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854 THE LEADER. [No. 439, Attctost 21 18...
CORRESPONDENCE. August 17, 1858. SlE,—Tf...
Ax Execution at the Tolbooth.—The crimin...
George Boob, St. George-strcot, St. Goon...
DR. KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM, 3, Ticliborne-strect, opposite the Haymarket, OPEN fi Gentlomen
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854 The Leader. [No. 439, Attctost 21 18...
854 THE LEADER . [ No . 439 , Attctost 21 185 R
Correspondence. August 17, 1858. Sle,—Tf...
CORRESPONDENCE . August 17 , 1858 . SlE , —Tfce remarks in the Leader ( page 820 ) on recent legislation aa to crossed cheques appear to me to overlook a material point . Being myself convinced , on general grounds , of the inexpediency of legislative interference iu commercial dealings , I am the more desirous of having this point
cleared . The Leader is arguing against such legislation , and it conceives the vrhole of the plague experienced during tbe last two years to have arisen from . Parliament undertaking to direct bankers and their clients how to manage their own business . This reasoning surely overlooks the fact , though it is alluded to elsewhere , that these legislative attempts arose out of a decision given in a Court of Common Law . This decision , -which ruled that a cheque drawn to bearer cannot , at the same time , toe drawn in favour of a particular person , destroyed at once the usage which
had grown up in the banking trade . The attempt of the Legislature , however ill-contrived , was then an attempt to remedy the inconvenience of the law as it Stood . Had there been no law applicable to the business , banking usage might have been left to itself . But the Common La-w , -which exists and is not made , was there to declare that usage inadmissible . What was the remedy ? . Either the bonkers must be left to devise another practice liable to be swept away at any moment by a construction of the courts ; or , fhatlaw should undo the difficulty which law created , and legalise an existing , bat illegal , usage .
I dwell on this , not for the sake of the special question of cheques , but for the more extended principle involved . How is the system of non-interference by the Legislature to be carried out consistently with the eternal pre ^ existence of the Common Law ? Let commerce find its own level and make its own ways . Good . But the Common Law is always there , and how does Statute Law Violate the principle of freedom more than Common Law . .. ¦ . ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ . : , ¦ ; :- - - : -: - : : . : - ' . " ¦ -: ' ' : m . p . £ VVe only differ from our intelligent correspondent by including the Common Law as well as the Statute Law
tinder the term legislation . The decision of the court alluded to then for the first time made 'the law , and it was made in conformity to a statute law concerning stamps- Though the Common Law l > e , as our correspondent says , always there , it exists in the breasts of the judges , and when the Statute Law does not compel them , as in this case , to take a different course , they are inclined to praise it and adapt it to the practices of commerce . These , in truth , are the foundations of the Common Law as to trade , and it is likely to vary with them while the Statute Law sets itself above the practices of commerce . —Ep . l
Ax Execution At The Tolbooth.—The Crimin...
Ax Execution at the Tolbooth . —The criminal was led out from the Tolbooth at the Gross , arrayed in a loose dress of white linen with trimmings of black . His arms being pinioned , he had his station at the end of a cart , on which lay extended before his eyes the coffin or shell in which his body was about to be deposited . He had an open . Bible in his hand , and was usually attended by one or two clergymen , who encouraged him in his devotions by the way , and aided him in his preparations for eternity . The magistrates of the city , preceded by the town officers -with their halberts , and accompanied by a strong military guard , formed the procession . On its
arrival at the " Bell o the brae" ( in former time 3 a very steep part of the High-street ) it stood still , when occasionally a verse or two of a psalm was sung , the malefactor himself giving out the line , and the multitude raising their hats in token of sympathy , whilst every irindow adjacent was crowded ivitb . spectators . The affecting ceremony was sometimes performed in front of the alrnshoiue in Kirk-street , where the tremulous notes of the criminal were intermingled with the plaintive intonations of the passing bell , and the whole catastrophe was summed up by a psalm and a prayer , and frequently a last speech at the execution . —Notes and Queries .
.From The London Gazette. Tuesday, Augus...
. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , August 17 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED . - Robebi Atkijtbon , Hewcaatle-upon-Tyno . hosier . » JP ^ ^ ^ ' "T ? PHB 1 ! r POOM 5 . Windmill-strect , Lamtoetu-walk , and Chester-street . Konnington-lauo . timber garter •—Bobbm Brass , South-place , Bermondaey , and Beetning-lane . pity , rope manufacturer—CHAnLE 8 Lamb , Havo > y- » treet , Strand , oab proprietor—Josiah Hi ! i , Amorah » na , BucUnjrham » hiro , toutter factor—Isaac Benbavd , fioufch-street , Flnsbury , merchant—William Uhdshwood
« r » ceonuroh-Btreet . Olty , tea dealer— Henhy Lodcus , Hug-Kln-lane , City , taUorWoHif 1 Iariu 3 Biakbmoub . Wodnesoury , Staffordshire , braasfoundor—Thomas Hhnbt Gold-Wbia . Wakefteld / Yorkshire , worsted spinner . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS—T . STJSVBifa , Glasgow and Partlck , builder-J . K . bddib , Portobollo . baker-R . Dakling Kbb , Edinburgh , com merchant-J . Menzihs . Glasgow , gardener—T . Niooia a . ud J . Wblbh , Dundee draper . _ , „ Friday , August 20 . iriWE ^^ T ANNULLED .-William Stbthbkson , Bneffleld , Yorkshire , auctioneer . BANKRUPTS . — Jakes Masbey , Crown Inn , Oranwume-pMsago , Leicester-square , innkeeper — Lboitabd
George Boob, St. George-Strcot, St. Goon...
George Boob , St . George-strcot , St . Goon ? c-in-tho-Kast Middlesex , surgeon—Pkbdekick How , Whitstablo , Kent , butcher—ILekbt Sxaxbb . JBalsall Heath , Staffordshire , brewer—Samuel Richabd Whitbdouse , Birmingham faotor—Bbnjamib Bhadusy , Manchester , iron merchant —WntiAM Smith Salter and Thomas IlEKBEitT , Blrkenhead , timber merchants—John Oq Mackinson , Livorpool , general agent—Sasiuel "Wjug ut , Longtou , Stoknupou-Treut , Staffordshire , grocer . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . — H . Miixeb . Kilwinning , Ayrshire , ironmonger —\ V . Gill , Balniade , Aberdeenshire , general merchant—J . Scott , Ballantrae , Ayrshire , farmer—Rev . Donaxd Cuisholm . minister of tho ' united parish of Boleskine and Abertarff , Invernessslriro .
Dr. Kahn's Anatomical Museum, 3, Ticliborne-Strect, Opposite The Haymarket, Open Fi Gentlomen
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , 3 , Ticliborne-strect , opposite the Haymarket , OPEN iro wontiomen
e _ > vVrJ ^ T 5 only ) . -ECTURES by Dr . SEXTON at ; -4 and 8 o ' clock on Important and Iutcrestina Tomes in connexion with ANATOMY , PHYSIOLOGY , and PATHOLOGY ( vido Programme ) . Admission , ' Is . — Dr . Kahn ' s Nino Lectures on the Philosophy of Mamnra , & c , sent post free , direct from tho Author , on the receipt of 12 stamps .
EPPS'S COCOA . —Epps , homoeopathic chemist , _ London—lib . and ill ) , packets , is . 6 d . and 9 d . —This excellent production , originally prepared for the special use of homoeopathic patients , having been adopted by the general public , can now be had of tho principal grocers . lSaeli packet is labelled James Epps , honiojopathic chemist , London .
HANDSOME BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS . ~ HE . AL and SON'S Show Itooins contain a large assortment of Brass Bedsteads , suitablo both for Home Use and for Tropical Climates ; handsome Iron Bedsteads with . Brass Mountings and elegantly Japanned ; Plain Iron Bedsteads for Servants ; every description of Wood Bedstead that is manufactured , in Mahogany , jjircli , Walnut Tree woods . Polished Deal and Japanned , all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete , as well as every description of Bedroom Furniture . HEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE , containing Designs and Prices of 100 Bedsteads , as well as of 150 different articles of Bedroom Furniture , sent free by Post . —Heal and Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and Bedroom "_ uruituro . Manufacturers , 196 , Tottenham-court-roacl , "W .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIlSr LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 ^ ledical Gentlemen to l ) e the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel sprine ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage bein g worn round ' . ie body , while the reouisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and . Patent Lever , lltting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may lie worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may Ve had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a siugl * ' truss , ICl __ 2 l 3 i-. 2 . 0 . 1 . fid , and 31 s . G & - Postagels- -. ¦ ¦ ¦ -. Double Truss , 31 S . Cd ., 42 s ., and 52 s . Od . —Postage is . Bd . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d , —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly ,
ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , Stc , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS . Ac . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Cd . to 10 s . each . —Postage Gd . JOHN "WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
LADIES ' ELASTIC SUPPORTING BANDS , for use beforo and after Accouchement , admirably adapted for giving efficient support , with extreme iight . ness—a point little attended to in tho comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabrics hitherto employed . Instructions for measurement , with prices < ou application ) , and the articles sent by post from tho manufacturers and inventors , POPE and PLAN'XE , i , Waterloo-place , Fall-DIall , London , S . W .
B URGESS'S celebrated Bandoline for fixing Ladies' Hair or Ocntlomou ' s Whiskers and Moustaches , without drying , not being ft liquid as most others . In bottles from la . to 10 s . 6 d . Prepared at R . BUItGKSS'S Hair Cutting and Brushing Establishment . Head Washing on the approvedOvi-Lavatory system . Nos . 14 , 15 , and 10 , Royal Opera Arcado , Charlea-stroot , Haymarket , B . W . Agents , Jiirch , Molosworth-struot , Dublin ; Poagam . King-streot , Jorsoy ; Apothecaries'Hall , Glasgow ; ana Ludwig , 33 , Charlotteu-Sfcrasscn , Berlin .
a HEY HAIR . 248 , High Holborn ( opposite Day and Martin ' s ) . Alex . Ross ' a Ifair Dvo is easily applied , producing a slight brown , dark brown , or black , permanently , 3 a . Od ., 5 s . ( Id ., and 10 s . od . per bottlo . A . R . ' b Hair Destroyer , or Depilatory , removus suporlluouu hair from the face , nook , or araiH , without injuriuK tho skin ; soldi at 3 s . Cd ., SB . fid ., and 10 s . 0 d . A . It's HairCurling Fluid saves tho troublo of usiiiK curl papors or irons , for immcdiatoly it is applied a beautiful and lasting curl in obtained ; 3 a . fld . and 6 s . fld . per bottlo . Tho abovo nrticlea arc sent per post for ft * stamps in blank wrappers .
TO INVALIDS , Merchants , and others . —Tho PATENT ALBBItT PORTABLE LOUNO 1 NG UIIAIE ., tho most luxurious and olioa-pcat over manufactured . Solf-propoHlng Bath , Brighton , and ovor . v other description of clialr for In and out-door use . Mechanical chairs » nd bodaof ovory description , perambulators , & o . ( the largest assortment in tho world ) , always on Iiand for ¦ a le or hire . Agonta : —Meaara . Smitli , Taylor , and Co .. Bombay , Batavia , Singapore , and Samarangi ' Moasi'H . I ' . W JJrowno and Oo ., Calcutta . Solo patontoo imd nmiiurncLurcr , J- WA . UD . 0 and 0 , Lolcoator-aquaro . WO . Eatabllbhcid m years .
aaaiaffl ^ j &^^^& SrTss sas ^ sss isR ^ iMSfiBa ^ iSfK ^ v s ^^ aif &^ sSr ^ otlier Patent Candles , all kinds of houseiioM \ , \ a » Soaps , in Colw * . Sperm . Vegetable , in ffi ilft ^* Keehivo , 31 , Haymarket , Loudon .-Pfease obsSw t w & C S tablet and square is stamped " Brecknell ^ Sktu Soap » ^
¦ pEA IALE COMPLAINTS—KEARSTPv ^ X ? ORlrrlSTAL WIDOW WELCH'S IK , n arc strongly recommended as a safe sind valualil ivt i in effectually removing obstructions , aud rel evim , -, m J ? lncoiiveiiioiicM to which tho female frame is iS , t ° ther ciall . v those which aviso from want of e ™ ciso in j ' eSpe : debility of tlio 8 j > toi « ., They create «« i ^ e it ^ c & S digestion , remove giddiness and nervous headache , £ ? ,, « " tlio stomach , shortness of broatli , and nali iui & . i « J m uvnrt . Sold by J . SAJfGKll . 150 , O . xford-Ret I on , i ^ ° price 2 s . < Jd ., or by post for Tlurty-sLx Postage stamps ° ' For Exportation—Tho abovo can bo obtained thrnnM , Brilisn merchants , shippers , and Colouial agents irough
THE BEST REMEDY FOR IXDIGESTIOff TVTORTON'S CAMOMILE TILLS -L ^ l ai-c co undently recommended as a simple but cPrtni « remedy for -Indigestion , which is the cause of ioarlv all ti " aise ^ ises to which we arc subject , being a lueuteh 'Lh » , calicd ti 5 e atefUl aUd beUeli "' ' tllat ^ Wth JffiS " Natueax Stre > -gthenee of the IIcman Stomach " NORTON'S WLLS act as a powerful tonic and -entle aperient : are mi Idin their operation ; safe under anv circumstances ¦ , and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to tho benefits to be derived from their use Sold in Bottles at Is . ljd ., 23 . 0 d ., and lls . each , iu evrv town in the kingdom . ' . * - ** CAUTIOTf I—Bo swro to ask for " Xorton's Pills , " and do not be iiersuadcd to purchase the various imitations .
BLAIR'S GOUT A ^ D . BHKTIMATIU PILLS . Price is . l jd . and 2 ' s . y d . per box . 'l ^ lrll . S' iireparation is one of the benefits whicli ' - * - , the science of modem choraislry has conferred upon mairkind ; for during the liist twenty years of the present century to speak or a cure for the Gout was considered a romance : but now tho eflicacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated- by unsolicited testimonials from persons'in every rank of lifo , that public opinion proclaims this as one of tho most important diicoveficsof the-prcseiit These ^ Pills require uo rUstvaint of diet or confiiiciueiit during their use , and aro-cci > tain . to prevent the disease attacking any vital part , / Sold by allJMediciiie Vej / aors . See the name of "TiiOMJS Pbou . t , iiV , Strand , Lonjiron , " on tlic Govurmnent Stamp .
r THE NERWOUS AND DEBILITATED . _ J- — CHAULKS . WllTSO . V , 3 r . p . " , lVllowand Honorary v icc-Presii ' ciit of tlioImperial African Institute of France . Corres . MemDor uf i \\ a Medical Sotictics of Rouen and Peru , & c , and Resident I'liysician tu tu « Ucdfortl JJispeusary , 27 , Alfred-plarc , Hotlford-siiuare ,. London , continues to issue , on receipt of sis stamps , " -TUB GUIDE TO SE 1 F CURE . ' "'Those nbont entering the Marriitso Strvto should peruse Dr . "Watson's invaluable little -work , as the advice ho gives on health sind dise .-ise i-cHects niuc-li credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . " — Critic . . " Tho true Guide to those who desire a speedy and private cvLtc . "—University Magazine . Tor Qualifications vide "Diplomas" aud the " London Medical Directory . " .
¦\ TALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS Y A neatly printed book , 100 pnpros , TUN T HOUSAXD COPIES of which aro bchiK issued GRATUITOUSLY , by the " Ana-tomicat ^ and Patiiolooicvi . Socu : xvofGkea . t jBiUTArN . " Tho Society in-esent * this important work to the public oratuitously , for tlio bonelib of thoso who aro suffering from any secret disease , tlchilify , nervousness , loss of memory , dimness of sight , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , and Koneral prostration of the . system , incapacity for study , business , or society , xsJ > ajsrr . ciAi . Ly uiicoiijtEJiDsir to Youno Mm * . " Most -valuabln to those who fed an interest in tlio subjects treated of , showing . suH ' ort'i'H tlio most certain nicaus of rucovoring perfect health . "—Medical Journal-Unclose two stamps to prepay postage , tu \ d nddress Dr W . li . Mnrstoii , Anatouiiuul Museum , i " , UurncM-slroot , Oxford-strect , London .
r IMUESEMA 11 . —Protected by \ loy-A Letters JL Patent of Englnnd , nnd secured by tlio souls o ( tlio Ecolo do Phannnclo do l ' aris , and tlio Jinpeml Colleco of Mcdicino , Vienna . Triust'iiinr , 3 ^ ' a . 1 . is » remedy for relaxation , spermatori'luwn , and exhaustion of thosy . Ntoin . Tricsomnr , No . 2 , olliscLuall . v , iu H > u « lior 'j space or three days , com ph .-toly snut entirely emdk'a'os nil traces of those disorders which capMilos have no lonnf Doi'tt thouKhtnnanLi ( lotofor , tothoriunol'tholi ( Miltholavast port ion of the popuhttion . n ' riusomnr , Ko . . 'i . is thcgiciit Loniinental remedy for that olnssof disorders which unfovtv \ i > ftt « iy the Knirllsh physician tveats \ vltliinurc ! ur . y , tr ) lh « uiHiviUii | io which all 110
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 21, 1858, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_21081858/page/30/