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908 SI) * aeafcetV [Saturday, Seft. 20, ...
London , i'rint.dby Hom»t1'«i.««u (ot N ...
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908 Si) * Aeafcetv [Saturday, Seft. 20, ...
908 SI ) * aeafcetV [ Saturday , Seft . 20 , 1851 .
THE NEW NOVEL . Now ready at all the Libraries , and to be had of all Booksellers , in 2 Vols ., 21 s ., JOHN DRAYTON ; Being the LIFE and DEVELOPMENT of a LIVERPOOL ENGINEER . " John Drayton is a work of rare power . Since Jane Eyre , ' we have had no such example of restrained power ; no such adherence to absolute reality—combined as it is with such a fervid and passionate style . The Author writes , with the sternness of Carlyle , in unmeasured scorn of Chartism , Republicanism , and infidelity . "—Literary Gazette . . . "John Drayton is a remarkable book . The Author is in earnest , and his earnestness is accompanied by such evidences of geniality , power , loftiness of sentiment and thought , and by such a line conception of the noble life which man may live , it only true to his better impulses , that we foTget the scornful way in which he insults our opinions , and welcome him as a fellowworker . "—Leader . Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street . September , 1851 .
Just published , in post 8 vo ., price 9 s . cloth , P OLDEN DREAMS AND WAKING \ Jf REALITIES ; Being the Adventures of a Gold-Seekerin California and the Pacific Ii-land ? . By William Siiaw . " All who wish to foresee the probable ' Waking "Realities ' from ' Golden Dreams , ' will do well to read Mr . Shaw ' s animated and eraphic narrative . "— . Britannia . " It is calculated to enlighten adventurers on all they have to encounter and expect in California . " —Globe . " The contents of the book ure triith-like , the author s ad .-ventures numerous , and the narration is exti finely interesting . " Economist . ' No book on California has given a better lesson thau these adventures . "—Critic . . . Mr . Shaw suffered and saw sufferings such as in fiction would seem unnatural . His career was one continued series of hardships , privation , and labour , with frequent danger and risk of life . "— Spectator . London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., 65 , Cornhill .
Just published , THE PROSPECTUS OF THE / CENTRAL CO - OPERATIVE AGENCY . V > / Containing the necessary means for obtaining further Information . May be had at the following places : —The Central Office , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square ; the Marylebone Branch , 35 , Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester Branch , 13 , Swan-street , Manchester ; the Publishing Office of the Society for Promoting Working-Men ' s Associations , 183 , Fleetstreet . Gratis , if by personal application ; if by letter , one Postage Stamp .
« pi RE AT EXHIBITION" ESSAV . — V . 3 B RECIPROCITY ; or , an Exhibition" of Humanity , and Fraternity , and Divinity . Three Part * in one Pamphlet . Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon . the Earl of Shaftesbury . Nearly 400 copies are bespoken of the Rev . D . P . M . Hulbert , Ramsgate . Price Is , or Is . 6 d . free per post . To be Republished on September 16 , 1851 . London : Crockford , 29 , Essex-street ; Painter , 342 , Strand ; and through nil the well-known booksellers . lie views of th « Author ' s other Treatinw « r « advert !*^ in each No . of the London literary journal The Critic .
THE SECRET of BEAUTY , or LADIES COMPANION TO THE TOILET . " Every larly in the land ought to be in possession of this gem of a book . " —Vide limes . Sent postage free for twelve stamps , by K . Goodall , Mr . Itudd ' s , 152 , Strand , 100 valuable Recipes .
WORKS PUBLISHED by E . APPLEYAKO , 86 , FARRINGDON-STREET . CITY . Now Publishing , in Penny Weekly Numbers , and Monthly Parts at Sixpence , beautifully Illustrated , THE PERILS OF THE OCEAN ! Iking Authentic Narratives of Remarkable and Affecting Disasters upon the Deep ; also Wonderful and Daring Adventures by Land . Noa . 1 to 6 are now ready : also Part I . WORKS COMPLETE , S . d . THE WANDERING JEW . 86 Engraving * . . . « J 0 THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , S : « Engravings . . 40 ATAR-GULL , and PAULA MONTI , 1 U Engravings - 2 0 MARTIN THE FOUNDLING , 0 » Engravings . . . 10 THE WIDOW'S WALK , 19 Engravings . . . . 20 THE SLAVE KING . 17 Engravings 2 0 THE SIN OF M . ANTOINE , 11 Engravings . . . 26 OTTAWAII . 22 Engravings 2 6 THE BASTARD OF MAULEON . By Alex . Dumas , 25 Engravings 2 CALCULUS , THE TURFITE'S COMPUTOK . . . I BARLOW'S NKUJKlt MELODIST , Ut . 2 nd . 3 rd , and 4 th Scries , post-free , 10 penny stamps each . . . 06 HELPS TO MEMORY . Being Questions and answers in every Department of Human Knowledge . . . 16 LIVES OF THE MOST CELEHRATKD ACTORS AND ACTRESSES . By T . S . Marshall , Esq .. with their Portraits by John Gilbert . Esq . . . . . . 40 THE TAILOR'S TUTOR , with 18 Plates . . . . , THE COMPLETE READY KECKONER . from One Farthing to One Pound 0 6 AMERICAN RECITATIONS . Post-free , 10 penny stamps 0 6 W . WARD E'B CO MIC SONUS . Post-free , 10 penny Htamps 0 6 MANLY BEAUTY 10 LIFE IN PARIS 3 6 PRIDE ; or , THE DUCHESS U 0 MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN 3 6 THE FORTY-FIVE GUARDSMEN . . . . 26 THE COMMANDER OF MALTA 16 32 PLATEH to Illustrate the Cheap Edit , of N . Nickelby . 1 6 BLACK TULIP . By Dumas 10 HOUSEHOLD LlltRARY ; or , Guido to Domestic Happiness . 2 0 WOKKM TO 1 I 1 S HAD IN I'KNNT NUMKKUH . THE WANDERING JEW . . complete In 70 Numbers . THK MY 8 TERIKH OF PARIS . ., 33 ATAR-OULLand PAULA MONTI . „ 30 MARTIN THE FOUNDLING . . .. 47 THE BAHTARD OF MAULEON . „ X 6 LIFE IN PAR 18 43 PRIDE : or . THE DUCHKHS . „ 22 MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN . ,. 4 A THE FORTY-FIVE GUallDSMKN .. 30 THE COMMANDER OF MALTA . „ 14 THE BLACK TULIP . • „ . ¦• . „ Io TALE 8 OF ALL NATIONS now Publishing in Penny Numbnra . AH the above Works urn alwayu in Print in Numbers or Complete Copies , and are well printed on Fine Paper , with Beautiful Illustrations , and can be had l > jr Order of any Bookseller in Town or Country .
On the Itt and 15 th of each month . THE CRITIC : London Literary Journal : The largest and most comp . ete Journal of Literature , Art , and Scienfe published in Europe ; containing 72 columns price only 6 d . ; stamped , 6 * d . ; 6 s . for half-year ; 123 . for : a year . In monthly parts , price is . ; or in quarterly parts , price 3 s , The contents of The London Literary Journal are thus arranged : — _ LEADING ARTICLES—By writers of eminence , comprising : — I . Original Biographical Sketches of Notable Contemporaries . ( Ot this series . JCariyle and Emerson have already appeared . ) II Sketches of the Rise and Progress of the Contemporary Press and of the Wtiters and Editois connected therewit h- . ( Sketches of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Beviewt have already been inserted , and will shortly be followed by the Westminster Rexnew , and the Tittxps ^ III . Dialogues of the Day ; Notes by an Observer ; and Gossip of the London Literary Circles , with brief Sketches of Authors and Artists . IV . Gleanings of the Georgian Era ; being a series of curious original Documents , unpublished Letters by distinguished Person ? , & c , collected and edited by G . Warhis , Esq ., Barrister-at-Law , Author of "The Life of Lord Ilardwick" ( now in progress ) . NOTICES OF ALL THE NEW BOOKS , with copious extracts selected for the amusement and information of readers , so as to enable them to know the subjects , style , and character of bocks , classified , for convenience of reference , under the following divisions : — History . Poetry and the Drama . Biography . Natural History . Rehgi < m . Medicine . Philosophy . Mental Philosophy . Science . Periodicals and Serials . Voyages and Travels . Pamphlets . Fiction . Miscellaneous . Education . FOREIGN LITERATURE AND ART—French , German , Swedish , Italian , and American . Notices of NEW WORKS OF ART , with the Talk of the Studios . Notices of NEW INVENTIONS . THE DRAMA and PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . Notices of NEW MUSIC and MUSICAL CHIT-CHAT . CORRESPONDENCE of Authors , Artists , Publisher ? , & c . A Monthly CLASSIFIED LIST OF NEW BOOKS , & c . SCRAPS from the NEW BOOKS . The ADVERTISEMENTS of Authors , Publishers , and other * connected with Literature , Art , and Education . May be had of any bookseller , by order ; or Subscribers' names may be sent direct to Mr . Crockfoid , the publisher , 29 , Essex , street . Strand , London .
CENTRAL COOPERATIVE AGENCY , 76 . CHARLOTTE-STREET , FITZROY-SQUARE . Taking advantage of its connections with the wine-growing countries in France , the Central Cooperative Agency has just added to its stock of groceries and Italian articles a selection of the best WINES and BRAN DIES imported by the firm , and of vthich they guarantee the perfect purity and genuineness . The following prices per dozen will be found xvrj ¦ OHfontte when eompiiwd with tb « quality s-Burgundy ( red ) Thorins and Moulin & vent , 30 s . ; Beaune , 36 a . I white ) Chablis , 30 s . ; Meursault ( very old ) , 60 .-. Bordeaux ( red ) Medoc St . Julieii , 36 s . ; JUedic Pavillac , 42 s . „ ( white ) Barsae , 36 * 8 . ; Sauternes , 48 s Champagne Ai Mousseux , 1 st quality . 60 s . ; ditto , | 2 nd quality , 48 a . C 6 i . e du llhone . Grand St . Peray moueseux , 72 s . Brandy . Fine Old Cognac , 72 s . ; 2 nd quality , 60 s . ; 3 rd do ., 54 s . The Wines may be had in Quart or Pint Bottles . The Brandies only in Quarts . Sample bottles sent at the same price as per dozen .
AMUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION . — The public are admitted , without charge , to the British Museum . National Gallery . East India Company ' s Museum , London Missionary Society ' s MuHeum , and to the Splendid Exhibition of Art and Industry , on view from 8 in the morning till H at night , at HeneUink and Company ' s Emporium for Furnishing Ironmongery , 89 and 'JO , Cheapaide , London . The splendid stock comprises every vasicty of Kluctro-plated Ware ? , Chandeltera , Lamps , Tea-urns . Tea-trays , Cutlery , Iron Bedsteads , ltatha . Stoves , Fire-iron * ; in short , every requisite cither for th « Mansion or the Cottage . At this establishment you cannot be deceived , because every article is marked in plain figure * , ami at such prices as can be offered only by ahoiiee whose grot >» s . ilea are so enormous as to enable them to sell the beat articles at 10 or 15 per cent . l « ss than any other houec in the kingdom . That we can furnish a mansion , is demonstrated by the continued patronage of the nobility -Mid gentry ; and to prove that we can also suit llie necessary and judicious economy of those moving- in a more humble sphere , we are enabled autuully to furniuh an ei ^ ht-roomvd houac for £ ~) , and thu articles , too , of the bet < t quality and workmanship . Tlii « may appear incredible ; but us we are the largest buyers of iron goodx , to sny nothing of lliose of our own manufacture , in London , we cun do il , and tmbjoin a list of the requisites : — 1 Hall-lamp 0 10 6 1 Umbrclla- » tand 046 1 Bronzed Dining-room Fender ami Standards .. 0 f > 6 1 Set of Polished Htecl Hre-iromi 0 3 6 1 Brass Toast-stand .. .. .. .. .. 0 1 (> 1 Fire-guard .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 1 Bronzed and Polixhcd Steel Scroll 1 . iidcr .. 0 H 6 1 Het I ' olishcd flteel Fire-irons , Bright Pan .. 0 5 (• 1 Ornamented Japanned Scuttle and Scoop .. 0 4 6 1 lieut lied-room Fonder and Polished titeel Fireirons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 070 2 Di ; d-ioom Fenders , and i ! FHh of Fire-irons .. 0 7 6 Hi't ol Four Hlock-tiu DimIi Co vein .. .. 0 11 6 1 Bread grater , fid ., Tin CandlrHlick , !> d 0 I ; t I Teakettle , liu . 6 d ., 1 Gridiron , Is . .. .. 0 3 C 1 Frying-pan , Is ., 1 Meat-chopper , In . 6 d . .. .. 0 ' 2 tt 1 Colfccpot . In ., 1 Colundvr , 1 h _ .. .. .. 0 2 0 1 Dubt- |> an , Cd ., 1 Fish-kettle , 4 b 0 4 U 1 Fish-slice , < id ., 1 Flour-box , Hd . .. .. .. O 1 2 1 IVpper-box .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 4 3 Tinned Iron Saucepans .. .. .. ,. O T ) 0 1 Ovtl Hoiling-pot , 3 s . Hct ., 1 bet of Kkuweru , Id . .. 0 4 0 : i Spoons , Vd ., Tea-pot and Tray , ; is . .. .. O 3 U Toasting-fork .. .. .. .. .. mm OOtt £ ly 0 0 Notk . —Any one or morn of the articles m » y be selected at tho above prioct .. And all order * for £ 6 and upwards will ba forwarded free to any part of tho kingdom . Noie , therefore , tho addrvis . 1 JKNKT 1 INK and Co ., Hi ) and « 0 , Cheapnide . London ; and if you aro about to furnish , and want to buy economically und tastefully viait thU establishment . '
STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , & T Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail 8 team Conw * " *" and of the additional lines of cdmraunication , now estahr " k by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Comnanv the East , & c . The Company book passengers , and receivi » V and parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS W CUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONP u their steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON onthe 2 fh » , £ every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 10 th of the month One of the Company's first-class steamers will also be A ' patched , from Southampton for Alexandria , as an extra « i- " on the 3 rd of September and 3 rd of November next aiiH ' ; alternate months thereafter , in combination with extra steam to leave Calcutta on or about the 20 th of August and 20 th of n ' tober . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcel * r warded by these extra steamers to or from SOUTHAMPTON ALEXANDRIA . ADEN . CEYLON . MADRAS . andCALCUTlT BOMBAY . — -The Company will likewise despatch from Bomlw ' about the 1 st of September next , and of every alternate month thereafter , a first-class steam-ship for Aden , to meet there th extra ship between Calcutta and Suez ; and at Alexandria one of the Company ' s steam-ships will receive the passengers , p arcels and goods , and convey them to Southampton , calling at Malta and Gibraltar . But passeneer * . parcels , and goods for BOMBAY and WESTERN INDIA will be conveyed throughout from Southampton in the mail steamers , leaving Southampton on the 20 th of October , and of alternate month * thereafter , and the corresponding vessels from Suez to Aden , at which latter port a steam-ship of the Company will be in waiting to embark and convoy them to Bombay . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company's steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable Ea * t India Crwinany's steamers . MEDITERRANEAN . — -MALTA—On the 20 th and 29 tl » of every month . Constantinople—On the 29 th of the month Alexandria—On the 20 lh of the mouth . Sl'AIN AND POK rUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the month . ' N . B . Steam-ships of the Company now ply direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between Hong Kong and Shanghae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s recently revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , and Orientalplace , Southampton .
i CENTRAL C 0-0 PEBATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTETHE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Ne . ile , Esq . ( Founder cf the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , Esq . ( oneof tlieContributors ) , Commercial Firm— Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment's . Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq , London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-strcet , 1 'ortlandplace , London ; and 13 . Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period ol 100 years ; Its objects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agent * for the consumer * In purchatipy the artist ** far ttwrfr consumption , and f » r th » pru 4 uM » -i » lltaf tlMrfr . produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Awociation ; to find employment for cooperative *» sociations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , acting under , the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode of carrying- out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been Bupplied by the founder and the iir * t contributor !* , no express call i « made at present , either for contributions or subscriptions . The capital will be further increased after the public have been made acquainted uith the objects of the institution , and have experienced its mode of dealing . . .... Customers , after three months' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonus , to be fixed according to the amount ot their transactions by the council of the agency , conBiatin- of the trustee * an After w " ; entof allexpen . es , salaries , profits and bonuses returned to contributor * , subtciibers . and regular cub to . iitrn the general profits are to be accumulated , part to form d usu » l fund , and part to promote cooperative associations . lluBineBB transacted wholesale and retail . Subscribers . Coopc nitive Stores , Working Men ' s Associations . Regular Cmtonicra , and the Public supplied . „ ,,. ;„„ n ( The Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution of all orders for uny kind of articles or produce ; their op ™ U ««» for the present are restricted to GROCERY . ^ ^ ' '" ITALIAN ARTICLES , us a sfkui mkn of what can be dom , wu " the support « f cooperative customers . ..... lw . r of Rules have been framed and printed to enable any "'»» cr ° , families of all classes , in any district of London , or »" '" I f the country , to form themselves into " Friendly Soeictu * enjoying the benefit of Cooperative Stores , io be scni i >> i to parties forwarding four stamps . , .,. ; iliera _ Particular * of tho nature and objects of the Central ^ ° "i " ; tive Agency , with a Digest of the Deed V . ^"'•'"'[ V ^^ offlce found in the printed report of a meeting held at the Ctnir u of the Agency . To be sent by post to parties forwards * I « ur " Tiist of articles with tho wholesale prices for ^ ' ' ' 'l" ^ , ™ Stores , and a detailed Catalogue lor private ctlatO 1 " * , " Vy-j , otebe sent by post on payment of one postage stamp » or i » ¦ ale List , and two tor tho Catalogue . forwarded im-Particulart ) , Jlules , List , and Catalogue will bo lorwar mediately on receipt of ten postage stamp * . ,. | ievHlicf , All communications to be addrctmed to MM . •* . .. Woodin , Jouea , and Co .. at the Ceatral-ofllce , 70 , *¦'"' street , Fitiruy-snuare . ,.. ^ iunN ( J % ORDERS I OR THE ASSOCIATIONS OF ^ . ^ MEN ALREADY IN EXI 3 TENCE-BUI 1 J > KU 9 . * « % , ^ - BAKERS , TAILORS . SHOEMAKERS . Nhh M . ttU » ff | 1 Ii CVN 1 IEHKNT THHOUOH T 1 IK AOENCA . AN " RECEIVE IMMEOIATE ATTENTION .
riiHE BKST WELLINGTON BOOTS m «« A to order . 21 s . per pair . without , re-HENRY LATIMKU . 2 » . l * it ? l . o |>« Kiae-Ht «« ot W » i . * pectfully nr . me-ts tli « attention of the Public to the a" <> important aiiiioimccnioiit . ,.,, iinot bo a >' " llis Welliiiirtoii Boots made to order at 21 » . cannot u passed either in shape , make , or quality .
London , I'Rint.Dby Hom»T1'«I.««U (Ot N ...
London , i ' rint . dby Hom » t 1 '« i . «« u ( ot N « J ''''' J ^ Xrt Yulinrr »»•
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 20, 1851, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_20091851/page/24/