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#0 ^ 439, August 21,1858.] THE LEADED ft...
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#0 ^ 439, August 21,1858.] The Leaded Ft...
# 0 ^ 439 , August 21 , 1858 . ] THE LEADED ftKf ;
I 8 mo , half-bound , illustrated , 6 d ., free by post . FEGO'S FIRST BOOK OF GEOGRAPHY FOB CHILDREN , designed foT the use of Famyiea nd Schools ; containing lessons in the cloments of Asronomy , Geography , and Statistics , adapted for the Youn £ ' Uniform with tlio above . XEGC ^ 'S FIRST BOOK FOR CHILDREN . 6 d . TEGG'S SECOND BOOK FOR CHILDREN . 6 d . London : Wrr . MAM Tech * and Co ., 85 , Queen-street , jheapside .
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Uow ready , price Is . 6 d . ; illustrated co-ver , cloth , 2 s ., M IDNIGHT SCENES and SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHS : boiiiR Skotchos of Life in the Streets , Wynds , an < l Dens of tho City of Glasgow . By SHADOW . With a Frontispicco designed and etched on Steel by Gteorgo Crulkshanlc . London 1 W . Tweedie . 337 , Strand ; Hoclstow and Whig 11 t ; and all UooksoHora and Railway Stations . Just published , prlco Ono ShillinB , post froo for 13 stamps . rpHE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; or , How to Se--L euro Moral and Physioal Happiness . With practical observations on Debility , Nervousness , and Depression , resulting from Close Study . Sedentary Habits , Intemperance , High Living , or Dissipation . By A PHYSICIAN . London . ! Sherwood and Co ., Paternoster-row , ' Manw . S » , Comhill ; Hannax aud Co ., 03 , Oxford-street ; and all Booksellers .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 21, 1858, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_21081858/page/31/