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No. 461, January 22 v 1859] THE REAPER. ...
CHINA. Advices from Shanghai are to the ...
WEST INDIES. The Magdalena arrived at So...
m t AMERICA. im Aela has brought Now Yor...
MEXICO. Thk advices from the city of Mex...
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No. 461, January 22 V 1859] The Reaper. ...
No . 461 , January 22 v 1859 ] THE REAPER . 105
China. Advices From Shanghai Are To The ...
CHINA . Advices from Shanghai are to the 22 rid November , but contain little of interest beyond the publication of the new tariff and trade regulations . The export duties on tea and silk remain as before , and the only reduction of any importance is on cotton manufactures . Opium is legalised , and the import duty fixed at 30 taels per picul . The transit duties to and from the interior are fixed at one-half the amounts levied at the ports , and this applies to all imports and exports , with the exception of opium , which is not included in this arrangement . . ¦ _ . ! . ' _ . ¦' ..
The tariff regulations have been signed by Lord Elgin and Mr . Reed , but Baron Gros had not attached his signature when the mail left Shanghai : the movements of Lord Elgin are uncertain , and all that is known of the Yarig-tse-Kiang expedition is that the steamers Retribution and Furious had grounded about forty miles from Woosung , but had got off after being lightened . The gunboats had found the proper channel , and the expedition would proceed forthwith . The Chinese merchants look with great anxiety to the result of this expedition . At Canton all remains quiet , and business proceeds without interruption . In Hongkong a moderate trade is doing , but , no doubt , the re-establishment of commerce at Canton will affect both that place and Macao .
Sir John Bowring left Hongkong for Manilla on the 29 th November , on sick certificate , in Her Majesty ' s steamer Magicienne , and the government of the colony is vested in the Lieutenant-Govemor , the Hon . Lieutenant-Colonel Caine . ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦
West Indies. The Magdalena Arrived At So...
WEST INDIES . The Magdalena arrived at Southampton on Wednesday , with news from Kingston to the 27 th of December . In all the West India Islands the weather was remarkably fine for the season , and the islands unusually healthy . The sugar crops ¦ of Barbadoes , Trinidad , and Demerara were most promising . :
. JAMAICA . In the Legislative Assembly a bill for the erection of a patent , slip dock in the _ harbour of Kingston * and another to extend the railway from Spanish Town to Old Harbour , had been read a second time . In consequence of a deficit of 20 , 0 . 00 / . it had been found necessary to impose a small additional tax on a few articles of general consumption , and on spirit licenses . On the morning of the 23 rd , at about a quarter before two o ' clock , a severe shock of earthquake , which lasted several seconds , was felt at Kingston . The weather had been delightfully cool , with occasional showers . With the exception of a few case ' s of intermittent fevers and . catarrh , the health of the city and neighbourhood was good .
ANTIGUA . The Governor is extremely unpopular , and a memorial has been forwarded to England , signed by the principal inhabitants of the island , begging his recal . BAKBADOES , The House of Assembly had passed a bill increasing the guarantee to { he Bridgetown Waterworks Company to 6000 J . The experiment of an industrial exhibition in the island , which came off on the 18 th ult ., in the grounds of Government-house , was eminently successful . Although the weather was unfavourable , fully 1500 persons were present . The Governor sailed for Granada on the 23 rd ; the temporary administration of the Government devolved upon the President of Council . The health of the island continued excellent .
HAYTI , An insurrection had broken out in the north of St . Domingo , where the population , as far down as the city of St . Marc , have proclaimed the Republic , with General Geffrard for President pro tern . The Haytian Government in Port-au-Prince Inns been aware of the movement since the 24 th ult ., but no repressive measures have yet been taken' aa far aa is known . Jacmcl is perfectly tranquil . DRMKKARA , The railway question had occupied a considerable Bfeare of attention , and a bijl brought in by the Attorney-General had been thrown out , the effect pf which will bo that Ordinance No . 14 of the present year will
benugatpry , and the 176 , 000 * . will not bo raised , na proposed , on bonds , the interest of which was to bo guaranteed by the colony for a period of forty-live years . A dreadful accident occurred on the evening of the 16 th ult , on . Plantation Lusigimn , East Coaat , by the boiler of the draining engine exploding , in consequence , as was understood , of the engineer incaiitioualy introducing cold water into the boiler when it waa heated ana nearly empty . The engine-house was destroyed , ftnq four men ( including the engineer ) killed on the spot , beBUdos a number of others severely injured . A young man named Richard Anthony Hodge had boon committed fop trial on a charge of manufacturing BJPMrloiis coin on rather a largo sonic .
M T America. Im Aela Has Brought Now Yor...
m t AMERICA . im Aela has brought Now York intelligence to the 6 th Instant . Congress , reassembled on the 4 th Instant , after a rocosa
of ten days . The Senate took possession for the first time of their new and beautiful chamber . The Chairmanof ? ' the Senate ' s Committee on Naval Affairs reported bills providing for the construction of ten new vessels of war , and for increasing the pay of officers of the navy . The number of victims of the catastrophe on the Columbus and Macon Railway was about nineteen ; the cars fell thirty feet , and into . a stream . Winter had set in at New York with heavy falls of
snoWi The advices from Utah received at Washington are ¦ aid to be of a very unsatisfactory nature * It was probable the army would have to occupy Salt Lake City . The schopner Susan , which surreptitiously sailed from Mobile several weeks ago with a party of Filibusters on board , has been wrecked on a coral reef sixty miles from Belize . They were kindly treated by the captain of the British war-steamer Basilisk , who conveyed them back to Mobile , and thereby earned , as it is stated , the gratitude of the American Government . This stroke of ill-luck will prove a heavy blow to Walker , The Administration at Washington is said to be much gratified at the result of the expedition of the Susan , and the conduct of the British Governor of Belize is much commended .
The prisoners in the case of the brig Wanderer , which recently landed a cargo of slaves in Georgia , had been committed for trial at Savannah ;
Mexico. Thk Advices From The City Of Mex...
MEXICO . Thk advices from the city of Mexico are to the 20 th , and from . Vera Cruz to the 22 nd ult . The reported capture of Guadalajara , and the rout of General Pegollado by the Zuloaga troops , are confirmed . The United States ship Saratoga was at . Sacrificios , in company with five French arid three Spanish men-of-war , but nothing definite was known as to the objects of the lastnamed squadrons . ¦ ....,-. ¦ A number of engagements of an undecided character had taken place between the troops of the Government and those of the revolutionists . The existing
Government had appealed strongly to France and Spain for an intervention against the proceedings of the United States . A number of silver bars , alleged to have : been taken front the sacked cathedral of Morelia , had been found in the house lately occupied by Mr > Forsyth , the American Minister , and this had increased the popular feeling , against the Americans . General Caravajal attacked the city of Puebla on the 13 th ult ., but failed signally , and the Liberals went off . General Corona , with other friends of Santa Anna , having been arrested in Mexico city on the 17 th ult ., a good deal of angry feeling was manifested , and an . outbreak seemed for some time probable . ' . . Advices had reached Washington that the commander of the sloop of war Saratoga had compelled General Garza to refund the forced contributions of American citizens at Tampico .
South American States. Chili. Thb Losses...
SOUTH AMERICAN STATES . CHILI . Thb losses occasioned by the late destructive fire in Valparaiso amounted to three million dollars . The burnt district was soon to be rebuilt , and every effort would be made to prevent the recurrence of a similar calamity . The papers record the breaking out of two more fires since the last great conflagration , but fortunately neither of them did much damage . In Congress the struggle between the Ministerial and Opposition parties continued unabated , but in all cases the Government carried its measures . The session would shortly terminate . Silver ore of very ricJi quality was said to have been discovered near the German colony of Lanaquihue , in the south .
UOLIVIA . We have dates to tho 23 rd of November . Everything was reported quiet . President Linares was at Oruzo , busily engaged in his reformatory measures . Signor Don Ruporto Fernandez has been sent Minister to Peru to arrange existing difficulties . General Echenique , ex-PresUlcnt of Peru , was at Sicagica with a few followers . ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION . The provinces of the Confederation were quiet , except San Juan Mondoza . A revolutionary movement took place on the night of the 23 rd of November , in which General Bonavldoswas killed .
PERU . There wore no English men-of-war at Calao on the 12 th of Dccombor . Lima was remarkably healthy , and the cropa most flourishing . Great hopes wore entertained of tho war between the Ecuadorians and tho Peruvians being amicably settled . General Wright was daily expected from Guayaquil , having had to take refuge on board a French man-of-war at that port , after attempting a revolution in favour of General Floras . Another Chilian vessel , had been seized for clandestinely taking a cargo of guano from Inaopendencia . She is named tho Martinez , and was taken at sea by the stoamfrlgato Callao . Tho captain of the brig succeeded In making his escape .
Snttttt Ampptp Atst Statf South American States
MISCEELANEOUS . The Court . —Her Majesty will open Parliament in person . According to present arrangements ' the Queen and the Prince Consort propose leaving Windsor Castle on Wednesday , the 2 nd proximo , for Buckingham Palace . The Queen and the Royal children continue all well , and take out-door exercise daily . The Prince and the guests at the Castle have been shooting in the Home Park . The Duchess of Kent has been ' very unwell at Frogmbre , but has recovered , and dined at the
Castle on Wednesday . Her Majesty ' s god-daughter , the Princess Victoria of Coorg , was confirmed at Kew Church by the Bishop of Winchester this week , by the Queen ' s order ; The following guests have been received at the Castle this week : —The Earl of Malmesbury , the Marquis of Exeter , the Earl and Countess of Clarendon , the Ladies Constance and Alice Villiers , the Right Hon . C . B . Adderley , and Major-General Sir F . Williams . Sir James Clark has gone to Berlin , in order to be present at the approaching accouchement of the Princess Frederick William .
The Obsolete Services of the Chubch . —A Royal warrant published in Tuesday night ' s Gazette abolishes the forms of prayer and service made for the 5 th of November , the 30 th of January , and the 29 th of May . That is to say , the deliverance from the gunpowder plot , the martyrdom of Charles I ., and the restoration of Charles II ., will no longer be commemorated in the ritual of the Established Church . The Church is happily relieved from these services . . . _ ¦ , Law Amendkent Society . —The practice of requiring the names of attorneys to be struck off the rolls for three years before they are called to the bar , was discussed at the meeting of the society on Monday . A resolution declaring this practice to be inexpedient and unjust was unanimously adopted .
Public Health ;—The Registrar-General ' s return for the last week shows a high rate of mortality . The deaths were 1429 , being an increase of 91 over the previous week , and of about 100 over the average rate . The births during the . week numbered 1830 . Court of Aldermen . —On Tuesday the court sat for the despatch of business . Petitions wer 6 presented from the wards of Cornhillj Bridge , and Candlewiek , praying for an extension of the police arrangements for . the better regulation of the trafllc in the City . After some discusthe
sion the petitions were ordered to be referred to general purposes committee . The court afterwards proceeded to the adjourned consideration of the petition of Messrs . Gilmour , Rankin , and Strang , complaining of the conduct of Mr , James Connell , a broker . Evidence was submitted in support of the allegations of the petition . The court was then cleared , and on the readraission of the public , the Lord Mayor said that the court had decided to refer the bond given by Mr . Connell to the City solicitor to put in suit . The ' court then adjourned .
The American Military System . - — On a recent occasion Mr . Jefferson Davis counselled the State of Mississippi to prepare for war . The Vicksburg Whig gives the following inventory of the arms and forces of the State : — " 4 flint-lock muskets , all rusty , and no breeches to at least 2 ; 1 cannon ; 7 bayonets , rusty , with no points ; a pile of belts and scabbards , but no swords ; 50 cartridge-boxes . We have now 5 majorgenerals , 10 brigadier-generals , and CO colonels , 60 lieutenant-colonels , 60 majors , and will soon have 600
captains , 1200 lieutenants , 4800 sergeants , and 4800 corporals . We are happy to inform them , however , that we have no privates , the Legislature haying dispensed with that useless portion of the army . " Services at St . Paul ' s . —The Dean is unable to attend to the numerous applications made to him for admission to the special services at the cathedral . The reserved seats are few ( about 150 ) , exclusive of those for the choir , and are mostly kept for those who have aided the Dean and Chapter by liberal contributions or by personal service .
Thk Austrian Army . —A letter from Vienna says : — "It cannot be said that there is a war fever here , but certain it ia that the army longs for an opportunity of proving to the world that it is wanting neither in courage nor discipline . The Austrian officers do full justice to the Sardinians , but the common soldiers who fought against them in 1848 and 1849 speak of them less favourably . This last remark applies particularly to the Tyroleso and Styrians , who appear to feel something very like contempt for all tho Italians , It here occurs to me that Sir Hugh Rose , who passed some months here about two years and « half ago , had a very high opinion of the capabilities of tho Austrian army , and ho once , in my hearing , pronounced its organisation to bo ' almost perfect .
Thk Burns Cicntknahy . —This occasion will bo commemorated by n banquet at the Guildhall Hotel , on the 2 Sth of January . . Tames Hannay , Esq ., will preside , Kenny Meadow ? , Esq ., and several literary gentlemen , admirers of the poet , will he present . Tw » Ring , —Thb Dkruy Slashkr anp tub Birmingham Smashbr .-t-A final meeting was announced for Bradford , pn Monday , when the Smasher was pro * sent , attended by a largo gathering of Wends , but the Slasher did not show . There is no gammon , however , wo believe , in tho matter , aa the Slasher must either
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 22, 1859, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22011859/page/9/