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*»** , >J H E * E A B E r. _ [No. 404, D...
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LONDON: Printed wid Publlsljod by Alvrup...
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*»** , >J H E * E A B E R. _ [No. 404, D...
*»** , > J H E * E A B E r . _ [ No . 404 , December 19 / 1857 .
1 TEW BURUNGTON SXBBBT , December 19 . NEW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED , BY MR . BENTJLE Y . " " ¦ : ? . ' . ' ¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦ . '" .:. -i . ' ¦ ¦ HISTORY' of COURT FOOLS . By Dr . DORAN , Author or " Table Traits and Something on Them , " " Habits and Men , " "Mouarchs Retired from Business . " Post Svo , 10 s . 6 d . [ Immediately . II . THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS . A . New Edition , handsomely printed and bound , with Illustrated Title , small Svo , 5 s . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ m . ' THE SIXTH VOLUME of HORACE WALPOLE'S ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE . Edited by PETER CUNNINGHAM . F . S . A . 8 vo , with Plates , 10 s . 6 d . Volume VTF . immediately . ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ . - -- ; ¦ " . - . ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ iv . " ¦ . . ' . ¦ . ' ¦ : THE THREE CLERKS . Bj ANTHONY TROILOPE , Author of " Barchester Towers . " 3 vols . post 870 . . ' .. ' v . - . ¦¦¦ . ¦ . ¦ ' . ¦¦¦ • ¦ ¦ ' CUBIOSITIES OF NATITRAIi HISTORY . ByPRANCIST . BUCKLAND . M . A ., Student of Christchurch , Assistant-Surgeon 2 nd Life Guards . Pcap . Svo , with . Illustrations , 6 s . . ¦ . . ; : ¦ ' VI . ¦ . - : ' , ' • ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦ .. - ¦ ' ¦' . THE BENTLEY BALLADS . A Selection of the Choice Ballads , Songs , & c , contributed to JBentleyjs Miscellany , including the productions of Father Prout . Dr . Maginn , & c Edited by Dr . DOBAN- With Four Ballads contributed by the Editor . Small 8 vo , with Illustrated Title , 53 . : ' ¦ "¦' .. : ¦¦ vii . ' ¦ ¦ : - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ THE HANDWRITIIsTG on the WALL . A Story . By EDWIN ATHERSTONE . 3 vols . ¦ ¦ ¦" " - vm .. ' FAIRY FABLES . By CUTHBERT BEDE . With numerous Illustrations by Alfred CrowauQl . 7 b . 6 d . IX . DEBIT AND CREDIT . From the German of Pkbtta g , by Mrs . MALCOLM . Second Thousand , crown 8 ro , 6 s . x . ' . LAMARTINE'S MEMOIRS of REM ARKABLE CHARACTERS . 3 vols . small Svo , 18 s . XI . THE GREAT DAY of ATONEMENT : Meditations and Prayers on the last Twenty-four Hours of the Sufferings and Death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . Translated from the German of Chael-otte Elizabeth Nebblin . Edited by Mrs . COLIN MACKENZIE . Small 8 vo , 23 . 6 d . XII . MR . BENTLEY'S POPULAR NEW SERIES . THE CONFESSIONS OF A THUG . By Curtain MEADOWS TAYLOR . Crown 8 vx > , 2 s . With the Magazines of the end of this month . xin . . THE THIRD and CONCLUDING X £ l i & 2 L & & % HISTORY of tho WAR in ATTS 113 ^ , 1 ! *^ ' New Edition , with many valuable Additions . Small Svo , 6 a . each volume . [ Immediately . aery . KATHERINE and the MOMENT of FORTUNE . Translated by Lady WALLACE , Author of " Clara ; or , Slave Life in Europe . 3 vols . post 8 vo . XV . GHOST STORIES and PHANTOM FANCIES . By HAIN FRISWELL . Foolscap Svo . 2 a . [ Immediately . XYI . FAIRY CHARADES . By M . G . AVBLINE . Fcap . 8 vo , 2 s . LONDON : RlOIIAItD BENTLEY , PUBLI 8 HHK IN OKDINA . BY TO IlHB MAJESTY .
NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ¦ # - New and complete Library Edition of tie "Works of MB ,. CHARLES DICKENS .
GEOUGE KOUTLEDGE AM > C ( VS ~ PRESENT BOOKS . ¦'"' ¦ ' - ¦;¦ - ? ¦ ¦ ' . ' Price 21 s . each , elegantly bound 1 . HOME AFFECTIONS PORCH'SLES B M \ rK Av PO ^ S- f S . ? ctcd and edited by UtiAJtLiliS MAC K . AY . Illustrated with One Hundrort exqumto Engravings , from original designs . -O-una" - * " Tlie book , as a book , is l ) cnutiriil . "—Zeader . 2 . XONGl'ELLOW'S POETICAL SSJKSftPtteWh ^^^^ - ^^ *^^ 1 ^ £ ^ a g sss , s 3 ei ?« ste ? dor fciiis proof ° f his 3 . RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYS . . f pAISE OP A COU-NTRY LIFE . With exquisite illustrations almost on every page . ^ mont .
London: Printed Wid Publlsljod By Alvrup...
LONDON : Printed wid Publlsljod by Alvrup Bi > mrw » QiuowiT , at " Tho Loftdor" Office , No . 382 . Strand , in the County of Middlesex . —December 10 . 1857 .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 19, 1857, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_19121857/page/24/