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3g6 The Leader and Saturday Analyst. f A...
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3g6 The Leader And Saturday Analyst. F A...
3 g 6 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . f Arum 21 , 1 S 60 .
Cramer , Beale , and Co / s NEW rUBLIOATlbNS . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ s . d . FAVVTJOKU'S Fant 9 isiefroni , GuillaumeTell .. FAVAKG-BIt'S I . e Depart du Consent .. ... ¦ .. & £ FAV'ARGIoR'S Promenade pur Tiiuu .. ¦; . .. ;* » FAVAliGEH'S X-ydia ( sans Octaves } - -. 3 ¦ o New Editions of , OBERON and IL BARBIERE FANTAT 5 . tES ' BY THIS POPULAR GOMPOSKR . CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFORTE , In Parts , "> s . and Us . each . . These Exercises form the Standard studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . 31 . Thalberg , Sterndale Bennett , C . IliiVl . e , Rubetistein , Rimes . Goddnrd , Pleyel . and other ¦' Piaiiistes , have employed tliem in tlieir general course of practice . . N EW SON GS . The Subjects from Popular Novels . MUHIEL .. .. From " John Halifax . " DINAH ' .. .. ., " AdamTJede . " & TTLE SOPHY . „ " What will he do with it ?" Written and Composed by G . MNLK 1 . 2 s . each . W . MA . YNATCDS ART ~ SIXGIXG , AFTER THE ^ IETHOD OF THE BEST ITALIAN MASTKRS . Fourth Edition . Price Ts : OLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From - "W . Ghiipi ' elPs " Po ular Music-of the O ' - Tir ^ e " with Symphonies and Accompaniments _ by a " a . JlACFAiinKN . In Parts , containing Twelve Son "" : , -j ,-. each ; or in Single Songs ; Is , each . . 13 i a 11 o f o r t e s . — Cramerv -El ^ T 5 EAI . E , ATN D CO . Every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Beale , and Co . are the Pnv prictors of tho XEW . MODEI . O 1 VLIQUE GKA . I'lANOFORTE . : HARMONIUMS . GRA 3 IEU , BEALE , AND CO ., are the chief ajreTits . lor Alexandre and -Sor . ' s NEW MODEL 1 IAHMO"STTTTAr Rverv variety . cramer ; beTle . and co ., 201 , regent STREET , and 67 . CONDUIT STREET .
Ma p p i 11 ' s Electro-Silver ¦ I'LATK . AND TABLE eUTLERV . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointnieiii ; to the Queen , nre the only Sheffield mnkers ivho simply th « consumer in London . Ihei-r London Show Rooms , r , 7 find fiS . Kinfr William Street . London JRrid ( te , Contain by far the largest stock ot ELKC 1 Ii (> - SU-VER PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in thp WORLD , which is frnnsniitted direct from their manulactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . , ^~ " hdcUe DoiiT > 1 t KInps ' s Lilly Pattern . Thread Pa ' mern Pattern . £ b . d . & s .. d & a . d . & a . d . 12 Table Forks .,... 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 10 Table Spoons .. 1 10 0 'I V % V 3 0 0 3 12 0 Id Dessert FprkH .. 17 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 3 14 0 12 Dessertspoons .. 17 0 2002402110 12 Tea Spoons ... 1 ) 10 0 1 4 0 1 7 (> . 1 10 0 SIDE DISHES , liLECTEO-PLATEI ) ON HAP . D NICKEL SILVER . suitable for Vegetables , Curries , and Entries . I'tr set of 4 Dishes . . ¦ No . £ . 6 . d . x 3678 Gatlroon Oblong Pattern , Light Flnt'ng 8 8 0 K 6137 Bended Edge nnd Handle , alr oiliir to K 4 O 185 ...... 10 10 0 k 17 fiO Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 k 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped Dish ' 12 0 0 r . 4013 % Bonded Pattern Dish IS -i 0 By removing the Handles from the Covers , the set of four ciui be Hindu to form a set of eight Disliea , ji 1702 > Norfolk I ' nttorn , n very ejnbornte Design , with rich Scroll JJorder ull round 17 10 0 Hot Wuter DlHhea for above extrn 15 0 0 as 1707 Thronded Pattern , equally good us tho Norfolk Piittern , ,. 18 12 0 Hot Water Dishes for above .,.. ojctrn lf > 10 0 DISH COVERS , electro-platicdon iiari > nickel silveu . ICitoh sot conlalnfl one Cover 20 inches ; one of 18 Inches ) uml two of 11 Inches euoli . NOi Complete set of 'I Covers . E ' 17 W Plain Pattern , with Scroll Wnndlo .... 10 10 0 H 27 fil Melon Piitiom , Fronch Scroll Handle , ulther Putin or Gttdroon edge , very UnndBomo ,,., •;••¦• •• . . *•» ** V K 3812 Shrewsbury Piittorn . with bold Headed EdBo ' itntJ Unnillps 15 13 0 e 4085 Greek Onmmont Pnttern , mntcliea % Al \ 7 r > Side DUbes .. . .,..... ¦ ¦ ¦• •• 3 * 0 0 s 4881 Wnrwlrk Puttern , mntehes 8 4853 SUlo Dishes 33 0 0 BJCappin RnoTiiRUH ffimrnntoo on nil tliolr mmmfnoturoa in Electro Ml Ivor Plato n . Hlrong doposlt of roul silver , uccordhig to jirloo ohnrged . A Costly Hook of linptnivln ^ H , with Prices nttnohed , inuy bo hud on unpllimtlou . KflUniutcti furnlHlietl for Qurvleun of Pluto for Hotels , Sluum Ships , ivnd Koglimvnlnl Mi'Hses . ^ tA PPlN unOTHKUS , 07 nnrt Of ) , KIiir Wllllum Street , City , London . W . C . ; Wrtfiitfuctpry , Qmcoh'h Cut-Jery Workti , SljolUelfi .
Theatres A^D Amusements.
\ THEATRE R 0 YA 1 , HAYMARKET . j ( Under the Management of Mr . RuckStone . 'i , . ' Monday . April - ' 3 rd . and during the week . THh i OVERLAND -ROUTE ; bein ? the a-t Six ^^ tS < I its performance , and the Inst « eek at Mr ami ^ Jk-I Mathews . TIIK PILGMM GF l . OVb ¦ e \ ery I evening . Saturday , April 2 Sth , Benefit ot Mr . _ U Jtfathews . and last night of hi > ^ fff " ^; ., ^ h Amy Sedfjwick will re-appear on Monday , April 30 tn .
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessoes , Messrs . F . Ilobson and W . S : Kmden . On Monday , and during : the week , a new Come' rlietti- bv Tom ¦ Tavlor . 1 Cso ., from "Jo Dine ohoz ractors by-Mossct . H . W . igun , VI . Bjnlon . I < Vining .. II . Rivers . Mrs . Stirling , and Mr * . W & . Emden Af ^ cr wliieh . the new seriocoiriio drnma , u ^ ci . i ' j ZACIlATiY . C haracters bv Messrs . F . liobson , Cr . vinin « W . Gordon , ft . Cooke , F , Vinin < r . 1 J . Kivers , and Franks ; Messrs . Leigh Murray , and Miss Herbert . To conclude with B B . " Charncters by Messrs F Kobson ; II . Wigaii , Cf-. Cooke ;¦ Miss fatephens and Mrs . " \ V . S . Emden . . Doors open at 7 .. Commence at half-past 7 .
ROYAL ST . JAMES'S- ' THEATRE .. Ktxg street ., St . James . ' s . Sole Ijessee , Mr . F . B . Ciiattketos . Directress , Miss Wisdham . Nearest theatre to Chelsea and Pimlico , tlie Park beinff open io carriages and foot-passengers all boors of the iiiffht ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ , . Kednc d Prices—Pit . Is . ; Gallery , 6 d . , On Monday . April 2 . 3 . and durin- " £ t £ l ?^ ¦* Nnv- and Original Comedy , entitled A FRIGAlnN NEED Messrs ; F . Robinson , Charles ^ oun sr , Iii'lfi . r . l , George Spender Robins ; aiesdarhes Murray , ^ K'X ^ WDV ^ GENTLEir AX IX A PECUl lAH PEni'I . EXING PREDICAMENT . r Wi . * AVyndham and Mr . Charles "i-ounpr . To conclude with the gorgeous Biirh > Rquei of J . UCREZIA BORGIA AT HOME , AND ALL Al ' . HQAl ) , M ^ esdames AVj'ndham . Ce cilia Ilaiioo , Clara Morgan . Eliza -Evans , Maskell , a numerous Cor . > s do Ballet , SriilHr . Charles Young . Box-office open from 11 to 5 daily . . Commence : nt / . Actin" - Manager and Treasurer , Mr . /\\ ilham Willett . . ' ' ¦ " . . ¦ ¦ . . ' \
Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED . Monday , nnd Every Evening ( except Saturday ) , at Eight ; Thursday and Saturday Afternoons * ;> t Three in their Popular -Illustrations , " Our Home Circuit , " and " Sea-Side Studies . " introducing a ¦ ' varie-tv of otnusing and inf crest ing Sketches , wit . li Chanicteristif Hongs , at the lfoyal Gallery of Illustration , l-KUpgent Street . Adniission , Is ., 2 s . ; stalls , 3-j ,, secured at . the Gallery , and nt Cramer , lieale , and Co . '?; 201 , ltegent Street . —Last Nights of Sally Skeggs . , .
Miss JUIjIA 3 T . GEQRGrEi Mr . HQWAISD PAUL begs to annouiioo that in consqnuenoe of the illness of Mrs . Howard Paul , lie has engnged tho distingiiifhed actress and vocalist Miss JULIA ST . GEOUGE , who will give h « r brilliant entertainment , " Home and Foreign Lyrics , " embracing the Songs , Characters , nnd Costumes pf A « Nations , at the St . James ' s -Hall , l'icenclilly , on Monday next , and every oyening during tho Week ( Saturday exnepted ) , and oh Tuetrlny mid Saturday Mornings at Three . As Mia . i St , Oeorge is about to visit thecontinent , tins will be the only opportunity of witnessing her obnnning entertninment . Stalls , as . j area , 2 s . ; Gullery , la . Co ! iiirit-nce nt Eight . ,
CHRISTr'S MINSTRELS . TOLY G It A P III C H A L L , Kl . VO \ V 11 , 1 . 1 A at-STREET , STUANJ ) . FARE VV I-: I , L S . B A SO N , . in London . Every Evening , at Eight ; aiirt tvc ? ry SATURDAY Morning , at Three o ' clock . Ticketm and Places rtioy be secured fit tho Hall , from Ivlevc-n t | U Throe , and ut Ml . Anntiu ' d ^" cat-end Ilpx-olllco , St . James ' s Ual | , I'looitdilly . Hoki I'roprlutor mid Bfannffpr , Mr . J . WVUAYNOK ; Secrutury , IK MOMTAGUIC .
Fi-encl > Exhibition , 120 , PALL'TWATX . —Tlio Sovunth Ammnl Exhibition of PlotiireH . tho ContrlbutloiiH of AUTIHTfcj OK TUB ' VUKNCI 1 AND FLIOMJSII SCHOOLS , Is NOW OVEN . Admission , Ouo Shilling s Catnloauos , Sixpence . Open from Nino till SIk , daily .
NOTIOIS . r Genuine and Original * HONP'S PRUMANKNT MAItKINGf JNK beara tho Adilrens on tho Lubul , 38 , LONO T ^ ANK AVEST SMfTlUriBM ? . CITY .
Brecknell , Turner , & Sous ' HAND CANDLUSTIQKS with Koglstored UliiflB ShutlnH ontlrgly pravt'irt thuputtorinKOl ^ iindleM wlion oarr ( od nboHt .-HItKCKNIilX , TUKNICK , and SONS , vtnx , and tullQW oluuidlorrt mul Borip and oil morolmntB , « t thq Ruo J-Ilvo , 31 and 8 ? , IJuyirinrkqt ,
r |^ he Surplice Shirt ( ac-- * - knowlorlm ? fl aAlio mosjtcomfortii ' blo nnrl iliintblo Slilrt over yet produoad ) , iniidu to ni ' onanro , ( Js . Oil ., 7 » . « fl ., 8 « . ( Til ., iukI IOh . Oil , Oarilrt fw twli ' . moMuru ' mont . SAMPSON , lloslar , 1 « 3 , Oxfortl-st . AV . l
Loan , Discount , and Deposit RANK . Established 1849 . DE-POSITS received , bearing interest atfrom o to 10 per cent ., withdrawable as per iigreehient . ¦ ' - LOAKS granted . Prcftpectu . sep , and nvery Infoi'iniiiion , may be obtained by lette * or personal application . EIUVAKD LEWIS , Manager . 145 , Bliickfriarsrroad , S .
Mb ndy , —All persons requiring ADVANCES shpuld apply to Mi-jsrs . JOJTNSO . V and Co ., 2 , Surrey-street , Strand , who obtain , cash to any amount upon all kinds of securities , making no charge unless business- is transacted . .
Tpend-ers , Stoves , Fire-irons , ¦ J - and CHIMMKY PIECKS . —Buyers of th-so ' x > v ..-are reaueste'l before finallv detrr-iin-jr , to visit WILLIAMS . nUHTON'S SlIOW-UOOMS : Thov c , n . tain such nn assortment of FENDERS , STOV ' -KS , RANGES . CIIIMiVEV PIECES , Fl UE-IIK > XS , iiiid GENER . vr ^ IRUXJIONGKUY , as cannot h <> ; t ;>_ proached elsewhere , either for variety , novu ' . ty , bc-. uty of . desiun , or pxquisiteneas of workmati > liip . Briyfit stoves , ' with ormolu ornaments and two fe . t- ^ of l . ars , £ : i Ifjs . to £ 3 ' 3 10 s . ; bronze I Fenders , \ vitn . stau'hir . is , 7 s . to . C > 12 s . ; steel fenders , i ' ') s . to il I ; ditto , ¦ , v :. tti rich ormolu ornaments ^ from 4- ' 'J 15 s . to , € H : chiinnt 1 ; .-pieces , from . IM 8 s . to . £ H <> ; fnv-iroris , from 2 s . ;¦! s . ( i » l . to ( V's . 6 ( 1 . ' tlie set ; IJritannia iiietal , -with or withous .-ilvr-. r ] . l : it < . 'd handlusv £ : i lls . to-.-ffi-Ss . lhe ,-et ; . SI ,, C _ licl < l plated , £ 10 to £ H > Kis . . the set ; blo < -k tin -Ih . k water dish *' . " , wi ' tli " wells for jrravy , l : > -. tf : ; n .-.. ; p , jjtaiinia metnl , 22 s . to 77 s . ; electro-plated un nickel , !' : ul » ize £ ll'lls . ' . . . . . T ^ illia ; hi .. $ .. Burton ' s fxanq-» ¦ ral T ' urni . shing Ironmonsre-ry ratiilojrue n . ny be had gratis ,, and . free by posp rt ' contt : nis' up . wsirii . * of 400 iihistrationsof his illimited Stock of l ^ oiM rn nw ) SheffieUl Flute , Nickel Silver , and Hntainiiu . > U't ; i-l (; ood . -=, Dish Covers and H < it- \ v , iter . Di- 'he ' s , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimiicyiueces , I > i ; ehen IJan . cee , . Kanips , ( iaseliers , Tea Urns and Kc ' ttk' * . 'l \ -: i Truy * , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Hath * and . 'loilet -Ware , Turnery , Iron and ¦ l { rassBtid .- > teadsf-lJe" 1 < lii-itN Ut-drooni Furniture , & c , ivitli Lists of Prices , -aiiid l-luiis oi' t ! ie Sixteen large Show Kooms , nt 3 D , Oxlord streetW . ; I , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , jfe ' wman » s . treet ; . and- 1 , •> , si ml 0 , Perry ' s-pla ' .-e , London . —Established lwjo :
r ph . e Cheapest Wilies in Eng-X LAND , at ' Redue . i d Duty : KKFNCII POIir , ' 22 s . . ' 2 Aa . iier dozen . CLAKRT , "J-Ib ., ;<() s ., Ms . per doxen-. -SHF . UllV , 21 s ., 21 s ., - 'ss ., 3- 's . per dozen .. l'OUT , 21 s ., 2 Hs .. 33 s . per dozen . CHAMl'AUNK ( very superior ) , lifis . pt-r dozen . F 1 NKST SCHIKUARI IIOLUNDS , ; iOs . port-uso . FINK CGONAU BHAN 1 > V , 1 > - ' h . per pail--u , ' NONPAR-EI-f . URANUy , IAm . ji .-i ; italloi . II . It . WILLIAM'S , Importer of Wines nnd S | . ir ., u , 112 , Kishops !? ate Street . Within , Cily . Just iinblished , price 10 s .,
Cpice'd Breakfast Tongues , K-5 7 Jd . ouch , or : js . Cd . per half dozen , ( 'hoddur Loaf Clu-ese , "Id . and 8 * d . per 1 b . (( . il-onie ' .-i IVulsmoked HrcnkJ ' nst Hncon , H ^ il . per ib . by tho liaH riile . Huttors in perfection at reasonable rates . A siivurg . ni I / V p . r cutit-. is v tlVetqil by the imirhuser nt this estiiblitiluni'ii'toii all Hrst-classprovisions , rhcltiigos gratis . OSHOHrs'K'S CIIKEBIi : WARKI 1 QUSK , OSltOltNF . HOl . 'SIS , 3 D , Ludgato-hill , near St . l ' liulV . K . C .
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . N otice of Injunction . — Tlio admirers of thla celebrated K'l » h Sauro iiro pnrUutiliirly requested to obH « -rvo tlini iidiiu \ a genuimn h ' ut that whlQli boar * tho biick J ' nlu'l wli . h . tluj name of M ii-i . iAM Lazbniiv , a .-i well i \ s the Iroiil IiiIk'I Higncd " Jiilixnibvth Laxc . uU ( j , " iiiul thut I ' m rurthi-r rtoourlty , on t'li « j neck of every bottle . of tin ( . u'liiiiiio Suuoo will henceforward appear ai » uddiU / jnul hibei , print < 'cl in green and red , nn follows * ; - ¦ " 'i'lii-1 iiotlt' *' will bo alllx ' ed to I ^ iuonby ' u Harvey ' h Snuci , propiiml nt ; tho original waroliouHO , in iidiiiiltui t » f-ho wyiikUown labeln , which arc protected ugiilust Iniitiitlini by a perpetual injunction in Cliuncery oi i'tl < Miiy , IBOfl . " —0 , KUwat'dHti'cet , Portnmn-Hiiiiiii ' t . London .
FIRB , TWIKVMS , FiKlfi . Second-hand Fircprooi Hul ' oft , tho rnost oxton « ivo iitfrtortiiu'iH l > y Mllnoi ' nnd otljor oinliiont Makoru , m hull' tlio-pili'o ol new . OiiuoiirioiiH , 2 l > in ,-jjljjli . 1 H In . wide , itml M in , « U-u |> , il !) 10 s . At O . QUIKFITHS ' , H 3 , Old Chung . ; , M . 1 ' iiul ' rt , K . C . Wwurcil , Socond-huuil SiiIVt . by . Mlliiwi ( Jhubb , Mnri" , or IMoi'diui . . NOTIGJB . —Gontluiuon nosscsdod of Tnnn ' ti Suit ' s Hood not upiily .
Spri ng Overcpats .-r-Tho -VoliiDtuvr Wrnppo ' p , UOa-. t tlu > Victor , ' , '•">»¦ ! 'l Iuvopno » a , 258 . | tho Po | laHlor , lilrt . i roudy-nuidu m niiulo toordor . Tlw Korty-Hovvn ai | HHiiK iriiiHn imldo to ordor from , acot «|» IJoiilliui uml <; hi . 'vloi Tw * * - " ^ " I " AukoIuh , all wool and thoroughly tihnink . by j IH 5 N . IAMIN , Muroliiint nnd KuiiiMy TiiIIdi . »!¦ . Uoiji'iit-Mtruot , " \ V . I ' atturtiH , UoolgiiH , uml illivi-iiu" * for ttull'inunuu ' romunt » ont lruo , JS'JJ . A jiurKct n < gunrmitoud .
Leader (1850-1860), April 21, 1860, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_21041860/page/2/