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«74 THE LrEApER. fNo. 487. July 23, 1859...
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«74 The Lreaper. Fno. 487. July 23, 1859...
« 74 THE LrEApER . fNo . 487 . July 23 , 1859 .
THE CHEAPEST WINES IN ENGLAND . Before purchasing South African JPorts and Sherries , Purchasers should inspect the extensive stock , or write for samples of those Imported by H . R ; WILLIAMS . Finest qualities , 24 s . per dozen . " Various houses are becoming- famous for Cape Port l and Sherry ; foremost amongst these stands the firm of * I- «• Williams . His wines may be pronounced remarkably t uubodied , and entirely free from acidity . " —Court Journal , July 31 . "These wines possess a value for wholesomeness far surpassing' any that have come under our notice . ' —Medical , Circular , August 18 , 1858 . H . It . WILLIAMS , 112 , Bishopsgate-street ^ within , Lon don ; two doors from the Flower Pot Imperial Brandy , 15 s . to 18 s . per gallon .
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DEN MAN , INTRODUCER OP THE SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHERRY , & c , Twenty Shillings per Dozen , Bottles included . A pint Sample of each for twenty-four stamps . Wine in Cask forwarded free to any railway station in England . ¦ EXCELSIOR BRANDY , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon , or 30 s . per dozen . Terms , Cash . Country orders must contain a remittance . Cross cheques "Bank of London . " Price Lists , with Dr . Hassall " s Analysis , forwarded on application . ; JAMES L . DENMAN , 65 , Fenchurch-strcet , corner of Railway-place , London .
XEREZ PURO , Unbrandied and nutty , 28 s ., 34 s ., 40 s ., 46 s . PURE FORT vintage 1851 , 36 s ; 1847 , 42 s . per dozen . VIN ORDINAIRE , ROUSSILLON and MARSALA 24 s . per dozen . Champagne Vin d'Ay , 42 s . per dozen . A large stock of fine old bottled Ports , Amontillado , Solera and E . I . Sherries , & C & C , 48 s . to 90 s . per dozen . . Wine Importers' Association , 15 , and 16 , Adam-street , Adelphi . R . E . BARNES , Manager . N . B . A small bin of very fine Old Port , 18 guineas per doz .
WINE NO LONGER AN" EXPENSIVE LUXURY . WELLER & HUGHES SOUTH AFRICAN WINES . — Port , Sherry , Madeira , 20 s . and 24 s . per Dozen . ; Tent , 28 s . per Dozen ; Amontillado , 24 s . and 28 s . per Dozen . ^ Extract of Dr . Letheby ' ' s Analysis ofour South , African Wines :-- . * '• I find yourWines pure and unadulterated , and have no doubt of its being ; far more wholesome than the artificial mixtures too often sold for genuine wine ; ( Signed ) " Hemey Letheby , ! M . B .,-London Hospital . " A Pint Sample of any of the above for Twelve Stamps . Colonial Brandyv Pale or Brown , 15 s . and 18 s . 6 d . pergallon 30 s . and 37 s . per Dozen . Our Wine will be delivered to any Railway Terminus free , or to any Station in England for la . per Dozen extx * a . . - TERMS : CASH . OR KEFERENCE IN LONDON . " WELLER AND HUGHES , Importers of Foreign and Colonirf ,. Wines and Spirits , 27 Crutched Friars , Mark Lane , London , B . C .
ECONOMY . A 10-ffallon cask ( equal to 5 dozens ) of the finest SOUTH AFRICAN SHERltY , for Four Guineas , or 20 s . per dozen ; best Port , 24 s . per dozen . Cask or bottle , and case included . Three dozens carriagefree . Cash .--HENEKEYS . ABBOTT , and CO ., Importers , 22 and 23 , High llolbbrn ; Established 1831 . ' , TTJSOTEKEYS' COGNAC , a pure French Brandy , XJL pale or brown , 20 s . per gallon , 42 s . per dozen . Packages to be returned within three months , or charged Is . per- gallon . Six gallons , the cask included and carriage paid . TTENEKEYS' LONDON BRaJSTDY , Pale or XX brown , 14 s . per gallon , 30 s . per dozen . Three dozens carriage free . ' TTBlSrEKEYS' LONDON GIN , as from the XI . still , and the strongest allowed , swept or dry , 12 s . per gallon , 26 s . nor dozen , Six gallons , the cask inoludod and carriage paid . Country orders must contain a remittance . TTENEKEY'S PRICES CURRENT of XX WINES and SPIRITS eent post-free on application . HENEKEYS , ABBOTT , aud O 0 ., _ Gray ' s Inn Distillery , 22 and 23 , High Holborn , W . O . Established 1833 .
. __ 7 OPORTO AN OLD BOTT 3 MSD PORT of high charaoter , 48 s . per dozen , Cash * This tronuine Wine will be much approved . HKHTtY BRETT and CO ., Importers , Old FurnlyaTB piBtiUory , Holborn , B . O UNSOPHISTICATED GENEVA , A Gin of the true Juniper flavour , andprecieoly aa It runs from the still , without the addition of eugar , or any ingredient whatever . Imperial gallon , 13 s . ; or in ono cozen casott , 20 a ,, bottles and cuso Included . Price currents ( free ) ^ BNRY BRETT , aud CO ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE , In tho flnoat condition , is now being delivered by HARRINGTON , PAKKUJlt . andCO . Thie celobrQtod Al « , recommended by Baron Liobig and a » tho Faculty , la supplied In Bottloa , and Jn Onska of 18 gallons and upwards , by HARRINGTON , PARKER , andtJO ., Wino oncl Spirit MorolmntB , Ci & Pall-wall , London .
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction , Tho admjrora of this colobrntod Fish Sauoe aw particularly- requested to obaprvo that nono * s go » nulno but that whloh boars tho back lubol with tho name of Wiiwam LA 2 iBNny , Ha well aa tlio front labol signed "MixabetJtZaxenbv , " « nd that for further security , on tno nook of every bQttlo of tho Genuine Sivuoo wlU honoplbrward JPpow an additional labol , printed In groan and red , aa follows » " - " Thia notloowUl bo afflxod tp Lazonby ' a Hiuroy ' B 5 W » co , nroparoa at tUo original warohouao , in addition to thov / oll-knownlabola , whjoh arc protected agninat Imitation bT n . porpkual injunction in Chancery 0 * Otli July , 1808 . "—0 , Mdward-etroot , Portraan-Bauaro , London .
MR . HOWABD , SUR & EPN-bENTIST , No 52 FLEET-STREET , has introduced an entirely new description of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble the natural teeth as not to be distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they will never change colour or decay , and will Be found superior to any teeth ever before used . This method does not require the extraction of roots or any painful operation , will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth stopped and rendered- sound . si , nd useful In mastication . —52 ^ Fleetstreet , London . —At home from . Ten till Five .
By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . CONDY'S PATENT CONCENTRATED PURE MALT VINEGAR . As supplied to Her Majesty ' s Government , the Council for India , the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company , the United States Mail Steamers , Prisons , Poor Law Unions , Hospitals , Public Institutions , the principal Club Houses , & c . & c , is the only Pure Vinegar made or to be obtained . Vinegar , in its ordinary state , is water and poisonous acids . This Vinegar does not contain any impurity or . adulterating- ingredient whatever , and families , by using- this delicious vinegar , ensure purity , and effect , a saving of 50 per cent . See reports of Dr . Letheby , City Officer of Health , Dr . Hassall , of the "Lancet" Commission , Dr . Urc , M . D ., F . R . S ., and many others . Sold by the Trade , in bottles , labelled and capsuled . " Wholesale . 03 , King William-street , London-bridge , E . C . Six-Quart Sample sent to any Railway for 3 s . Cd
PUBLIC OPINION AND PATRONAGE have proved that the . supply of the 45 s . Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats are the best in London . Observe the address ^ -J . SMITH , 38 , LOaiBARD-STREET .
THE SURPLICE SHIET . ( Acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , 6 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ., 8 s . Cd . and 10 s . 6 d . Cards for -self-measurement . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-street , W .
GREEN HALL , MAKER OF THE SIXTEEN SHILLING TROWSERS , 325 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . ( Two doors west of the CircaB . ) Overcoats v « £ 2 2 0 FroekCoats 2 10 O DressCoats . ' . > 2 10 0 MorningCoats . 220 Waistcoats O 12 0 Black Dress Trousers 110 No . 325 , OXFORD STREET , W-
H YAM and GO . 'S CONJOINT aARMENTS . —Consisting of Outaea Coat and Vest , Twenty Shilling Trousers and Vest , and Thirty-eight Shilling Whole Suits ; well designed from uniform patterns ; LONDON : 86 , Oxford-street . BIKM 1 NGHAM s 21 , 22 , and 23 , New-street . LEEDS : 42 , Briggate . HYA M and Co . s CAMBRIDGE SAC and PAGET JACJvETS . — The best possible garments for gentlemen ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . Cd ., 16 s . 0 d ., 21 b ., 2 Sb .., and 31 s . ( id . H YAM and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT COATS , in West of England Wool-dyed Black Cloths , invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , Wonaed Fabrics , & o . Price 2 Ss . to 03 s . H YAM and Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Cloths , Undressed and Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Merinos , Caahmcrettes , «& c . Price 10 s . Cd ., 21 s ., 26 b ., and 35 s , ¦ , B'YAM : and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , - displaying ; faultless adaptation to early age , habits , and growth . Children ' s Bolt Suits in new ana beautiful materials . Price 10 s . 0 d ., 15 e . 0 d ., and 21 b . Light Overcoats and Capes , 8 s . Od ., IPs . 0 d ,, 12 s . Od . HYAM and Co . ' s HARROW , ETON , and KIIGBY SUITS . Three now styles , becoming In design , serviceable for sohool or dress wear ; and admirably adapted for young gentlemen . Price 16 s . Od ., 31 s ., 25 s ., and 31 b . Cd , H YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHING TO ORDER , designed in every variety of Novel Fabric . Fronoh and English Cutters employed . HYAM and CO . 'S True- ^ tting TROUSERS . — To ordor , on n soli-ndjusting and ehapo-rctulnlng system . Prlco 17 a . 0 ( 1 ; Vesta to mutoh , 8 e , Ocl .. CAUTION . ' HYAM and CO . nro oonneotcd only with tho following EstabllBhments : — LONDON : 80 , Oxford-street . BIRMINGHAM : 21 , 22 , and 23 , Now street . LEEDS : 42 , Brlggato .
mm scotch CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS . At $ 7 a ,, fiOs ., 50 s ., 00 a ., and 03 s ., mado to prdor from materials all Wool ., nnd thoroughly shrunk , by I * . BENJAMIN , Morolurat and Family Tailor ,. 74 , Rotfont-street , W ., nro hettkii vai . uk than oan bo procured at any other Uouao in tho kingdom . Tho Two Guinea Droes and Frook Coats , tho GuincaJDrosB Trousora , and tho Half-Guinea Waistcoats , N . B .--A Porfjoot Fit guaranfood :
VISITORS TO LQNPON Requiring . HOSIERY in lte now and ox ton Hi vo varieties Bhlrte , nnd underclothing , olaatlo surgical supporting stocking !) of vory eupovlor qualities , arc Rolloltod to vialt tho JflBtiibllshmont oT tho manufacturers , POI'IO -Sc PLANTM , 4 . > VA JM ! UU ., 0 O « l'LA 0 E , PAX . lI - MALL , LONDON . Families oan thoro makq prompt purohasos from tho beet and most complete assortment In tno metropolis .
CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE for the PIANOFORTE . Price 5 s . CRAMER'S EXERCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE , Published inPartB , Cs . each . These Studies remain the Standard Work in the Musical Academies of Europe . All the eminent Pianists , iucluding Mesdames Pleyel , Clauss , Goddard , MM . Thalberg-, Halle , Rubenstein , Bennett , Benedict , Sloper , Osborne , Silas , and Blumenthal , have employed this Work in their general course of Study . BEETHOVEN ' S SONATAS FOR THE PIANOFORTE . Complete Edition . Edited by J . Moseheles . In Single Numbers , price from 3 s . to 4 s . each ; or in Three Vols ., 31 s . Gd . each . „ A x Published by Chamer , Beale and Co ., 201 , Regent-street . PIANOFORTES . CRA 1 SIER , BEALE , AND CO . have the best of everv description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Boale , and Co . are the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAND PIANOFORTE . 201 , Regent-street , and 67 , CoJiduit-street . HARMONIUMS ; CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ., are the chief agents for Alexandra and Son ' s NEW MODEL HARMONIUM . Every variety . —201 , Kegent-street . ^^
TOAOnn CUSTOMERS WANTED . — lUU j WV —SAUNDEltS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is the BEST and CHEAPEST to be obtained . s . d . s . d . Cream-laid note .. 2 0 per rm . Cream-laid adhe-Thick do . .. 4 0 „ sive envelopes .. 3 0 pr 1000 Bordered note .. 40 . „ Large commercial Straw paper .... 2 6 „ envelopes 4 0 „ Blue commercial Large American note . 30 „ buff envelopes ., 30 „ Ditto , letter size . O 0 „ Foolscai > paper .. 7 Operrm . Sermon paper .... 4 0 „ Commercial peas . 1 Oprgrss . A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Sixty descriptions , priced and numbered ) sent free , together with a price list , on receipt of four stamps . NO CJftAKGE made for stamping- arms , crests , initials , & e ., on either paper or envelopes . CAKKIAGE PAID on , all orders over 20 s . — SAUNDERS BROTHERS , Mainufactui-ing Stationers , < J 5 and 104 , LondonT-wall , London , E . C . ¦ . .
HOME PROM SCHOOL . T AWRElSTCE HYAM begs respectfully to JJ invite the attention of Parents and Guardians to the following Novel and Elegant Styles for little children , Boys , and Youths : — . ¦¦ LAWRENCE HYAM'S SCHOOL SUITS . — These Suits are designed and made from the Newest and Best Materials extant , at the following prices : —17 s ., 21 s ,, and 25 s . * LAWRENCE HYAM'S BOY'S SUITS TOR BETTER WEAR . —The Quality , Fashion , Adaptation , and Finish of these Suits are universally admired . —Prices , 20 s ., 25 s ., and 30 s . LAWRENCE HYAM'S DlttSSSES FOR CHILDREN . —These arc the most unjque Dress Suits ever introduced for Juvenile adoption . Price lOs . 6 d ., 13 s . Cd ., and 21 s . LAWRENCE HYAM'S DRESS for ADULTS . —Gentlemen ' s Suits and Separate Garments are manufactured by L . HYAM , in the first-style of Fashion and Fit . LAWRENCE nYAM'S SEA-SIDE GARMENTS . — Touriats and Marine Visitors nre recommended to make inspection of these JSew and Improved Designs . LAWRENCE HYAM'S GARMENTS of a I'ATTEHN , in elegantly uniform and serviceable Fabrics . Coat and Vest alike , 2 ls- Trousers and Vest alike , 20 s . Entire Suits alike , 38 b . M ^ terJala in Great Variety . LAWRENCE HYAM'S UNDER-COATS . —Sound in Material and Make , Exact in Fit , and Fashionably Designed and Finished . Price of Surtout Coats , 23 s . to 00 s . ; Price of JDrcss Coats , 20 s . to 05 s . LAWRENCE HYAM'S TROUSERS and VESTS , Elegantly Cut and Wrought in nmplo Variety of Pattern . LAWRENCE HYAM'S CLERICAL ATTIKE , in Wool-dyod Materials , and Strictly Appropriate in Stylo . LAWRENCE HYAM'S SPECIFIC T & OTIOM . — Tho Proprietor would emphatically notify that ho is in no way connected with any othor houso in London than tho following : — CITY ^ ESTABLISHMENT , 30 , Oraccohuroh-strect , E . C . WKST-END BRANCH , 180 and 100 ( corner of Frnuoisstroet ) , Tottonham-court-road , "Vf ,
PROTEOTIJD BY BOYAL LETTERS X PATENT , and received by tl » o most omtnont of too facujyby . T ~ . Mr ,. ^ AWRMNOK'S IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH , by tho OHUO- 'PLASTIO proccea entirely euporBodo tho Soft Gum , and ovory oubstanco that becomes nutroacontJu tho mouth . Their oloanlino 8 &> ouso , and comfort rouclor them available lu ovory oaeo , without anrlnga or wiroa , at less than advortfBOd nrlooH . — PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTION by GRADUATED ELECTRICITY is always attended with certainty nnd buccobh . Modicatod White Gutta-poroha Enamol for Dooayod and Painful Tooth ( by eolf appUoutlou ) la . $ poat fl'oo , fourtcon atumps . Mr . JLAWRKNCM , Surgoon-dontiat , 03 , Boruor ' a-atroot , Oxford-atroot . Lontlon . .
BOLEO T I O MEDICAL I NS TITUTE And PRIVAI'M BATH IflSa'ABLISIIMUJNT , 105 , Ovont RwsBollnBtroct , Uloomsbury , W . O . —Simple and Miidlontoa VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and aDL . lfl 0 TR 0-0 HJflM 10 AL 'BATHS , on improved principles . For the oxtruotlon ot Load , Moroury , and othor MinomlB from tho body , ami jor tho euro of Nwvous , Diubotlo , Paralytic , Outanuouwi 110-patlo , Spinal , XtUoumatlo Gout , nud otnor cUhoubou . ModiOftl Suporiijtondont— . TOllN SKELTON , Hnq ., M . D ., M . R . O . B ., liliiff . For torme , & o ., boo diroulnr , sent froo upon rocolut ot addroas .
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1859, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23071859/page/22/