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^ am Tr,r.v 23. 1859.1 THE LEADER. 863
V, 1 /it J. J. * Ktv4 • (0pit£&u££5 JtJUl vPttt£rttWWWWj»U» 1 *
Haymakket Tiieathe.-A crowd of Mr. Bucks...
We have to report one of the most agreea...
~~ Tr . CRYSTAL PALACE. ' Making hay whi...
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^ Am Tr,R.V 23. 1859.1 The Leader. 863
^ am Tr , r . v 23 . 1859 . 1 THE LEADER . 863
V, 1 /It J. J. * Ktv4 • (0pit£&U££5 Jtjul Vpttt£Rttwwwwj»U» 1 *
Situate itml ( ftntertmnittiptte .
Haymakket Tiieathe.-A Crowd Of Mr. Bucks...
Haymakket Tiieathe .-A crowd of Mr . Buckstone ' s patrons took their annual benefit on Saturday The entertainments consisted of crushed ribs , a vapour bath , some excellent dramatic pieces and the popular manager ' s annual speech . This last sensible ^ nd humorous composition , in winch , accordtag to his ! custom , the genial host reviewed Ixis laqt season mysteriously alluded to the coming one , S / SSl T ^ v ou / the trials . and dlfflcu Vgm i of existence to most portentious d
mensuch pieces were formerly in season—its nuggets onto the metropolitan stage , not , it is to . be hoped , without the old Morgianesque precaution of greasing the measure for his own behoof . In his last burlesque extravaganza , which is as well- entitled to the " new and original" of the bills as many a two or three act drama , our author has had no need to stray from the nursery legend ; but he has used it , simple as he found it , as the backbone for a set of travesties upon scenes in Shakspeare in which the talents of the performers we have named , of course immensely assisted the plans of the play engineer . The Babes , Tommy and Saltyare personated by Mr . J . L . Toole and Miss
, K . Kelly ; the wicked uncle , Sir Rowland Maceassarby Mrs , Alfred Mellon ; Mr . Paul Bedford and Mr . C . J . Smith are Smith and Brown , a pair of unmitigated melodramatic ruffians , who first undertake to perform their brutal office of chicken butchers , at the bidding of the wicked knight and his Lady Macbeth of a spouse , Lady Macassar ( Mrs . Billington ) , and then , in due course , after a heinous parody on that famous scene from " King John , " between Arthur and Hubert , fallout like trueknave 3 , and leave the innocents to the mercy of the cockrobins , who do their spiriting according to the fitness of such things . Mr . Byron has , with abandoned viewtorn
licentiousness ( from the purist ' s point of ) , , driven , ridden through , and trampled on , old associations and old proprieties . His steed is no quaint hobby-horse , but a mad Pegasus . Nbt the plaintive nursery tale alone , but fragments from the tragedies King Richard * King John , Macbeth , and , some goodnatured friends say , much more modern works ., have been snatched by the flying wizard to fill his cauldron . The broth is lavishly spiced to the taste of the age , with the necessary quips and puns and word contortions , and is so well served up by the Adelphi management that even a fricasseed audience could neither refrain from boisterous laughter during the progress of the banquet , nor cordial approval at it termination .
managerial . 3 ST was delivered in his best manner . Consisting as it did , mainly , of well-worn commonplaces , its Wholesale importation into pur columns would be annoy ing , and would , after all , give a femt , idea of the effect produced by Mr . Buckstone ' s mirth-provoking voice and admirable elocution . The following iudicious hints for the Pharisaical world , in which an actor repudiates from his own point of view the notion of " No Sabbath" told wellupon the audience ,
and , to our fancy , are worth reprinting , " Perhaps , ladies and gentlemen , I ought to tell you that we shall continue to represent ' The Contested Election ' every night , I hope for some time to come , Sundays excepted . Why I say ' Sundays excepted arises from the strange ignorance of many people respecting the actor and his habits . In arguing the propriety of opening the Crystal Palace , the Museum , and the National Gallery on a Sunday , it has been asserted that if it were allowed we should next have the theatres open on a Sunday ; and a worthy candidate the other day , when addressing the electors of Marylebone , in aswer to a question vote for
on the subject , stated that he would never the opening of any of these , places on a Sunday , nor would he consent to the opening of theatres on that day . Ladies and gentlefnenj there is no fear that theatres will ever be open on a Sunday in this country , for the simple reason that no English actor would on that day consent to follow his profession . The English actor is too fond of his Sunday , enjoys his rest , and is quite as grateful for it as any member of * The Serious Family' can be . Neither in the provinces nor in London would' the actors be found to give up their Sundays ; they are too respectable and too independent—at least I know those of the Haymarket are . " ¦ declared his
The manager then formally season over , and announced in the next breath that the new one would commence on the then following Monday ; which commence it did , accordingly , and , dogdays and dognights notwithstanding , has continued merrily to the present time , Adelphi Theatre . —Despite the frenzy of the devotees to English undeflled , and all the fanatic worshippers of the high and dry old drama , the weeds ( by their foes called pestilent ) of the Punch and Judy school seem to flourish exceedingly wherever they take root . They bid fair , in course of time , to overshadow the town , according to one faction like the upasaccording to another like the
, salutary banyan , tree . For ourselves—somewhat Iconoclastic as we are in our tendencies—we view without serious apprehension tho oft-deplored decadence of tho legitimate drama . It nifty be asked , whether it ever had a right to much of a pedestal . Who gavo it that educational mission that . elated toastmongcrs rare so much about at feasts to flattered dramatists and enthusiastic actors ? Its . true and original mission was , we apprehend , nothing higher than to divert , and to pay . Tho educational part of the story has always been an excrescence , and for some hundred years—to speak within the mark —has , unless sparingly introduced , made plays mortally dull . and unsubventioned managers utterly popr .
The celebrated Mr . Charles ICeau himself has been almost too much of tho certificated dramatic teacher to make management answor , and had ho not strayed awfully from the didactic rails might probably have foeen by thjis time an object more of sympathy than of congratulation . Tho public , or people if you will , have at no timo really ana truly recognised tho " mission , " and it is high time tho superstitious belief in its existence came to an end . Wo admit , of course , that a modioum of instruction may always , and very reasonably too , bo exhibited like so much salt ,
for its savour , along wi , th ovory show , whothor tragic , coraio , farcical ,, or extravagant : but , to apeak commonsensically , an excess of it in a theatre , like a handful of tho precious condiment in a cream ico , is apt to prove an omotio . It was said and sung sonao years ago by Messrs . Albert Smith and John Parry that Mr . Plancho had exhausted , tho liot-bed of burlosquo , but it would deem that oaoh fresh generation of authors finds profitable diggings without -vast or laborious profipocting . Mr . 3 $ yron , who produced on Monday mt > , at tho Adolphl , a " novelty , " called « Tho Babes in tho Wood , " has recently hit upon a first-rate " pockoy and is busily transferring— -without regard to the traditional times of year at which alone
We Have To Report One Of The Most Agreea...
We have to report one of the most agreeable musical reunions of the season , which took place on Monday last—a musical and literary viatinfe , given by the Countess Montemerli , at the residence of W . F . Wolley Esq ., Campden House , Kensington . The company , though as numerous as C the theatre could accommodate with comfort , was very select . The list of lady patronesses embraced the names of upwards of twenty ladies of title , among whom were the Marchioness of Abercorn , the Marchioness of Downshire , the Countess of Darnley , & c . The artistes , both vocal and instrumental , were all favourably known to the public , and included Messrs . Badia , Finoli , Oury ( piano ) , and Humniler ( violin ) , Signori
Badia , Fagotti , Depret , and Mr . J . Thomas ( harp ) . The selection of pieces was pleasingly varied , of a judicious length , and . included a vocal duet , charmingly sung by Madame Badia and Mdlle . Finoli , and composed by Signor Fiori , one of the conductors . Signor Fiori is a pianist of great talent and musical knowledge , who has for several years past visited London during the season . The main feature of the entertainment was , however , the reading , by tho Countess Montemerli , of a graceful French composition of her own , called La Fcmme et la Guerre . Seldom have wo experienced deeper emotion than when listening to the sweet yet . mournful voioe of the crifted and beautiful Countess , as she depicted scenes
of warfare and bloodshed which hayo been , alas but too fauail ^ ar to her heart arid min d during tho past few weeks that the War in Italy has rendered her a widowed wife . Attired in the national colours of her husband ' s native land , the country of her own adoption and enthusiastic love , sho read of Italy ' s sons giving themselves up voluntarily to die for their beloved country * with a fervour and pathos which borrowed nothing from elocutionary or theatrical training . As aright and truo hearted woman , sho uttorod a touohhigly tender lamentation for tho Austrians of her own sex compelled to part from their loved ones , and for what ? -r-to maintain treaties already torn to shreds , to oppress a great people . Though written amidst sorrow and agitation , this effusion was read undor
circumstances of still deeper gloom and pain . Tho Countess tvnd her husband woro amongst those who placed tho greatest faith in tho promises of the French Emperor , and nurtured tho most sanguine hopes of Italy ' s unification and nationality through his interference . How great is now their disappointment •—how bitter their Hisonohantmont I A friend who had frequently , during tho war , expressed a doubt of Napoleon ' s sincerity and disinterestedness , but only to encounter tho most vigorous and eloquent contra- ? dictions from Madame Montomorli , mot her at Oampden Houso on Monday , for the first time since the announcement of the unwclcomo peaco . With feelings of tho deepest sympathy ana sorrow , hor friend addressed the Countosa : —Well now , clear Madame , what do you think of tho Frenoh Emperor > t TJio Countess could only reply—Je suis comtcrnvo t
~~ Tr . Crystal Palace. ' Making Hay Whi...
~~ Tr . CRYSTAL PALACE . ' Making hay while the sun shines , is the order of the day at Sydenham ; and really the programmes of Mr . Bowley not only puzzle our . choice ; but defy all our good will to report them .. The Early Closing Society ' s Association ' s Festival , on ^ Saturday last , should not , however , be passed unnoticed . This valuable body , which is entitled , on account of its perseverance , to the warm gratitude of the labouring classes—and , as Lord Brougham said , elsewhere , who now-a-days is not a labourer ?—and to the earnest commendation of all liberal minds , has won a distinguished place on the roll of successful agitations ; and we can sympathise with the pride of its promoters and managers when they gather about them at these anniversaries a crowd of workers for whom they have won , from hard-fisted capital , by simple reason alone , the boon of such half-holidays . It were as needless repetition to catalogue the attractions provided for the numerous company as to dilate Upon the beauties of the Palace , the park , and the prospect . It is worth notice , perhaps , that the tropical heat of the last few days has , by putting all but the most indispensable modicum of fire out of the question , lent an unwonted clearness ( the Thames puts purity out of the question ) to the metropolitan atmosphere , and fresh charms to the glorious landscape that stretches from the Palace foot . The glittering edifice itself has never been so distinctly seen from London as on Saturday and Sunday last , and the daily frequenters of the terraces tell us that on no previous occasion have they observed such brightness in the air about them , or compassed such wide and beautiful panoramic effects . .
There was a vocal and instrumental concert at half-past three o ' clock , consisting of . a selection of overtures , glees , songs , and ballads . The principal artistes were Madame Weiss , Miss Banks , and Miss Palmer , Mr . Weiss , Mr . Montem Smith , and the Polyhyninian Choir , under the direction of Mr . William Rea . Mr . Weiss sang " The Slave ' s Dream " in his usual happy style , evincing a high degree of power , taste , and feeling in the execution . The charming ballad , . " Mary 6 f . Argyle , " was also finely sung by Mr . Montem Smith . He seemed to breathe the spirit of the song . Miss Banks warbled so sweetly , " £ 0 , here the gentle Lark , ' as to call forth repeated rounds of applause . The Polyhymnian Choir , consisting of eighty male voices , sang several part songs very effectively , proving the
ability and zeal of the director , Mr , Eea . Mr Coward played a selection upon the Handel organ , and there was plenty © f music in the grounds . The arrangements were excellent , and the last of the visitors , of whoni there were 8 , 500 during the day , reluctantly , dispersed at nightfall . On Tuesday no less than 21 , 793 persons attended a festival gathering of six thousand metropolitan charity children . The streets were alive at an early hour with flies upon files of urchins debouching upon the railway station , with their customary following of and
spiritual pastors and masters ,, parents patrons , churchwardens and committee-men . Bumbledom , dismounted for one day only from its great destrier is a goodly sight , and the care and kindliness wherewith those littlo ones are watched over by thoir potent governors on such occasions as this is no less sweet to look upon . The juvenile choirs occupied the Handel orchestra . Their mxisical proficiency in parts songs was quite as marked as is desirable ; and , hi such unison passages as we have been used to hear in St . Paul ' s Cathedral , the effect , of their fresh young lungs , working in pure air at high pressure , was , we need hardly say , most imposing .
Pai.Ack Of The People, Musweix Him.. On ...
PAI . ACK OF THE PEOPLE , MUSWEIX HIM .. On Saturday last another stopwas taken by the spirited promoters of this undertaking , whose quiescence , Dy many set down erroneously to entire abandonment , seems only to have been dictated by prudent regnra to the state of tho money market and the absence or all speculative fooling . But they have drnwn bacK but to better thoir spring , for wo arc glud now to Una Lord Brougham taking a prominent parf """ Sg them , This amiable evergreen , together witi » a vovr choice spirits to represent literature ™* th ° J ™ arts , tho Guards' band , a troop o ff l ^ nion , and an ^ X ^ Xi ^^ A X ^ B ^ - KKir ,, T rif £ as and tho chairman of the day , Mr . U ¦ nf \*» \ .... Thn latter narty first illustrated to tno < "spnpMiimiMm O ^ Ji iSoSmS ¦ «««««• » «* toUy pounded him iiS" niarquoo where they woro in turn comiSfadS ylSS «» o goodnatured lord to tho attractions of Mr , Bhodos ? hospitality , and the excitement of aSote champotra . His lordship , in answer to an able o'ddross drawn up , on behalf of the committee ,
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1859, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23071859/page/11/