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no 461, Januab* 22,1859,] THE XEiP» HB
thority. The only fear is that the Sepoy...
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Virtue And Its: Reward—In The Iiaymakket...
rtf the Bath . The virtuous Clauricarde lias held a seat in the Cabinet , though an illiberal and censorious clique contrived to oust him from that exalted station . Mr . Alfred Tennyson has been made poet laureate ; the late Sneaker of the Commons is a Peer ; Mr . George Dundas of" six-Bounder" notoriety , has been appointed to the Governorship of some " Coventry" islands ^ the lift of the Colonial Office . Lord Ernest Vane Tempest was turned out of the army , and Mr . " William Palmer was hanged . Thus , though m widely different degrees , all these notable public characters have , in their vivctnt , received thenreward ; and we must say , especially in the first mid last instances , tluit they richly deserved it .
It would be a burning- shame and scandal to the nineteenth century and to civilised society , it would be only adding another instance to the lamentable catalogue of great men who have been persecuted or neglected by the community they contributed to render illustrious , if the distinguished services rendered by , Mr . Robert Bignell to the public at large , and his great claims on the national gratitude , had been passed over or forgotten . A certain , perhaps not inconsiderable * section of our readers . , through ignorance of the more delicate minutice of our social polity , not unnaturally ask , " And . who is Mr . Robert BigncU ? " It is astonishing with what little recognition even celebrity sometimes meets with . ' When ' M . Thiers in the noontide of his fame
met with his old schoolmaster , and told him that he had been " minister , " . the . pedagogue . inquired whether he was a Protestant or a Catholic one . When Horace Waipole ' s sisters purchased some bugle ornament 3 in a by-street in the eity , aiid desired that they might be sent home to " Sir Robert WalpoleV ( he was then at the head of the Government ) , the village shopkeeper , who evidently did not read Mist-s Weekly , Journal , coolly askect , "And who the deuce is Sir Robert Walpole ?' . ' Lest , then , there should exist persons whose auditory nerves no waves of sound from Fame ' s trumpet in this illustrious instance have reached , we mav
be permitted to explain that Mr . Robert Biguell is the proprietor of a " hall of dazzling light" called the Argyll llooms , a refined and brilliant ; p lace" of social reunion , a kind of classic portico , whither the warriors and the sages , the statesmen and the' poets who have been wandering in the groves of Academe of the neighbouring llaymarket , expatiating free over the vast field of man and nation , catching the manners living as they rise , resort for intellectual converse and innocent relaxation . Hither come ( we are told ) Plato , and Auacreon , and iEschylus , and
young Alcibjades , the noble Tim on , and the churlish Apemantus , some to enjoy life , others to study it . Hither also ( we are told ) come the beauteous Lai ' s , the fascinating Phrync , the captivating Aspasia , the irresistible Timandra . The mazy dance relieves the monotony of metaphysical discussions . Wisdom allies itself to beauty ; the misogynist softens , the stoic melts , the cynic relents ; Diogenes comes out of his tub and dances a hornpipe , and Timon , led away by the delights of the schottischc , forbears to curse Athens , or to iling hot-water dishes at his false friends .
Mr . Robert BigncU lias for some years , and ^ y ith tlio aid of a first-rate band , and some cllicient masters of the ceremonies , conducted this charming symposium with great and desorved success ; but who can kill onvy P who can allay malice P who can stifle jealousy and malovolenco P Factious and uncharitable men who called themselves moralists declared Mr . Bignell ' s rccherchi establishment to be a hotbed of vice and immorality , a villauous dancing saloon , a " shilling hop , " intleod , only with a quantity of plate glass and gilding about itresorted to by the wildest of malo and tho naughtiest of female characters . They said , in fact , that the Argyll Rooms were simply a haunt for the moat confirmod libertines and tub most emended
courtesans ; that it was pitiable to sco the orowds of young mom and hula drawn nightly into thai ; vortex or dissipation ; that it was shameful to so « tho place boooino a vantage ground for bullios and W * open mart for proourussas , native and foreign ; that tho nightly procession at cloven o ' oloak of Tom Rftkewolls and , Hajkabouts from tho " Argyll , " aown WindmiU-sfirool ; , and so into tho llaymarket , was only to bo equalled for brazou oftrontory by tho imcento dp la CourtUle on the lust morning of lira mm carnival ; and that Mr . Robert ; Bigncll'a portico" was a forcing house for seduction and profligacy , and a foedor for tho most sluunoloas prostitution . Vulgar clamour fw a whilo prevailed ,
A trifling document— quite a matter of ¦ form— - called a music and dancing license , was necessary to enable Mr . Bignell to open his establishment nightly according to the terras of the law . Acted upon by the sinister , influences to which we ^ have alluded , those prejudiced individuals , the Middlesex magistrates , Uatly refused to grant Mr . , Bignell a renewal of his license . Overcome "by numbers , not by right , " the spirited and undaunted proprietor moved for a while bis Terpsiehorean penates to the Adelaide Gallery , and music and dancing shone for awhile , though with diminished lustre , where prizefighters had contcndedinmimicfray , andOhio minstrels now contort their begrimed faces ; but the " ArTvll . remained closed in obedience to the ruthless mandatcsof the law , audits walls , like those of Balelutha ,
were desolate . Happily , better times were in store for Mr , Robert Bignell . Pelions upon Ossas of evidence were accumulated to prove the immaculate purity of his establishment ; the Middlesex magistrates were brought to a healthier state of feeling , and the year that witnessed the marriage of the Princess Roval , and the laying of the Atlantic cable , and so many other gratify ing events , was also a spectator to the restoration of Mr . Bignell ' s license . So the " Argyll" is open again , and in full swing . Alcibiades , in an all-round collar and an Inverness cape , is on view nightly ; and Pliryne , with the rest of ces demoiselles , is to be engaged for the deux temps at ¦ ¦ . any time up to eleven , r . ^ x .
But this ' restoration was but an act of justice ; it was not reparation . The shining merits of Mr . Bignell as a public benefactor had yet to be acknowledged and rewarded , llow this has been done , let the following paragraph ,. which has been going the round of . the more accommodating portion of the press , tell-: ^ -. TESTlMOXIAIi ASDDlXNEK TO MK . ROBERT BlGNELL . —On Wedaesday , Mr . R . Bignell , the proprietor of the Argyll Rooms , was entertained at a complimentary dinner , by a considerable number of his friends and neighbours , desirous of testifying' their satisfaction ait his having obtained a renewal of his music license , and of expressing their appreciation of the admirable manner in which his establishment is conducted . The
entertainment was given in St . James ' s Hall , the tickets being a guinea each . The subscriptions to the testimonial , which is of the value of three hundred guineas , were ad libitum . At six o'clock about one hundred and forty gentlemen sat down to an admirably-served banquet , presided over by Lord William Lennox . The presentation , an exquisite silver centre-piece , manufactured by Mr . Hancock , of Bruton-street , and of the value of three hundred guineas , is one of the most classical and elegant designs we have ever seen . The grouping of the figures , the boldness and beauty of the chasing , and the tout ensemble , excited the utmost admiration . The proceedings terminated at a late hour in the evening , with thanks to Air . Donald for his liberal treatment and excellent arrangements .
Surely , this touching extract needs but few comments . The banquet " admirably served ; " the son of a duke [ and such a duke ] in the chair ; the appreciative testimony of the admiring friends and neighbours ; and , above all , the testimonial silver centre-piece , with its classical and elegant design , its estimated value of three hundred guineas , its bold and beautiful chasing , and its tout ensemble , show the respect and admiration in which Mr .
Bignell is held by those who know Ins benehcout and philanthropic character . Yes , the ( out ensemblea very nice tout ensemble it was : tho object feted the kecpor of a dancing saloon , the president of the precious meeting Lord William Lennox ! Wo observe that the base of the testimonial presented to Mr . Bignell was of polished obony . How suggestive 1 how appropriate ! It might have been a piece of mess plate prosonted to tho Brigade of Guards .
We hope that this timely manifestation of the appreciation , of public virtue will not stop here . It would be a gracoful act to erect a statue to Mr . Benjamin Caunt , over against that gentleman's hostelry in St . Mart . in ' s-lanc . Pieces or plate presented to the landlords of tho " Blue Posts , " the " Anglcsca , " and tho other hivos of purity which stud tho immaculato Haymarket , would come very a propos . Might wo also suggest that tho fountains in Trafalgar-square might bo replaced by statues of tho Callypygian and tho crouching Venus ; and would it bo too muoh to hint that a
corner in the now National Portrait Gallory might bo found for the vera ajfiffies of the amiable Ponia patronised by " marquises" and " Greek prinoos , " and of tho gentle Ellis of Pimlico , " mother of tho maids " who danco in ballets .
No 461, Januab* 22,1859,] The Xeip» Hb
no 461 , Januab * 22 , 1859 , ] THE XEiP » HB
Thority. The Only Fear Is That The Sepoy...
thority . The only fear is that the Sepoys , after discomfiture , will disperse over the face of the country , and , in the form of marauding bands , harass the inhabitants , and give trouble to our troops until cut up root and branch . But we "have reason to believe Lord Clyde has taken his measures wisely —he has hemmed in the Begum pretty closely on ail sides , and the blow he meditates is intended to be a fearful and a final one . The prevailing impression , however , is that the rebels will surrender after the first blow is struck , sue for mercy , and
THE INDIAN MTJTINY . By this time all serious opposition to the victorious British troops in . India will most likely have ceased . The last encounter with the mutinous Sepoys worthy of the name of a battle will have occurred , with what success no . one can entertain the shadow of a doubt . The Commander-in-Cbief , Lord Clyde , conducts in person active o peratioiis . He was , about the middle of December , preparing to cross the Gogra to attack the Begum of Oude , Who has a barge force of all arms- ^ -the only forOe to be called an army which then offered resistance to British
aueorae in under the Queen ' s Proclamation . With reference to this Proclamation , the good effects of it are visible already . The Sepoys and inferior rebels , whenever they find an opportunity and are not restrained by their own chiefs , come in and throw themselves oh the Queen of England and . India ' s mercy . We have lost sight of Nana Sahib for some time . No intimation of his whereabouts to be relied upon has reached the public ear ; But the belief is pretty general that if he is not with the Begum he is pretty close to her , and that the coming battle will find him a prisoner . The most
earnest hope is everywhere expressed that he may be taken alive , and that a public expiation of his unspeakable crimes may close his earthly career . The Governor . General of India , Lord Canning is expected in Calcutta by the end of this montB . His Lordship has apparently concluded his consultations , with the C 6 mmander-in-Chief . Who is to be the new Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Provinces is not " yet known . Sir John Lawrence , the statesman to whom every hand points as the fittest to hold the highest post in Indian Councils , has obtained leave to visit
England to recruit his injured health , but he will remain in India unless tranquillity is quite restored by March at the furthest . Altogether , our position is becoming daily stronger in India ; even the embers of the mutiny will be shortly too scanty to require treading out . Since writing the above , information has reached the country that the butcher of women and children , tlie Nana Sahib , had contrived to make his escape from Oude . fhe Conamander-in-Chief is blamed for this unlooked-for event , with what truth we must wait until we have more explicit information on the subject .
Thotohts, Tacts, And Suggestions On Parl...
THOTOHTS , TACTS , AND SUGGESTIONS ON PARLIAMENTARY REFORM . No . XI . We have at length before us Mr . Bright ^ bill to amend the representation of the-people in Parliament . By some it is already denounced as a * z attempt at wholesale fraud , whereb y the defenceless landed intorest is to be robbed of its rights for the benefit of the commercial interest . By others , it is repudiated as a mockery , because it does not affect to enfranchise the entire of tho adult malo population , as if that was in the power of any party leader in the present condition of * things to do . All sorts of objections are , as might have been expected , raised by all sorts of Liberals to its manifold provisions , and all kinds of speculations are already afloat as to its effect upon partios within the walls of Parliament . It ought to bo rcmembored , however , that tho scheme , in its published form , is not yet a week old > that being so far tho only football on tho ground , it is tho only objqot at which anybody canhavoakick ; and that before very many days elapse , Eublie attention will be irresistibly attracted toother iddings for general favour , by men of a vory dif foront stamp of mind . What will be thought o the member for Birmingham ' s bill whon it comes to bo compared with Mr . Disraeli ' s , or Lord John llusseirs ? That is tho praofcioal way of measuring . its intrfnsio value ; and this is the mode by which pnblio opinion will bo ultimately formed concern- ' ing it .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 19, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22011859/page/19/