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No. 404, December19,1857.} THE LEADEE, 1...
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No. 404, December19,1857.} The Leadee, 1...
No . 404 , December 19 , 1857 . } THE LEADEE , 1221
ALLSOPFS PALE AXE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRINGTON , BARKER , and CO ., are now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . Supplied in bottles , also in casks ot 18 gallons and upwards . byTtAKRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 54 , Pall-mall . Dec , 1857 .
SISAL CIGARS ! SISAL CIGARS ! at Goodrich's Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Box , containing 14 , for is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 103 , 12 s . None are genuine , unless sighed " H . N . Goodrich . "
ZUTO C CIGARS I at Goodricb's Cigar , Tobacco , and . Snuff Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Boxes containing 14 very fine Zutoc Cig & rs for 3 s . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 105 , 21 s . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . "
EPPS ' S COCO A . —This excellent preparation is supplied in lb . and \ lb . packets , Is . 8 d . and lOd . A tin canister , containing 7 i lb ., lls . 6 d . —JAMES EPPS , Homoeopathic Chemist , 170 , Piccadilly ; 82 , Old Broadstreet , Gity ; and 112 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
BRECKNELL ' S SKIN SOAP , recommended as the best for producing a clear and healthy Skin , being the old Yellow Soap , made expressly for the purpose , of the best materials , and not scented . Sold only in One Shilling packets of either four -rounded tablets , or eight squares ; and extra large tablets , Sixpencd each . —3 BRECKNELL , TURNER , and SONS , Wax and Tallow Chandlers , Soap and Oil Merchants , & c ., to her Majesty , Bee-hive , SI , Haymarket , London . —Please observe that each tablet and square is stamped " Brecknell's Skin Soap . "
BRECKNELL'S GLYCERINE SOAP . — This Soap , now much improved , is recommended for use when the skin is rough or chapped , the glycerine combined with the soap _ producing a softening effect . Sold in Packets of four Tablets , for Is . 6 d . — BRECKNELL , TURNER , and SONS , Wax and Tallow Chandlers , Soap and Oil Merchants , & c ., to her Majesty , Bee-hive , 31 , Haymarket , London . " Please observe that each Tablet is stamped ¦ " Brecknell ' s Glycerine Soap . "
TMPORTAKT to EVERY MAN who KEEPS X a HORSE , COW , SHEEP , or PIG . —THORLEY'S FOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s stables ; also on his Royal Highness the Prince Consort's farm , Windsor . Sold in casks containing 448 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) , price 50 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom . For horses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigour . For milch , cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . Por beasts nothing can compare with it for feoding quickly . For sheep and pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation . A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr- Brobner , steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; Mr . James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace the Duchess of Athole ; Sir David Canyngname , Bart . ; Sir John Catheart , Bart . ; Sir John Ribton , Bart . ; and some of the . leading agriculturists of the day , may be had , post free , on application to the inventor ana sole proprietor , JOSEPH THORLEY , 77 , Newgate-street , London ; 115 , High-street , Hull . Post-office orders to bo made payable at the General Post-office .
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . " If progress is daily made iii Medical Science by thoso whose duty it is to study the diseases to which the human flesh is toeir , it would seem that improvements iri Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest on a visit to tha well-known Horse InQrmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Here incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonishing , while the efficacy of the remedies * and the quickness of their action , appear to have revolutionised the whole system , of llringand blistering . Among tlie most recent proofs of the cure of spavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , and second favourite for the Derby , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers could desire . And by the advertisement of Mr . Major ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures are sot forth , which place him at the head of the Veterinary art in London ., "— Globe , May 10 , 1850 .
1 HA flAH CUSTOMERS WANTED . — lW « UVV SAUNDERS BROTHEBS'STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to bo obtained . Creamlaid note paper , 2 s . per ream ; block-bordered note , * s . ; letter paper , 4 s . ; straw paper , 2 s . Gd . per roam j cream-laid adhesive envelopes , 4 d , por 100 , or 3 s . per 1001 ); commercial envelopes , from 49 . per 1000 ; black-bordered envelopes , Cd . por 100 . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , all priced nnd numbered ) sent post free on receipt of four stamps . All ordors over 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post free . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , Croats , initials , & c—SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 101 , London-wall , London , E . O .
WASHING , CLEANING , and DYEING for London . —Dirty Carpets , Runs , Blankets , Counterpanes , Muslin and Laco Curtains , and all largo articles , washed and finished in the l ) est stylo . Moreon nml Damnsk Curtains , Drosses , Shawls . & c , dyed and finished extra well at modorato charges . The Company ' s vans receive and deliver , free of ohargo , no matter how small thu quantity . All goods returned within a week . Prlco Lists forwarded on application . Country orders promptly attended to . METROPOLITAN STEAM WASHING AND DYEING COMPANY , 17 , Whaiumioap , Ciiy-koad , N .
p RAUFURD COLLEGE , MAIDENHEAD , \ J BERKS- —The new Oxford Examination Regulations will iu future direct the course of study , which will prepare students under fifteen to take the certificate , and under eighteen the title of Associate of Arts of the University . The college has a Principal of energy , experience , skill , and extensive learning , a complete staff of professors , and a renown established by the success of its scholars at competitive examinations , with every arrangement for tli . e formation of moral character , the exercise of the physical powers , and the development of robust health . Pupils are admitted from seven years ; the terms from 30 Z . to 501 . ; detailed prospectuses , and references on application .
"PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR MENTAL JET INVALIDS . —Thosesuffering from Mental and Nervous Disorders wilL find a most desirable home , vvith extensive pleasure-grounds , a convenient distance from London , where the society is cheerful and every comfort and amusement studied combined with the most approved modern system of medical and moral treatment . Strong recommendations can be given from the leading ; members of the medical profession ; and terms and full particulars had on application or by post to Messrs . Fisher . Son , and Haselden , IS , Conduit-street , Regent-street , W .
WINTER HOSIERY , of every description , including the new coloured "Wool Stockings ; also , Underclothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed Flannels and Dressing Gowns in great variety . —POPE and PLANTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , London .
rpHE SYDENHAM TOP COAT is made from JL the best Materials , by Workmen of cultivated taste , at the moderate sura of Two Guineas ; the appreciation of the fashionable world of genuine and perfect Articles of Dress renders the success of the Sydenham Top Coat a certainty .-SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . T * 7 HAT'S IN A NAME ? — This query can T . V be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Ludgatehill , the Inventors of the SYDENHAM TROUSERS . l 7 s . 6 d . for in the fashionable world there is associated with the Sydenham Trousers a . perfect idea , synonymous with , a graceful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
EIGHT HUNDRED HONEYCOMB WOOL SHAWLS at 10 s . 6 d . each . —Messrs . FARMER and ROGERS are NOW SELLING A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SHAWLS , purchased owing to the great depression of trade , at nearly half the original cost , and consisting of French shawls , Paisley shawls , Scotch tartan shawls , and . fancy shawls ; particular attention is solicited to upwards of 800 honeycomb shawls at 10 s . 6 d . each , being one-third the original price , —The GREAT SHAWL and CLOAK EMPORIUM , 171 , 173 , 175 , Regent-street . N . B . — Cloaks and manltesab greatly reduced prices .
THE BUL . FANGER , NEW WINTER OVERCOAT , 25 s . to 42 s ., just introduced by B . BENJAMIN " , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , W . The OU 1 > E WRAPPER , Registered , combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , from 25 s . to GOs . The PELISSIER , from 21 s , to 30 s . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS made to order from Scotch ., Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk . The TWO GUINEA DItDSS and FROCK COATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALT-GUINEA WAISTCOAT . N . B- — -A perfect fit guaranteed .
npiIE PURCHASERS OF CLOTHING ARE A specially reminded of the advantages to be obtained at the establishment of LAWRENCE liYAM . . Gracechurchstrect , London , the largest Manufacturing Clothier and Outfitter in the Kingdom . The system of business pursued is to charge ono uniform and low per-contage of profit , to ensure to the customer a garment warranted for strength and durability , combined with a fashionable and gentlemanly style . 'CHE READY-MADE DEPARTMENT is celebrated for the extent and variety of its stoclc , consisting of every description of gentlemen ' s , youths ' , and boys ' clothing , while the saving eflected renders it important and entitles it to great consideration in large families . THE ORDERED DEPARTMENT offers also peculiar advantages , the artiste * being men of celebrity and the material the best . CLERICA h and PROFESSIONAL men are specially invited , the black mid mixture cloths being of a fast dye , and warranted for durability . An ordered suit o > f black for St . 8 s . ; also the celebrated 17 s . trouser in great variety . LAWRENCE HYAM , Merchant Tailor , Manufacturing Ciothier , and Outfitter , 30 , GRACECHURCH-STREET , CITY , LONDON .
COCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . TRELOAR'S IS THE BEST . Prize Medals awarded—London , New York , a . nd Paris . Catalogues , containing Prices and every particular , post free . Warehouse , 42 , Ludgate-hill , London , E . C .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed liy upwards of 200 MedicalGentlomon to l > o the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hornia . The use of a stool spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here a , voided , a , soft Bandago being wornroundthe body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during ; sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit } forwarded by-post , on tho circumference of tho body , two hi dies bolow tho hip being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of nsingle truss , lC 8 ., 21 s ., 20 s . Cd ., and 31 b . Od . — Postage , Is . Double Truss , 31 s . Gd ., 42 , s ., and 52 s . Gd . — Postago ls . ftd . Umbilical Truss , 42 b . and 52 s . Gd . —Postage Is . lOd . Post-ofncoOrdorstobo mailo payable to JOHN WHITE Post-ofllce , Piccadilly . EL ASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c . for VAIUCOSE VEINS , and Jill caseH of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & c . They avo porous , light in toxtn . ro , and inexpensive , and aro drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 n . fld . to 10 s . each . —Postage , ( Id . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 228 , Piccftdilly , London .
CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S /^ . IFTS of FRIENDSHIP and AFFECTION . M — ! he almost insuperable difficulty so frequently experienced in the selection of an appropriate article for presentation which will fully convey iu an acceptable , attracl f ? and llse ( ! ul form the kindly intention of the giver , and at the same time merit the appreciation and regard of the recipient , is now entirely removed by an inspection of the varied , attractive MANUFACTURES DISPLAYED PALACE , SYDENHAM , consisting of the newest and choicest patterns 111 ladies' and gentlemen ' s dressing-cases , work-boxes , writing desks , dressing and carriage bags , inkstands , bagatelle tables , caskets , tazzas , French bronzes , and bijoux of the newest and most novel description . The Papier Mach 6 department presents a large variety of the most beautiful designs in work tables , chess tables , desks , blottiug cases , inkstands , tea trays , pole screens , teapoys , envelope cases , nmltiformias , cabinets , tea chests and caddies , jewel boxes , & c , table and small cutlery of every description .- ^ Sa me prices charged at all the establishments , and any article changed if not approved .
CHILDREN'S BEDSTEADS and BEDKJ DING . —HEAL and SON'S stock of CHILDREN'S COTS , Cribs , and Bedsteads contains every design and size that is manufactured , both iu wood and iron , which , together with their large assortment of every other description of bedstead , will be found worthy of inspection . They also beg to ' call attention to their show of bedroom furniture , of which their warerooms enable them to keep such an assortment that customers may select all the articles for the complete furnishing of a bedroom . An Illustrated Catalogue of Bedsteads , Bedding , and Bedroom Furniture , containing designs and prices of 100 bedsteads and 150 articles of bedroom furniture , sent free by post . —Heai and Son , bedstead and bedding and bedroom furniture manufacturers , 196 , Tottenham-court-road .
GAS COOKING STOVES . —The Improved Gas Cooking Apparatus , invented and manufactured by Deane , Dray , and Co ., has "been approved by Her Majesty ' s Government , and adopted , after a lengthened trial . It is now in daily use in the following Government establishments , viz : — St . George ' s Barracks , Charinpj Cross . Tower of London . . Wellington Barracks , St . James ' s Park . St . John ' s Wood Barracks . At the Manchester Exhibition . Messrs . Scarlett and Son , 26 , King William-street , & c . & c . ; and wherever fitted , has given full satisfaction . Deane , Dray , and Co . supply every description of Gas Fittings at economical charges . Carefully prepared estimales free of cliargft . A mndora and elegant assortment of Chandeliers in crystal glass , ormolu , artistic , and plain Bronzes , & e . ' Gas Cooking Stoves , from 20 s . each . —Dean © , Dray , and Co ., London Bridge . .
MAPPIN ' S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly become loose ; the blades are all of the very first quality , being their own Shelfield manufacture . Tblc . Kns . Dst . Kns . 'Carvers . perDoz . perDoz . per Pair . Ivory 3 fin . Handle , balanced .. 20 s . 16 s . 6 s . Do . 4 in . do . .. 25 s . 18 s . fls .
A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Artificial Teeth and Gums aro fitted -with absolute perfection and success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires , no extraction of roots , or any painful operation . This important invention perfects tho beautiful art of tho dentist a closeness of fit andboauty of appearance being obtained equal to nature . All imitations should bo carefully avoided , tho genuine being only supplied )> y Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-established Den tints , from ! 5 s . (>< 1 . per Tooth—Sots , 42 . 49 . Observe name nnd number particularly . 33 , Ludgate-hill London ( five doors west of tho Old IMloy ) ; and lU-t , Dukostreot , Liverpool . Established 1804 . Prepared White fJutta Pcrcha Enamel , tho best Stopping for decayed Teeth , romlora them sound and useful in mastication , jio mutter how far decayed , and effectually prevents Tootlmcho . —In boxon , with directions , at Is . Cd . ; froo by post , 20 stamps . Bold by most Chomista in Town and Country . Ask for Gabriel ' s Gutta Porcha Enamel . —Seo opinions of tho 1 ' rcsa thereon ,
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 19, 1857, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_19121857/page/21/