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of our spiritual nature."—Jfumboldt's Co...
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REVIEW OF THE WEEK- <¦*<•' Co..tinont«l ...
VOL. IX. No. 4,17.] SATURDAY, " MARCH 20...
Hi PltTPttt TTF fhl> < wh' ^\m^Ul UJ. +JJ *- ZVWl\ . ?
M E. OSBORNE'S labour was not lost on Mo...
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''.V > ¦ '¦-.'- -.'-• V ¦ . . ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦...
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Of Our Spiritual Nature."—Jfumboldt's Co...
of our spiritual nature . "—Jfumboldt ' s Cosmos .
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© enfents :
Review Of The Week- <¦*<•' Co..Tinont«L ...
REVIEW OF THE WEEK- <¦*<• ' Co .. tinont « l Note . 275 Lord PalmentonM After-Thoughts 278 Outo as a N . Hvo Kingdom MJ ffitaSSBSfc :: ™ " -. - S S ! i ^ SS ^ z ====. B « SS SofpfgiS ^ r :::::: aS £ toc » ,::.:: :... 3 : &&! ^ ir : ; .::::::::::::.:::::::::: & Gt & ZSS £ ™? ° . ^^^ JS £% SraSK :=:::= f # S 8 Sffi 25 UB 5 BB *& . "_ Special Letters from India , 270 Accidents and Sudden Deaths 276 The Market of Popularity 231 TheEclipso 272 Miscellaneous 277 Sir Cohn Campbell ' s Campaign . 281 Affray with tho Dublin Police 272 Postscript 277 Memorial to Sir Henry Havelock 281 S :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: frl public affairs- ' tg &&& g ££ ™ l . -= r . Si "mmercal affairs-Execution of Orsini and Pierri 273 The Malnaesbury and AValewski LITERATURE— The Gazette 285 ftaJelrT ^ l ^!!^ .:::::::- ^"? . " Si s £ raSer ! .:::::::::::::::::::::::: til sum *™^ ** city intelligence , Markets , ^ . 285
Vol. Ix. No. 4,17.] Saturday, " March 20...
VOL . IX . No . 4 , 17 . ] SATURDAY , " MARCH 20 , 1858 . Pmcb { Eg ! ! :: !™™'
Hi Plttpttt Ttf Fhl≫ ≪ Wh' ^\M^Ul Uj. +Jj *- Zvwl\ . ?
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M E. Osborne's Labour Was Not Lost On Mo...
M E . OSBORNE'S labour was not lost on Monday night ; he did not succeed in getting Mr . Disraeli to make a statement which , in point of fact , lie could not make ; he did not taunt or banter him into declaring the policy and measures of the Derby Government—the Government having neither policy nor measures of their own ; hut he did succeed in making the latter fact sufficiently manifest . And he afforded the Chancellok op the Exchequer the opportunity of displaying to splendid advantage the power of being able to speak on both sides of a question . Out of office , of all the men of the Opposition , Mr . Disbaeli Avas the man to go up to a new Ministry and say , " I want to know" your policy ; in office , Mr . Disraeli is the man of men to say whatever can be said against putting such extremely inconvenient and useless questions as " What is your policy ? " to Ministers who have no policy . Brilliant was Mr . Osborne ' s onslaught , brilliant was Mr . Disraeli ' s defence—stroke and counter-stroke delivered and parried , or received with scintillation of invulnerable armour ; but for every Whig ' Roland' of Mr . Osborne ' s , Mr . Disraeli had a ready ' Oliver / and delivered it without compunction . But if Mr . Osborne ' s attack led only to a drawn battle as to the main issue , it was at loast the means of drawing from Mr . Horsman a speoch of admirable temperance and quality on the present duties of the Liberal party . While ho accorded to Lord Pal-AtERSTON personally unlimited praise for the manner in which ho had borne himself towards ihoso who had business to transact with him , he condemned him for systematically sacrificing the Liberal party , who wore prepared to stand by him , for the sake of securing the voice of other parties in the House , for appearing always to be more anxious to win over the Opposition than to maintain the good-will of the friends on his own side . Nothing can be truor ; it has bcon tho oonstant stumbling-block of the cx-Prcmicr , —and would trip him up again were ho returned to office . It is with good reason , then , ^ that-MrrlfoRSMA ^ -is ^ cotitoiit-to-waitrawhilo'bcforercmoving tho present Government , oven though it is ono upon sufferance . If tho Liberal party performs its duty , it will absolutely control tho action of Lord Derby ' s administration ; and when tho timo arrives for it to resume office , it will bo , in every way , bettered for tho period spont in probation , in every way more fitted to hold tho position
which its influence with the country entitles it to take . In laying upon the table of the House the correspondence which has taken place with the Government of France relative to the famoiis " Wale vfski despatch , Mr . Disraeli made use of expressions such as possibly any other Minister under the circumstances would have used ; but with how large a pinch of salt we can consent to accept the last word of Count Walewski as bringing the affair to a close " with all honour and good feeling on the part of both Governments , " we have staled in another page . If there is any cause for satisfaction in the end arrived at by Lord Malmesbury , it surely belongs to the Emperor Nai » oleon , whose position is too embarrassed , not to say precarious , for him not to feel it as a relief to bo well out of the dilemma into which the terrors of the 14 th of January had precipitated him . Both in the heart of France and without , events arc looming iu the distance that may put liim to his last shift to hold his own . A war between Naples and this country , or Sardinia , would be such an event . And there are many more unlikely contingencies . Count Cavour ' s demands have put a completely new face upon the Cagliari affair . It is impossible for the Neapolitan Government to resist with any show of justice the representations of tho Sardinian Minister , backed as they are by opinions such as that given by Dr . Piiillimore . The Neapolitan authorities , in fact , do virtually admit the illegality of tho seizure , and consequently the illegality of all that has been done in tho matter subsequently . For a long time past the country has instinctively come to tho conclusion that a groat wrong was being done by tho King of Naples , with a show of legality ; and having now the proof , it will demand that the account shall bo wound up without further delay . The moans taken by tho lato Ministry , which havo , according to Mr . Disraeli , bound tho present Govornment , no longer stand in tho > vay ; high , if not tho very highest , authority on tho subject haa dooided that tho Cagliari was seized against tho law of nations ; it is , then , the duty of tho prosont Government to consult tho present law officers of tho ¦ Grown 7 and-if-they-conflrm-tho vie'vr"taken-by"thoothor authorities aa to tho illegality of tho soizuro , to doinand redress for tho wrong that has been inflicted upon our two countrymen ; aad this duty Mr . Disraeli has all but pledged himself to perform , A subject of much interest was introduced to the House by Mr . Ewart , on Tuosday ovoning : tho colonization of India . Mr . Ewaiw ' s motion was
for the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the best means of promoting European colonization , - & c . He was met by arguments of no very enlarged order , as to the climate , and as to the superabundance of native labour ; but none of the arguments were of a kind to show that colonization , in a large sense , would be impracticable or undesirable . What India requires for the development of her resources is not mere hand-labour , which is readyto any extent , but such an infusion of Europeans as would carry with it the advantages of European energy , skill , and scientific knowledge . Were these advantages given to India at the outset of her civil and military reorganization , there is little doubt that her progress would be as rapid and as beneficial in every respect as that of our colonies ; at present , India is comparatively undeveloped for want of English mind thrown in like salt among her native races . Lord Joux Russell ' s Oaths Bill has advanced , or rather been pushed forward , one more stepit has been committed , and on Monday next it will be reported . The opponents of the measure , sinning blindly against the light of the day , will not give up one of their worn-out arguments ; the only change is in their tone : they persist in denying the right of the Jew to a legal as well as customary equality with their Protestant selves , but now they resist mildly . Yet the most perverse oppononts of the present measure arc the Catholics , who cavil on the ninth part of a hair , ' and fight for protection when thcro is no disposition to deny it to them , or to interfere with that which they already have . But , in all probability , the measure will pass in its extremely moderate form through the Commons : and then we shall sec—what wo shall see . Of all preposterous olaims , however 1 , was Mr . Duncombe ' s , who wished to bind Lord John Hussisll to produco a majority in tho House of Lords . Beforo quitting tho subject of Parliament , wo must not overlook a topic which has called forth a good deal of remark during tho week—tho frequent interruptions niado by the Sjusakku to various mombors while addressing tho House . No less than four -t"imcs"did ~ ho-intcrposo-his'aitthorit y-in"ono-ovcningy" - ' — - —¦¦— " —¦— - the Chancellor of tub Exchequer and Lord Palmeksxon furnishing two of the four occasions . Tho oxplanatipn of this outburst of . Bumbloism is that Mr . JDenjson had received eo . me strong hints ' that Jus conduct of tho business of the Houso was not always quite according to form , and that ho hftd ^ pjy * y ^ latterly boon reading up , and preparing hunaopfa ^ fay $ **& 5 » 5 US --sBBw
Leader (1850-1860), March 20, 1858, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20031858/page/1/