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W 461, JANUABir 22.1859.] THE LEAPMB. 12...
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W 461, Januabir 22.1859.] The Leapmb. 12...
W 461 , JANUABir 22 . 1859 . ] THE LEAPMB . 127
*~ WINE AT HALF DUTY . QUALITY AND ECONOMY COMBINED , o ^ th African Port and Sherry ..... 20 s . arid 24 s . per doz . South iffin Madeiraand Amontillado ... , 24 s . per doz . Soutn 3- Pure , ifull body , with fine aroma . ' Messrs . Brown and Brough ' s Wines prove , upon trial , W * thev are richer and finer-flavoured than much of the ^ Jn wines " -Vide John Hull . Nov . 13 , 1858 . gfesffisssisf "" th delivered free to any London Railway Terminus . TfirmsCMh . ^ Country Orders must contain a remittance . BBrtWNand BROUGH . Wine and Spirit Importers , 29 , stS W . C , and 24 , Crutched-friars , City .
- WMENO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . Our superior SOUTH AFRICAN PORT ,. SHERRY , MADEIRA , & c , in brilliant condition , 20 s . per dozen . » I nud your wine to be pure and iinadulterated . * . i »« * j „ jj T > jjETnEBri M . D ., London Hospital . " Pint Sample of either . Twelve Stamps . Terms—Cash or Reference . Delivered free to any London Railway Term The 3 ' An alysis of Dr- Lotheby sent free on application , r-nlonial Brandy , 15 s . per Gallon . — WELLLR and HUGHES Wholesale Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutchcd-friars , Mark-lane , London , E . C .
WJNE NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY . irNGHAM'S MARSALA , 24 s . per dozen . A ING-HAM'S VIRGIN MARSALA , 2 » 5 s . per dozen . Terms , casji , arid / delivered free within five miles . WELLEK . and HUGHES , Importers , 27 , Crutched-fnars , Mark-lane .. E . C .
MALMSEY . 24 s . per doz ., Cash . —This delicious wiiie may be obtained at the above extraordinary low price , from the importers , HARRINGTON , PARKER , and Co ., 5 _ , Pall-mall , S . W .
CADIZ . A PURE PALE SHERRY , of tho Amontilladocharacter , S 8 s . per dozen , Gashi . We receive a . regular and direct shipmeiit of this fine Wine . " . . . ¦ . .. HENRY BRETT and Co ., Importers , Old Furnivars Distillery , Holborn , E . C . ~~ : PURE ^ R ^ bVi 65 . ~ PEa GALLON . Pale or Brown Eau-de-vie ^ of exciuisite Havour and "great purity , identical indeed in every respect with those choice productions of the Gognac district , which are now diilicult toprdcure at aiiy ' price , 35 S . per dozen , French bottles and case included ; or 16 s . per gallon . . HENRY BRETT and CO ., Old Furnivars . Distillery , Holborn . . |
ECONOMY . A 10-gallon cask ( oqual to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY , for four guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case . iiir . eluded . Three dozens carriage free . Cash . —HENEKEYS , ABBOL'T , and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , High Holborn . Established 1331 ; . HENEKEYS' COGNAC , A . pure French Brandy , pale or brown ,, 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per gallon . Six gallons , tho cask included and carjuago paid . . ' ^ WElc ¥ YS ^~ i . OTiboN BRANDY , Palo or brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s , per dozen . Threedozons carria ^ o free . HENEKEYS ^ TONDON QIIV " As from the still , and tho strongest allowed , sweet or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 20 s . per dozen . Six gallons , ' tho cask included and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . HENEKEYS' PRICESCURRECSIT OF WINES AND SPIRITS Sent post free on application . —HENEKEYS . ABBOTT , and CO ., Gray ' s _» " Distillery , 22 and 23 , High Uolborn , "W . O . Established 1831 .
WHISKIES-EQUALISATION OF DUTY . Tho ohoicost : Scotch and Irish from 14 s . to 18 s . por gallon . -OWEN and Co ., 7 fi . Lower Tlmmos-stroot , London , E . C , opposite tho diatom House Shipping «» d t' »« Trade suppled .
By Her Majesty ' s Royal Lqttors Patont . CONDY'S PATENT CONCENTRATED PURE MALT VINEGAR , AsBuppljod to Hot . Mftjpsty ' s Govornniont , tho Council for India , iho Ponin » ular and Oriental Stoani Nuvigation Com-Pi «> y , tho United StatoH Mail Stuiunora , Prisons , Poor Lnw Unions , Hospitals , Public Institutions , tho principal Club Housos , & 0 .- & 0 ., Is tho only Puro Vinopar miulo or to bo obtained } Vinegar , in ita orUJnnry utnto , is water and polaououa acids . TIiIh Vlncftni 1 dooa not contain any Impurity or adultorftfeing ingrodlont wlmtovcr . and families , oywaliiRthiadoHoious Vlnogur , cns » nro purity , and oUtict a Bftving of 60 nor conto . Soo reports of Dr . Lothob . v , City Ofltoor of Health , Dr . Hassall , of tho " Lancot" OommlBalon , i p ; M ? S' M-t ) i » I ' -K . S ., and many othora . Sold by tho Tmdo , in uottloa , labelled and onnsuloct . Wholo . alo 63 . King WUUam-stroot , London-bridge , E . G . t oU Quart Bamplo aont to any Railwny for 3 s . Oil ,
THE EXPANSIBLE RESPIRATOR , Variable instaiitanoouHly to nny of four stages , from a !^; CT »» B nowor of 40 dog . down to IB dog . A paper , dortivd ^ WPrlnolplos and right nso of propor Uoapirators .. Ro ^ S P ^ , ' , U , V of this rqoonland impovtivuL hnprovenient , "yRoPWnal Inventor of tho ltosplratpr , Mr . Joirroya , Wftybij obtainod by post ft'ofn J . E . Porolvnl , Manapor . ABQnt 8 f < , ? oryWhor o . BuOklQrSl ' liryt Loudont * midof tho
WHION YOU ARK FOR , QLENFIELD PATENT STARCH , jaip THAT TOU GET IT , 4 « inferior kinds are o / tcn substituted .
ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data show that ONE PEESQN in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE KVENT OF INJUKT , OR £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , FROM ACCIDENTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION , . ¦ '¦ ¦ .. ¦ '¦ By a policy iii the ^ RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already paid in compensation for Accidents _ £ & 7 0 B 9 ¦ ¦ ¦ Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses maybe had at the Company ' s Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations , where , also , Rail way Accidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VTAN , Secretary . Railway Passengers'Assurance Company . Offices ,: $ , Old Broad -street , London , E . C . ¦ ¦ ' .
THE VIOLIN . SPOHR'S GREAT VIOLIN SCHOOL , edited by JOHN BISHOP , 31 s . 6 d . ; Cainpagnoli ' s New and Progressive Method , translated and edited by John Bishop , 24 s . ; Rode , Baillot , and Kreutzer ' s celebrated Method , 10 s . 6 d . THE VIOLONCELLO . DUPORT'S ESS \ Y , Theoretical and Practical , translated and edited by JOHN BISHOP , 36 s . ; Baillot , Levasseur , Catel , and Baudiot ' s Method , 12 s . ; Husdesforge ' s Instruction Book , iOs . Gd ., part second , 10 duets , 7 s . 6 d . .- MUSIC For Pianoforte , with Accompaniments ad lib . —HAYDN'S 12 GRAND SYMPHONIES , arranged by CZERNY , with ad lib . accompaniments , for flute , violin , and violoncello . Piano Solo , 21 . 5 s . ( with accompaniments . . 8 / . 6 s . ); Piano Duets , 3 / . 9 s . ( with accompaniments , 51 . ); the Symphonies , separately , from 4 s . to 7 s . 6 d . each ; Beethoven's Masterpieces ( grand sonatas ) , piano solo , 5 vols ., each 15 s . ; Mozart ' s Six Grand Symphonies , arranged by Czemy , 6 books , each 6 s . ; Mozart ' s Six Symphonies , as piano duets , each Ss . 6 d . Mozarts Six Symphonies , for piano , flute , ' violin , and bass , by Clemeuti , 42 s . ; Oratorios and Masses , arranged for piano -without voices , from 4 s . to . ISfc . each . London : Robert Cocks and Co ., New Burlingtonstreet , Publishers to the Queen . . ¦ •¦•' . ' . ' - ' ' ¦' . ¦ .
Q £ Q LETTS'S BIAUIES , ALMA ^ AGS , lOi / i / i Ac ., adapted to . all Callings , Professions , or Trades , in above 100 VARIETIES of Size and Form , atfr 9 m Sixpence to Fourteen Shillings , each , as well as Descriptive Catalogues , GRATIS . may be obtained at ANY BOOKSEX-LER'S in the Kingdom . LETTS and Co ., 8 , Royal Exchange . . . ; " . ' ; '
THE PEN SUPERSEbED . The most elegant , easy , and best method of marking Arms , Crests , Names , or Initiajson Linen , Cotton , Books , or other articles ; without the ink spreading or fading , is with the INCORRODIBLE ARGENTINE PLATES . Any person can use them with the greatest ease . Names ( a . ny style ) , 2 s . ; Initials , Is ; Gd . ; Crest , 4 s . ; Numbers per set , Is . Cd ., sent post free on receipt of stampsiby the inventors , F . WHITEMAN & Co ., Engravers , & c , 19 , Little Queenstreet , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , W . C . Stamps , seals , dies , embossing presses , book plates , monumental brasses , door , window , and stencil plates , & c , in a superior style .
1 AA AAA CUSTOMERS WANTED . lUUj UV / V / —SAUNDERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is tho BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . s . d . | s . d . Crpam-laid note ... 2 Oporrm . | Cream-laid adhe-Thick do . ... 4 0 „ sivo envelopes . . 3 0 pr 1000 Bordered note ... * 0 ,, Largo commorcl * l Straw paper ...... 2 0 „ envelopes 4 0 „ Blue commercial Lar ^ e American note 8 0 ,, buft * envelopes .. 8 6 „ Ditto , letter size . 0 0 „ Foolscap paper ... 7 Oper rra , Sermon paper .., . A fl „ Commercial pens . 1 Oprgrss . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , priced and numbered ) sent free , together vrith a price list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CHARGE made for stamping arms , crests , initials , & c , on either paper or cnvolopes . tJARRIAGE PAID on all orders over 20 » .--SAUNDERS BROTHERS . Manufacturing Stationers , 95 and 104 , London-wall , Loudon . E . C .
MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to tho Queen , are tho only Shotnold Makers who supply tho consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , « 7 and 08 . KIN < 3 WILLIAM-STREET . London Bridge , contain by far tho largost STOCK OV DRESSING CASES , nud Latlioa and Gontlomon ' s TRAVELLING BAGS in tho World , onolt Articlo boing manufactured under their ' own suporlntondonco . MAPl'lN'S Guinea DRESSING CASE , for Gontlomon . MAPPIN'S Two Guinea DRESSING CASE , in solid Loatlior . Lndtea' TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 2 / . 12 a . to 1002 . oaoli . GonUcmon ' a do . do ., from 3 ^ . 12 a . to 801 . Messrs . MAPPIN invito Inspootion of their extensive Stock , which is oouiploto with ovory Variety of Stylo and Price . A costly Book of'Engravings , with Prlooa attached , forwaraod by pout on roooipt of 12 Stamps . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 07 and < W , KING WILraAM-STRMBT , OITT , LONDON . M ftuufaotory—Q , u ben ' a 0 ^ j ^ ayJNVo RKB , Sim , gtpm > . MAPPIWS ^ > HII-U | iyG ' ~ RAZORS , Wnrrautod ppod by tho Makers . Shavo well for Twelve MontliM without Gi'lnrtlnff . « r MAl'PIN'S 2 a . lUKOUS almvo % yoll for Throe Yeamo . MAPPIN'S Hh . RA 55 O 11 S ( unitablo foi- Hard , or Soft Boards ) Shavo well for Ton Yoars . MAPPIN BROTIIBRS , Quoon ' tjOutlory Works , Shomold \ anil 07 . King Wllliam . Btrqot , City , London , whoro tho lu-tjoBl tSlook of Culloi'y in tho World is kept .
, SMITH , ELDER , AND CO . 'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ .: ' - ' ¦ ¦ . . ' i . - ¦ ¦ . . . : CHRISTIANITY IN INDIA . An Historical Sketch . By J . W . KAYE , Author of "The Life of Lord , iletcalfe ^ " & c- [ In February . A LADY'S ESCAPE FROM GWAL-IOR . By Mrs . R > M . COOPLAND . Post 8 vo . { Nearly ready . ' LIFE IN TUSCANY . By MABEL SHARi MAN CRAWFORD . Post 8 vo . [ Nearly ready . > ' ¦ '' . ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ -4 . .. " . ; . ¦ ' :. NEW NOVEL . LOST AND WON- By GEORGIANA ZvL CRA 1 K , Author of " Riverston . " lvoL [ In a few days . 5 . ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ¦¦ POEMS . By FREDERICK W . WYON . Fcap . 8 vo , 5 s . cloth . [ Nearly ready . ¦ ¦ . . . ¦•¦ 6 . ¦ . . ¦ ¦ THE PARENTS' CABINET OF AMUSEment and instruction . New Edition . Vol . IIL , with full page illustrations in oil colours , and woodcuts , price Is ., ornamental boards . [ FebruarylX . ¦ % * The New Edition will comprise Twelve Monthly Shilling , Volumes , each complete in itself . ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦•¦ ' ' 7 . . . ¦ ' ¦ " NEW ZEALAND AND ITS COLONIZATION . By WILLIAM SWANISON ; Esq . InSvo , 14 s . cloth . [ In « few days 8 . SOCIAL INNOVATORS AND THEIR SCHEMES . By W . LUCAS SARGANT , Author of "The Science of Social Opulence , " & c . Post Svo , 10 s . 6 d . cloth . . [ Just published Now published , in one vol . 8 yo , 360 pp . in handsome wrapper , price 10 s . 6 d ., MEMOIEES DE L'lMPEBATBICE CATHERINE II . Ecrits par elle-meme etpre ' eede ' s d'une preface par A . HERZEN . ' That these extraordinary memoirs are genuine we see no reason to doubt . ' —jRmcs , Jan . 7-An English edition of the above work is in the press , and will be published very shortly . CAUTION . —Messrs . Trubner and Co ., the proprietors of the copyright , and of the exclusive right of an Eng li sh translation , will take legal steps against any person or persons-infringing upon their ri ^ its . .
' .. ¦ ¦ . ' .. ¦ ' ;¦ ¦¦ .. . ' This-day ; - . .. ' .. . '" THE PATHFiNDEB : A Weekly Journal of Political , Social , and Religious Reform . Conducted by Pi W . PERFITT > Price 2 d . Published by J . Patttb ,. Paternoster-row , and ! by G Gi-aisheb , 470 , New Qxford-street . '
This day is published , 2 vols . 8 vo , price 32 s ., DESCRIPTIVE ETHNOLOGY . By R . G . LATHAM . M . A ., M . D ., F . R . S ., late Fellow of Kinj 5 * s College , Cambridge , Ac . . From the above Work , the ETHNOLOGY OF INDIA . May be had separately , 8 vo . 10 s . John Van Vookbt , X , Paternoster-row .
Just out , price 38 . 6 d ., SKETCHES OF AND FROM JEAN PATTL RIGHTEE . London : A . W . BBnnett , 5 , . Bishopsgate-street Without ,
Just published , in fcap . 8 vo . cloth gilt , pried 5 s ., BALLADS AND SONGS . By EDWARD CAPEB . N . Rural Postman , of Bidoford , Devon . " This new volume may be said to be the natural and obvious continuation of those exquisite fancies whioh graco the early poems of Mr . C * pexn . "—Critic . Loudon ; W . Kent and Co . ( late D . Bogue ) , S 6 , Flootstrcflt . , _ ^ .
THE CRITIC : WEEKLY JOURNAL of LITERATURE , ABI ' . SOIBNCB and tho DRAMA , is now published every Saturday , prico M ; stamped 0 d . TheCKiTio contains Reviews of all tho current Literature of . the "Week , Homo and Foreign , including French . German , Italian , Sclavonic , and Oriental . ArohrcologlcaLSoiontiflc . Artistic , Musical and Dramatic Summaries . Reports of tho Learned Societies . . Lortding Artlolos won Literary and Artistic topics , and all the Literary , Sejientiflo , and Artistic News of the Week . The Ouitio may Uo obtainod through the trade , or ordered diroot from the Otnco , 20 , Bssox-stroot , Strand , w . O .
Newly reaOy , ON SYPHILI & By a P . MAUNDER , F . R . 0 . B-, Demonstrator of Anatomy at . Guy ' s Hospital t Demonstrator of Opomttvp 6 urg « ry In Pwris . ( A Trawrtfttlon of Rioord ' s rocont Laotures , with * Latter o « " Extewi ajl Division" of Strloturo , Uy tho Tranfllator . ) London , Joint OntrKOniEX , New BnrHngfeoib'Bfrree * , w .
" ^ PATENT DOUBLE SAFETY ENVEU 3 PES ., _ Whon you have tried them you ^ l vwo pp other . For bank- - ln _ r , commorcial , and private oOrreBpondenoo they affprd the porfoot oeourltybo wwoh ^ hrofli / Csofiitl slws at os . 0 d ., 7 a . fld ,, Mid J 0 » . per 1000 . Sold by » U otjittonerfl . » nd wp « pliod { o tho trkdo at tho Mauufl » et « y , ^ . ^ n « y *<» fl « i » w . SowchwarK , whore » U vwrlotiea of . npte , letter , official , ana ProiiQhuiaoV , m \ roU jw op * quo and flaouruingr , may bo «»«
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22011859/page/31/