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1220 _ YHE LEAD El. [No. 404, December 1...
¦ Cunuim-riiil Mnirs.
.. + London/Friday Evening, December 18....
Blackburn, 9, 9J ; Caledonian, 80,80fc; ...
CORN MARKET.. Mark-lane, Friday, Decembe...
K EAT ING'S COUGH LOZENGES.— For half a century this well known remedy for Pulmonary disorders has successfully stood the test of
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1220 _ Yhe Lead El. [No. 404, December 1...
1220 _ YHE LEAD El . [ No . 404 , December 19 . 1857
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. M...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . MUNRO . —Dec . 14 , at Pembroke-road , Dublin , the wife of W . Munro , Esq ., M . D .: a daughter . NICHOLLS . —Dec . 13 . at the Holy Trinity Parsonage , Forest of Dean , the wife of the Rev . H . G . Nicholls : a son . PARISS . —Dec . 10 , at Battersea « ftelds , the wife of Henry P & riss , Esq .: a daughter . MARRIAGES . BATEMAN—WAINMAN .-Dec . 16 , at the parish church , Leeds , S . Bateman , Esq ., of Crimple Villa , Pannal , near Harrogate , to Elizabeth , daughter of W- AVainman , Esq ., of Armley , near Leeds . EVERED—FAZAKERLEY . —Dec 15 , at the parish church , Chorley , Lancashire , the Rev . E . R . F . Evered , B . A .. to Isabella Marie , daughter of the late H . H . Fazakerley , Esq ., of Gillibrand Hall , and Fazakerley House , Lancashire . DEATHS . BARROW . —Dec . 15 , at New-street , Spring-gardens , the Dowager Lady Barrow , relict of the late Sir J . Barrow , Bart , aged 81 . . CH ALLONER , —At Portnall-park , after a very protracted illness . Anne , wife of Colonel Bisse Challoner , in the 73 rd year of her age . She was eldest daughter of the late Nicholas Loftus Tottenham , of Glenfarne Hall , county of Leitrim , and cousin to the late Jlarquis of Ely . DOGGETT . —Dec . 15 , at Charlotte street , Titzroy-square , J . Doggett , Esq . aged 72 .
Fkom The London Gazette. Tuesday* Decemb...
FKOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday * December 15 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . -Robert Bkadley , Trafalgar-road , Old Kent-road , and Cumberland-place , Southwark , manufacturer of paper-hangings . BANKRUPTS .-Fkedirick Stone , Oxford , hotclkeeper —JAMHS & Chapman , Sevenoaks . grocer—William Bates , Surbiton , Keeused victualler—Charles Wheals , late of Lowestoft , wooirendraper- —Hejtry Bedfokd Lemeke , High-street , Kotting-hill , draper—Henbt Tyzack , Oldstreet-road , tool manufacturer—Robert Falk , St . Maryat-Hill . Little Tower-street , merchant—John McBean , Pillgwenlly , near Newport , Monmouthshire , shoemaker—Thomas Hut , Areley "Wood ; near Stourport , Warwickshire , timber merchant—Awn Haxwaed , Shrewsbury , innkeeper—Williak Swai 2 t Roberts , Leicester ,
bookseller—Joseph Pbekma . 1 t , Bradford and Kildwick , Yorkshire , wool top maker—Edward Haigh , Hipperholtne-cum-Brighonse , Yorkshire , cotton-spinner — Charles and Thomas Pii > xiNGTQsr , Sheffield , joiners' tool manufacturers—Thomas Eilis , Sheffield , steel manufacturer—Thomab Driver Roach , Kingston-upon-Hull , merchant—Thomas McCarta , n , Kingston-upon . Hu . ll , linen , draper—James and John Crabtree , Habergham Eaves , Lancashire , cotton manufacturers—Agop Beshiktaslian , Manchester and Constantinople , merchant—Samuex . HulmlE , Heaton Norris , Lancashire , cotton-spinner—Daxid Hni , Edenhall , Cumberland , cattle dealer . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —J . CRxriCKSHAifE , Glasgow , Perth , and Paisley , baker—H . Mair , Glasgow , bootmaker—C . Crochlet . Inverness , jeweller—J . H . Grahx and C . Douglas , Glasgow , engineers — J . Anderson , Dundee , grocer .
Frtday , December 18 . BANE 3 fcUPTCY ANNULLED . — Wjiium Benjamin Phillips , Birmingham , bolt manufacturer . BANKRUPTS—Thomas Tctlly , Tudely , Kent , builder —Thomson Webb . Park-terrace , Caniden-town , cheesemonger—George Belsey , Isle of Thanet , corn dealer—John Coling , Stratford , Essex , timber merchant—Samuel Pearce , Minories , City , oilman — "William Kempson "Walkkr , Wolverhampton , skin merchant—John Owen and John Mattthew Gotch , Worcester , bankers—Joseph Davehport ; Sheffield , silver plater — Samuel Bracegirdle , Leftwich , Cheshire timber merchant — John Griffith Williams , Newport , Monmouthshire , ropemaker—George Parsons , Oakhill , Somersetshire ,
ironmonger—Robert Hknrt Anderson , York , scrivener—George Johnson , Notting-hill , upholsterer—John Britten , Park-road , Dalston , dealer in worsted braids—John Htjbbebsty , Kingston-upoii-Hull , broker—John Walkkr , Bridlington , Yorkshire , coal merchant—John Lancaster and John Brafoku , Walsnll , iron manufacturers — William Rainford . Liverpool , cabinet maker—Alfred Gxjttmann , Manchester , lace manufacturer—William Wild , Rochdale , machine maker—Hobert Lees , Friory Mills , Oldhani , cotton spinner—Elizabeth Onion ana William Onion , Drury-lane , coach fringe manufacturers —George Ash-worth , Manchester , manufacturer—Christopher Cbosb , Habergham Eaves , near Burnley , cotton manufacturer .
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —William Brown and Co ., Glasgow , oil merchants—John M'DodgaLX , llothesay , cattle dealer—Charles Gheejsshiexds Reii > , Portobello , writer to the signet—James Simpson , Keith , Banffshire , solicitor—David Neill , Glasgow , stoneware manufacturer —William Bailey , juu ., Edinburgh and Leith , merchant —William Hailstones , Clarkston , Lanarkshire , grocer-Patrick : R . IIussell , Bathgate , draper—Alex . Chalmers , Grccnock , grocer .
¦ Cunuim-Riiil Mnirs.
¦ Ciinunminl Mairs .
.. + London/Friday Evening, December 18....
.. + London / Friday Evening , December 18 . TnE English funds opened this morning at 911 , 02 ex div for January account and close 021 . S 21 for account . Yesterday they rose Irora 01 ft to 913 , at which they opened , to the opomnK price ol this morning . Owing to purchases ) of a speculative character grounded on tlie arrival ortlio Atlantic from Now York with 340 , 000 * ., and the announcement of another reduction of the rate of discount bv the Bank of France , the rate is now 0 per cent on all descriptions of UiUs . Money was plentiful m the Stock Exchange and in tho discount market
. Quotations in tho foreign stock market have improved , especially in the case of Turkish and Buenos Ayrca . Tug settlement on tho 10 th passed off quietly . Midlands and North Easterns proved scarce , and have risen considerably on the account . Improvement has also been shown in Great Westerns , Great Northerns , North Stafl'ordshire , and Caledonians , but of a less marked diameter . In tho foreign market there lias beon a demand at improved prices for Luxembourg * , Antwerp and Rotterdam , Lombardo Venetian , and Dutch Ithonlsh aharos . In tho mining market business is quiet . Tho Atlantic brings advlcca of a favourable nature from America , and wo
may expect a further and larger arrival of gold with the Africa , due eai-ly next week . The commercial world continues to be shaken by further failures , and the disclosures of the accounts of many of those firms already suspended , and considerable time must elapse ere thorough confidence will be restored . The demand for money at the Bank is light , and easy in the stock Exchange .
Blackburn, 9, 9j ; Caledonian, 80,80fc; ...
Blackburn , 9 , 9 J ; Caledonian , 80 , 80 fc ; Chester and Hoiyhead , 81 , 83 ; Eastern Counties , 58 . J , 5 » i ; Great Northern . 95 J , 9 G £ , x . d . ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ; , 97 , 99 , Great Western , 52 J . 53 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire . 921 , 93 * ; London and Blackwall , 5 f , 6 ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 103 , 104 ; London and North-Western , 96 96 t ; London and South . Western . 91 , 92 ; Midland , 884 , 89 ; 2 vorth-Easteru ( Berwick ) , 95 , S 6 ; South - Eastern , ( Dover ) , 67 i . 08 }; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 61 , 61 ; Dutch Rhenish , 5 , 4 } dis . ; Eastern of France ( Paris and Strasbourg ) . 26 , 26 * ; Great Central of France , ; Great Luxembourg , 6 J , 7 / S ; Northern of France , 37 , 37 * ; Paris & J ^ i ^ JP * iJ ^ L ?&& - « » i . v * vi
Corn Market.. Mark-Lane, Friday, Decembe...
CORN MARKET . . Mark-lane , Friday , December 18 . There have been a good many-orders in London for small cargoes of \ V heat , while . " oil the other hand supplies have been moderate , and the tone of the trade seems more healthy throughout the country . The shipments from America to Liverpool last month were about 200 , 000 qrs . This must have pretty well exhausted New York of all that can be spared at present , as a considerable quantity will be rea uired to make up the deficiency in receipts of Flour from the Western States , amounting since September to oiie and a half million of ^ barrels . The present quotations on the spot are—ruiibvof red Englishes . ; Saxonka , 46 s . ; Odessa GMrka , 60 s . per 492 lbs- ; Louvaui , 52 s . per 495 lbs . Norfolk Tlour 33 s . bd . per sack . Odessa Barley , 23 s - per 400 lbs . Odessa Oats 17 s ., superior 20 s .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) _ ,- - ¦ - \ Sat . \ Mon . \ Tues . \ Wed . \ Thur . Frid . Bank Stock ............ ; 219 i 217 217 J 21 S 4 218 217 3 perCent . Red 91 i [ 91 i ' 9 U 91 i 91 f 92 3 perCerit . Con . An . ! ...... I 92 J ! ... I 91 g 924 Consols for Account' 914 ' 9 Ii i 914 915 9 ll i 92 A New 3 per Cent . An . ; ..... ! 91 J | 9 « 91 f 91 i I 92 i New 2 i per Cents ... ! ...... | . '¦ ... I Long Ans . 1860 ...... I ' 10-16 ' 13-16 ..... . ' ! """ India Stock . . ' ...... ' ....... I . ' j Ditto Bonds . £ iooo ; .. ; . ; . . I ...... ... .. .. " . ! "' i 28 ' d Ditto , under ^ 61000 : 20 d ! ...... 26 d 35 d ! i Ex . Bills , £ 1000 ...... par i par 4 d- ! 4 d | 4 * d 1 "id Ditto , £ 500 ............. par ] par lp par i par I 5 d Djtto . Sjn ^ ll ........... 2 p I _ 2 p 2 d ¦ : _ 1 pJ a . p i 2 d FOREIGN FUNDS . Last Official Qjtotaxiojj Dt 7 KiNennE \ VEEKEirDiNG Thukbday Eventing . ) Brazilian Bonds . ......... 97 ( Portuguese * per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents 93 I Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian G per Cents ..... ! Cents .............. ... Chilian 3 per Cents .. 693 Russian s per Cents .. " .. 96 Dutch 24 per Cents ....... 62 i Spanish . 25 i Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . 96 Spanish Committee Ccr-Equador Bonds ... . of Coup , not fun ........ 5 Mexican Account ......... 19 J i Turkish 6 per Cents . Peruvian 44 perCents .... ? .. j Turkish New , 4 ditto Portugueses per Cents . ... ' Venezuela 44 per Cents .. 31 J
K Eat Ing's Cough Lozenges.— For Half A Century This Well Known Remedy For Pulmonary Disorders Has Successfully Stood The Test Of
K EAT ING'S COUGH LOZENGES . — For half a century this well known remedy for Pulmonary uisui auuctssiuiiy siouu Hie lest
uera uas or pUDllC approval , and their usefulness has been extended to every climo and country of the civilized world . They may be found alike on the gold-iields of Australia , the back-woods of America , in every important place in the East or West Indies , and i n the palace of Pekiti . During this long period they have withstood the pretensions of numerous inferior rivals , and are the now acknowledged antidote for Coughs , Colds , Asthma , & c . Prepared and Sold in Boxes , Is- lid ., and Tins , 2 s , 9 d ., by THOMAS KEATIN G , 79 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London . Itctail by all Druggists .
HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS INVINCIBLE REMEDIES FOE , SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS . —Mr . Spivey , Chemist , Howden . states tliat a customer of his had suffered for fifteen years with scorbutic humour in the face , and had consulted the most eminent medical men in the town and neighbourhood , without deriving the slightest benefit . A few weeks ago , I advised lier to give your Ointment and Pills a trial , winch she did , and after taking a few boxes of Pills , and using tho Ointment , I am happy to say they have effected a complete cure . Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world ; at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishments , 24 , 4 , Strand . London , an i 8 n , Maiden-lano , Now York ; by A . Stampa , Constantinople ; A . Guidicy , Smyrna ; and 15 . Muir , Malta .
rpitIESEMAR .---Protected by ltoyal Letters J- Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Ecolo do Pharmacies do Paris , and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . Trksemar , No . 1 , is a rcniouy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Triescmar , Noi 2 , effectually , in tho short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of thoso disorders which capsules liavo so long been thought an antidote for , to the rui 11 of tho health ofa vast portion of tho population . Trieuomar , No . 3 , is thogreat Continental remedy for that class ol 'disorders which unfortunately tlio hiighuh physician treats with mercury , to the incvitablo destruction
HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . — PICCOLOMINI , SPEZIA , and G 1 UGLINI . BELLETTI , ROSSI , VIALETTI , and ALDIGHIEIU . THREE EXTRA NIGHTS . TUESDAY . Dec . 29 , THURSDAY , Dec . 31 , SATURDVY Jan . 2 . The following favourite Operas will be given : ¦ ¦¦ " TUESDAY , Dec . 29 th , IL TROVATORE . c » mt JU . ? l Dcc - 31 st , LA TRAVIATA . SATURDAY , Jan . 2 nd , LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR . _ Prices : — Pit stalls , 12 s . Gd . ; Boxes ( to hold four persons ) , ? 7 * , & . uc Pair ' " 2 s - ' Grand Tier , Si . 3 s . ; Two Pair . U . Ha .-. Three Pair , 15 s ., Gallery Boxes , 10 s . ; Gallery stalls , 3 s . 6 d , ; Gallery , 2 s . ; Pit , 3 s . 6 d . The box roffice will be open on Wednesday . Dec . 23 rd , and boxes and stalls may iu the meantime be secured by application to Mr . Fish , stage door , her Majesty s Theatre .
PROFESSOR WILJALBA FRIKELL . St . Jamks ' s Theathe . TWO HOURS OF ILLUSIONS . "PHYSICAL AND NATURAL MAGIC , -I- without tho aid of any Apparatus . SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 , and EVERY EVENING at 8 , ( except Thursday and Friday , December 24 th and 25 th ) . Stalls , 5 s . ; Balcony Stalls , 4 s . ; Boxes , 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s .-, Gallery , Is . Private Boxes , Two Guineas ; 0 »> e Guinea and a half , and One Guinea . Places to be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street .
piHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . —The South Ken-V ^ / sington M us « ura aud Schools will be open to the Public FREE in the MORNING and EVENING from the 26 th or December to the 2 nd of January next , both days inclusive . By order of the Committee of Council on Education .
f ^ iHRISTY'S MINSTRELS , PolygrapbicHall , V ^ Strand .-r-Monday , the 140 th Entertainment in London . Open every evening at 8 , and on Saturday a Morning . Entertainment , commencing at 3 . Stalls , 38 . ; Area , 2 s . ; Amphitheatre , is . Seats can be had at Mr . Mitchell's , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at the Hall .
DR . KAHN'S MUSEUM AND GALLERY OF SCIENCE , 3 , Tichborne-street , facing the Hayxnarket . This Institution presents entirely new features and offers unprecedented attractions . Its object is to combine Natural with EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE , and to show the connexion between the functions of tho Human body and the great Forces of the Universe . Amongst the numerous novelties now added may be named tho large Oxyhydrogen Microscope , GUENAL'SAPPAREILURANOGRA . PH 1 QUE ( now tirst introduced ) . The latest ira-? rovements in Electric and other Apparatus ( includini ; fcUHMKORFF'S WORLD-RENOWNED COIL ) , Illustrations of Microscopic Anatomy , Dissolving Views of Physiological Phenomena , upon a principle never before attempted , & c Lectures are delivered daily on the various branches of Science , and their application to the Human Frame , the Laws of Life , and the Preservation of Health , by Dr . Kahn and Dr . Sexton . Tho Institution is illuminated outside with DU BOSQTJE'S MAGNIFICENT ELECTRIC LIGHT . Open cfor Gentlemen only ) from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 o ' clock . Admission to tho whole Kuilding , One Shilling . Illustrated Catalogues , Sixpence . Programmes and Lectures gratis on application , or post free for Six Stamps .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER piL , entirely free from nauseous flavour and after-tasto , is prescribed with the greatest success by tho Faculty as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT . RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NEURALGIA , R 1 CK 15 TS , INFANTILE WASTING , GENKRAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . a > K Jonchi ' 8 Oil has produced immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored health .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 19, 1857, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_19121857/page/20/