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94 ©fn? gtcatrrr, [Saturday, _
^^^ ^ ? i /•Trr ? /I TtttttttiVr* 1*trtl vVfTritt't i Df VlbUlUlIlaUUl ^lUtlUB^ ?
Exchequer Bills, in the early part of th...
Satur. Mond. Tues. JVedn. Thurs lnd. Ban...
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
SHARES. Last Official Quotation during t...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, April 17. Wheat, R. Ne...
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 30s. to 35s. S...
PROVISIONS. Butter—Best Fresh, 8s. to 12...
BUTCHERS' MEAT. Newgate and Leadenhall.*...
HOPS. POTATOES. Kent Pockets 135s. to 16...
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 3G Trusses.)...
GROCERIES. Tea, Bohea, fine.... per lb.*...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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94 ©Fn? Gtcatrrr, [Saturday, _
94 © fn ? gtcatrrr , [ Saturday , _
Health Of London During The Week. (From ...
HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Returns . ) A considerable decrease is observed in the mortality of the week ending last Saturday . The total deaths , registered in the metropolitan districts , which in the previous veek rose to 1124 , were last week only 893 , whereas the average derived from deaths in ten corresponding weeks of 1840-9 , and raised in proportion to increased population , is 1001 , and in the last three corresponding weeks , namely , those of 1847-9 , the deaths rose to about 1050 and upward * . In last week , as compared with that immediately preceding , the deaths classed as having been caused by zymotic or epidemic diseases , are almost return tnere io /
exactly of the same amount : in this are , of which 7 were from smallpox , 15 from measles , 18 from scarlatina , 35 from hooping-cough , 4 from influenza , all of which diseases are at present less fatal than usual : there are also 37 from typhus , which is about the average ; and 13 from diarrhoea , 6 from remittent fever , 5 from rheumatic fever ( besides 3 from rheumatism ) , and 8 from erysipelas , from which diseases the mortality is rather above the average . But diseases of the respiratory organs still exhibit a small increase on the average , though compared with the mortality of this class in the previous week they show a reduction . Bronchitis , pneumonia , asthma , and other complaints affecting the organs of respiration ( with the exception of hooping-cough and conlumDtion ) number 174 , the average being 164 ; their
progress during the last six weeks may be traced in the following numbers—171 , 182 , 231 , 252 , 253 , and 174 , these fluctuations being nearly coincident with rise and fall of temperature . Phthisis ( or consumption ) was fatal to 108 persons last week , an unusually small number ; the year 1843 affords the only example of a corresponding week in which the mortality from this disease was so low ; the average ia about 160 . On the 6 th of April , in the Marylebone workhouse , a widow died , whose age is reported to have been 103 years—she sunk by 41 natural decay . " On the 28 th of March , in Ferry-street , Poplar , the daughter of a labourer , aged 3 years , died of privation , or , according to the return made by the corodeath accelerated want
ner ' s jury , from " natural by . Two men and two women are registered as the victims of intemperance . In workhouses 77 deaths were registered in the week , and in hospitals 58 , of which 35 were in general hospitals , 8 in naval and military , and 8 in lunatic asylums . At the Royal Observatory , Greenwich , the mean height of the barometer in the week was 29425 in . The mean daily reading of the thermometer was highest on Sunday , when it was 544 deg ., and lowest on Saturday , when it was 46 * 2 deg . ; the mean temperature of the week was 49-5 deg ., 5 dog . higher than the average of the same week in 7 years . The mean temperature was throughout the week higher than ihe average , and on Sunday was higher by 9 5 deg ., and on Monday by 85 deg .
KesultK of the Rrgistrar-General ' s return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last . The first column of figures gives the aggregate number of deaths in the corresponding weeks of the ten previous years : — ^^ Wcefc 3 Wcek of 1839-49 . of 1 X 50 . Zymotic Diseases .. •• •• 1734 .... 157 Dropsy , Cancer , and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat .. . •• «> i 0 3 ° Tubercular Diseases 19- *> -- ! ' >•» Diseases of the Brain , Spinal Marrow , Nerves , and Senses .. .. .. 117 !) .... 118 Disease * of the Heart and Blood-vessels .. 293 .... 37 Diseaief of the Lungs and of the other Orjjans ot lti' 8 |> ii ° ulion .. .. 14 J 6 ... » 174 Disease * of the Stomach , Liver , and other Organs of Digestion .. .. . 580 .... 61 Diseases of the Kidneys , & c . .. .. 73 .... 6 ' Childbirth , diseases of tlie Uterus , & c . .. 80 .... 7 Rheumatism , discuses of the bones , Joints , Sec ; 74 .... 6 Diseases of the Skin , Cellular Tissue , & c . .. 0 .... 2 Malformations .. .. 23 .... 2 Premature Birth and Debility .. .. 175 .... 21 Atrophy 12 K .... 23 Age « i 3 . » .... 48 8 udcJcn 107 .... 4 "Violence , Privation , Cold , nnd Intemperance 208 .... 24 Total ( including : unspecified causes ) .. 9 l 7 . > 893
^^^ ^ ? I /•Trr ? /I Ttttttttivr* 1*Trtl Vvftritt't I Df Vlbululilauul ^Lutlub^ ?
Camnmxtai Mme .
Money Market And City Intelligence. Flud...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . FlUDAY . There have been slight fluctuations in the English Funds during the week . The market opened firmly on Monday , and prices of Consols were fully £ per cent , better than they had been on Saturday , with a good deal of business doing . On Tuesday a marked depression took place , which was attributed to the combined influences of unfavourable accounts from Paris , and the defeat of our own Government in the House of Commons —Consols falling about } percent . On Wednesday the Conaol market evinced from the opening a decided improvement—some considerable transactions took place , Erinci pally on foreign account—and , at the close of usinesn , the market had a firm appearance . This improvement was fully maintained at the opening yesterday , and as the day advanced , Consols rose from & to J per cent ., closing At 95 J to J for money , and 96 for account . The general feeling shown throughout the afternoon gave a decided tendency to continued firmness , though * the transactions were not extensive . The highest price of Consols has been 95 J for the account , nnd 95 f for immediate delivery . The Three per CentB . Reduced have been at from 944 to J ; Thrce * and •• Quarter per Cents ., 968 t 0 3 » Bunk . Stock , 205 4 to 207 ; India Stock , 266 to 2 G 8 ; Long Annuities , tij to 3-16 : South Sea Old Annuities , 038 to 94 4
Exchequer Bills, In The Early Part Of Th...
Exchequer Bills , in the early part of the week , were done as high as 71 s . prem . ; but they declined to 70 s . as the highest price , and were done , in some instances , to as low as 68 s ., which was accounted for by a slight increase in the demand for money having taken place . There was great depression in the French Funds at the close of last , and the beginning of the present week , owing to the excitement respecting the approaching Paris election ; but there has since been a sensible improvementconfidence appearing to be becoming
, gradually restored . At the other Bourses of the Continent there has been greater firmness . # There has not been much change in Foreign Securities on our own 'Change , if we except a continued and still more decided advance in Peruvian Bonds , which have been done as high as 71 ; Deferred ditto , 29 J to 30 |; Mexican , 28 * to 29 * Venezuela , 34 ; Portuguese Five per Cents , converted , 32 J 33 ; ditto Four per Cents , J & khi Spanish Fives , 184 to S ; ditto Passives , ii ; Danish Fives , 96 : ditto Threes , 71 £ ; ditto Scrip , 4 | * prem . the Stock
A principal object of attention on Exchange on Wednesday , was a meeting of Spanish bondholders . The ostensible purpose of the meeting was the appointment of a new committee j but occasion was taken to discuss the present position of the Spanish Exchequer , with reference more especially to the state and prospects of the foreign debt , which were considered upon the whole to present a somewhat more hopeful appearance . Baron Rothschild was appointed a member ot the new committee , and will probably be its chairman . Under the Baron ' s direction it is expected that the situation of the bondholders may be improved . The price of gold in Paris has remained 10 per cent , dearer than in London . In Hamburgh gold has become 0 23 r centcheaper than in London .
pe , The Railway Share Market was exceedingly heavy at the beginning of the week , and the prices of a great many lines declined considerably , including some of the principal lines . Great Western again fell £ 1 per share ; Northern and Easterns , £ 1 ; Great North of England , £ 1 ; Hull and Selby , £ 1 ; Southwestern , £ 1 ; Midland , £ 5 ; Bristol and Birmingham , £ 1 ; and Leeds and Bradford as much as £ 3 per share . On Wednesday , however , there was a partial reaction ; though the actual improvement was but of small amount ; but yesterday the improvement became still more decided and extensive . Great Westerns were done at 484 ; London and
North Westerns , 102 to 103 ; South Westerns , 564 ; Midlands , 32 J , 1 \; Eastern Counties , 7 ; Caledonians , 6 | to 7 § . The Committee of the Stock Exchange have adopted a measure for the better regulation of share dealings , which provides that purchasers should be permitted to buy in at any price , should the shares not be delivered on the settling day immediately following that for which they were bought , at the risk of the broker selling . The plan is calculated to check Bearing operations materially , which are considered to have hitherto had a greater effect in depreciating railway property than anything else besides . The settlement in Railway Shares was on Monday , and passed off well . sensible
The produce market has not undergone any alteration . Improvement was confidently expected , but it has not taken place . The corn market has continued very heavy . The arrivals of foreign wheat and flour are still large , which , with the prospects now presented of there being abundant crops , must of necessity have a depressing effect . The price of wheat has in consequence suffered a further decline of 2 s . per quarter . The manufacturing markets have been tolerably good . In Manchester there has been a steady demand for various kinds of goods , the stocks of which are generally low , and producers of several descriptions of both cloth and yarn are now waiting to order principally , if not wholly , for the foreign trade , and , in a majority of instances , for India and China . The Yorkshire woollen trade has been pretty brisk , both in deliveries of cloth , from the halls and in business at the warehouses . The shipping houses are the busiest , and their stocks are said to be reduced unusually low for this season of the year .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) f
Satur. Mond. Tues. Jvedn. Thurs Lnd. Ban...
Satur . Mond . Tues . JVedn . Thurs lnd . Bank Stock 207 206 209 2004 206 3 per Cent . Reduced .. ! M $ 04 J 94 § 94 g 9 j 3 perCent . Cons . Anns . 95 § 95 * 90- } 9 ;> g 95 jJ 3 per Cent . Anna . 1720 . —— ¦¦ 31 per Cent . Anns . .. 9 GJ 90 | 90 J 9 GJ 9 GJ New 5 per Cents .. .. —— —— —~ ——Long Annuities , I 860 .. 8 J 8 J 8 J 8 8 | IndiaStocklOipercent 208 208 206 260 Ditto Bonds 92 p 94 p 93 p 95 p — 3 per Ct . Cons ., for Ace . 95 } 951 & H 95 J yr > 3 Ex . Bills , 1000 / . June 2 70 p 71 p 71 p 70 p 68 p Ditto , 500 * 71 p 71 p 70 p 68 p Ditto , Small .. .. 71 p 71 p 71 |» 70 p 68 p
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . •• •• •• •• 75 A Belgian Bonds , 4 $ per Cent . .. 8 \ W Brazilian 5 per Cents . .. .. •• .. 87 $ Buenos Ayres 0 per Cents 53 oxd Chilian 6 per Cents 96 | Equador Bonds .. .. . 34 Danish 3 per Cents 70 Dutch 24 per Cents . .. .. •• •• .. 50 4 per Cents . .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 } French 5 per Cents . An . at Paris 89 . 35 3 per Cents ., March 28 .. 55 . 65 Mexican 5 per Cent . Bonds .. 20 i Small 28 { Neapolitan 5 per Cents — Peruvian 4 per Cents .. .. 71 Portuguese 5 per Cent 85 J ' 4 per Cents . .. 33 f . Annuities .. .. .. .. ,. 33 ^ Russian , 1822 , . 0 per Cents 107 Spanish Activos , 0 per Cents 18 $ Passive 3 J ———— Deferred .. •• ¦• .. .. 37
Shares. Last Official Quotation During T...
SHARES . Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thnrsday Evening . ) Railways—Caledonian 7 £ Edinburgh and Glasgow 26 * Eastern Counties .. .. •• •• •• 7 | Great Northern .. •• •¦• •• •• 54 Great North of England .. 218 Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) .. .. 26 Great Western .. •« •• •¦ 50 Hulland Selby - .. 96 Lancashire and Yorkshire .. .. .. .. 31 Lancaster and Carlisle .. .. > .. .. 52 London , Brighton , and South Coast 79 London and Black wall .. .. •• .. 3 J London and North-Western .. 102 ^ Midland 324 North British ~ i { South-Eastern and Dover .. •• •• 13 South-Western .. .. . » •• •• 58 York , Newcastle , and Berwick 11 § York and North Midland 14 § Docks—East and West India .. •• •• •• 142 London .. •• •• •• •• •• * £ "i St . Katherine .. •• •• •• •• ° 1 Banks—Australasian .. .. . *• •• •• •• 24 £ British North American 42 Colonial ... .. . •• •• •• •• 8 Commercial of London .. .. •• •• — London and Westminster 25 ^ London Joint Stock .. .. •• •• 16 | National of Ireland .. .. .. •• 17 $ National Provincial .. .. •• •• — Provincial of Ireland 424 Union of Australia .. .. .. .. •• 30 Union of London .. .. .. • •• •• 16 J Mines—Uolanos .. ^ .. .. •• •• •• — Brazilian Imperial .. .. .. .. •• — Ditto , St . John del liey .. 14 Cobre Copper .. .. .. .. •• — Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural .. .. .. .. • 1 >> Canada a J > General Steam .. .. .. •• •• •• * 7 $ Peninsular and Oriental Steam .. .. .. ° p ltoyal Mail Steam .. .. .. .. •• 52 South Australian -- 19
Grain, Mark-Lane, April 17. Wheat, R. Ne...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , April 17 . Wheat , R . New .. 35 s . to 39 s . Maple 23 s . to 25 s Fine 38 —40 White 22 —24 Old 40 —41 Boilers 25 —27 White 40 —45 Beans , Ticks 22 —24 Pine 41 —42 Old 25 —27 Superior New .. 45 — 48 Indian Cora 24 — 27 Rye 20 — 22 Oats , Feed 15 — 16 Barley 19 —22 Fine 16 — 19 Maltinff 22 —25 Poland 16 —18 Malt . Ord 42 —45 Fine 18 —19 j-iue 48 — 53 j Potato 16 —17 Peas , Hog 22 —23 Fine 18 — 19
General Average Price Of Grain. Week End...
GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending April 17 . . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 38 s . Od . Rye 20 s . 8 d Barley 22 11 Beans 23 8 Oats 15 3 Peas 26 3 Affgreg'ats Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 38 s . Id . Uye 22 s . 4 d , Barley 23 6 Beans 24 1 Oats .. 15 1 Peas 25 3
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 30s. To 35s. S...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 30 s . to 35 s . Seconds 35 — 38 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 20 —28 Norfolk and Stockton 26 — 28 American per barrel 21 — 22 Canadian 21 — 22 Wheaten . Bread , 6 d . to 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households 4 to 54 ,
Provisions. Butter—Best Fresh, 8s. To 12...
PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 8 s . to 12 s . per doz . Carlow , £ ' S 10 s . to £ 3 16 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per ewt . 4 Gs .. <*»• 46 s . Cheese , Cheshire . 46 — fi » Derby , Plain .......... 46 —54 Hams , York 60 , —70 Eggs , French , per 120 , 5 a . 3 d . to 6 s . Od .
Butchers' Meat. Newgate And Leadenhall.*...
BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smitjctteld . * b . d . s . d . s . d . a . d . Beef 2 0 to 3 2 3 0 to 3 2 . Mutton 2 4 — 3 G 4 2 — 4 4 Veal 3 0 — 310 3 6 — 310 Pork 3 0 — 4 0 3 8 — 4 0 Lamb 4 6 — 5 8 4 10 — 510 To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday-Beasts 811 3 , 583 Sheep 5130 20 . 3 JO Calves 203 100 Pigs , 135 240
Hops. Potatoes. Kent Pockets 135s. To 16...
HOPS . POTATOES . Kent Pockets 135 s . to 168 s . York Regents per ton 90 s . to 10 ( te ' . Choice ditto .. 147 —232 Wisbeeh Regents ... 70 — 89 Sussex ditto .. 120 —130 Scotch Reds 6 G — 7 * Farnhamdo .. 170 —250 French White * 60 — 70
Hay And Straw. (Per Load Of 3g Trusses.)...
HAY AND STRAW . ( Per Load of 3 G Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smitiifield . Whiteghapel . Hay . Good .... 50 s . to 75 48 s . to 73 s 48 s . to 72 s . Inferior .. 50 — 05 .... 0—0 .... 30 —50 New 0—0 .... 0 — 0 .... 0—0 Clover GO — 87 .... 70 —90 .... 60 —90 Wheat Straw .. 22—29 .... 21 —28 .... SI — 88
Groceries. Tea, Bohea, Fine.... Per Lb.*...
GROCERIES . Tea , Bohea , fine .... per lb . * 0 s . Id . to 0 a . 3 d . Congou , fine I 3 — 1 9 Souchong , fine 1 3 — 1 6 In Bond—Duty 2 a . Id . per lb . Coffee , fine ( in bond ) per cwt 70 s . to 72 s . Good Ordinary 45—40 6 Sugar , Muscovado , per cwt 32 s . Gd . West India Molasses 14 s . Gd . to 189 , Od .
Leader (1850-1860), April 20, 1850, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20041850/page/22/