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No. 487. Jblv 23, 1859.1 THE LEADER. 873...
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No. 487. Jblv 23, 1859.1 The Leader. 873...
No . 487 . Jblv 23 , 1859 . 1 THE LEADER . 873 _/ l V * -a : «_» # ^ w .-j . — — ~ y- — ¦** J .
. . , _/ l V * -a : «_» # ^ w .. — — ~ y- , ¦** J . _______ —¦¦——————»^ —1—^—¦^¦^—^^ g ^ ^—^ —^^^^^^ A R G U S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 39 , THROGMOBTON-S-TBEET , BANK , LONDOW . C 7 ^ mr aa»—William Leaf , Esq . _ Deputy Chairman—John Humpheby , Esq ., Alderman . ' DIRECTORS . SSSJS & SSv " * - S ^ iffiS ** gxs ^ ss ^ s ? - - * " sr & ssssr - Physician—Or . Jeaffreson , ^^ bury-square . ^ urW»—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s -place , Old Jewry . ¦ Actuary—George Clark , Esq . Advantages of Assuring with , this Company . The Premiums arc on the lowest scale consistent with Se Th ^ t aa 9 iired are protected by an ample subscribed capital u ^ VurnncVftuul of £ 470 , 000 . invested on mortgage and ^ tut Goverunicnt stocks-and an income of £ 85 . 000 ayear . ^ __ Premiums to Assure £ 100 . Whole Term . : Without Age One Year . Seven Years . With Profits . Profits"""~~ ^ e ~~ k d £ . b d £ s . d . £ s . d , % 17 8 " O 19 1 1 15 10 1 11 10 118 12 7 2 5 5 2 0 7 15 0 169 3 0 7 2 1410 1 14 1 1 19 10 4 6 8 4 O 11 3 2 4 3 17 0 0 12 9 0 O 1 Q . Mutual Branca . Assurers on the Bonus system are entitled , at the end of five years , to participate in nine-tenths , or 90 per cent , of Tne ^ profit assigned to each Policy can be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in cash .. - At the recent division , a return of 20 per cent , in cash on the premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a jevereionary increase , varying , according-to age , from 66 to ^ a per cent , on the premiums , or from 5 to 15 per cent , on the sum assured . . One-half of the Whole Term Premium may remain on credit for seven years , or one third of the premium may remainfor life as a debt upon the policy at 5 per cent ., or may be paid off at any time without notice . ¦ _ Claims paid in one month , after proofs have been approved . Loans upon approved security . Medical attendants paid for their reports . . Persons may in time of peace proceed to or reside in any part of Europe or British North America without extra ^ TiRrcp . ¦¦ , ¦ ¦ .. The medical officers attend every day at a quarter before two o ' clock , e BATES , Resident Director . NO CHAK & E FOR POLICY STAMPS .
BONUS OF 1 861 . ALL POLICIES effected prior to the 1 st July , 18 M , on the Bonus Scale of Premiums , will participate in the next division of Profits . „ ¦ . , « . *» . ¦ For Prospectuses and forms of Proposal apply at the Offices as above , or to any of the Company ' s Agents .
NORWICH UNION LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1808 f INVESTED CAPITAL exceeding 2 , 000 , 000 * . sterling . Thib Society is one of the very few purely Mutual Insurance Offices , the whole of the profits being divided among the Policy-holders , and possesses large reserves applicable to future Bonuses . The rates are considerably below those usually charged . Thus at the ago of 40 the sum of 33 J . 10 s . 2 d whloh . at the ordinary premium , will insure 1 , 000 * ., with the Norwich U Wi n LL INSURE ONE THOUSAND AND NINETYFIVE POUNDS EIGHT SHILLINGS , giving an immediate bonus in addition to subsequent accumulations . „ ., Annuities and Special Risks undertaken on favourable terras . ¦ For forms of proposal and prospectuses applyat the Sooloty ' B offloos , o ; Creaoeat , Now Bridge-aircet , Blaokfriarfl , London , E . G ., and Suryoy-street , Norwich . ^
IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON " . — Instituted 1820 . DIRECTORS . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Chairman . FREDERICK PATTISON , Esq ., Dbpotv-Chaibwaji . Thomas G . Barclay , Esq . Georffo Hlbbort , Esq . Jamos C . 0 . Boll , Baa . Samuel Hlbbort , Esq . Jamofl Brand , Esq . Thoe . Newman Hunt , Esq . Charles Cave , Esq . J . Gordon Murdoch , Esq . Georgo Henry Cutler , Esq . William R . Robinson , Ksq . Honry Davidson , Moq . Martin V . Smith , Esq ., M . P . Goorgo Field , Msq . Nowmai * Smith , Ea < i . SKOUItlTY . —The assured nro protcoted by a guarantee fund of upwards of a million and a half sterling from the liabilities attaching to mutual asaurnn . ee . PWOFITS . -Four-Ofthe , or eighty pop oonfc . of tho profita ftro nauljg-ned to Policies ovory ttuh yonr . Tho assured are ontUloatojpartioipato «( tor payment of ono premium . CLAIMS . —The Company has dlalmraod In payment of Claims and additions upward ^ of £ 1 , 600 , 000 . Proposals for Insurances may bo matlp at tho Chief Oittoo , as above t at tho Branch Ofllco , 10 , Pall-mall , London \ or to any of tho agents throughout tho Kingdom . . . SAMUfflL mQALL . Aotmtry .
MH . JAMBS ROBINSON , DENTIST , k'B ftJjSMOVED ft . om tfo , 7 to No . 8 . OOW 19 R S'l'IRMMT , « M 1 > f 6 kD SQUARIO , I . ONDON , wWo ho may bo oono «« o 4 daily , ftora 10 tot . —5 , Qowor-flt ., Bodfl > r < X-squ « ro .
ACCIDENTS ABE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data show that ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN" is more or less injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ 3 secures A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , OE £ 1 , 000 IN CASE OF DEATH FROM ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , By a Policy in the , RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already paid in compensation for Accidents £ 37 0 ( J 9 ^ ¦ ' Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may be had at the Company's Offices , and at all the principal Railway Stations ^ where , also , Railway Accidents alone may be insured agata 8 t b ^ SE r ^ STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL , ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . YIAN , Secretary . Railway Passengers' Assurance Company , Offices , 3 , Qld Broad-street , London . E .. C- . 3 I . -
NEW MODE OF ACQUIRING WEALTH . Seethe Prospectus of the PUBLIC LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 47 , Charing- Cross , London , which describes the way to obtain 10 , 0004 . Consols payable during life v or 5 000 / . Consols payable at death , for a Premium of One Guinea . No other charge nor liability . No medical examination . No references to friends resale ' and female lives admitted on equal terms . " Applications for Prospectuses * Forms of Proposal , & c , to be made to G . J . FARRANCE , Managing Director , at the Chief Offices , 47 , Charing Cross , London . __ Agents wanted throughout the United Kingdom . : i i !
DR . DE JONGH'S ( Knight qf the Order ofZeopold ofBelgium ) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , Administered with the greatest success in cases of consumption / general debility , rheumatism , INFANTILE WASflHQ , AND ALL THE DISORDERS OF CHILDREN ARISING FROM DEFECTIVE NUTRITION , Is the most efficacious , the most palatable , and , Ironr its rapid curative effects , ' unquestionably the most economical of all kinds . Its immeasurable . therapeuticsuperiority over every other variety is attested by innumerable spontaneous testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons of European reputation . ' opinion of E . M . LAWEANCE , Esq ., M . D ., Physician to H . JR . H . the Dulce of Saxe Cdbourg and GolTtct . Opthalmic Surgeon to the Great Northern Hospital , & c , & c " I have frequently tested your Cod Liver Oil , and so impressed am r with its superiority , that I invariably prescribe it in preference to any other , feeling- assured that I am recommending a genuine article , and not a manufactured compound , in whltah the efficacy of this invaluable medicine is destroyed . " - - Sold ONtY in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . Od . ; Pints , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts , Os ., capsuled and labelled with Dr . jde Jonoh s signature , without which none is genuine ; in the Countky by respectable Chemists , IN LONDON BY HIS SOLE AGENTS , ANSAR , HARFORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAND , W . C . CAUTION —Intrusive recommendations of other kinds of Cod ZAvcr Oil should be strenuously resisted , as they solely roceed from interested motives , and will infallibly result tn sqppointmeiit . ,
NEW DISCOVERY—TEETH . BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . Messrs . GABRIEL'S ( tho old established dentists ) lm provement in VULCANISED INDIA RUBBER , & GUTTA PERCH A aa a foundation or lining to GABRIEL ' S MINERAL TEETH rondors them unapproachable in point of comfort and durability . There are no springs or wires , no extraction of roots , while the flit is of the moat unerring accuracy . Success is . guaranteed , even in oases where others have failed . It is much lighter , more durable , and congenial to the mouth , and is entirely ireo from either taste or smell . Messrs . Gabriel are enabled to offer tho advantages of iirst-olaas materials and workmanship ( from being manufacturers of every spoolnlity appertaining to the profession ) at ohargea lower than any advertised . Only at their oatabliahmenta-SS , LUDGA'JTW HULL ( observe number particularly ); Wostend branch , U 0 . REGENT STREET ( oatabliahea 18 W ); and at DUJCE STREET , LIVERPQOL . American Mlnoral Tooth , , tho beat in Europe , from 3 a . Od . per tooth ; aota , £ j 4 b .
RUPTURES . BY BOYAL IiETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVEll TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo the most effective invention In tho curative treatment ol Hernia . The uao of a stool spring ( so hurtful in its oflbcts ) 1 b hero avoidod , a soft Bandago boing worn round the body , while tho requisite roaiating ' nowor is Biippliod by tho Moo-Mnin Pad and l ' atont Lover , mt \ m with bo much onso and olosonoBB that it cnuvot bo detected , and may bo worn during Bleep A dOBOrlptivo circular may bo had , ana the Truesi Cwlilolt cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the oirouraioronco of tho body , two lnohos bolow the hip , bo jiff . sent to tUo Maaufaoturor , JOHN WHITE , « 28 , Ploqadllly , Price pt a Binglo truBB , 16 b ., 21 b ., 20 b . 0 d ., nnU 31 s . Od . — . Doubao TrusB , 31 b . Od ,, 42 b ., and C 2 s . 0 d . —Postago la . 8 ( 1 , ! Umbilleal Truss , 42 b . and 528 . 0 d . —Poatago Is . lod . « Post-olUco ordora to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , i Poat-ofl \ oo , Vicoa < UUy . 1 ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , { for VAIUCOSW VlfllNS , and all ousos of WEAK- i NESS and SWMLLINQ pf tliQ LlflOS , SPRAINS . & o , t They ftro poroue , light lu texture , anU inexpensive ? , ana nro t drawn on like an ordlnnryotoqkinp ; . c Price from 7 fl . Od . to 10 a . ouch . —Poatngo Od . p j JOHN WHIT E , MftnufMOturor , 3 S 3 , WeoadUly , London , f 5
- WORKS by Mr . BORLASR CHILDS , F . K . C . S ., Exam ., Metropolitan Free Hospital , Surgeon-in-Chief to the City Police Force , & c . . - URETHRITIS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES , With a Short Historical Sketch of Syphilis , On the ISIPROVEMENT and PRESERVATION of the FEMALE FIGURE . Effinghara Wilson , Royal Exchange , E . C . LECTURES ON INJURIES INCIDENTAL TO WARFARE . London : John CnuRciutr ., New Buriiugton-street , W .
. . DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , 5 WHISKERS . Etc . ? I The most marvellous preparation for the speedy production of Hair , Whiskers , Moustachios , & c , restoring the hair in baldness , strengthening it when ^^ k , preventing ^ its fallin ^ off , andcheckinggTeyness . is ROSALIE ! COUPELLE Ss CRINUTJBIAR . For the niirsery it is recommended for promoting- a fine healthy bead of hair , and a \ -erting baldness in after years . Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers , price 2 s ., or sent post free on receipt of 24 penny stamps , by Miss Coupelle , 09 , Castle-street , Newman-street , London . Mrs . Carter writes— "My head , which was bald , is ^ now i covered with new hair . " Mrs . Williams- " I can show a i fine head of hair from using your Crinutnar . Mrs . Reeve , 1 "My hair is gaining strength and thickness . Sergt . ! Craven— " Through using it I have an excellent moustache . " Mr . Yates— " The young-man has now a good pair of whiskers . I want two packets for other customers .
PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , : LUMBAGO , RHEUMATISJr , GOUT , INDIGESTION-, ^ ff"fig £ S . "ST ^ BSf ^ aa ^^ - ^ s PILLS are a most safe and efficacious remedy for the above dangerous complaints , discharges , retention of urine , and disease of the kidneys , bladder , and unnary organs generally , which frequently end in stone , and a lingering death For depression of spirits , blushing , incapacity for society , study or business , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , nervousness , and insanity itself , when arisino- from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . : They agree with the most delicate stomach , improve thehealtfi , aSd in three day will . effect a ^ cure in all those cases where capivi . cubebs , and medicines of that class have utterly failed , le . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., and 33 s . Der Box through all Medicine Vendors , or sent on . receipt of thVamount in stamps , by the Proprietor , IP , Bernersstreet , Oxford-street , London . . _ . In One Vol ., with Illustrations , price 5 s .,. cloth lettered ,
YOITRSELr ! WHAT YOU ARE ! AND WHAT FIT FOR ! —The Original ( Jraphiologist , MARIE COUPELLE , continues her vivid , useful , and interesting delineations of character , from an examination ot the handwriting , in a style peculiarly her own , neverbefore attemptoclin this country , and which cannot even be successfully imitated by those whi > pretend to this useful and pleasing science . All who desire to know themselves or the true character of any friend , should 1 send a specimen of writing , stating sex and age , and the fee of 14 uncut penny stamps ; to Miss Coupelle : 69 , Castle-street Oxford-street , London ; aiid they will receive in a few days a ftlland minute detail of the talents , tastes , ^ efi t tl 0 ^ f i ^ ^ f' ^' ings , & c , of the writer , with many traits . Wtherto unsuspected . and calculated to be useful through life , —From F . N .: " I consider your skill surprising / —C . S .: " Your description of her character is remarkably correct —W . b .: " Your interesting answer is quite true . "—H . W .: " lour sketch is marveirously correct . ' ' -Miss ^ .: "Mamma saya the character you sent me is true . "—Miss f , N .: "lou have described his character very accurately . " -- ; Missill . S . : "I am afraid his character is as you describe it . "— « e see no more difficulty in graphiology than phrenology , and ^ wo have little doubt that in innumerable instances the character is read with equal precision . "— Family Herald .
. L , A'MERT , Begistered L . S . A ., Honorary Member of tiie London Hospital Medical Society , M p of the University of Erlangen , & c , continues to bo CONSULTED on all Cases of Debility , Nervousness , and Premature Exhaustion of tho system , ^ AI LY , trom 11 till 2 , and from 0 to $ , at bis residence , 37 , BEDFORD-SQUARL , I- S ? . £ ? iH » rt has just published , price Sixpence , with numerous Kngravings and Cases , a New Edition of ma wort , on NERV 0 US DEBILITY , Which will bo forwarded , post-free , in a acalod ' envelopo , by Mann , Boolceellor , 39 , Ooruhill , or by the Author , to any address , for eight postage stamps . CONTENTS : — Section I . Tho Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs . Section II . Puberty — Mauhood — Truo and False Morality . „ , , , Section III . Marriage in its Social , Moral , and Physical Relations—Its Expectancieu and Dlasapolntments . Section IV , Conscquoncea of Imprudonco nud Dangers ot Action V . Effect of Pomiolous ijabitp on tho mental faouUios-lmportanco of Mornl Discipline . , rnzlirdouH Section VI . Treatment ) of Nopvous DoblH y-HM ^ ou i Da ^ ors ^ T & £ ffl —Medical , Plototlo , apd Gunoral . _____
. . «S« i S M 1 { M i t c j f HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PI & LS . APPEAR ^ C « . -Bvt ^ . r 8 t outnnooua dJeonsob nw « [ t ^ y ftro i arl « My cured s ^^^§ ^^^ r & q ^ t ^ jgs ^ r , O 8 t n , ftd ° JmSttny compioAlon . Thoao inoBtlmablo ol ( 1 5 L ' montfl « " oi tho nafest and best preparation 51 ° t « n ? ibr olowMlSff . ' boautlfylnff . nnanroBQrv . nV tiho akhi . 5 ?» iov Lo S nil t ( moa , porfootly JmrmfcBB , an * their purt-A-taJ * SSolfl w » nlwayaporrofenout .
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1859, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23071859/page/21/