served aa senior lieutenant of tho Mt-nolawi n we Chesapeake , and suorocdo . l to tho cciinmflii d ol u »» men and marines , landed to nttnek n body oi A"H 1 ' troops , on the riunlli of Captain Sir I \ I ' ur' < ; » ' ' Ho has received tho . silver nnvnl modal , and V" b aettort in 1814 for hia valuable nervices . ANicw Gun . —An invention of Mpmw . ^ ' 2 }! : Newcastle , linn boon Hiiti » liwMrlly to » te , l at S . oeuu , ness , the projecting power of which coinplctoij 0 l "I „ that of any pieco of ordnnncu hitherto k " "' t ft uis olovfltion of « 3 degrees it hns flout ft »» " >¦ fc "" Tho taneo of y « 00 yards , or moro than ilvn » " «"' . . same rango has booa _ nttirinod by a ninc-pouiulor , w «»
inc 10 cwt ., of HfuTTfiir construction . ., , y | lfl 3 Wnktio ExPicniMKNTs . -Slr Clwrk'H Inj g ¦ > paid u visit to tlio lloynl l ! n « liioer . « t « ^ S Jlrompton , for tho purpose of wltnowlntf » oino o « i fc inoiitM in blowing up iiiIiiuh l » y "Rt"n'i ll , i i veiitloii current omllloil from a 8 nri « s of iiiM « i ' ' ' ,,, ' , 'rho or Mr . Ab « l , aliomiHl to lliu War ' ^ l , ' ' 11 ""' , " ( Uld mngnota wore arranged by l-wf .-stfor AVl » oal » tw » o ,
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18121858/page/6/