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192 THE LEADER. [No. 413, "February 20, ...
LONDON: Printed and Published by Amphbd ...
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192 The Leader. [No. 413, "February 20, ...
192 THE LEADER . [ No . 413 , " February 20 , 1858 .
WORKS BY CHARLES BRAY . T HE PHILOSOPHY OF NECESSITY ; or , the Law of Consequences as applicable to Mental , Moral , and Social Science . 2 vols , 8 vo , price 10 s . 6 d . THE EDUCATION OF THE FEELINGS . The Second Edition , in post 8 vo , price 2 s . 6 d . London : Longman , Brown , and Co .
NEW TRAVELS IN SPANISH AMERICA . On Wednesday next will be published , with coloured Map , S Illustrations iu Chrorao-lithography , and 12 Wood Engravings , in 8 vo , price 18 s . cloth , M ITLA : A Narrative of Incidents and Personal Adventures on a Journey in Mexico , Guatemala , and Salvador , in the years 1853 to 1855 ; with Observations on the modes of Life in those Countries . By G . i . VON TEMPSKY . London : Longman , Bboww , and Co ., Paternoster-row .
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Next week , foolscap octavo , O UL 1 TA , THE SERF . A Tragedy . By the Author of " Friends in Council . " London : John W . Pakker and Son , West Strand .
THE CRISIS OF 1867 . Just published , prloo 9 a . Od ., A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF THE CURRENCY TO THE PRESENT TIME : comprising a brief roviow of tho opinions of the most eminent writer ? on the subject . By JAMES MAOLAREN . Guoomdridoh and Sons , Patornoator-row 1 Thomas Bumppb . e , golboru Barg . = ___________
THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S JOURNAL . PRICE ONE SHILLING . March 1 st will be issned the First Number of this NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE . The present industrial employments of women , both manual and intellectual , the best mode of-judiciously extending the sphere of such employments , and the laws affecting the property and condition of the sex , will form prominent subjects f 6 r discussion in its pages , combined with the usual features of a Literary and Domestic Magazine .
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This day is published , in 2 yols .,, post 8 vo , price 21 s ., cloth , SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFE . THE SAD FORTUNES OF THE REVEREND AMOS BARTON . " ' MR . GILFIL'S LOVE STORY . JANET'S REPENTANCE . By GEORGE ELIOT . Originally published in Blackwood ' s Magazine . William Bulckwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London ..
NEW WORKS . ——**
COMPLETION OF NICHOLS'S LITERARY ILLUSTRATIONS . This day is published , price 21 s .. with Seven Portraits HPHE EIGHTH VOLUME of ILLUSTRAJL TIONS of the LITERARY HISTORY of the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY : containing the Sequel of the Correspondence between Bishop Percy and his Friends-Additions and Corrections to the Seventeen Volumes of Literary Anecdotes and Literary Illustrations of the Eighteenth Century ; and minute Indexes to the Eight Volumes of Literary Illustrations . By JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS , F . S . A . The following portions of the two Works are still on sale Literary Anecdotes , Vol . VIII . 21 s . ; Vol . IX . and Index II * 30 s . ; Literary Illustrations , Seven Vols . 71 . 7 s . ; Vols . VII . and VIII . containing the Percy Correspondence and Indexes , 21 . 2 s . NiCHOis and Sons , 25 , Parliament-street .
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Price 4 s ., post 8 vo , cloth , EXPERIENCES OF A CIVILIAN IN EASTERN MILITARY HOSPITALS , with Observations on the English , French , and other Medical Departments , the Organization of Military Medical Schools and Hospitals . By PETER PINCOFFS , M . D ., late Civil Physician to the Scutari Hospitals . With a Map of the Bosphorus , showing the sites of the Military Hospitals in 1855 . Williams and NorV ? ate . 44 , Henrietta-street , Coventgardeu , London , W . C . ; and 20 , South Frederick-street , Edinburgh .
Price 10 s ., 8 vo , cloth , C HRISTIAN ORTHODOXY reconciled with KJ the CONCLUSIONS of MODERN BIBLICAL LEARNING : a Theological Essay , with Critical and Controversial Supplements . By JOHN WILLIAM DONALDSON , D . D ., lato Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge . " This volume deserves to be read with great attention . The views stated in it are , as to doctrine , those of the Church of England most distinctly . . . . Coming as it does from a Cambridge Doctor of Divinity , who stands high among the scholars in the English Church , it will no doubt be received with respect , and read with candour and deliberation by those members of tho Church who do not think the Protestant faith likely to be honoured or assisted by imperfect freedom of inquiry . "—Examiner , Fob . 28 . "Dr . Donaldson has , by the publication of this volume , forced into prominence a question of more immediate practical interest than any of the special critioal and speculative ¦ questions ho has hitherto applied his learning and his vigorous intellect to settle . " —Spectator , Feb . 21 . WiniAMB and Noboate , 14 , Henrietta-street , Coventgarden , London , W < C ; and 20 , South Frederic ! -street , Edinburgh .
Now ready , One Vol ., price 14 s ., cloth lettered , TH E BRITISH EXPEDITION TO THE CRIMEA . By W . H . RUSSELL , " Tho THmosSpecial Correspondent . " A revised edition , with numerous additions and oniendations , illustrated with Maps and Plans of the Battles of Alma , Inkorman , Tchornaya , & o ., & o . " This is a revised edition of Mr . Russell ' s letters on the war , which come back to us with their original froshnoss , and iu a shape that must make every man who has a library desirous of placing tho volume on his shelf , for perpetual repcrusnl and reference . "—United Service . London : G-eoege Routlkdoe and Co ., Farrlngdon-stroot .
TO BE COMPLETED IN THREE MONTHLY VOLUMES . ( Printed uniform with Macaulay ' s England , Proscotfs Works , Ac . ) Now ready , Vol . I ., price 08 ., THE RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC . By JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY . "This work has been translated into Dutch , Gorman , nnU French , and only requires to bo known to tako Us j > luco amongst tho first of our English historical works . " " ThlB is a really great work . It belongs to tho claw of books in which wo range our Grotos . MHmans , Morlvalos , and Mncaulftys—as tho glories of English literature in tho department of History . . . . Mr . Motley ' s gifts as an historical writer aro among tho highest and tho rarest . "Nono < n \ farmiat . London : Gborgk IIoutj . bdoe and Co ., Fitrrlugdon-sti'oot
-pVALXEORNIAJVWPaX 3 JLiS ? SaUR , CES : a \ J Work for the Morohant , tho CaplfcalisfcnuVrfch ^ rcmf--- ' — ? raut . Consisting of 103 pages of olosoly-prlnlotl , highly ntoroalliiK matter , giving a , truthful and graphiocln . fnrlp tioii of tho A . OHI 0 ULTURAL , MINERAL , aud COMN NUUI . Wj RK 8 OUB 013 S of this wondorful country , nnd its FINANCIAL n , nd SOCIAL CONDITION . Embolllshod with upward * of Twenty full page artiatlo Illuatratioiin iukI a Panorama of San Francisco . Handsomoly bound , prlco 8 s . Od . London ; TitOnwisft and Co . ,
London: Printed And Published By Amphbd ...
LONDON : Printed and Published by Amphbd Epmund Galiowat , nt" Tho Leader" Ofllco , No . 362 , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —February 20 , 1838 .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 20, 1858, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20021858/page/24/