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190 THE LEADEE. [No. 413, Pebrttary 20, ...
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190 The Leadee. [No. 413, Pebrttary 20, ...
190 THE LEADEE . [ No . 413 , Pebrttary 20 , 1858 .
jJfcMOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRINGTON , PARKER , and OO ., are now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and-chemical authorities of the day . Supplied in bottles , also in casks of 18 gallons and upwards , by HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 54 . Pall-mail . Feb ^ J 85 S .
S ISAL CIGARS ! at Goodrlch ' s Cigar Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Boxes , containing 14 , for Is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 103 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine , unless signed " H . N . Goodrioh . " A large stock of the most approved Brands . Orders , amounting to 1 Sovereign , sent carriage free within the London Parcels De li very circuit anurantta * to 8 Sovereigns , carriage free to any railway station in the United Kingdom . The trade supplied .
KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL , perfectly pare , nearly tasteless . having "been analyzed , reported on , and recommended by Professors Ta . vjlor and Thomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thomas s Hospitals , who , in the words of the late Dr . Peeeiba , say that" The finest oil is that most devoid of colour , odour , and flavour . " Imperial Pints , 2 s . 6 d . ; Quarts , 4 s . 6 d . 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
DE . DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Has now , in consequence of its marked superiority over every other variety , secured the entire confidence and almost universal preference pf the most eminent Medical Practitioners as the most speedy and . effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , G 6 UT , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OP THE SKIN . NEURALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE "WASTINO , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Its leading distinctive characteristics are : COMFXJ 3 TB FBESEKVATIOIT OP ACTIVE AND ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES . htvaeiable purity atkd unifoeh srsjjirarH' . BKTIKE FREEDOM PROM NAUSEOUS FLAVOTTB AND APTERTASTE . SAPID CCBjLXIVE EFFECTS AND CONSEQTTEHX tCONOMX .
H OLLOW AY'S PILLS the most popular medicine for the cure of Female Com plaints ' . —After many years' experience , it is incontestable proved that there is no medicine equal to Holloway ' s Pills for the cure erf diseases incidental to females ; their invigorating and purifying properties render them safe and invaluable ; they may be taken by females of all ages , for any disorganization orTrregularity of the system , speedily removing the cause , thus restoring the sufferer to robust health . As a family medicine they are unequalled , and may be takon by old and young , restoring health and energy after all otlior means have proved unsuccessful . Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world , and at Professor HOLLO WAY'S Establishment , 244 ,. Strand , London .
FOR GOUT . RHEUMATISM , AND RHEUMATIC GOUT . SIMCO'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS are a certain and-safe remedy . T $ » y restore tranquillity to the nerves , givo "tone to the Bbomaoh , and strength to the whole Bystem . Noothor medicine can be compared to theao excellent Pills , as they prerent the disorder from attacking tho Btom & chior head , and have restored thousand * from pain and misery to health and comfort . Sold by alMMJedtatae Vendor * , « t 18 . 1 W . or 2 s . Dd . per box .
rpRIESEMAR . —Protected by Royal Letters JL Patent of Enffland , and secured by the sealB of tho Eoolo do Phftrmaoio de Paris , and tho Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna , Triesomnr , TTo , 1 , is a remedy for relaxation , spermatorrhoea , and exhaustion of tho system . Trioaomar , No . 2 , effectually , in the short space of throe days , completely * nd entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capsules havei so long boon thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of thohoatth of avnstportlon of tho population . Trloseniar , No , 8 , is thoOToat Continental remedy for that class of disordora wnloh unfortunately tho English phyaioian troato with mercury , to tlie inwitablo rdostcuotion . of tlw nnidont b constitution , ana which all tho BftrsSillaintW 1 , t , and 3 , avo alike devoid of taste or einell , and of all nauseating qualitioa . They may . lie on tho toilet table without their uoo boing suspected . —Sold in tin oasoa . prloe Us ., froo by post 1 b . 8 a . extra to any part of tlio United Kingdom , or four oaaoain onefor 83 b ., by post , 3 s , ad . extra , whloh uavoB Xl « . , and in Of . cases , whereby there ia a saving ofir , i 2 B . ; dividod into separate donoB . as atfniinlBtorodby Valpeau , taUomand , Roux . & o . Sold by D . CJUnroh , 78 , Graceohuroh-Btreet i BnrUott Hooper . 43 , lCing Willlaui-stroot ( G . » . Watte , JL 7 , 8 tmnd , i Prout , 220 , Strand ; Hnnnay , 0 » , Oxlbrd- « troot { Sangor , 100 , Oxford-Btroct , JiOndoni R . H . Inghum , M « rket- » faroet , MfinohcJ 3 tort aud Powoll , 10 , Woatmorol « nd- « tc « et , Dublin .
PI E S S E AND I * U B I N ' S FBANfirPANNa PEEFUME , 2 S . Cd . Frangipanni Sachet , Is . 6 d . Fbanchpanuti Soap , Is . Pbangipanni Pomade , 2 s . FB * NGIPANNI 1 NCKN 3 E , IS . 6 d . Sold by all fashionable Perfumers and Druggists . Be sure to ask for PIESSB and LUBIN'S FRANGIPANNI , there are numerous imitations . LABORATORY OP BLOWERS , 2 . NEW , BOND-STRE 3 ET , LONDON .
T > RECKNELL'S SKIN" SOAP , recommended . 13 as the best for producing a , clear and healthy Skin , being the old Yellow Soap , made expressly for the purpose , of the best materials , and not scented . Sold only m One Shilling packets of either four rounded tablets , or eight squares ^ aud extra large tablets , Sixpence each . —BRECKNELL TURNER , and SONS , Manufacturers of Wax , Spermaceti , Stearine , and Tallow Candles Jo her Majesty , Assents to Price ' s Patent Candle Company , dealers in all other Patent Candles , all kinds of Household and Toilet soaps , in Colza Sperm , Vegetable , and other Lamp Oils , & c , Beehive ' si , Haymarket , London . —Please observe that each tablet and square is stamped " Breeknell ' s Skin Soap . '
BRECRNELL'S GLYCERINE SOAP . — This Soap , now much improved , is recommended for use when the skin is rough or chapped , the glycerine combined with the soap producing a softening effect . Sold in Packets of four Tablets , for Is . 6 d . — BRECKNELL , TURNER , and SONS , Bee-hive , 81 , Haymarket , London . — Please observe that each Tablet is stamped " Brecknell ' s Glycerine Soap . " ¦
IMPORTANT to EVERY MAN who KEEPS a HORSE , COW , SHEEP , or PIG . —THORLEY S FOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s stables ; also on his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ' s farm , Windsor . Sold in casks containing 448 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) , price 50 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom . Foruorses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all the aniihal functions in health and vigour . For milch cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . For beasts nothing can compare with it for feeding quickly . For sheep and pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation . A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr . Brebner , steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; Mr . James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace the Duchess of Athole : Sir David Cunynghame , Bart . ; Sir John Cathcart , Bart . ; Sir John Ribton , TJart . ; and some of the leading agriculturists of the day , may be had , post free , on application to the inventor and sole proprietor , JOSEPH THORLEY , 77 , Newgate-street , London ; 115 , High-street , Hull . Post-office orders to bo made payable at tho General Post-office .
MA JOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . " If progress is daily mado in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study the diseases to which the human flesh is heir , it would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest ou a visit to tho well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Hero incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonishing , while the officacy of the remedies , and tho quickness of their action , appear to have revolutionised the whole system of firing and blistering . Among the most recent proofs of the cure of spavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , andsecond favourite for the Derby , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers could desire . And by the advertisomcn # of Mr . Major ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures are set forth , whioh place him at the head or the Veterinary art in London . " — Globe , May 10 , 1856 .
1 AA Aflfi CUSTOMERS WANTED . l \ J \ Jm \ J \ J \ J —SAUNDBRS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is tho BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . Cream-laid note paper , 2 s , perroam ; black-bordered note , As , ; letter papor , 4 s . j straw papor , 2 s . Od . per roam j cream-laid adhosivo envelopes , 4 d . per 100 , or 3 s . per 1000 ; commercial envelopes , from 4 s . per 1000 s black-bordered envelopes , Od . per 100 . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , all priced and numbered ) sent post frooon receipt of four stamps . All ordora over 20 s . sent CARRIAGE PAID . Price lists , post ffoo . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials . & c—SAUNDJ 3 RS BROTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 104 , London-wall , London , E . G .
A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Artificial Teoth and Guina arc llttod with absolute perfection aud success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires , no extraction of roots , or any ]> a ) nful- operation . This important invention perfects the beautiful art of tho dentist , a closeness of fit and beauty of appearanco being obtained equal to nature Alf imitations should bo carefully avoided , the genuine being only supplied by Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-established Dentists , from 3 s . Od . per Tooth—Sots , 4 ? , 4 s . Observe namo and numbor particularly . 33 , Ludgato-liill , London < Uv © doors west of tho Old Bailey ); and 134 , Dukostroot , Liverpool . Established 1804 .. Prepared White Gutta Pcrolia Enamel , thobost Stopping for decayed Tooth , renders them sound and uaoful In iiiau"ilcatlon ; no matter ho \ r"fn . r docayedrRnd-effeatiwilly provon la-Toothache . —In boxes , 'with directions , at Is , od . ; froo by post , 20 stamps . Sold , by naoat Chemists in Town ana Country . AbIc for < 3 * wriol ' s Ckutta Porcha lOnamoL . —Soo opinions of tho Prosa tnoreon .
DEAFNESS , NoisoBln the Hood . Turkish Treatment by n Retired Burgeon from tho Orlinoa ( who was himself perfectly oured ) . Just , published , a book , SELF-CURD , froo by pout for olx Htamps . Surgeon COLSTON , M . R . O . S ., ( I , Leicester-place , Leicester -square , London . At homo from 11 to 4 , to roooivo vlaits from patients .
IMPORTANT TO LADIES . DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP of the OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM of HODGE and LOWMAN—in consequence of which they are offering to tho public the whole of their valuable Stock of SILKS SHAWLS , MANTLES , Carpets , Damasks * Linens . Dresses of every description , Lace , Hose , Ribbons , & c . & c , at very low prices , so as to ensure a speedy 'clearance . — Anrvil House , 256 , 2 S 8 , 260 , 262 , Regent-street . br
SE ND for a PRICE LIST . —Household ami Family Linen . —National Linen Company ' s warehouses 150 Fleet-street , London . —In giving publicity to the prices at which the Company are now selling TABLE LINEN linen sheeting , Irish linen , towellings , and every description of household and family linens , the Directors of the National Linen Company invite the public to send for patterns for comparison , whijh will be forwarded post free , payment not being required for goods ordered from patterns until Teceived and approved of . —National Linen Company , 105 , Fleet-street , foot of Ludgate-hill , London . Catalogues containing particulars and prices , post free .
TXTINTER HOSIERY , of every description , V y including tho new coloured Wool Stockings ; also Under-clothing for Family use and Invalids . Printed * Flannels and Dressing Gowns in great variety . —POPE and PLA . NTE , Manufacturers , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , London .
T HE SYDENHAM TOP COAT is made from the best Materials , by " Workmen' of cultivated taste , at the moderate sum of Two Guineas ; the appreciation of the fashionable world of genuine and perfect Articles ot Dress renders the success of the Sydenhain Top Co-. vt a certainty . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . WHAT'S IN A NAME ? — This query can be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Ludgatchill , the Inventors of the SYDliNHAAI TROUSERS , 17 s . Gd . for in the fashionablo world there is Associated with the Sydenham Trousers a perfect idea , synonymous with agraecful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
A GREAT FALL IN THE PRICE OF PERMANENT BLACK FROCK AND DRESS COATS , 42 s . The best fitting trousers in London , 16 s- — Observe , J . SMITH , 38 , Lombard-street .
] V / TAPPIN'S SUPERIOR TABLE-KNIVES JLtJL maintain their unrivalled superiority . Handles cannot possibly become loosoi the blades are all of tho very first quality , being their own Sheffield manufacture . Tblo . Kns . Dst . Kns . Carvers . per Doz . per Doz . por l ' air . Ivory 38 in . Handle , balanced- 20 s . lCs . ( is . Do . 4 in . da .. 26 s . 18 s . fls .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATliKT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS i * allowod by upwards of 200 Modica ) GontloiiKMi i » i > o tho most ofl'octivo Invention in tho curative troatiucin «« Hernia . Tho use of a stool spring ( so hurtful In > Ih oft ' octs ) is hcroavoidod , aso ft Bandage being worn l'onmil io body , whilo tho requisite roaisting power is supplied li . v t no Moo-Main Pad and Patont Lover , flttinp with so mudi nixo and closenoBM that Ik cannot bo dotootod , and nia . v hi win rtnrhiK sloop . A descriptive circular may bo hud , iiiuM u-Truss ( which cannot ( all to ilt ) forwarded by noM . mii lm oircuml ' orenco of tho body , two inuhoH below 1 li" up . boiiiKsont to tho Manufacturer , JOHN AVlllTli , e- \ Piccadilly , London . Priooof asluglo truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . 0 U ., nnu 3 H . iU .-Postngo , lfl . «" ' ¦ P p , ttfolgJ £ ri \ ss , l ^ lfl . 00 ^ 428 ., and 3 tin . ttd . —Pout nptc 1 ¦ '• ''• UmblHcaPj ? riiaB , fea . nncOSirOu ^ PolftTrrffTsn-Oflr Poat-olIlooOnlorstoboinado payable to . JOJlxV \ V II 11 •'« Posli-oinoo , Piccadilly . EL ASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , V ., for VA 1 U 008 H VEINS , and all canon of Wl'M * - NKSS and SWELLING of tho LUGS , Bl'RAl . NS . w ' . Tlioy arpporouH . HKhtin toxturo , andlnoxi ) onnivo , niniimi drawn ou like an oi'dihary atookinft . Prloofrom 7 B , 0 d . to 10 s . each . —Postage , Oil-JOHN WHITE Mai \ ufuoturor , 288 , Plooadllly , London-
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 20, 1858, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20021858/page/22/