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Oct. 19, 1850.] M^t %t&1tt t* 705
1 The Cork Examiner states that a long p...
AND ITS OFFICIAL ACTS. ff intnumb Wtmutuvit
This page is accorded to an authentic Ex...
"We postpone the remarks upon the manife...
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Monday Being The Day To Which Parliament...
the well-known Arctic voyager , is a decided conviction that they are traces of Sir John Franklin ' s expedition . ** A West Kent clergyman , " in the Times , says that the houses of ten clergymen of his neighbourhood have been broken into within the last nine months , and that an equal , if not greater number of the laity have suffered in the same way . A fire of a very alarming character , and attended with a considerable destruction of property , broke out in the range of premises belonging to Messrs . Beacb , leather manufacturers , Grange-road , Bermondsey , on Wednesday morning . Owing to the highly inflammable nature of the stock in trade , coupled with the ignitible character of the builtlinqjs , the fire extended with unusual
swiftness , so that in less than a quarter of an hour after the fire was first seen , upwards of one hundred feet of the three floors of the manufactory were in flames . It was nearly three o ' clock before the fire was extinguished , and by that period a considerable portion of the manufactory was levelled with the ground , and the houses on the opposite side of the road much burnt . William Abbott Cook , a painter , about thirty-five years of age , was instantaneously killed on Monday evening , at the mansion belonging to Lord Palmerston , in Carlton-gardens . He was one of a number of men who have been engaged in painting and decorating his Lordship ' s residence , and , missing his hold on the scaffold on which he was standing , overbalanced himself and fell to the ground , a distance of nearly forty feet .
The train which left London by the Great Northern Railway , on Sunday evening , at five p . m ., came in contact with a wagon laden with stone at the Stevenage station , by which six passenger carriages and a few horse boxes and luggage vans were much damaged . The stoker of the train received several severe but not dangerous wounds , and many passengers were bruised and slightly injured . No lives was , however , lost . A serious accident occurred on the H add ing ton branch of the North British Railway , on Monday , caused by the sudden starting of the engine off the rails . The carriage proceeded a short distance along the line , after the engine became disconnected , and one of them was broken to pieces by the shock . Four persons were seriously wounded , but none of them dangerously .
In the Consistory Court of Gloucester ,, before Dr . Phillimore , judgment was given in the case of " Sharp v . Dauncey , " last week . The suit was preferred against the defendant for defaming the character of the promoter , a single lady , daughter of an innkeeper at Stonehouse . Dauncey , who is a bootmaker living at Stonehouse , was sentenced to do penance in the parish church , and pay £ 12 towards costs . The cart which conveys the mail from Wolverhampton to Birmingham was robbed of one of the mail bags on Wednesday night week . The bags , it appears , had been safely delivered to the driver of the cart , but on the arrival of the cart at Birmingham , on taking the bags belonging to Wolverhampton and the intermediate towns into the office , the person in charge found _ that one which he had received at Bilston was missing . The entire loss is about £ 5000 .
At the Liverpool Police Court , on Thursday morning , the prisoners , Martin Maguire and Sirrell , were brought up before Mr . Itushton , the former charged with having stolen a quantity of silver plate from the house of Mrs . Tinley , Peel-street , Toxteth-park , and the latter with having received the same , knowing it to be stolen . The facts of the case were that ., when Sirrell ' s premises were searched by the police , there were some silver articles found , with a slip of paper attached , on which was written , " From Martin Maguire , 32 , School-lane , Liverpool " These articles were subsequently identified as belonging to Mrs . Tinley , and as having been stolen from her
residence , but in consequence of the inability of the police to discover any person who could swear to Maguire ' s handwriting , the prisoner was discharged . Sirrell and M'Auley were to be brought before the county magistrates yesterday on the charge connected with the burglary at Crosby , when they would be finally committed . Mr . ltushton , in reference to the charge against Maguire and Sirrell , and the hitch in the evidence , said , " I have 3 io hesitation in saying that , if you could have proved the handwiiting , I would have committed them both in an instant . It is but right that an example should be made of such a man as Sirrell , who , no doubt , is at the root of , and prime mover in , three-fourihs of the robberies . "
The Mansfield poachers are said to have become so numerous that , to " ensure " themselves against emergencies , they have actually established a " protective fund . " r „ In the year 179 / 5 a female , who was cook to Mrs . Metcalf , a widow lady , residing at the Porch house , at Northallerton , in cutting a turnip , found in the heart of it a gold ring , and immediately made her mistress acquainted with so extraordinary a circumstance . The lady sent for Mrs . Wood , the gardener's wife . It turned out that the ring found was Mrs . Wood ' s wedding ring , which she had lost , when weeding in the garden , ten or twelve years before—Leeds Intelligencer .
Oct. 19, 1850.] M^T %T&1tt T* 705
Oct . 19 , 1850 . ] M ^ t % t & 1 tt t * 705
1 The Cork Examiner States That A Long P...
1 The Cork Examiner states that a long protest is at present in course of signature in Cork , to support the representation of the thirteen bishops who have op . pealed to Home against the condemnation of the Queen's Collccros . A . s W . II . Kenney , J P ., of Rocksavagc , inthceounty of Monaghan , was passing from his drawing-room into the hall on Sunday evening , he was fired at from without , and his shoulder grazed by two or three shots . Several othf > r shots were found in the hall . The Armngh Guardian gravely states , on the authority of a clergyman—the best judge in such mattersthit " since the improvement in the linen trade , now only a few months , the marriages celebrated by him in his parish have been more numerous than they altogether were lor the previous two and a half years . So much for etui'luyincut . "
And Its Official Acts. Ff Intnumb Wtmutuvit
€ uxnpan Wtmutu ^ AND ITS OFFICIAL ACTS .
This Page Is Accorded To An Authentic Ex...
This page is accorded to an authentic Exposition of the Opinions and Acts of the Democracy of Europe : as such we do not impose any restraint on the utterance of opinion , and . therefore , limit our own responsibility to the authenticity of the statement .
"We Postpone The Remarks Upon The Manife...
"We postpone the remarks upon the manifesto of the Central European Democratic Committee with , which we had proposed to occupy this week ' s page , in order to make room for a document of much interest of which ours is the first publication in any shape . It is the first manifesto of the Italian National Committee , constituted by and representing the entire national party throughout Italy . We shall give next week the circular to which the manifesto refers , and which concerns the project of a national loan of 10 , 000 , 000 francs , of which the notes are alredy in course of being issued .
The Italian National Committee. . To The...
THE ITALIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE . . TO THE ITALIANS . On the 4 th of July , 1849 , Rome having fallen by foreign arms , some representatives of the people , convinced that this event was but the first page of the Epopee of the Italian people , and firm in their belief in the future of their country , adopted , in the name of God and of the people , the following Act : — " Considering : " That no Government is legitimate unless it represent the nationalidea of the people over whose collective life it presides , and be freely recognized by that people : " That the national idea of Rome is now incontestably that of Independence , of Liberty , and of Italian Unity : " That the present Government of Rome , implanted and maintained by the force of foreign arms on the ruins of the People ' s Republic , does not represent that idea : " Considering , also , " That for the speedy development and for the ultimate triumph of the national idea , the unification , and the regular action of all the elements now isolated and deprived of a common direction are required : " That this object can only be attained by the institution of a central directing body : " That it little matters where such central body exists
and acts , provided only that the idea and the future of the nation be better represented and promoted by it than by any of the existing Governments : ' * Considering , lastly , " That the Roman Constituent Assembly , by virtue of its direct and legitimate election by the people , by virtue of the principle proclaimed in its first deliberations , and by its own acts increasing the glory and the future hopes of the nation , has been latterly the power which most legitimately and perfectly represents the national idea : " That Venice , where , after the fall of Rome , the representation of the national idea might be concentered , is now surrounded by enemies , and on the eve of
succumbing : " That misfortune and exile do not lessen or interrupt the rights and duties of a People and its representatives , but confirm and sanction them : " We , Representatives of the People , Members of the Roman Constituent Assembly , obeying the voice of our consciences , and mindful of the wants of the nation , constitute provisionally , and until the People shall be enabled freely to manifest its wishes , an Italian National Committee , composed of the following citizens : — " Joseph Mazzini , ex-triumvir of the Roman Republic , " Aurclio Saffi , idem , " MattiaMontecchi , idem , in the Executive Committee
of the Roman Republic . «• And we entrust them with the mandate , and confer upon them the power ofCoNTKAOTiNGALoANin the name of the Roman People , and in behalf of the National cause ; and generally of promoting , by every useful political or financial act , the reiistablishment in Rome of the legitimate authority of the People—empowering them to add to their number , if necessary , two or more other Italian citizens—and appealing to all true Italians to assist them by every possible means in the execution of their labour , and to conform themselves , as much as possible , to any regulations they may issue in the interest of the nation at large . * " Rome , July 4 , 1819 . "
This honourable mandate was accepted by the three citizens named in the Act , who passed together into exile , whilst circumstances compelled the third Triumvir of the Republic to take refuge in another country . The elements of action were , as time and means permitted , reorganized : the disbanded ranks of the National party Wo abstain from publishing the names of tho representatives and others who ai ^ ned this Act , not to < -xj > oho tliuin to tho lierHCcutiuii of tin ; governments umler which tln . 'y now live . The oruriiiul sijrtiiituroa , however , arc in tho hands of thu Secretary of th « Committee , and may ha examined by any trustworthy mraon wishing to seu them .
were rallied around a centre . The Act was not published , because , for a mere preparatory labour no mandate was required , except that which the state of the country gives to every man endowed with a firm faith , with love , and with a spirit not resigned to slavery ; bul it was presented to those of our scattered brethren with whom it was most easy to communicate ; and the signatures of sixty representatives of the Republic were thui affixed to it , as well as those of a hundred others belonging to all the Italian provinces and well known t to theij fellow-citizens by the offices which they had filled : in the National Assemblies of Venice , Sicily , and Naples , and in governments favouring the movement of late years , oi
by their having served in our armies . Our labours being now more advanced , we think the time for its publication has arrived . A period of new life is now initiated foi European Democracy and for the just cause of the Peoples : a compact has been entered into between the men of thought and of action , belonging to nations struggling for truth and for eternal right against falsehood and arbitrary power ; and it is important that the Italian National party should now assume a bolder consciousness of itself , of its strength , and of its mission . The present address which the National Committee , fully and formally constituted , now direct to their fellowcountrymen , is a preamble to a series of Acts destined efficiently to promote the triumph of the national idea .
The principles which guide our action are well known . They are included in the limits of our mandate , and confirmed by multifarious and manifest proofs of the national will : — Independence , Liberty , Unification—our object : War and an Italian Constituent Assembly—the means . The foreigner is encamped on our soil ; we wish to chase him thence . We are all , more or less , the slaves of Institutions and Governments which deaden in us both the dignity and the conscience of the citizen ; we wish to
be free—all of us—free as God has wished us to be . We are separated from each other by laws , custom-houses , armies , foreign influences , ambitions , and treaties ; and we wish to be united . Free , united , strong in our brotherhood , we shall provide for our national futurity according to our tendencies , our present consciousness , and the counsels of the best amongst us . Our policy is simple , straightforward , free from sophisms and from every Utopia . It has prevailed , and will prevail more and more , over all the studied and complex schemes of local parties or of sects .
" Italy , " we have said in a circular * of the National Association , " wills to be a nation , both for her own sake and that of others ; for right and duty ; for the right of a collective life , a collective education , and an increasing collective prosperity ; for the duty which she has to fulfi to humanity at large , in the boso n of which she has a mission to fulfil , truths to promulgate , ideas to diffuse . " Italy wills to be one , as a nation : one , not in Napoleonic unity , in exaggerated administrative centralization , which absorbs for the benefit of a metropolis , for that of a Government , the liberty of the other portions of the country , but united by a constitution , by
an assembly interpreting that constitution , by common international relations , by a national army , by laws , by education , by a political unity harmonizing with the existence of provinces delineated by local and traditional characteristics , and of large communities participating as much as possible in the elections of the national Government , and endowed with all the necessary powers for carrying out the purpose of their common association . " And to be a nation , Italy must by action and sacrifice acquire the consciousness of her duties and rights . Hence , independence and liberty ought to be established ,
not only for but by the People . A battle fought by all is victory for all . " Insurrection i 3 a struggle to conquer the revolution , that is to say , the nation . The insurrection ought , therefore , to be national : it should unfurl everywhere the same banner , rise with the same faith , and for the same object . Wherever it breaks out it ought to be in tho name of all Italy , and it should never cease until the emancipation of the whole of Italy be completed . ' Insurrection ceases when revolution begins . The on ? is war , the other a pacific manifestation . Hence insurrection and revolution must each be governed by differen laws and rules . In the one , power , concentrated in th < hands of a few men chosen by the People in action , foi their virtues , genius , and tried energy , must derive it !
mandate from the insurrection itself , and be victorioui in the struggle . To the People alone belongs the go vc-rnment of the revolution . All is but provisory in thi first period ; but when once tho country shall be frcet from the end of Sicily to the Alps , the Italian Constituen Assembly , met in Rome—the metropolis and holy city o the nation , will proclaim the thought of the People . " These are , and always were , our principles—they wer so many years ago , when the National Pauty was bu the hope of a few scattered individuals , and the mottc God and the People , seemed to be but a dream of sotn youthful and too daring minds . That party is now con Htitutod and powerful ; that motto consecrated the decree of the National Assemblies of Rome and Venice , of tlios two cities which have saved the honour of Italy . In This circular , which concerns the project of a national loa entrusted to the Italian National Committee , as wo have see ubovu , will bu presented to our readers next week .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 19, 1850, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_19101850/page/9/