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23$ THE IiEiAi D E &. [No. 313, Saturday...
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23$ The Iieiai D E &. [No. 313, Saturday...
23 $ THE IiEiAi D E & . [ No . 313 , Saturday ,
¦ THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , No . 35 , KLNG WIULIAM STBEET , near LONDONBBIDGli . Established 1823 . BANKERS . —The Commercial Bankof London . KESIDENT PROPRIE TOR . —Mr . John Voce Moore . The ^ Company are one of the oldest firms " > . * 'W . 5 London , arid have for nearl y , thirty-three g ^^ nf their guished by the excellence , cheapness , and parity 01 ineir T subfamilies properly introduced to them or who can ' dive then * any respectable reference , upon the best trade terms , in parcels of any size exceeding lib . ™« ght Teas , when desired , are packed in lOlb ., 141 b ., and 20 ib . caniJttrsT wfthout extra charge ; and £ 3 value ( including Coffee ) forwarded carriage paid . *„ n . i ¦ «» i . n » Good to Strong Congou Tea .. 2 s . 8 d . to 3 s . od . per lb . IFiffe to very fine Pekoe Souchong 3 s- 6 d . to 3 s . 8 d . „ Very Choice Souchong .. .. f 1 ™ 1 »»• Good'Ceylon Gofifee .. ... ls - ° « - » IPine Costa Kica . J - fa . .. The finest Mocha , old and very choice Hv , r . " nariv For the convenience of their customer , the Company supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a smaU per centage on import prices . MOQth ^ H ^ O lrmlsr a N TEA COMPANY , an TTinw William-street , near Lona . on-bn . dere .
" — THE BEST A 2 TB CHEAPEST TEAS Id Enrfand are to be obtained of PHILLIPS ; and COMPANy , Tea Merchants , 8 , KING WILLIAH . STREET , CITY . LONPOSr . ¦ \ Strong Congou Teas , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s ., 3 s . 2 d . Ar general Price-eurrent-is-published every month ; containing all tlfe , advantages of the ^ London markets , and is sent free by post kjflappbeation . SUGAB S ARE SU BPDIED AT . MAKKET PRICES * TEAS-ahd COFJFEES to the value of 40 s . or upwards sent'caniage free to any , rail \ vay station or market town in England ; . ' , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '
SISAL CIGARS , SISAL CIGARSi at GOODRICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established ; 17 ? 0 ) i . 4 Q 7 , Oxfora-street , 3 jondon > near Soho-square . —Box , containing 14- fine Sisal-Cigarsy for : is . 9 d . post-free , six Btampsextra-. lb . boxes , containing 109 , 12 s . 6 d . Nonearegenuirie unless siened * 'H . N . Goodrich . " A large stbci of the most approved Brands .
KEATING ^ COUGH LOZENGES . — The vast increase in the demand for these Cough Lozenges , and the numerous testimonials constantly received , fully justify the Proprietor in asserting' they are the best and Safest yet . offered to the Public for the cure of the followingr ' complaints : — . : ¦'•"' ¦ ASTHMA , WiNTER COUGH , HOARSBNIBSSi SHORTNESS of BREATH , and other PULMONARY ' MALADJESv-v ... ¦ .: ., ¦ .: ¦ .,::.. - They , have deservedly obtained the highest , patronage ; very many of the Nobility , the Clergy , and the Public generally use them tinder the recommendation of some of the most / eminent ' xjf the Faculty . Prepared and sold in boxes , Is . 13 d ., and tins , 2 s , 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ,, and 10 s , 6 d . each , by THOAfAS KEATiNG , Chemist , & c , JST 6 ; 79 , St . Paul's Churchyard , London . Sold retail by all druggists and patent medicine vendors in the world . te EATINStfS PALE NEWFOUNDLAND JpiL COD LIVER OIL , perfectly pure and nearly tasteless , , haying : beeni analysed , reported on , and recommended b ? Professors TayloraudThomson , of Guy ' s and St . Thomas ' s Hospitals , who , in the words of the late Dr . Pareira , say ; " ther finest . oiL is . that most devoid of colour j odour , and flavour , " characters this will be readily found to possess . 79 , isfc . Paul ' s Church-yard , London . Half-pints , Is . 6 d . j pints , 2 s . ( id . ; quarts , 4 s . Gd . ; fire-pint bottles , 10 s . Gd . ; imperial measure . t *« ? Orders from the country should expresslv state " HEATING'S COD LIVER OIL . " *
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS an EXCELLENT MEDICINE . —Perfect digestion and pure bilo produce good blood , and if the functions of either the fatomach or the Liver are disordered , Holloway ' s Pills will assofedIy repair , the mischief , and enable , them to supply the . channels of circulation with , an uncontaminated fluid : tlftn in cases of BiU ' , Indigestion , or . disordered Stomachs , why not use this invaluable remedy ^ which has oared thousands , when , every other medicine failed ? The number pf years these Pills have been . In use confirm the efficacy oi their good effects Sold by all Medici no Vendors throughout the World : at Profe ^ ojc , HOLLOWAS-g , aSstabllshments , 244 , Strand London , and 80 , Maiden-lane , New York ? by "A . Stamp * . Constantinople ; A . GuHioy , Smyrna ? and E Mulr . Malta .
In the High Court ol Chancery . "" rpRIESEMAll . —On the , 29 th of May , 18 W , JL an Injunction was granted by the High Court of Chancery , and on tho 11 th of Juno following was made perpetual , against Joseph Franklin and toners , to restrain them , under a penalty of 4 M . Q 00 ; from imitating this medicine , whioh is protected by Royal Xetters Patent of England , anc secured by thesoalsofthe Ecolo de Phnrmaclo do Paris and the Imperial College , of'Medicine , Vienna , Trlouemar No : l , is a remedy for Relaxation ^ Sper ' matorrhoaa , nnd til the distressing consequences arising irom early abuse , & o . ajjid Hs ^ ffeots aro oulcaoiou 8 In ypnth , mimhood , and ole ago ; _ and to those jorHbns who arejprovented entering tho married state , irpm the results or early errors it Js inyaluttble : Trlesoninri N 6 . x cflFectuaUy , in the short space of throo days , completely and entirely eradicates all troeea of those disorders whioh oapnivl and ' eubeba have so long been thought an antidotoi for , to the ruin of the health of a raBt poytion ot tho population , Trleaomar , No , 3 , is tho Kroat Qontlnental remedy for that elans of disorders wlilohiwfortanateiyt | no English physician treats vviih mercury , to tho ^ "SyWiSi" d « swu 6 tion of thio patients conetltution , and SSSSS ^ H ' l-ttw B « raapariUa in tho world cannot rotnoVo . ^ iz'tSftW ]* * l > 2 , and 3 , are alike devoid of tnste or amoll , f ^ raiSK 2 ^ 9 ^ q ««» tles . They may Ho on tho toilet t » blo wHhtotttthelruiie ' bolnBeuBPPOted . r-TrleBemar : Nos . l , 2 , SiuESi ??!* ' . l j Cft 8 «« > P ^ ce us ,, or four caeca in one for 339 Si rrffto- ^ »»« , «< «» " «»«» , whereby there la a am ' h ! S-v *« . ln ? . « S- ^ iV ^ iP . * ° separate doW ; aa adrolhiatered W ^ kifa & H & tyyy ' » SIf ?* " «*?* » o » j OxfoUatrcet i M ^^& yS ^^ ^ 1-1 *^ ' Mflwo ftlMtc * j JH . W ^^ BmiB ,
THE BEST SHOW" of IRON BEDSTEADS in the KINGDOM is WILLIAM S . BURTON'S He has FOUR LARGE ROOMS , devoted to the EXCLUSIVE SHOW of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children ' s Cots with appropriate Bedding ; and Mattresses . Common Iron Bedsteads , from 16 s ; Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s ( id ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted with dovetail joints and patent sacking , from 17 s I'd ; and Cots from 20 s each . Handsome Ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from £ 2 7 s to £ \*> 15 s Gd-THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SrLVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs- Elkinpcton and Co , is beyond all com-> arison t he very best article next to sterling silver that can i > e employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . Thread or Fiddle Brunswick King ' s . Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoons per dozen .. 18 s . ..... 2 Ss 32 s . Dessert Porks ,, .. 30 a 40 s 46 s . Dessert Spoons „ .. 30 s 42 s 48 s . Table Porks „ Rat ios . 5 ( > 9 64 s . TableSpoona „ kt 40 s . ..., 5 Ss . .... C 63 . Tea and coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , & c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . Fiddle . Thread . King ' s Table Spoons and Forks , full size , per dozen 12 s . .. 28 s . .. 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto 10 s . .. 2 is . .. 25 s . . Tea ditto 5 s . .. lls . .. l' 2 s . f ^ UTLERY WARRANTED .-The most varied KJ assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in the World , all warranted , is on SALE at WILl / TAM S . BURTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 i-inoh-, ivory-handled table knives , with high shoulders , lls per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s ; if to balance , is per- dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s per pair ; larger sizes , from 19 s to 26 s per dozen ; extra £ ne , ivory , 32 s ; if with silver ferrules , 37 s to 50 s ; -white Tjone table knives , 7 s 6 d per dozen ; desserts , 5 s 6 d * carvers , 2 s 3 d per pair ; black horn table knives . 7 . 8 4 d per dozen ; desserts , 6 s ; carvers . 2 s ( id ; black woodrhandled table knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steels , from Is ; each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in . cases . and otherwise , and of the new plated fish carvers . The alterations and additions to . these extensive premises ( already by far the largest in Europe ) , which occupied the whole of last year , are of such a . character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display off the most magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery , Nickel Silver . Platid Goods , Baths , Brushes and Turnery , Lamps and Gaseliers , Ir n and Brass Bedsteads and Bedding ) so arranged in Sixteen Large Show Rooms as to afFo . d to parties furnishing facilities in the selection of goods that cannot be hoped for elsewhere ; Illustrated catalogues sent ( per post ) free-39 , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTREiET ; and 4 , 6 , and « , PERR VS-PLACE . Established a . d . 182 O .
DAVIS AND SIMPSON'S FURNISHING "WAREHOUSES , 136 , 137 , 138 , TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD , Corner of the New-road-. Established Twenty-eight Years . Enlargement of Premises Increase of Stock . ARE YOU ABOUT TO FURNISH ? If so , inspect this enormous Stock , containing the most recheiche manufactures of Gillows and Dowbiggin , as well as phiin substantial Cottage Furniture . Buying for Casti you will save 20 per cent . ONB HUJSTPRED SETS OP DINING-ROOM FURNITUI 4 E , of superior style and workmanship . T £ i , E 3 corE Dininq-Tables i ' mm : i guineas to HO Chaibs , in Morocco , EUia-CioTn , and Koan . from l ^ s . 6 d . to 2 guineas . An immense stock of Bedding . Bjlankets , Sheetino , Couk . TBB . P-ANE 8 , Carpets , and FamieiY Drapbht j ust received from the Manufactoreub . Furniture warehoused at a . moderate charge for families leaving town , or going abroad . Hark tho Address CORNER of the NEW-ROAD and TOTTENHAMCOURT-ROAI > .
THE PATENT PNETJMAXIC PALATE FOE THE CONSTRUCTION OF AETIFIOr AL TEETH . MESSRS . MOGGRIDGE and DAVIS , Surgeon Dentlsta to tho Royal Family , 13 , Old Burlington-street , Bond-street ,, Patentees of the sclf-austaining principle of fixing Artificial Teeth , and Inventors of tlto Pneumatic Palate , continue to supply their inimitable Invontioua which , coiiying nature , obviate ihe necoHsity of the unsightly fnsteniiigH which , while hiughlner or speaking , have hitherto betrayed the wearers of Artitloial Teeth . Thin invention renders tho articulation clear and distinct , and thfc'Unplotvsant whistling so long complained of , impos-Blblo . To all public speakers , whether In tho senate , in tho pulpit , nt tho bur , oron , the stage , teeth , ron . 1 or artificial , are a «? m qua mm . Without them tho grncos of eloquence aro lost , and tho powora or oratory very much diminished . ineU- Improvements hi lining artiflolat toisth have boon noticed with high approbation by iho Times , t ' lml , MornhiK JUerntd , Morning O / irovivlv , und all tha other leading Journalw ol Europe , and their , numerous specimens have excited the greatest admiration of tho moat omhu-nt pUysiclnnu and BurffoonH ol' England and the principal cities of tho continent , who conatnntly favour thorn with their dlstlngulBhod rooommondationB , and who consider tholr ayHtem to be greatly uuporlor to any In uao by oihor member * of tho profession , as by It the greatest lioaaiblc flrmncsa and aoourity In tlio mouth Is iittidnoct , and the patient enabled to properly perform tho Important operation of maHtloatlon , wWch Is nnost OHscntUU to honltli , and without which tho atomaoh cannot duly fulfil lta functions . MESSRS . MOGGRIDGE AND DAVIS , SUHGEON-DENIiaTS TO THE ROYAL . FAMILY , JN-o . 18 , OLD BURLINGTON STRMET , BOND-STJREKT XONDON .
THE FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS made to order , from Scotch Heather and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BEN JAMTN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Eegent-street . The PELISSIER OVERCOAT , 2 Is . and 28 a ., adapted for the season ; the TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK ^ Ai ^^ NET ^ IliT ^ II 8 T * OUSE * < «* ° 2 N . B . —A perfeot fit guaranteed .
TpLASTIC SUPPORTING BELTS , of the JLJ same beautiful Fabric aa POPE and PLANTE'S ELASTIC STOCKINGS for Varicose Veins , for Ladies ' use , before and after accouchement , are admirably adapted for giving adequate support , with extreme lightness —& point little attended to in the comparatively clumsy contrivances and fabrics hitherto employed . Instructions for measurement and prices on application and the articles sent by post from the manufacturers , POPE and tXANflS , 4 , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , London
" "OALMER'S PATENT LEG is far superior JL to all others that have hitherto been invented , and is a valuable addition to our means of removing the inconvenience arising frora a severe mutilation . "— The Lancet . Adjusted withperfcet accuracy , by the aid of Machinery , to every form of Amputation , by Mr . EDWIN OSBORNE of 24 , Saville row , London .
B UY of the MAKERS . —BRUSHES , COMBS , and BROOMS of every description , whether for the dressing-table , household , or stable use , thirty per cent , lower than any other house in the trade , at the Manufacturers , J . and J . WITHERS , 36 , Tpttenham-court-road ( opposite Bedford-street . Bedford-square ) . —Warranted tooth brushes . 3 d . ; superior ditto , 4 d . ; the best that can be made , 6 d , each . —N . B . The lowest price asked , and no abatement .
SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE -SHILLING- BOX OF WATER COLOURS , USED BY THE ROYAL FAMILY . / OAUTION . —Boxes containing the worst de-\_ J scription of Colours , Brushes , & c , are being sold as the Society of Arts Prize Box of Water Colours . To prevent any further imposition on the Public , the GENUINE SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE SHILLING BOX OF WATEH COLOUItS can be had of th- successful competitor JOSHUA KOGERS , 133 , BUN HILL-ROW , Finsbury , London , or sent by post on receipt of is . lOd . in Stamps Every other article required in the Fine Arts can be had Wholesale and Retail , of . the , Manufacturer , JOSHUA ROGERS , as above .
710 ° MILNERS' HOLDFAST AND FIRE""^ RESISTING SAFES ( nonconducting and vapourising ) , with all the improvements , under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 , 51 , 5 i and 1855 , including their Gunpowderproof Solid Lock and Door ( without which no safe is secure ) . THE STRONGEST , BEST , AN 1 > CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTA . NT . MILNERS' PH < ENIX < 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , the most complete and extensive in the world . Show-rooms , 6 and 8 , Lord-street , Liverpool . London Depot , 47 a , Moorgate-street , City . Circulars free by post .
T E MIRROIR PACE ET NUQUE . —This jLJ new Patent Toilet Glass reflects the back of the head as perfectly as it does the face , and both in one glass at the same time , enabling a lady to arrange her back hair with the greatest ease and precision ; it is the most unique and complete article ever introduced into the dressing room ; prices 24 s . and upwards , to be seen only at the Patentees , Messrs . HEAL and SON " , whose warerooms also contain every variety of Toilet Glass that is manufactured , as well as a general assortment of BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , and BED-ROOM FURNITURE . HEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of Bedsteads and Budding , containing designs and prices of upwards of 100 Bedsteads , Sent Feee my Post . HEAL and SON , 190 , Tottenham-court-road .
HAUt DESTROYE 1 C , 1 , LITTLE QUEJBN-STItEET , HIGH HOLBORN ALEX . ROSS'S DEPILATORY , for removing effectually superfluous hair from tho face , neolt , arms , and hands , without the slightest injury to the skin . A . It , will warrant it not to Irritate the north in tho smallest degree , and the hair to bo entirely destroyed . —Sold In bottles , at 3 s . Od ., 5 a , flcl , and 10 s . Od . ; or applied at tho Hair Dyeing Establishment aa above .,. Fonvardoil for stamps ,, free by post , eight extra .
RUPTURES . —BY ROY AT , LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TKUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo the most effective invention in the ourativo treat men t of Hernia . The ua « of a steel snrin / r ( so often hurtful in It * cifeotu ) 3 a hero avoided , a soft Jlanaugo being worn round the body , while the requlfllte resisting power it ) supplied by the Moo-Main Pad aha Patent Lever , fitting with bo much oiibo and oloeeneas that it ctvnnot bo detected , and may bo worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may ba had , and the Trims MvliloU cannot fall to lit ) forwarded by poet , on thoolrouiTilorenoe of the body , two inches below tho hips , being ecnt to tha Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , riocadilly , London . T ? LASTI 0 STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , XU for VARlOOBIii VKINSt and all ouao » of WKAKSMS and SWELLING of the UEGrS , SPRAINS , & o . They are porous , light in texture , and Inexpensive , mid « r <> drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 « Od . to ld » . Postage , od . Manufactory-, 328 ,. Piccadilly , London .
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22031856/page/22/