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March 22, 1856.] THE LEADER, 285
A Perilous Leap.—A young ensign of the 9...
f?,. , | ri tv ? Mi ,nrniTTl>Tl* \(l\ mttlTt'TD; MuUlllUHlMUl AJKUUll/J *
Aberdeen, 26f,7 ; Bristol and Exeter, 89...
COEN MARKET. t Mark-lanc, Thursday, Marc...
BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. This preparation \n ana of the benefits which tho Bclunco of modern has
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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March 22, 1856.] The Leader, 285
March 22 , 1856 . ] THE LEADER , 285
A Perilous Leap.—A Young Ensign Of The 9...
A Perilous Leap . —A young ensign of the 98 th . regiment , named Brett , who has recently exhibited considerable excitement of mind , was travelling from . Yorkshire to Ms friends at Cheltenham in company with a mau-servanfc , when he leapt from , the window of the railway carriage he was sitting in . The train at the time was going afc the rate of fifty miles an hour . On the train stopping at Am ~ bergate , a telegraphic message was sent on to Derby , and parties proceeded up the line . In aboub three tours afterwards , Mr . Brett was discovered about a mile and a-half on the Derby side of Clay Cross tunnel , curled up like a snake between tli 6 two lines of railsj and it is calculated that no less than ten engines with trains had passed him . since he first jumped out , and so close was he to the line that every train had grazed one of his heels . Ab the time he was found , he sat "with one hand raised as if he wished to stop the engine . He was immediately conveyed to the Midland Hotel , Dei-by . The company ' s surgeon was speedily in attendance , an . 1 on examination it wa 3 found that he had not ; sustained any very serious injury . University of Oxpokd on Church-bates . —In a congregation recently held in the Convocation House of Oxford University , and attended by heads of houses , & c , it was unanimously resolved to affix the University seal to the petition to the Hous 9 of Comnioii 3 j praying that church-rates should not be abolished . St . Domiugo . —General Santana , confident in his strength , as proved , by Ms late viefcoiy , las raised the state of siege in the provinces of Santa , Cruz , Seybo , and St . Domingo .
Bieths, Marriages, Ats 7 D Deaths. J3ikt...
BIETHS , MARRIAGES , ATS D DEATHS . J 3 IKTHS . AKG 7 U 3 —Oa the 13 th ult ., at Bishopston , the wife of tlie Kisliop of Arpyle : a son . LUXO ' S— On Monday , the 17 tli inst ., ' . Mrs . H ? pworth Dixon , Eriscx--vilhi 8 , St . John's-vood : a daughter . GrllEEN'Ooli—On the lGth inst ,, at Woodencl , the Lady G ; - c 3 ; iock : a son aud heir . - MARRIAGES . BEAUMONT—TOUCHALON , —On the 15 th ini ? fc .. Woticieur dn Boscq de Beaumont , of Airel , jVormiindy , to Z-OHzabetU lili . i , only , daughter of Monsieur des Francois lie i ' oaohsilon . of Iladon , Normandy , and niece of P . Curwea Smith , Esq ., ot Frognal-hall . llamrjstead . BOS roCIv .- ^ YArES ,-Qti the : 13 th inst . j John Ashton . Uoatoclc , Ksq ., Scots J ^ asiiier Guards , to Harriet Anne , yousigost daughter of the late Joseph Brooks Yates , Esq ., \ V estl > ingle . near Liverpool . DUKAXT—IjORD . —On Saturday last , the 15 th inst ., Lieut . AugnUli Uouour Augustus Durant , youngest son of the kit .-j Oal j nel Ojrant , or TongCiutlo , Salop , and Childivick-Ii-vll , Sf .. Albau ' s , to Emma Klrz ' i , yottngest dauKhter of 3 ? d > rarcl Lord , Esq .. of Portland-place , JJending ' , aui niece to iiir John Owt-n , Bart ., M . P . DEATHS . BK rcKKLWY .--On the 2 Cth ult ., at Date-hill , in t ^ c island of Antigua , the residency of ker son , the Ror . A . F . HI . lit ; rkeli ; y . roctor of St . Georg «' a parisli , in that island , Zln . U ^ rkcley , relict of the lute John Jierkeley , of the j . -liiuV of Granada , aged G 3 . COCilK-AN 15 ,-On ihe 18 th inst ., in Eaton-place , the Hon . J , a < . ly Inglid Cochraue , relict of the late Admiral the Hun . !• ir Alexander Inglis Cochrane , G . C . B . 3 CT . VXS . ~ Oa the fttli inst ., at Norwich , in the 72 nd year of Li * u .- < tf , Loivis 13 vans . M . D ., Physician to the Forces , and i \ PeninsuldL- Medallist of eight clasps . TrKLt . S . —In Juno , 1835 , Artliur Montagu Wells , R . TJT youngest son of the late Nathaniel Wells , of Piercefield Monmouthshire , Mute of H . MS . Nerbudda , supposed to havo i ' uundjrod at sea . off the south coast of Africa .
From The London Gazette. Tuesday, M'Irch...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , M'irch 18 . TiANKIlUPrCV ANNULLED . — George Biown nnd William lltsay , Bankside , and Idle , near Leeds , stone merchants . JIAN KUUPTS .-Cha . iii . es Bo ^ yen , Cullum-slrcct , tiiilor—Asm Sophia Poile , Great Suft ' ollcstreet , Southward , pawnlirokor-LiviAN Benson Peaiihe , York-road , King ' ti-cross , brick merchant -Cuahlbs Poiid , late of Groat Marlborou « -h . htri « ft , tailor —John Aixin Jonej , Birmingham , tailor—Mtjiu \> N Muia and Jons Wihtcomb , Kidderminster , carpet manufacturer—I ' btbh Jackson , Manchester , dru" -giut—Fjiei > 13 iiiok ( Jo K , X ) Klharn , maohine maker . HO I Oil riKQUttBTUATIOas . —A . A'Piiail , Glasgow , cottoa spinner— G-. Aia . of . viii . ana , jun ., cotton spinner—11 Imvinb and A . MoIlTo ^ f , Glnaffovv , pottera-J , NVat . son " Kiiinl ) i » -ffli , bur , cher-l { . MAoiNxynE ami G . Maokatt , Q las-Kove , wU ^ luHiilc stationers—A . Sctheulaxi ) , Lntheron Caithness , flintier . Friday , March 21 . BANK rtUP ICY ANNULLED .-Henby , Joiin , and « 1 ame 3 KjtiTiiiEH , Ironfounclerd , Blackburn . UANKltUl / Td . —JouN . Tuuus Stutzbh , GrovlUe-3 treot , Uruimvluk Hquil-e , shipowner—John Coles Foukdiuniek , lutcof lUish-lano . paper muker— William Tuiuno Uuktis , < iro : it St .. lldun ' , morclnant—Samuel Siiben , Norwood , viotmllci '~ K » RN Davis , Oxford-gtroet , cabinet mnnul ' aolui'ur—KioiiAiiD Nioiiolson , llolborn , enrpet bug maker—I ' iSTKii Hkwivt , Onaott Common , YorkaliLru , cotton siilnnor --hDWAiij ) L ' uwiiLi ,, Newtown , Montgomuryrihire . atoaur - UoamiT Clark , I . lvorpooJ , de « lcr ~ Jo « N A ' hout , Sutton , Hilk manmuoturor-JoiiN Smith , Manchester , tobaooonlst-.. Joum l'liauM Vkysejt , Kxotov , hatter—Joseph AUbbdkn , JJoiviy , Derby , Iron lounder .
F?,. , | Ri Tv ? Mi ,Nrnittl≫Tl* \(L\ Mttltt'td; Muullluhlmul Ajkuull/J *
Commmial % Mxs .
Money Market And City Intelligence Londo...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE London , Thursday livening , March 20 , 18 fto . To morrow bolnp u holiday ( Good Friday ) , thero will bo no Inulueaa In tho Stock Kxohiuigo or other plucua of buHliiona Thoro hiH boon littly doing uluco lust vrook , Consols arc elill hovering between M iuul SMJ Tho birth of mi h « lr to
the unstable empire of Trance has caused no alteration in our Securities . Money is still scarce , and the payment on loans , & c , and the expenses of the war yet to be settled will keep any great superfluity of an invested capital . Peace is now , we may suppose , virtually concluded , and it , has been ( ii . scouuted so long since here that there would be no great rise . The speculators for a rise having got to their top price , will probably close their accounts , and thus we may set a slight fall btfore the next settling . ItjH'ould seem that the man who rules the French nation at this present time , afraid of rash speculations consequent upon peace being concluded , has declared against granting fresh concessions . One i-ffjefc will l * e to drive the trench speculators over to London and Vienna , and it behoves the public to be wary of the thousan . l-and-cne bubbles that will be blown , during- the next two years . Great names on a Hoard of Direction must not be allowed to influence one . The last two years have shown that neither , wealth , station , nor the greatest respectability , have hindered the perpetration of rascally frauds and unscrupulous robberies by the holders of these virtues .
Spanish Securities have been much dealt in this week and have improved in yrice . In English railroads there is hrnines * , and an upward tendency . Belgian lines . Such as Luxembourg , Sambre and . Ueuse , Naraur and Xiiego , are much sought after . Turkish Sixjaer Cent . Stock is hardly bo good ; the Four per Cent , steafly , at about lOOg , £ . In Mines there is Jitile doing . A heavy sale on Tuesday in Stourbridge Consols—a Devonshire mine that has enjoyed great repute— brought the shares down considerably , but they are slowly recovering . Joint-Stock Banks remain nearly the same-not much business doing in them . There has been a marked improvement of i per cent , throughout the markets this afternoon , but closing prices are scarcely so good . Consols leave off at four o ' clock at 921 , £ for account .
Aberdeen, 26f,7 ; Bristol And Exeter, 89...
Aberdeen , 26 f , 7 ; Bristol and Exeter , 89 , 90 ; Caledonian , cog-, lj ; Chester and 1-Iolyhead , ; East Anglian , 14 , U ; Eastern Counties , 9 £ , 5 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow , - ; Great Northern , 9 i , 4 ; Ditto . A stock , 78 , 80 ; I > itto , 15 stock , - —; Grsat Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 1 " 4 , 6 ; Great Western , 62 £ . f ; Lancaster and Carlisle , 6 * , 72 ; Ditto , Thirds , ; Ditto , new Thirds , ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 83 i , 4 ; Lp ndon and Blackball 74 ,-4- ? London , Brighton ' , ' und South Coast , K ; 0 , 101 ; " London and "North Western , ; Ditto South Ditto , 93 , 4-Man-chester , Sheffield , and Lincolnshire , - ; Metropolitan , a , i dis . ; 'Midland , 7 i £ ,- §; Ditto , Birmingham and Derby , 42 , 4 j Newport . Abergavenuy , and Hereford , 11 , 13-North British , 30 £ , li ; JTorth Eastern ( Berwick ) , 76 £ , 7 }; Ditto Extension , & h ?; Ditto , Great North Eastern purchase log . 16 ; Ditto , Leed . < , 5- > , 6 ; Ditto , York , ; North Staffordshire . 56 , jj . 'dis ; Oxford , Worcester , and Wolverhampton , * 2 fi , 8 ; Scottish Central , 104 , 6 ; Scottish Midland 75 , 7 ; South Devon , 13 , 14 ; South 12 nstern ( Dover ) , " GS y-Soufeii Wales , 6 , 8 69 ; Vale of Neatli , 19 , 20 ; West Cornwall ,. 6 i , 7 $ ; Antwerp ami Rotterdam . 8 J , §; Eastern oi France , Parrs and Strasbourg , 38 d , 9 ; East -Indian , 22 , h-Ditto Extension , 2 ii , 3 , - Grand Trunk of Canada , 10 , 9 di « Great Centrtil of France , e | 0 pm . ; Great Indian Peninsula , 21 J-, f ; Luxembourg , Gf $ -. Great Western of Canada , 25 , = h Kamur and Liegi » , i h , 7 ; Northern of France , 39 g , 40 I ' aris and Lyons , 49 | , f , o _ J ; Paris and Orleans , 50 , 2 ; Sainbre and : \ ieuse . 10-J , UJ ; Western and N . W . ofFi-ance 3 i £ 5 J Agun . Frin , ; Brazil . Imperial , ! £ , 2 ; . C . o . oaos . 2 J , 3 ; St .- John del I ? ey , 2-1 , 0 ; Cobre Copper ; 06 , 69 ; Colonial Gold , ; Gre , it Pi >] gooth . ] £ , J ; Great \ Vheal Vor — ; Linares * 7 , £ ; Lu * itanian , i , j pm . ; Nouveau Monde , ; l ' ontijjibaud , 11 , 13 ; Port Philip ,- ; Santiago de Cuba , 3 a , § - ; South Australian , Z \ , i ; United Mexican , 3 { , 4 ; Waller , £ , | . ¦
Coen Market. T Mark-Lanc, Thursday, Marc...
COEN MARKET . t Mark-lanc , Thursday , March 20 , 1850 . StppLiE 3 of all kinds of grain continue very moderate English , wheat has advanced 5 s ., and Foreign 2 a . per quarter . There has al 30 been a fair demand for barley at is . improvement , and tho oat trude remains firm at last week's quotations .
British Futfds For Th]B Past Week. (Clos...
BRITISH FUtfDS FOR TH ] B PAST WEEK . ( Closinq Trices . ) Sut . Mon . rites . Wed . i ThurJ Fri . Bank Stock 3 per Cc > nt . deduced 3 per Cent . Con . An . !) 2 J 92 i !> 2 J 92 * D 2 , Consols for Account . 03 J 9 ^ 4 OiJ 02 ' , I 92 S ' . " . ' . ' . New 3 pev-Cuivt . An , . ' \ Ne ' . v 2 J por Ci'ntd 7 & 75 Lour An * . 1800 \[\ India Slock 222 Ditto IJoiula , £ 1000 lOdis .... 10 dla . ... Ditto , under jCIO . jO . . rt tlis . 8 dis .... 6 di . i . I 2 clis . Kk Kills , . £ 10 0 lpm . I pra . 2 pm . 2 . 4 dis . 24 did Ditto , -tnoo 1 pin . a vm . 24 ciis . Ditto , Sinnll . - Idii I ilia . 2 pm . 24 < Ua . a . Jdls
Blair's Gout And Rheumatic Pills. This Preparation \N Ana Of The Benefits Which Tho Bclunco Of Modern Has
BLAIR ' S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . This preparation \ n ana of the benefits which tho Bciu 01 rnoiieru
nco osiemiHiry nas contorroa Upon mnnklnd . for , dining the first twenty yenrs of t . lio present century , to speak pf a « nro for tlio ( iout was coiiRldorcd a romiinee - but in > w ll » e ollioaoy and eafety of this medicine is so fully domonrttrnU'rtby unsolicited leHtirnonialafrom persona i « every nink o' 111 K that public opinion prpolulma this as on « of the mo » t importiuit dlacovorioH of tho preaunt ng < J , S , o )< ? , tf [ n \ ll , "ARSANV , 209 , Strand , London , and all MeOiclno Vendors , Pilco is . l JU . and 2 a . 9 d . per box .
FMIAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . —The mnnlfold ndvn > itagcB to tho hoaclsof fnmlllos from tho ponsoHslon of a medicine vf known cfllcuoy , that may bo rom > vt ( id to with confidence , and used wilh huccohh in . oubch of temporary bioltneaa , oqourring Jn I ' atnilicH more or lua . i ovory duy , »> ro ho obvloua to nil , that no question oun tie rnlscul of Its importance to every houaaUecpur In iho kingdorn , Koi-femntes , lliuso PIUh nre truly cxcollowt , removing nil olictructlona , tho fUfltrobulujr htudachc ho very provuluiit . wli h tho Bux , ( leprcdblon ot epliltn , « lulnoaa of Hlght , ncrvou * ullL'olloiiD , biotohc-B . pimples , nnU aallownoBa o > f tlio aklu , and l ) i'i > rliice u healthy ot > tnploxlon . Soldl > y PHOUT nnd IIA US ANT , 22 » , Strand , London , RivclttH yundoiHof Modlolno . rrlco [ a , lid . nnd 2 a . Od . nor box .
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . - Under the Management > Ir . ALFRED WIGAN Easter Monday and during the week will be presented n £ SV Vand ° f ; « i Comedy of STILL WATEuS UUK V ^ £ ' r-, w P erfo ^ , . efore the Queen at Windsor Castle John Mildiimy , Mr . AHred Wigan ; Mrs . Hector bternhold Mrs . Alfred VFigan . To conclude with the Fairy Extravaganzii of THE DISCREET PRINCESS ; or , THE THBEB GLASS DISTAFFS . Prince Richcraft . Mr P Kobson ; Prince Belavori , Miss Maskill , Kins Gander Mr hinzry . Princesses Finetta , Babillarda , and Idelfouza ! Misses Juha St . G-eorge , Ternan , and Marston ; Mother Goose , Misa Stephens . Commence at Half-past Seven
E ? S £££ , D TO THE CRIMEA , GREAT GLOBE , LEICKSTER-SQUAH £ , ON EASTER MONDAY . * A DIOHAMIO TOUR from BLACKWALL to . 4- ^ - BAE . AKLAVA . through the priacipal Cities of Europe , Hamburg . Berlin , Dresden , Prague , Katisbon , Vienna , Pesth , Buda , the River Danube , the Iron Gate Constantinople , Balaklava Harbour , and Encampment at Balaklava , the Adriatic . Rome , Venice , L , ago Mageiore , across the Alps by JVIonte Rosa , the Galleries of Isella and Oonclo the Simplon , Intei-lachen , the Jungfrau , Genera , and up the llhina to Cologne aad England , at li a . m ., 3 p rn ., and 8 p . m . JS 1 OUELS of the SIEGE of & SEVASTOPOL , CRONSTADT , the BALTIC ,- SWEABORG and IIELSING--FO J * H \ The lar S e -8 IODEL of the EAUTB " , with JLectures and Illustrations . A collection of Russian Arms , Dresses , Pictures and Trophies , a Military Gallery of the Armies of Europe . Open from 10 a . m . to 10 p . m . Admission to the whole Building One Shilling . Children and Schools halfprice .
"OEOPENED , with manv important ' additions JLBU to the scientific department . —JDr . KAEN be <* s to acquaint the Public that his celebrated Museum , which ha ? been elegantly redecorated and enriched toy many interesting additional objects , is NOW OPEN" ( for Gentlemen only ) . Amongst the new features of interest will be found . a magnificent Full-length model of a Venus , from one of the most eminent of the ancient masters . The Museum is open daily from Ten till Ten . Lectures are delivered at . Twelve . Two , Four , and HaAf-past Seven , by Dr . SextoN , and a New and highly-interesting Series of Lectures is now in course of delivery by Dr . Kaun , at Halfp _ ast Eight precisely , every Evening , Admission , One Shilling . No . i , Cpventry-street , Leicester-square .
DR . DE JONQWS Frescribed with confidence by tlie Faculty for its purity , eiQcaey ,, and marked superiority over every other Variety . EXlTRACTS FROM SELECT MEDICAL , OPINIONS : — The late JOKATHAilT PEREIRA , M . D , F . R . S . E . Professor at the University of London , & c . & c . "Ifc was fitting that the author of the best analysis and Investigations into the properties of this Oil should himself bo the purveyor of this important medicine . I amsatisfied that for medicinal purposes no liner 0 il can be procured . " DR . IETHEBY , lEedical Officer of Health to the City of London , & c , & c . "The Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named ' Huile Brnne , ' and described as the best variety in the masterly treatise of Dr . de Jongh . Prom my investigations , I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article . " ARTHUR H . HASSA ' L , Esq . M . D , F . L . S ., Chief Analyst of the Sanitary Commission of the Lancet , & c . & c . " So great is my confidence in the article , that I usually prescribe it in preference to any other , in order to make sure of obtaining the remody in its purest and best condition . " Sold by ANSAU , HARFORD , and Co , 77 , Strand * London , Dr . de Jongh ' s sole British Consignees ; in TUEcouNTinr l > y many respectable Chemists . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) , 2 h . Gd . ; Pints < 20 ounces ) , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts ( 40 ounces ) , 9 s . IOtPEUIAL MEASURE . CAUTION . —Each bottle is sealed with a stamped metallic capsule , and bears beneath tho pink outside wrapper a label with Dr . de Jongh ' s stamp and signature . All Oils offered as Dr . do Jongh ' s , or aaof the same kind , without such marks , arc fraudulent impositions .
TO INVALIDS , MOTHERS , ANI > FAMILIES . By her ftlnjesty ' a Royal Letters Patent ( the only patent existing for those preparations ) . StroMfili / Recommended by tJiu Mudicttl . I'roJ ' i'ssion . ADNAM'S IMPROVED PATENT GROATS and BAltLEY nro manufactured by a proceaswhicli cntiruly removes the acidity and iuiplei » nant flavour , so universally found in Bimilar preparations . They produoo Gruel and Hurley Water in tho highest perfection , and , buing manufactured perfectly pure , yield food of the moat , llffhc and nourishing qu . ility for tho Iiiftuit . the invalid , nnd tho Aged . ' 1 ho Barley also innkua a delioioua Cutiturn 1 ' uddijnff , und is an excellent ingredient for thickening tioups , & o . Tho 1 ' ivtentees publish ono only of tho numurouH tostimonlalM they huvo received teom eminont niedioid profutiMora , relying more ctm & dcntly on tlio intrinalo ( juality of the articles , of which one trial will not fnil to oouvinoo tho most l ' aalidiotia of their purity and excellence . ( Copy . ) " Chemical Laboratory , Guy ' s Hospital , FoLrunry » 0 , IHflO . " 1 havo submitted to a niiorotjooploul and chemlcnl examination the samples of barley and groata which you have forwarded to mo , and I beg to inform you U » ut X find In them on y tho . se principles wliioh nro found in {^ ood bnrloy ; thoro is no mineral or other Impurity present , uud from the rusult of my invontlgiitlon 1 bullevo tlicm to he guiiulno , and topomt'na thoao nutrJtlvo properties ivs » l ^ nod by tlio lute Dr . I ' erelra to thla doaorlptlon of food . ( Slfiucd ) A . S . Taylob . " Mcssrn . A < lnam nnd Co , " CAUTION . —To prevent errors , tho Publlo are requastod to observe that ouch packugo bunra tho signature of tho 1 'aton tecs , J . and J . 0 . ADNARI . To bo obtained Wholesale ut tho Manufuotory , Maiden lano , Queon-atreet , London » nnd Hotuil In Vuokota ant Canisters at 0 d- nnd in . each , and In Onttlrttora for lfiinulllo nt 2 h ., Sh ., nncl lOs . oncli . ofnUroapeotttbloClroociB , DruKKidte & c , in Town « nd Country .
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22031856/page/21/