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Makch 22, 1856.1 .. T; H E; L DAP1R; 287...
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Makch 22, 1856.1 .. T; H E; L Dap1r; 287...
Makch 22 , 1856 . 1 .. T ; H E ; L DAP 1 R ; 287 ¦
T- > A ' N K 0 F L O N D O N , ' r > Threadneedle-street . and Charing-cross . Chairman—SIB JOHN milBBS SHELLEY , Vfoe-Chairman—JOHN GRIFFITH TKITH , Esq . Current Accounts are received , and interest allowed on ^ JE ^ per * Cent , interest is at present allowed on Deposits , with 10 days' notice of withdrawal on sums of £ 10 and up . wards . ( By order ) MATTHEW MA . KSHAL . ly , Jun ., Manager . BENJAMIN SCOTT , Secretary . Threadneedle-street , Brarch ^ O , 1856 .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated ~ by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Coilrt of Directors GRANT LETIERS of CREDIT and BlliliS upon the Company ' s Bank , Adelaide , at par . Approved drafts negotiated and 6 ent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through the Bank ' s Agents . , . 1 && ^ ^ ° mPan 7 Wl £ ffAM £ u £ Sy ? 5 SSK * Iiondon , March . 1 , 1856 .
T AF LIFE ASSURANCE OFEICE , Fleet-B J street , London , March 6 , 1856 . Notice is hereby eiven _ that the BOOKS for the TRANSFER of SHAKES in this SOCIETY will be CLOSED on THURSDAY , the 20 th instant , and will be Re-Opened on "Wednesday , the 2 nd day of April next . The Dividends for the year 185 ! j will be Payable on Monday , the 7 th day of April next , and on any subsequent day , between the hours oi 10 and 3 o ' clock . By order of the Directors . WILLIAM SAMUEL DOWNES , Actuary .
TTNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE VJ SOQIETY , 54 , Charing-oro 83 , London . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . "Whole profits divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle Invalid lives ' assured at equitable rates . THO MAS PRITCHARD , Resident Director .
NEW PUBLICATIONS . i . THE POLITICAL LIFE OF SIR ROBERT FEEL . BY THOMAS DOUBLEDAY * Author of the ' Financial History of England , " " The True iftvr vOf Population , " o . Two volumes , 8 to . , price 30 s . cloth . II . THE EUROPEAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 . BY EDWARD CAYLEY , Esq . Two volumes , Crown 8 vo ., price 18 a . cloth . LONDON " : SMITH , ELDER , JLND CO ., 65 , CORNHILL . THE LATE SIR JOHN MALCOLM . Just ready , in Two "Volumes , 8 vo ., with Portrait , THE LIFE AND OOEUESFOHDENCE OF SIR JOHN MALCOLM , G . C . B . BY JOHN WILLIAM KAYE , ESQ . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , < JORNHILL .
Just published , One Volume , fcp . 8 ro ., Price 2 s . 6 < L , AUDUBOI , THE . NATURALIST , IN THE ^ E ¥ W 0 ELD ; HIS ADVENTURES AND JDISOOVERZES . BY MRS . HORACE ST . JOHN . .. Abiographical sketch of Auduoon , by Mrs Horace st John , nlarmed on a modest scale and executed gracefu ^^ with muchUiugence and care , is a very welcome little boob indeed . —Examiner . LONDON : LONGMAN , BROWN , GREEN , AJJTD LONGMANS .
SOVEREIGN LIFE OFFICE , 49 , ST . JAMES-STREET , LONDON . Founded 1845 . ' ^ Pb . tjstkes The Earl Talbot . I -B . Bond Cabbeli , Esq ., M . P . Sir Claude Scott , Bart . | Henry Pawnall , Esq . Chairman—JLieut .-Col . Lord Arthur lennox . Deputy-Chairman- ^ Sir James Carinichael , Baxt . This Office possesses a large paid up and invested » capital > -while the claims by death , scarcely exceed one-fifth of the Premiums received . , ; By the recent Bonus four-fifths of the Premiums paid were , in many cases , returned to the Policy-Holders ; Thus , of £ 153 paid on a policy for £ 1 * 000 ( effected in L 846 ) . £ 123 was added to the amount assured in 1853 . A Bonus declared every third year . . FOURTEEN PENCE saved Weekly , and paid to the Office Quarterly or Half-yearly , will secure to a person 25 years of age the sum of £ 100-On his attaining the age of 55 , OR AT DEATH , should that event occur-previously . Claims are paid three months after prqof of death . No charges are made except the premium . Rates are calculated for all ages , climates , and circumstances connected with Life Assurance . Prospectuses , Forms , and every information can be obtained at the Office , 4 i > , St . James * j < -street , London . H . L . DAVENPORT , Secretary . Active Agents required .
Just published , to Two large Tola ., 8 vo ., handsomely printed , find bound in cloth , with Portraits , price SOs ., THE LIFE AND WORKS OF GOETHE : *" " WITH SKETCHES OF HIS AGE AND CONTEMPCXRARIES . { From . Published and Unpublished Sources ) . By G . H . LEWES , Author of the " Biographical History of Philosophy , " & c . « Goethe ' s heart , which few imew ^^^^^^^^ of' ^ h ^ hara ^ Sr S ^ S * £ * *& ™ % JL Sfflf * ^ ^^ ***** » * »"" ^^ St L ew ^ a ° ^^ ^^^^^ stu ^ y of his subject , a careful preparation e ^^ j ^^ S ^ M hl ^^^ - Sa ^ Wtr of which he was the centre , of Mr . i . ewe 8 toconvey a lively representation ^™«^ ™ , ^|\? tWs . ^ mple analytical ciltlcism on his principal witinga , the general characteristios of the tirne ; nf ^^ icli poetry and prose Action should be composed feoethe is sh own to andlntolligent discussion of the P"nwples on '™™ vo ^^ v to H TOan and to Uave llved as ever in the eyes of Ar ^ KTSS ^^&^ feS ^ bSA Sw SSTSta ' toSSStB , a » S was by tha fe t giftcauipg him to discharge great duties . " - Spectator . LONDON : DAVID NUTT , 270 , STRAND .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 , PALL-MALL EAST , LONDON . Established , a . d . 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine thu plan of the Bank of Deposit . Prospectuses and forms for opening acoounts sent free on application . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director .
T 7 RIENDLY aad BENEFIT SOCIETIES . JO DIRECTORS and MANAGERS who are desirous of making their Sooieties safe through amalgamation with the UNITED ORDEHtS PROVIDENT ASSURANCE COMPANY , and ol' joining the Board , are invited to apply to the Manager , WM . CURTIS OTTER , Esq ., without delay , at the Chief Olllees , G 3 , Pall-mall , London .
/ - ^ ENERAX INDEMNITY INSURANCE \ JT COM 1 'ANY , 7 , Ohatham-pluce , Blaokfriars—Capital , £ l > 00 , 000 , in Satires of Ji & each ; call , ioa . per Share . Every description of Insurance business transacted at this ofllce . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded to persons in Bitutitlonn of trust where security is required ; also nsainat losses arising from robberies , forgerios , & o . I ire and life insurances offeoted on improved and safe principles . Plnte-glasa inHurcd . Pro . inect . usoa , terms of agency , proposals , & o ., can bo had on application . J . C . SPENCE , Secretary .
A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF J & Q PER WEEK . IN CASE OF INJURY BY ACCIDENT OP ANY DESCRIPTION , or the sum of & Z , OparN CASE OF DEATH , muy bo scoured by an Annual payment of £ . 3 for a Polioy in the RAILWAY PASSlfilTQiWB ABSURANOR . COMPANY . A wockly Allowance of ITiftcon Shillings for Injury , or 42 ) 00 in case . of Death seourud by u paymonfof Ton Shillings . NO OHABGE FOR STAMP DTTWY . Forma of l ' ronoital , Prospectuses , & o . may b « had of the Agontu—ol" Clio Clurka nt all the principal Rail-way Stationu —ami at the Head Office , London , whore also RAILWAY Aa < JIDEN"TS ALONE mny bo insured Rgo , U » 6 t by tUo Journey or by the year as heretofore . WILLIAM JP VIAN , Bcorctary . Railway I ' naBongom Inauranoe Company , Empowered by a ( ipiolal Act of Parliament , Offices , a , OW linmd-street , London .
THE NATIONAL REVIEW-ADVWRTISEMENTS . TT ia requested that all ADVERTISEMENTS 1 intended for insertion in Numbor 4 of the "NATIONAL RBVIiaw " will be forwarded to tho Publisher not later than tho 24 th . London : Rqbjbbt Theobald , 20 , Patcrnoator-row .
ART - UNION of LONDON ( By Royal Charter ) , —Prlzeholders select for themselves from tho Public Exhibitions . Every subscriber ol" one guinea will have , besides the ohanoo of a prize , an impression of apjftw > of "Harvest in tho Illchlanas , " ongraved by J . T . Willmore , A . R . A ., from tho important and well known Picture by Sir M . Landscor . R . A . and air Augustus Callcott , K , A . now delivering . Subscription oIoboh 3 » at Instant . GEORGE GODWIN , \ Hon . 444 , West Strand . LEWXS POCOOK . i Scoa .
Italian and French lianeuftBes . 1 \> T 11 . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from tli « JLYX Unlvorelty of Padua , who haa been ostabl » l » cd in London for three years , givea private lesaona inrliollan » nfl French at Kin own house , or the Iioubcb ol hie pup » B . u o aluo wttondB Sohools both In town and country . Mr . A « - ItlVABENE toaohet ) on a plan thoroughly Pf «{ jtl «"' l * _ the . moat raediooro mind « jftnnot f « U to thoroughly comprehond hla lcBeona . _»^^ , « , , *¦ a ma I Apply by letter to Mr . ARIUVABENB , No , *• « . ( MloUacVe-plAoo , Brompton .
THE NATIONAL REVIEW . Price 5 s . J _ No . IV , Contains : — I . Charaoteriatics of Goethe . iii : ^ S & 'SS ^^ m ^ . ¦ ^ : % & l £ 2 fiffi * A poetry of Rog . ra . 7 ll The a Sl « - enoie 8 of Amerioa . yi &^» i a i ° on . A List of Books of tho Quarter . London : Hobbbx Thbobaw , 20 , Patornostor-row .
' NPOROPO LIS . —Ttetablished by Parliament . — SfSS ^ 'SS . ftfw wortcT and every expense , lStoi « . Seconder . Third , 01 m .. FourthClaaa . £ 21 , » lft . *» ' » . And complete ^ tUout ^ tatuary worjc - ^ X' 4 . * # 3 68 > smsassssi ll"j © , j . Separate wafting rooms .
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_22031856/page/23/