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906 SCtl* ULt&itt t* [Saturday ,
Smirlfrnf, kt.
(fJltiiiirfni, yiinniinn| r k ^itrpnr.
ffithmts k €nM Uttitlm.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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906 Sctl* Ult&Itt T* [Saturday ,
906 SCtl * ULt & itt t * [ Saturday ,
# m 3 tm
ENAMELLED DAGUERREOTYPES . Class X . —North Central Gallery . —No . 292 . MR . BEARD , 85 , Kin £ Will Jam-street , City ; 34 . Parliament-street ; and the Royal Polytechnic Institution . Regent-street ; also 34 , Church-street . Liverpool . — SPECIMENS of ENAMELLED DAGUERREOTYPES . —Mr . R . BEARD has recently introduced an important improvement , l > y which his Daguerreotype Miniatures are enamelled , and thpreby secured from that susceptibility to tarnish and become obscured , which all others are liablp t" >; the colours also attain the brilliancy , depth of tone , and permanency of an oil painting .
WAX FLOWERS . Class XXIX . —North Gallery . —No . 70 . MESSRS . J . H . and II . MINTORN , Modellers in ordinary to the Queen , 36 , foho-square , London . — Rare and curious BOTANICAL SPECIMENS MODELLED IN WAX FROM LIFE , showing their growing state and exhibiting the varieties and phasp » of their existence , & c . Messrs . Mintorn beg to inform their friends nnd the public that at their Show-rnom may be seen , amongst many others , larger specimens of Flowers ( for which there was not space in the room allotted to Messrs . Mintorn in the Great Exhibition ); the MIGNIONETTE , so much admired by all who have been able to obtain a view of it ; also the original Model of the VICTORIA REGIA and leaves , measuring 1 ? feet in circumference . " The Handbook to Modelling in Wax Flowers . " fourth edition , price 2 s . 6 d ., by post 3 s . Wax 6 s . 6 d . per gross .
PAPIER MACHE . Class XXVI . —North Side—Ground Floor—No . 157 . BIELEFELD , 15 , WeUinptnn-street , North . Specimens of ARCHITECTURAL and other ORNAMENTS manufactured in the improved Papier MachC . A Large DRAGON and EAGLE executed for the Royal Pavilion , Brighton ; large GLASS FRAME ; large CORINTHIAN CAPITAL , executed for the Hank at Adelaide , New South Wales ; a BUST of FLAXMAN ; a MAP of part of the Town of Dundee ; also , VENTILATORS , and various other Ornaments .
ARTISTS' COLOURS . Class II . —Sodtii-Western Gallery . —No . 140 . WINSOR and NEWTON , 38 , Ratl . boneplace , and North London Colour Works , Kentish-town , Manufacturers . —ARTISTS' PIGMENTS , in the raw and manufactured states , and in the various form 3 of preparation , for use in water-colour and oil-painting , and in decorative art ; including manufacturers and preparations of the madder colour ? , cochineal , lapis lazuli , uranium , cadmium , chromium , and all the rarer kinds of chemical pigments ; canvas , brushes , oils , Varnishes , and other inaterials ' cmployed in drawing and painting .
Smirlfrnf, Kt.
Smirlfrnf , kt .
Class XXIIL—South-Wustern Gallhry—No . &{ . S IT . ' ami D . GASS , l ( i (> , Recent-street . — DF . SSICRT SEItVICE , consisting of a Centre-piece , represfntirifr Kgyptian Water-carriers at . a Well , shadowed by the Palm , £ ' M 0 ; and four Dishes , representing aquatic Plants , modelled from specimens now growing in Kew Gardens , averaging 80 guineas each . The ; leaves form dishes , capable of » ubtaining several pounds weight . JEWELLED BROOOlI , representing Britannia , composed of Diamonds , standing in a Gothic niche , supported by pillara of Carbuncle , JE 350 . A MINIATURE I 1 RACKLKT ( after ' i hoi burn ) . lepresenting the Queen and the Prince of Wales , in ancient Niello-work , with Carbuncle and brilliant border £ 190 .
WATCHES . Class X . —Soutii-Wkstkhn Gallhry . —No . 55 . EJ . DENT , 01 , Strand , 3 a , Cockspur-strcef , and . 51 , Royal Kxcluuigr . Manufacturer . —Large AHuortnu-nt of LAI ) li :. S' aiul CiKNTLEMKN'S superior WATCHES Marine CIIRONOM ETKlt , with a glass balance-sprin «» - . 'lans balancu , mid compeiiHation . for variation of temperature « , f nlatiua and silver . AZIMUTH and ALTITUDE CO HI P \ 88 DIPLEIDOSCOPE . ASTRONOMICAL and other CLOCKS ^ &<¦ '
ELECTRO-PLATE . Ci . ars XXIII . —South-Wk . stkhn Gai . i . kuy . —No . 1 . 17 L K I NC TON ; md CO ., Vattutvcs of tl . c "V .-i 'iJ / -i M ?; , l , '< . . ^ ' " ~ A larK < " <;() LI ' K (; TI () N <> f ARTICLES of LLE ( , I RO-PI . AII ' ., Kl « cli-o- ( JiU , Silver , and Dronzo . Tinwhole , with a fow inuiiir i-xci-ptioiiH , having been oximi-kmIv d «« ignrd . inaniifactiirrd . or executed for the pr «> K « -nt Exhibition London HoiiHOH—20 and 'i 2 , R < -gi > nt-i » tr « -et ; 45 Moorgate-Hn-.-t ' Manufactory- N « -whall-. itr « -i't , Uiriniiighmn . At . itlur of « hich KaliibliHhincnth ; pciHony wittliing to purchaHt : may !)•> mippliecl
ASTRONOMICAL C L O C K - P E I ) O M E T K It 8—WATCH PE DO MET KHS . Class X . —Soirni-Wit . s-ricnN ( Jai . lhuy . —No . 7 . { . W PAYNE and CO ., 163 , Now Ron . l-slreet ., . Inventor * and ManiifncturorH . QUARTER CIII . MK CLOCK , on eight belle , in Auiboynii wood mid or-inolu cane , made for the Kultan of Turkey . ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK * tilth chronometer « 'Hcnpeinent , perpetual day of th « month , ' inoon ' age , noon and night , day of the week , r < - | K-at » houru and qitartcitf , zodiacal Mitfim in cnirravcd > f ilt catie PATI' . NT PEDOMETER , for iix-mniiinir walking diHtuiK . t'H ; inm'iifacturcd oli-ly b y Mckhi-8 . Pnyne . WATCH with PEDOMETER uttn < brd , Hhowinjr u . cou » 1 h mill day of month . 8 mnll CARKIAGE CLOCK , tuid muvcih ! CLOCKS in « IejjaiUly ornamented c « oe » .
fflvml'Swfimxms .
ORGANS . Class X . —West Gallery . —No . 209 . HENRY WILLIS , Organ Builder , Manchesterstreet , Argyll-square , London . —An ORGAN , consisting of three rows of keys , and two octaves and one-fifth of pedals . The instrument is built on the German plan , viz ., eight feet manuals , and thirty-two feet pedal ? . It contains 77 stops , nearly 4 . > 00 pipes , the largest b >> ing C C C C 32 feet , the smallest Cj of an inch . By peculiar mechanism twenty-four changes or combinations of stops are brought under the thumb of the performer . The mechanism includes several novel arrangements , and in the various bellows there are five different pressures of air .
PIANOFORTES . Class X . —North-Western Gallery . —No . 467 . TOSEPHT KIRKMAN and SON . 3 , Suhotl square ( next the Bazaar ) . —CONCERT GRAND PIANOFORTE , 7 Octaves , in Rosewood-case , with New Repetition Mechanism : the celebrated FONDA SEMI-GRAND , in Walnut ; OBLIQUE PIANOFORTE , in Ebony and Gold , carved , with important improvements ; MINIATURE MODEL GRAND , in EBONyand Gold , the SMALLEST PIANO ever made . It has 6 } octaves , and contains all the latest improvements .
ROYAL ALBERT TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTE . Class X . —North-Western Central Gallery . —No . 487 . ADDISON and HOLLIER , 210 , Resentstr ^ et . — The ROYAL ALBERT TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTE , with immoveable key-board , hammers , and strings . These instruments are a perfect luxury for pianoforte accompaniment . Merely by the filming- of a handle every song or piece of music can be transposed into six different keys , thereby bringing many thousand musical works within the compass of every voice . This Pianoforte has the suffrages of upwards of Three Hundred of the Musical Profession .
CONCERTINAS — HARMONIUMS . Class X . —North-western Central Gallery . —No . 5 Jfi . MESSRS . WHEATSTONE and CO ., 20 , Conduit-street , Regent-street . CONCERTINAS : Rosewood , 48 keys , best finished , 8 guineas ; ditto , extra best . 10 guineas . BARITONE CONCERTINA : ex tra best finished , 12 guineas . HARMONIUMS : With twelve Stops and four sets of Vibrators , 40 guineas . IMPROVED PATENT ditto , with the Pianoforte Hammer Action , 45 guineas . Harmoniums and Concertinas for Hire .
FLUTES . Class X . —North-Western Gallery—No . 536 . RUDALL , ROSE , and CO ., Manufacturers and Sole Patentees in this country of the following F LUTE 8 : — I . BOEIIM'S FLUTE , WITH PATENT PARABOLA AND CYLINDER . This is the greatest invention among musical instruments of modern times . 2 . CARTE'S PATENT FLUTE . WITII NEW FINGERING . This is the same flute as Boehm ' s , with the advantage of a more facile mode of fingering than either that flute or the ordinary flutes . 3 . CARTE'S PATENT FLUTE , WTTII THE OLD SYSTEM OF FINGERING . This combine * the improvements of Boehni with the old system of fingering . 4 . RUDALL AND ROSE' 8 ORDINARY FLUTE . With improved conical bore and patent tuning-hrad . Rudall , Rose , and Co .. Flute Manufacturers and Publishers of Flute Music . 38 , Southampton-street , Strand , London .
TUNIN C , D U II M S -11 A S S O O N S . Class X . —Nouth-Westeiin Gallkky . —No . 527 , Bay 18 . CORNELIUS VVAUD , Inventor and Patentee , . 'IC , Great Tichneld-strcet . DUUM 8 , which can be adjusted to any pitch with the eame facility as one Btrinjj . These Drums are tighter , and and not more expensive than the ordinary Drum , stout , in permanent order , and cause no expense in wear . Tlu ? BARS DRUMS and CYMBALS are very conveniently combined . A BASSOON of ia ; w construction , poBHcet-ing S rc- < t facility of embouchure and fingering . The pohition of the lingers being convenientl y committed , given a facile and KyKteniatic command of the KcalcH , which , together with tin ; little exertion now required to produce correct tones of the fluent quality , will , it may be reasonably anticipated , caiiHc the Itasaoon to become a favourite instrument with Amateui h .
IMPORTANT INVENTION . Class X . —Nohth CJai . i . kky . —No . 511 . "JOSEPH ANKLLI , 4 , Northumberlaiul-lcr-•» race . Hay * water , London . CENTUI PETAL REGULATING I EOS and I' 1 N 8 . which cannot draw back or ( f ive way . Uy thia invention iiiatrmnentH can be tuned and regulated gradually in all thi-ir ( hvixioiiH , in 1 « hu than half the tiine UHiinlly H !< iuir « d Also a SPUING CAPO TAHTO . " which , attached to the head of the guitar , cliangca ut once the diapinori of the « tringH mo that the p <; rlornu-r may play in all keyU without altering tho printed noteu or Iho pobiiion of tho hand or linifcrH
(Fjltiiiirfni, Yiinniinn| R K ^Itrpnr.
( fJltiiiirfni , yiinniinn | r k ^ itrpnr .
CLAKM II . —HoUTII-WlCSTKlI N G ALI . lt It Y — -No « > JJ KNRY STKP 1 IKNS , 51 , Louer Siai » f « nl-• ff ? cV t V , V \ - UIld 8 ATI ^ WOO ? , . " ¦ to iiV . £ " til . EVI-. H-POINTKII Im / ni / mi i ,, ' llal - Alao u new kind of XAJN rlia K ViJ " ™» . « " « l » ruZ ^ i 7 tJluibwi :
8 ILK 8 .-EIBBONS . Class XIII . —South Transept Gallery . —No 16 LEWIS and ALLENBY , 193 , 195 , and 197 Regent-street . —An extremely RICH BROCADED 8 Iik ' manufactured by Campbell , Harrison , and Lloyd , in 8 pitalfie ] H from the elegant design of Mr . S . Lewis . This beautiful s cimen of weaving is brocaded in fifteen colours , a number m i " unusual and hitherto never attempted in this country . To d duce these in the elaborate pattern exhibited the ' enorrnni number of 29 , 600 cards are required and 96 shuttles . It justly considered to rival the choicest productions of Lvnn Also a BROCHE RIBBON , manufactured at Coventry deJZ a by Mr . A . Lewis . J > aem Snei
HYGIENIC CORSETS . Class X . —North-Western Gallery . —No . 570 a . Class XX . —South Gallery . —No . 32 a . MADAME CAPLIN . —Patent HYGIENIC CORSETS Plate and Mechanical ; also , the Tte » i < rtPM > , « Self-adjusting- CORPORIFORM CORSET 8 and CHILD'S BODD 1 CE , 58 , Berners ' -street , London , and o 5 . Princess-street Manchester . Science applied to the preservation and improvement of the female form , and the benefit of health . Madame Caplin , in calling the attention of Ladies to the numerous adaptations she has invented and exhibited in the above classes begs to apprize them , that they will find at her Establishment a Series still more complete , embracing all the phases of woman ' s life , from infancy up to old age . Madame Caplin begs to state , that her Establishment is quite a special undertaking , and the only one of the kind in which everything adaptable to the comfort , support , or relief of the human body , the preservation of the * figure , as well as preventive and curative means applicable exteriorly , have been duly experimented , and are recommended by the first medical men both in England and France .
HATS . Class XX . — South-Eastern Gallery . —No . 51 . W WHITE and SON , 68 , Cheapside , sole Manufacturers of the ZEPHYR HAT , the advantages of which are apparent to all who have -worn them ; ventilation , lightness , and durability being the objects attained . Gentlemen who have tried them cannot wear any other with comfort . Price lls . and 18 s . They also are the manufacturers of every other description of hats , which , for quality and fashion , cannot be surpassed in London . Prices from 7 s . 6 d . to 18 s .
BALBRIGGAN STOCKINGS . Class XX . —South Transeft Gallery . —No . 37 . CHARLES G LENNY , 33 , Lombard-street , London . — BALBRIGGAN STOCKINGS , twelve pair weighing only seven ounces . These excellent Stockings are manufactured in Balbriggan , county of Dublin , and for elasticity and exquisite softness of texture are umivalled by the products of Nottingham ; they combine all the beauty of silk with the durability of cotton , " and more than its comfort , being inconceivably pleasant to wear . Specimen 3 of this beautiful Irish fabric maybe seen at CHARLES GLENNY'S Balbriggan Hosiery Warehouse , 33 , Lombard-street , the only house they can be purchased at .
LEATHER-CLOTH BOOTS AND SHOES . Class XVI . — GroundFloor — North Side . —No . 1 G 4 . HA LL and C O ., Wellington-street , Strand , Patentees and Manufacturers of BOOTS and SHOES , LEATIIEK-CLOTH , or PANNUS-CORIUM . The Leather-cloth , or Pannus-coriuin , Boots and Shoes are the easiest and most comfortable ever invented for tender feet , a most valuable relief for corns , bunions , gout , & c , having no dravVing or painful effect on the wearer , and adapted for all climates . Elastic Supporting Ancle Boots of the same soft material ; alao the Vulcanised Goloshes —HALL and CO ., Wellington-street , Strand , nenr Waterloo-bridge .
Ffithmts K €Nm Uttitlm.
ffithmts k € nM Uttitlm .
ROWLAND'S AQUA D'ORO . Class XXIX . —Nohth Transept Gallery . —No . 1 . Al tOWLAND and SONS , 20 , Hatton-garden . A GOLDEN FOUNTAIN OF THE AQUA D'ORO ' This i « the most fragrant and refrcBhing- Perfume ever y ielded by tho " Soul * of Flowers . " It retainsita fresh and delighthd odoroiiBiiesa for daya . It is invigorating , penlly stimulating , yet sedative ; and is an unrivulled quintcB » cnoial sp irituous pioduct . l'or fainting-nts , fatigues of dancing , oppression Irom ovt , r-crowded rooina , or intoiiHe aiunmer hent . its uaeH cannot o « over-estimated . Prico 3 ts . Cd . per bottlo . ROW LAN U ^ M ACASHAIt OIL , lor creating and sustaining n luxuriant head of hair ; MOW LAND'S KALYDOR , for rendering the "km » oit . fair , and blooming ; and JtOW LAND'S ODONTO , or * * " " . ' Dentifrice , for imparting a pearl-like whiteness to tho tee . " - Tin ; Patronage of Moyalty throughout Europe ., and tho MS' 1 i appreciation by rank and fiiHhion , with the well-known niliin »•»« efficacy of these articles , givo them a celebrity unparalle < ' »• Hold by A . KOWUND and HONS . ¥ 0 . IJatton-gulden , London , and by reapectablo CheiniHtH and I ' orfuinerw .
RIM MEL'S TOILET VlNK ( iAlt . Cl . A » S XXIX . NOIITII TkANNHI'TGaLI . KHY .- NO . 3 . EUCi KNti UIMMEL , Wholesale »»< l Expert Perfumer , 39 . Gt : rrard-ntre » : t , Solio . London , and ' . '•'• . ""' Wvard do In Garc , d'lviy . Turin . A FOUNTAIN , « i » utt »» K . j contimioiiH jet of KIAIMKI / H TOILET VINEGAR , a . n « -. w n »« delightful pieparHtion to BiipoiBedo I'lau d < " Cologne lor all •'" j and ( military purpouoB . Hcented winter Homim-tu , richly P : l 1 " ' . Hultnnan , and choioo specimens of Perfumery . —N . H . K- W " """ being ilio only Poriunior who ban a manufactory in ' * ftlW p .: . oiler iuie <| iiiille . d ndvimtiircH to mcrchnnta mid BhipperH . * lUta to he had on application . ______
I'KIUI K KH . CursXVI . —Tiik Ckntuai . Avunuu —No . 218 . L ROSSI , 254 , Regent-street , Professor of the Academy of UriiiHh IIuir « lr « BH ( -r « . —SPECIMENS VL I'KRUKKS . The Huh i » attached to u thin tr » ii « P « r" ^ fabric ; there 1 b no direct parting , und tho front edge is < l "j invisible ; uml the foiuidatiun being constructed on K 5 * JVi rtt » principles , th « y are rendered nujmrlor to » Ul othvni » H' « * invented .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 20, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20091851/page/22/