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Sbpt. HO, 1861.] Cft* %t&ntV. 907
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Sbpt. Ho, 1861.] Cft* %T&Ntv. 907
Sbpt . HO , 1861 . ] Cft * % t & ntV . 907
The Last Month Of The Great Exhibition. ...
famihn .
BILLIARD TABLES . Ciass XXVL—Cbktbal Avbncb—Nokth Sidb . —no . 4 . BURROUGPIES and WATTS , BILLIARDTABLE MAKERS and LAMP-MAKER 8 , 8 oho-square ; Makers of the elegant OAK TABLE and MARKING BOARD now on inspection in the nave of the Crystal Palace . This handsomely proportioned table has been got up in the Elizabethan stvle , with much taste , from brown oak , of exceeding fine grain , grown on the Duke of Bedford ' s estate . The Bangor slate bed fs manufactured with great accuracy by Messrs . Burroughes and Watts , the joints being so fitted as to preserve a permanent evenness of surface . The cushions are fitted with Hancock ' * patent vulcanized India rubber .
CARPETS . Class XIX . —South-Western Gallery . —No . 337 . WATSON , BELL , and CO ., 35 and 36 , Old Bond-street , Manufacturers , Producers , and Importers . — An EXTRA SUPERFINE AXMIN 8 TER CARPET , made expressly to the order of his Royal Highness PRINCE ALBERT , for her Majesty ' s drawing-room at Windsor Castle . Designed by Lewis Gruner , Esq ., manufactured by Blackmore Brothers , under the special direction and superintendence of Watson , Bell , and Company . EXTRA SUPERFINE AXMINSTER CARPETS . SUPERFINE VELVET BORDERED CARPET . BRUSSELS CARPET . A CARPET made in her Majeety ' s dominions British India , in 1850 , expressly for the importers for this Exhibition . Manufactured in the province of Masulipatam . Imported from Madras . Real TURKEY CARPET , made in 1850 . expressly for the importers for this Exhibition . Manufactured at Uahak , in the province of Aidin .
DAMASK TABLE LINENS . Class XIV . —Ground Floor—8 outh Side . —No . 27 . SCOTTISH and IRISH LINEN WAREH 0 U 8 E , 261 , Oxford-street , near North Audley-street : manufactory . Dunfennline . —DAVID BIRBELL begs respectfully to draw the attention of the nobility , gentry , and the public generally , to his new make of DAMASK TABLE LINENS , specimens of which are on view at the Great Exhibition . Ready for inspection , a choice stock of the celebrated 7-8 ths and 4-4 th Crown linens , all manufactured from English yarns .
WOOL RUGS AND MAT 8 . Class XVI . —Ground Floor—North Side . —No . 10 . JS . DEED , Leather-dresser and Wool Rug Manufacturer , 8 , 9 , 10 , Little Newport-street . Leicestersquare , London . Specimen of LEATHER , DYED SHEEP and LAMB SKIN WOOL RUG 8 or MATS . Experienced judges , both English and foreign , who have inspected the above , have given their highest testimony and approbation of the manufacture ; the Moroccos being- of most perfect and beautiful colours , handsome grain , and brilliant finish , in various styles , suitable for upholsterers , coachmakers , cageniakers , bookbinders , boot and shoe makers , and The Wool Rugs , possessing remarkable beauty of fleece , brilliant and fast colours , for which J . 8 . Deed has so long been celebrated , are worthy the notice of all who are interested in the department . A large stock of Leather and Wool Rugs , from winch orders are selected promptly , on receiving reference in Town . A list sent fr « e to any part of the kingdom or Continents of Europe , America , or India .
<_ 4 tttaf k Wmmrt .
8 TOVE 8 , GRATES , AND FENDERS . Class XXVI . —Webtbrn Central Avhnub . —No . 107 . PIERCE , 5 , Jermyn-street , Regent-street . — PYRO-PNEUMATIC WARMING and VENTILATING STOVE GRATES , with other SPECIMENS of LONDON MANUFACTURE in STOVE GBATES and FENDERS in SILVER . STEEL , and ORMOLU , designed and completed at No . 5 Jcrmyn-atreet . Pierce ' Registered FIRE-LUMP ORATES , ami his improved COTTAGERS * GRATES , as now nxed at his Royal Highness Prince Albert ' s Model Cottage in Hyde-park . Also his Universal FIRE-LUMP GRATE , exceedingly durable , portable , and convenient , having large hobs and capacious trivet . Price 11 s . 6 d ., 13 s . 6 d .. 15 s . 6 d .. 2 » b . 6 d .. and ! J 6 a . Manufactory and Show-rooms . 5 , Jennyn-street . Regentstreet . Sole London Agent for Nicholson ' * Priie Cottagers ' Kange , the Anglo-German Cooking Stove , Sec .
TOOL 8—C U T L E R Y—N E E D L K 8 . Class XXI . —Nohth-WkStkhn Gallery . —No . 13 . JO HN MOSELEY ami SON , 17 , and 18 , NeW-Btreet , Covent-garden . —PLANE 8 and TOOLS , with modern improvements . Tool-chests , Cutlery , ' and Needleu . — Manufacturers of every description of Mechanical Tools for Cabinet-makers . Joiners , Coachmakere . Wheelers . Musical Instrument-makers . Turner * . Brushmakem , Carvers , Coopora , &« ., of the inoit superior material * and workmanship ; Cutluru Hardwaroroen . Factors , and Dealers in all kinds of Horticultural Implement * . Drainlng-tools , Sec . Fabricaut de Rasoirs . Cineaux , Cauifs , Couteaux Superieuru , Sec . Aiguille * de tout Espflce . Establiaheil 1730 .
/ unit *
IMPROMPTU DINNERS . Class III . — South Galleby . —No . 15 . MESSR S . RITCHIE and M'CALL , 137 \ Hounsditch , Manufacturers .-PATENT HOUSEHOLD PROVISIONS . —At ten minutes' notice , a first rate Dinner , consisting of Soup , Fish , a R 6 ti , an Entree , and a Pudding , can be put on table by means of these Provisions , which are the choicest productions of the markets , dressed in the most recherche style by a first rate French cook , m vacuum canisters , warranted to retain their freshness and flavour for an indefinite period . Mock Turtle , Ox Tail , and Giblet Soup , 2 s . 9 d . per quart ; Mulligatawny , Hare , Julienne , and Green Pea Sonp , 3 s . per quart ; Grouse Soup , 4 s . ; Real Turtle , 15 s . Every description of Made Dishes , & c , at prices equa'ly reasonable not exceeding their cost at home . To be had of FORTNUM and MASON , MOREL BROTHERS , the principal Oilayd Italian Warehousemen in Town and Country , and of RITCHIE and Me CALL , 137 , Hounsditch . Sample Hampers £ 1 each , containing- an assortment , forwarded to any part of the kingdom on receipt of a Post-office order . Detailed Price List , post free , on application .
Jforfmimi k atttr ^ nnntl Smtftms .
FOUNTAIN PUMPS . Class V . —Ground Floor—North Side . —No . 402 . WILLIAM SHALDERS , jun ., Bank-place , Norwich , Joint Inventor , Designer . Manufacturer , and Sold Proprietor . —TWENTY-THREE varieties and sizes of PATENT FOUNTAIN PUMPS and ENGINES , discharging from lOoz . up to 100 lbs ., or 10 gallons of water per stroke , with which two tnen can easily discharge 400 gallons per minute , raising the water 4 $ feet high , shown in action ; with four other applications , including a Portable Fountain Fire , Horticultural , & c , Engine , which , with one-hand power , would drive water up in a copper-rivetted small leather hose pipe over St . Paul ' s cross . A Connector , to deliver 3 barrels of water per stroke ; larger sizes , up to a delivery of a ton weight , can be constructed , and are all siaes ( though admitting of slow or quick action without loss of power ) , easily applied to any motive force to raise water from any depth or to force it to any height or distance for all the main purposes of life . These ne plus ultra Hydraulic or Pneumatic Machines , by working without friction , leakage , or liability of choking , yield in average practice a clear gain of more than half the power required to work piston and cylinder pumps , chain pumps , centrifugal pumps , water wheels , ropes and buckets , or any other ( make shift ) . Hydraulic Machines , Connectors , Expressers , Valves . Leather Hose Pipes , Spiral Copperrivetted Suction ditto , Round Leather Foot and Hand Lathe Bands , and other Hydraulic and Mechanical work .
KNIFE-CLEANING MACHINE . Class XXII . —Ground Floor—South 8 ide . —No . 553 . G HENT , 329 , Strand , Inventor and Manu-• facturer . The ROTARY KNIFE-CLEANIN « MACHINE . THE SMALL ONES FOR FAMILIES MAY BE USED BY A CHILD , whilst the number of knives each machine is adapted to take are not only cleaned and beautifully polished , in less time than one knife can be cleaned on the knifeboard , but are not subject to the risk of injury they sustain when cleaned by the old method , nor can they ever be worn away at the points or backs . PATENT TRITURATING STRAINER , a perfect substitute forSieves . PATENT ROTARY CINDERSIFTER , which produces an immense saving in labour , time , and fuel . The Patentee has received Testimonials from a large number of the Nobility , Gentry , Clergy . Heads of Public Institutions , Colleges , and other Scholastic Establishments .
ARTICLES IN GUTTA PERCHA . Class XXVIII . —North Gallery . —No . 85 . Class XXVI . —Ground Floor , North Side . —No . 21 . - TH E GUTTA PERCHA COMPANY , Patentees , 18 , Wharf-road , City-road , London . —APPLICATIONS of GUTTA PERCH A—DOMESTIC , & c—Soleafor Boots and Shoes , Lining for Cisterns , & c , Picture Frames , Looking-glass Frames , Ornamental Mouldings , BowIb , Drinking Cups , Jars , 8 oap Dishes . Vases , Ornamental Inkstands , Noiseless Curtain Rings , Card , Fruit , Pin , and Ten Trays , Tooth-brush Trays , Shaving-bruBh Trays , Window-blind Cord . Clothes * Line , Drain and 8 oiF Pipes , Tubing for Watering Gardens , & c , Lining for Bonnets , Watch Stan d * , 8 hcllB , and Lighter Stand * . SURGICAL Splints , Thin Sheet for Bandages , StcthoacopeB , Fiar Trumpets . Bed Straps , and Bedpans for Invalids . CHEMICAL —Carboys , Vessels for Acidn , Sec , Siphons , Tubing forconveying Oils Acids , Alkalis , & c . Flasks , Bottles , Lining for Tanks and Funnels . MANUFACTURING—Buckets . Mill Bands , Pump Buckets Felt Edging . BoBaes , Shuttle IJuds , Washers . Round Bands and Cord . Breasts for Wuter-Wheels . FOR OFFICES , & c _ —Wafer Holders , Ink-stands , Ink-cups , Pen Trays , Cash Bowls , Washing Basins , & c , Tubes for Conveying Messages , Canvao for covering Books , & c , and Plan CaBes . AGRICULTURAL— Tubing for Liquid Manure , Lining for Manure Tanks , Traces , and Whips . KLECTRICAL . & o . — Covering for Electric Telegraph Wire . Insulating Stools , Battery Cell * , and Electrotype Moulds . ORNAMENTAL—Medallions , Brackets , Cornices , Mouldings in imitation of Carved Oak , Rosewood , Sec , and Picture Frames . USES ON 811 II'HOARD Life Buoys , Buckets , Tump Buckets , Hand Speaking Tiutnpcts , Drinking Cups , Water pi oof Can-vuH , Life Boat Cells , Tubes for Pumping Water from til * Hold to tho Deck , Round and Twisted Cords . Lining for Boxen . MISCELLANEOUS—Hiiction Piped for Fire EiitfineB , Huckotii , Communion Trayu , Tubing for Ventilation , Hearing AppuratiiH for Deaf Peruonu , Balls , Pollen Staves . Lift ) Preservers . Railway Conversation Tubes , Miners * Caps . Thread , & c . Official Scale , &<\ , Powder Flaakt ) , Sec . & c .
THRASHING MACHINE . Clash IX . —No 80 . W CARPENTER , lkid o-street , lUnlmry , Oxon . IMPROVE !) ANTI-ATTRITION THRASHING MACHINE , The improvemento in thiu machine are of great value : It can bo worked by tho most restive horses , without fear of breaking it ; it in also capable of doing much more work , with the same power , than machines made on any other prinoi p le . Gearing , to work thin machine , can be made upon * very light scale . Flrst-rata U'uUmany to bo had as to lta power , & c .
jHtrttottq , fa .
Classes VI . and XVII . —Ground Floor . — North Side . — Nos . 168 and 38 . G SCHLESINGER and CO ., 8 , Old Jewry , City . —NEW PATENT STAMP PRINTING PRESS , not larger than nine inches , with self-feeding- rollers , for every sort of printing or marking the linen . Ditto NUMBERING or PAGING MACHINE , which prints from 1 to 100 , 000 successive figures . Ditto AUTOGRAPH MACHINE , the quickest mode of copying from 1 to 100 letters , & c , in ten minutes . SCHLKSINGER'f PATENT FLEXIBLE METALLIC BOOK , PORTFOLIOS , and MUSIC FOLIOS . Ditto PATENT COMMERCIAL PARALLEL RULERS , LETTER CLIPS , HYDRAULIC INKSTANDS , and many other valuable inventions , for Public Institutions and commercial and private use . —A visit to the above classes , or at their warehouse , 8 , Old Jewry , City , will be worth the trouble .
LACE PAPERS . Class XVII . —Central Avenue . —No . 190 . G MEEK , 2 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , ORNAMENTAL PERFORATED PAPERS in representation of LACE and CROCHET WORK , designed for Ladies' Albums and Correspondence . The LACE PAPERS will be found the most elegant and recherche Patterns ever yet introduced . Also a . Collection of PAPERS and ORNAMENTS for VALENTINE MAKERS . Prints varnished in Gelatine for the Trade .
^ tiilnsiiptiitiil ^ iriEtttifir ,
PORTABLE GYMNASIUM . Class X . —North-Western Gallery . —No . 570 . MONSIEUR J . CAPLIN , Inventor of the Alleviating Treatment , Proprietor and Director of the HYGIENIC GYMNASIUM , and ORTHORACHIDIC INSTITUTION , Strawberry-hill , Pendleton , Manchester , befrs to call the attention of the Scientific world and the Public at large to the Philosophical construction of his Newly Invented PORTABLE GYMNASIUM , and his various adaptations of Spinal Instruments exhibited in the above Class . Prospectuses of his Establishment , and his Treatise on the Causes and Nature of the Deformities of the 6 pine , and Rational Means of Curing this Disorder , may be procured in London at Bailliere ' s , Bookseller , 219 , Regent-street ; and at Madame Caplin ' a Establishment , 58 , Berners ' -street , Oxford-street ; also , in Manchester , 55 , Princess-street , and at the Institution , Strawberry-hill , Pendleton .
Curriagtts , Hatef , fct .
NEW CARRIAGE . —THE AMEMPTON . Class V . —Carriage Department . —No . 891 . EDWI N KESTERTON , 80 , Lon ^ -acre . —The AMEMPTON CARRIAGE , registered 6 and 7 Victoria . This perfectly unique and elegant invention is constructed as a Double-seated CLOSE CARRIAGE , of a novel design , and , by a very simple contrivance , converted into an open Step-piece Barouche , thus forming the complete summer and winter Carriage . It has the advantage of being- much lighter in appearance and draught than any other carriage hitherto introduced . May be viewed at 80 , Long-acre .
( 0 ttus k Wupm .
Class V 11 I . —8 outh-Wkstkhn Gallery . —No . 224 . PARKER , FIELD , and SONS , Manufacturers , 233 , High Holborn , and T ) 8 , Manseu-street , Minories . A highly-finished , DOUBLE-BARRELLED SPORTING GUN ; a highly-finished DOUBLE-BARRELLED ( illN ; a pair of ELEGANT PISTOL 8 , mounted in gold and silver ; a superior AIR GUN . in case , complete-, MUSKETS . FUSILS , and CARH 1 NK 8 , & c , of the Honourable EaHt India Company ; PISTOL . CUTLASS . T 11 UNCHEON 8 , RATTLES , HANDCUFFS . , as made by PARKER . FIELD , and SON 8 , for the Metropolitan and City Police Forces , & c .
jfiwfotng k Inwjiulu' amiliaira .
GLA 8 8 . Clash XXIV . —Ckntkal North Gallery . —No . 21 . MESSRS . LLOYD and SUMMKRFIELD , l ' ark Ulas 3 Works . Birmingham , Manufacturers . —CUT and PLAIN FLINT GLASS of every description and colour for Ornamental or Optical purposes and Church Windows . Cooper ' * PATKNT SPHERICAL AIR-TIGHT STOPPERS , Hp . cim . im of which may be ueen at the Exhibition . Alao , of PATKNT CRYSTAL SASH BARS , by means of which windows , iooIh , and other articles may Ik ; coiiutructed entirely of gliiHt > , and which are highly mutable for shop-front h , skylights , und cuses of variouu kiiulu .
GLABS II ( MIS UK . Class XXVII . —North ( Ui . i . kiiv .- No . V 22 . GLASS HOUSES . —A 1 , I R K I > K K N T , Inventor , Chiohonter , Sussex . NKW METHOD o » GLAZING GUEENJIOUHEH , SKYLIGHTS , &« :.. with » peculiar tdinpcd bur un < l now material , in lieu ol putty . to obviate drip . liy using Rolled Plato Glasu witJi this nynt « iii minlcieiit prcHMiiru i » attained to effectually resiHt tho stream of " » lr « - eugine . The glauH i » rmnoved ami roplucod with « u < h facility that ( iriM'iilioiixca run h « puinted und kept in u » good order a » dwelling-houses ; und a Having will l >« elluoted in repair * In a few years to an amount sufflciunt to . over theoripiual c . o » t of tho erection . The cost of thit ay . tem average * oigh « . •<>¦< ponce per foot B « ip « r « oial for tho Hto . il JUr ami fourteen P «»™ par foot , aunertloial for tho Light liar . — W . U . The large Model o » » OreenhXi . howlnVihl . toT «« ttonl- « t the North Wet Angle outside tho Exhibition .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 20, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20091851/page/23/