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Ko. 456, December 18, 1858.] T H E Ii E ...
MEXICO. From Mexico we have advices down...
AMERICA. The steam-ship Canada has broug...
SOUTH AMERICAN STATES. By the Canada we ...
CENTRAL AMERICA. The Congress of Central...
AUSTRALIA. The chief items of news in th...
MISCELLANEOUS. This Court.—Her Majesty r...
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W'Lwv Indiks. This La Plata Nrrlvud «T S...
several lives were lost in Manchester . Slight shocks of earthquake were felt on the 18 th and 19 th . GRANADA . The Legislature had adjourned to February after three days' sitting . Some of the financial questions gav « rise to warm discussions . There had been no lack of rain . Sugar-making prospects were good . Cocoa was coming into market briskly . DKMERARA . The weather had been very wet for some time past . It was feared that the sugar crop would be late this year , and scanty . The river was full of shipping , and freights low .
HAYTI . The Paris Union says : — "Three years ago Soulouque suddenly invaded the territory of the Dominican Kepublic . He was beaten , and a short time after an armistice was concluded between him and Santana , under the guarantee of France and England . The armistice expires on the 15 th of February ; war is therefore considered probable , and Santana is said to be very actively preparing for it . "
Ko. 456, December 18, 1858.] T H E Ii E ...
Ko . 456 , December 18 , 1858 . ] T H E Ii E A D E B ,. 13 _ 77 _
Mexico. From Mexico We Have Advices Down...
MEXICO . From Mexico we have advices down to the 18 th Noverdber from the capital , and 21 st from Vera Cruz . General Miramon had arrived at the capital , and Zuloaga was levying contributions to repair the fortifications . The Liberals had been successful at Zacatecas and elsewhere . Three Spanish and two French vessels of war were at Saerificios , and the remainder of the French fleet , with Admiral Renaud . was daily expected .
America. The Steam-Ship Canada Has Broug...
AMERICA . The steam-ship Canada has brought New York news to the 2 nd inst . General Sir W . F * Williams has returned home by her . The New York Herald states that there is no authority for saying that the Spanish Minister had notified to the United States Government that Spain had no ultimate design upon Mexico in sending her fleets into the Gulf . Her object , he says , is the same as that of England and France—simply to protect her citizens and rights . Orders have been sent to have the sloop of war St . Louis , lying at Brooklyn , fitted out as soon as possible , that she , with all the vessels that can be spared , may be sent into the Gulf to look after the interests of the United States .
The trial of Thomas Allibone , president , and T . A . Newhall , director of the Pennsylvania Bank , had commenced at Philadelphia on the 30 tb , on the charge of conspiring , cheating , and defrauding the said bank . It was reported that Secretary Cobb was about to quit the Cabinet , and to succeed Mr . Dallas as Minister to London . A letter brought by the steamer Quaker City says that a number of Nicaragua adventurers have landed
about forty miles from San Juan del Sur . General Walker had suddenly disappeared from Mobile , and an impression prevailed that he was en route for Nicaragua . The grand jury have reported that they found no bill in all the three cases against the crew of the slaver Echo . The counsel for the prisoners will probably move for their discharge , when the question of the constitur tionality of the act declaring the slave trade piracy will come up for argument . The United States Attorney will endeavour to hold the prisoners .
The Jews of I hiladelphia recently memorialised the President to interfere in the case of the boy Mortara . The Secretary of State , General C « ss , in reply to the application , states that it ia the settled policy of the United States to abstain from all interference in the intornal concerns of any other country . The British and French Ministers at Washington were said to bo manifesting great interest in regard to the Mexican imbroglio . Ah English gentleman , named Edwin J . Dickens , formerly engaged on the London press , had been found dead in his bedroom at an hotel in Jersey city . The coroner ' s jury found that he committed suicide by taking poison ; but an investigation by the British Vice-Consul led that gentleman to believe that death was caused by ah overdose of cyanide of potassium , which the deceased had been in the habit of taking for a violent cough under which he suffered .
The City of Baltimore has brought New York intelligence to the 4 th inut ., but there is little of importance . It ia Bftid that tlio Secretory of War will renew Wu recommendation for an increase of the regular army , as Indispensable to the protection of extended frontiers and the maintenance of good order in Utah and the Indian country . The new treaty between the United States and Japan had boon received at Washington : The President had received information from Japan that a full embassy from that country will make its appearance at Washington eome time in May or June next . They will be brought over in An American steamfrigate . A destructive fire had occurred at Rochester , New York , entailing a loss of 14 , 000 dollars . A Democratic State Convention was in session in Virginia , striving to nominate a candidate for Governor .
The contest was very exciting , and was said to be the most bitter and virulent known in the political annals of the State .
South American States. By The Canada We ...
SOUTH AMERICAN STATES . By the Canada we have the important news that General Castilla , President of the Republic of Peru , had declared war , with the sanction of Congress , against Ecuador . A traiii had arrived at Callao from Lima , bringing a number of officers , who proceeded to Pura , Huarez , & c , to raise troops . General San Roman had also corne down to despatch the Peruvian vessels of war in port at Callao to blockade the ports of Ecuador . Ecuador was preparing for a stout resistance , and it was thought that the contest would lead to serious complications with New Granada and other States . General Echenique , it was said , encouraged the Ecuadorians to warin order to overthrow Castilla in Peru .
, Movements toward * revolution were observable in Chili . A fire occurred recently at Valparaiso , and the loss sustained through it was estimated at 60 , 000 dollars . The copper mines of Copiapo and Coquimbo continue to yield abundantly . The President of Chili had issued a decree directing the purchase , in b « half of the republic , of all available Bhares of the Valparaiso and Santiago Railroad . Trade was very dull , and silver coin exceedingly scarce . Reports had . reached Valparaiso of the discovery of very rich gold mines in the Argentine Confederation , about seven leagues from Mendoza , at a place called Canada Honda .
The La Plata brings news that business was very dull at Valparaiso , and the scarcity of silver coin was much felt . At Callao some excitement was felt about Ecuador , and extensive preparations were making to prosecut e the war with vigour . An extraordinary bill had been presented to Congress , and was expected to pass into an act , proposing to recognise and pay all the debts of Vivanco during the revolution , to recognise all the officers of the army and navy in their full grades , no matter of what party , and pay all arrears due since out of commission , and all exiles to return home to Peru .
Central America. The Congress Of Central...
CENTRAL AMERICA . The Congress of Central American Presidents will take place in the city of Guatemala this month , when a special agreement will , it is said , be made , by which , in case of invasion , the five CeHtral American States will act in concert .
Australia. The Chief Items Of News In Th...
AUSTRALIA . The chief items of news in the accounts from the gold-fields is the failure of the Fitzroy diggings at Port Curtis . A great rush had taken place to that spot , and the disappointment was excessive . The Parliament of Victoria was opened by Sir Henry Barkly on the 9 th October . The « fate of the Reform Bill in the Upper House was looked forward to with much interest . It was understood to be the intention of the Ministry , in case this ! measure is again rejected , to
demand a dissolution of Parliament . The Governors speech was remarkable for a strong expression of personal opinion that the enactment of the measures which had failed to become law during the previous session was " absolutely indispensable . " In announcing that the Reform Bill and the estimates -were the two principal subjects the Legislature were called together to deal with , his Excellency stated that several other bills would be submitted to it , but not so pressed as to delay the general election .
On the 15 th the Ministerial Budget was laid before the Assembly . " We have to congratulate the colony , " says the Argus , " on the proud financial position in which it appears she stands , At this moment the colony is free of debt . She will have a balance in the present your over and above the expenditure of 307 , 879 ' . » available for the service of the year 1859 . " Since the departure of the previous mail , Sir Henry Barklv had mude a tour of a considerable portion of the country , having visited Belfast ^ Ararat , Clunes , Ballarat , & o . Everywhere his Excellency was received with demonstrations of loyalty .
Mr . George Coppin , the comedian , of the Melbourne Theatre Royal , has been elected a member of the Legislative Council for the south-western provinces .
Miscellaneous. This Court.—Her Majesty R...
MISCELLANEOUS . This Court . —Her Majesty remains at Oeborno . The Court Circular merely records the daily walks and rides of the Queen and her children . The Prince Consort shoots occasionally . The Prince of Wulos returned on Thursday night from Berlin . His brother Alfred has been received in a very flattering way at Gibraltar and Tungiors ; from the nowo wo continue to receive It does not appear that the royal midshipman will have to " rough it" much . Punuo Hkai-tu . —The state of health of the metropolis assumed a more favourable aspect last week . The number of deaths was 151 ) 1 , being 207 loss than the former week , though still some 200 above the average rate . The births for the weak amounted to 1805 .
Law Amendment Society . —On Tuesday an important letter was read from Lord Brougham on a defect which he considers exists in the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court . His lordship alleges that no provision has been made in the act for the detection of conspiracy or collusion between the husband and wife , and he appears to think that the only chance of protection to the court is to make the Attorney-General , or his representative , * a party to all divorce cases . The adjourned debate on the unanimity of juries question was again proceeded with . Considerable differences of opinion were expressed , and ultimately the report of the committee was received .
Diplomatic Appointments . —The staff of the mission to China appears to be arranged . The Hon . Frederick Bruce is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary . Mn Horace Rumbold will be Secretary of Legation . The first paid attache is Mr . William de Norman ; and Mr , Horace St . Clair and Mr . G . Wyndham are appointed , attaches . —Lord Napier is appointed to the embassy of the Hague , and Lortf Lyons is despatched from the Court of Tuscany to Lord Napier ' s post at Washington . Mr . Scarlett i » removed from Brazil to Tuscany , and Mr . Forbes from Saxony to Brazil . The new Minister for Saxony is Mr . Paget , now Secretary of Legation at Berlin .
English Game in Australia . —Attention is being paid to the introduction of game and song birds , natives of England , into Australia . Mr . Austin , of Geelong , now in . this country , shipped last month ninety-two partridges , sixty-four pheasants , six hares , besides a goodly number of blackbirds and thrushes , for his estate at Darwon Park , near Geelong . An experienced gamekeeper has gone out in charge . Several other shipments have lately been made , and there can be no doubt that gentlemen in the position of Mr . Austin are able to accomplish the successful introduction of game to the antipodes . We should like to see a general movement in . the matter , and have little apprehension of such a scheme not meeting a hearty co-operation from a large body of colonists and the landed proprietors of England . —Aitstralian and New Zealand Gazette .
Mb . Disraeli . —The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli is a godsend to the Boheme des lettres . He is the first of the race who has been trusted with the exchequer . He has frankly announced that he does not resign the principles or renounce the practices of the Ishmaelites of society . The god of red tape in religion and politics hates this Free Lauce with its whole heart . He has defied the respectabilities , fought them on their own ground , and routed them ignominiously . He can afford to scoff with impunity at the leader of the Puritans , in the face of the Puritan English . Noble lords await his pleasure , and wealthy commoners—according to Eastern metaphor—tie his shoe-strings . Upon the whole , at the present moment he is perhaps the greatest
man in the great metropolis—his cousin Rothschild not excepted . Young Mr . Disraeli was fluent and volatile as either ; but the Chancellor of the Exchequer is a grave and solemn personage ; very magnificent in the dignified deference he pays to the assembly which he rules , and to the beefeaters of old England who sit behind his back , But the whole affair is a farce at bottom . Were he for a single moment to unloose the cat-like restraint in which he contains himself , he would inevitably burst into a passion of Jove-like laughter which would fright St . Stephen ' s from its propriety . The fierce wild light of the Isumaelitish wanderer would gleam from his eyes , and casting himself upon " The Daughter of the Eastern Sun , " ere Spooner and Newdegate had recovered from their panic at the " excessive
imprudence" of the minister , the Arab would disappear amid the dust of the desert . How can the politics of our puny societies affect a man like this ? Talk of consistency or of inconsistency to the Bedouin sheik whom you have caught , and tried to tame ! " What's Hecuba to him , or he to Hecuba ? " Tory , Whig , Radical , are only names ; but the conduct of war , of Government , of men , ore realities that may satisfy the ambition even of a Hebrew King . — Fraser ' a Magazine . Middle Class Examinations . —On Tuesday the University Middle Class Examinations for the county of Sussex was inaugurated by a public meeting held at Chichester . The Bishop of the diocese took part in the proceedings . The Examiner appointed to conduct the examination was also present . The advantages of the system wore strikingly portrayed by the vario « 3 speakers .
Tithes . —A speech has been addressed by the Rev . W . W . Malet to his parishioners , on the occasion of their visiting him at his parsonage to pay tithes and the rent of his glebe . He justified the continued imposition of these charges , on the ground ( hat they were voluntary contributions on the part of the former owners of property . He also assuiled recent logislutio * on the subject . Loud Campbell . —When Mr . John Campbell , student of theology in St . Mary ' s College , St . Andrew a , N . B .. waa working away at his Hebrew , or drilling the lads to whom he actpd aa tutor , and Hying sparingly on a few pounds a year , ho would no doubt have thought It a tremendous thing If ho had been told that ho would yet bo a peer—that he would bo Lord Chief Justice of England—and tlmt he would , upon more than one great occasion , prosldo over the assembled aristocracy of Bri-
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_18121858/page/9/