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^ No. 404, December 19, 1857.] THE IiEA ...
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^ No. 404, December 19, 1857.] The Iiea ...
^ No . 404 , December 19 , 1857 . ] THE IiEA D E B ,. 1223
CHRISTMAS GIFT-BOOKS , Neatly bound in cloth gilt . Tke YOUTH'S COMPANION and COUNSELLOR . Just out . 1 vol . 5 s . MINIATURE LIBRARY of FICTION . Just out . 13 vols ., sewed , gilt , each 6 d . CHAMBERS'S MISCELLANY . 10 vols . „ 2 s . Gd CHAMBERS'S REPOSITORY C vols . " 2 s . Gd TALES for ROAD and RAIL . 5 vols . ,, 2 s . Gd ' SELECT POETRY . 1 vol . 2 s . Gd . HISTORY and ADVENTURE . 2 vols . „ 2 s . Gd . TRAVELS and SKETCHES of SCENERY , l vol . 2 s . Gd ENTERTAINING BIOGRAPHY 3 vols . „ 2 s Gd CHAMBE RS'S POCKET 3 IISCEIXANY . 12 vols- 2 s SHAKSPIiilE'S AVOltKS—Cabinet Edition . 12 vols . „ 2 a . CHAMBERS'S LIBRARY for YOUNG PEOPLE . 20 vols . cloth „ Is . CHAMBERS'S LIBRARY for YOUNGS PEOPLE . CIO vols . 2 vola . in one ) cloth gilt „ 2 s . Gd . CHAMBERS'S TALES for TRAVELLERS . 2 vols . cloth „ 2 s . 6 d . W . and R- Chambers , London and Edinburgh .
Immediately will bo published , SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFE . THE SAD FORTUNES OP THE REV . AMOS BARTON MR . GILEIL'S LOVE-STORY . JANET'S REPENTANCE . By GEORGE ELIOT . OBIG 12 U . I-J 7 Y PTJBXIBHE-D IN " BLACKWOOD ' s MAGAZINE . " In Two Volumes , post octavo , price 2 ls . "Wiixiam Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
At all Booksellers and Libraries . THE MEMOIRS OF F . PERTHES . Third Edition . 2 vols . 8 vo , Price 21 a . " ¦ When tho wives of Germany havo their Walhalla , Caroline Pcrtliea will hold a place there such as our own I-iady Rachel Russoll and Lucy HiUchinsoii occupy in tho Piuithcon of noble- Englishwomen . "—AthancBiim . Edinburgh : Thomas Constable and Co . ; London : Hamilton , Adaus , and . Co .
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Just published , price One Shilling , TT O W TO KEEP INDIA . London : Richakdson Brothers , 23 , Cornhill , E . C .
Just published , in cloth , demy 8 vo , price Gs ., rpHE REBELLION IN INDIA : HOW TO JL PREVENT ANOTHER . By JOHN BRUCE NORTON , Barnster-at-Law , Madras . Richardson Bkotheks , 23 , Cornliill , E . C .
Just published , in 8 vo , price 3 s . 6 d . cloth , 2 s . Cd . sewed , LIEUT .-COL . MACDONALD'S LETTERS ON THE BANK CHARTER ACT OF 1811 , AND THE CURRENCY , in reply to " Mcrcator , " tho Times , and tho Economist . Ricitaiidsox Beotheus , 23 , Cornhill , E . C ., of whom may be had , by tho sauio Author , 1 . THE ERRORS AND EVILS OF THE BANK CHARTER ACT OP 181-t , as divulged by Lord Overstono in his Lordship ' s Evidence before the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Causes of the Commercial Distress in tho year 1817 . Prico Cd . 2 . MR . GEOEGE COMBE'S DOCTRINES RMflTSic ?? s ? QUESTION EXAMINED AND
NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF " MARY POWELL . " This day , prico 7 s . Gd ., in post 8 vo . cloth gilt , THE YEAR NINE : a Tale of tlio Tyrol . By the Author of " Mary Powell . " With Frontispiece AnnruK Hall , Virtue , and Co ., 25 , Patornostcr-row .
ELEGANT GIFT BOOK . Just published , foap . Svo . with Portrait , Cs . cloth gilt , PILG ItlMAGES IN PARIS . By MISS PA RDOE , Author of " Tho City of tho Sultan , " & c . "Told with tho artisticslcill and Blowing language of tho Author of ' Tho City of tho Sultan , ' —Literary ( fazcttc . "Very graphics pictures of tho French capital , nnd of Parisian lilo , with which Miss Pariloo is evidently well acq _ uainted . "—Critic . WiiaiAM Lay , King Williiun-atrcct , Strand .
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Now ready , in One Vol . 8 vo , price 12 s . cloth , ESSAYS : Scientific , Political , and Speculative . By HERBERT SPENCER , Author of " Soeial Statics , " and " The Principles of Psychology . " Repriated » - cluelly from the Quarterly Re-views . London : Longman , Beowit , and Co .
NEW" WORK BY THE REV . PROFESSOR BAI > EN POWELL , M . A . Just published , in crown 8 vo , price 7 s . 6 d ., cloth , /^ HUISTIANITY" without JUDAISM . By V ^ the Rev . BADEN POWELL , M . A ., & c . By the same Author , uniform with the above , ESSAYS oa the SPIRIT of the INDUCTIVE PHILOSOPHY , the Unity of Worlds , and the Philosophy of Creation . Second Edition , price 12 s . € d . London ; Iongmaf , JSkowjn , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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Shortly will be published , in One Volume , post 8 vo , ¦ pEC OLLECTIONS OF THE LAST DAYS J-l 'OP SHELLEY AND BYRON . By E . B . TREXjAAVIXY . . . Edward Moxon , Dover-street .
This day , post octavo , Six Shillings , E SSAYS ON THE DRAMA , lty WILLIAM BODHAM DONNE . London : Jomr W . Paueeh and Son , West Strand .
This day , One Volume , post 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . rpHE INTERPRETER : a Tale of the War . A ByG . J , WHYTE MELVILLE . Originally published in Frasur's Magazine . B . y the same Author , DIGBY GRAND . Cheap Edition . 5 s . KATE COVENTRY . Second Edition , 7 s . Gd-GENERAL BOUNCE . Two volume * , 16 s . London : Joun W . Pajukbr and . Sow , West Strand .
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OP SOCIAL SCIENCE . 1857 . This day , 8 vo , la . od ., THE INAUGURAL ADDRESSES , Dolivored by Lord Brougham , President . I Sir John PakinKton . Bart . M . P . Lord John Russell , M . P . \ Lord Stanley , M . P ., and Sir Benjamin C J 3 rodio , Bart , F . 3 L . S . Together with the SERMON by tho Rev . Sydnoy Turner . . Revised by tho Authors , aud Published by Authority . In tho Press , octavo , TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION . 1857 . ( Inaugural Addresses and Select Papers . ) London ; John "W " . Pah her and Son , "West Stnuid .
POST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY for 18 S 8 . Now publishing , prico 36 m . KBLLTimd Co ., IS to 21 , Old Boswell-eourfc , St . Clement ' s , Strand , " VV-O . ; Simp kin , Mahshali , and Co ., Staticuora ' - hall-court , E . C ,, and . all liookscllera .
NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK . Price Ono GiihiL-ft , elegantly bound , THE LIFE OF THE MOSELLE , from its Source in tlics Vosgoa Mountains , to its Coniluonco with tiio Jlbino . Illustrated by seventy beautifully executed " Wood Ei . KraviiiKs . from DrawingB by OOTAVIUS RQOKE , Esq ., Author of "Tho Channel Islanas , Pictorial , Legendary , and Doscriptivc . " London : 1 . Boorn , 307 , Hogent-stroot ,
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 19, 1857, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_19121857/page/23/