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^ 88 THE Xi EADEE. [No. 417, March 20, 1...
LONDON i Printed and Published by Awhhd ...
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^ 88 The Xi Eadee. [No. 417, March 20, 1...
^ THE Xi EADEE . [ No . 417 , March 20 , 1858 .
ENGLISH LADIES IN INDIA . Now ready , Second Edition , in 2 vols ., with Illustrations , 21 s ., A TIMELY RETBEAT ; OR , A YEAR IN BENGAL . By TWO SISTERS . SPECTATOR . " We have not had suoh a picture of Anglo-Indian daily life since the late Miss Roberts published her experiences . But thes « two volumes have an additional interest ; it was a plucky undertaking , and the narrative is told with animation and truthfulness . " OBSEBVER . "The narrative is lively from the beginning—just what ought to be expected from an intelligent feminine writer . It certainly fulfils its purpose , the amusement of the reader , in a very agreeable manner . " IBiDEH . " Dashing sketches of Indian life . This book is lively and entertaining . " MOENING POST . " Racy , fresh , with an inexhaustible buoyancy of style , and no common powers of description . " London : Richabd Bentlet , New Burlington-street .
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London I Printed And Published By Awhhd ...
LONDON i Printed and Published by Awhhd Ekmcnd Gaixowat , at " Tho Loader" OiUoo , No . 3152 , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —March 20 , 1 HD 3 .
Leader (1850-1860), March 20, 1858, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20031858/page/24/