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Contents: .
: ¦ ' Incidents of War and Peace .... 86...
iUjJUlCttt Of tltC ' ^§jt££lt» ~+
T HE more that we hear of the patched-up...
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The Leader.
Contents: .
Contents : .
: ¦ ' Incidents Of War And Peace .... 86...
: ¦ ' Incidents of War and Peace .... 862 PUBLIC AFFAIRS- General Literature S 70 REVIEW OF THE WEEK— ' ¦ * . ¦ « , * ¦ ' < w-The Budg-et 80 » roiuiMERClALHOME inteILICEKCE . PAGE INDIA AND INDIAN PROGRESS- ImperialTExeuses 805 vuraraciitaiHi . i ™ ™» ip « rii . imeiit . 850 T , , c « o Tbe" Cat" at Keyham ••• f ' " " The Duties on . Foreign Wines .. 871 £ ? J i ^^ Milit ^ T . 858 How can wc kep P 8 < 52 Officers and Gentlemen 865 Quantities and Prices 871 E ' iU'Ifet ^ :::: ii x ™ , » ™™« e » ts- JSaSJfgafflfi !^ :::::::: S . "SS ™ ' ??^ : g . S 2 sa ^ - *™ :::::: ; ::::: S M ™ -:::::: ; :: ^ ™ - . ^ g & tEEEsi foreign intelligence . ' The _ Countess Montemerli ' fii . Be- ^ Notes of the-Week SGS Joint-Stock . Compajiies .......... 872 Napoleon ' s Justification ........ 8 G 0 CrystaT Pa ' laeV . Sydennam ' . \' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . 803 n &^ wPZJi Times " of Cnaries Con ^ mtrcialBank ! ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ 872 Peace in Italy . 860 People ' s Palace , Ttfuswell-hill .... 8 o 3 T jtn ^ s Fo x unanes Jotat gtock Bank 87 ; J GenerafSummary ^?? :::::::: ! : lor Postscript ....... .... - 804 Quarterly Bc ^ ra * " :::::: .. " : 870 General Commerciamews 872
Iujjulcttt Of Tltc ' ^§Jt££Lt» ~+
gUmettr xrf the Wiztiu . —¦» —
T He More That We Hear Of The Patched-Up...
T HE more that we hear of the patched-up treaty at Villafranca the more unsatisfactory appear its results to the principals , to the minor parties concerned , and to the more or less disinterested lookers-on . To the French Emperor the humiliaT tibn of this unquestionable failure must be great , and its political results the reverse of favourable . Had he possessed sufficient energy and courage to have carried out the programme which he
anno unced to the people of Italy and-- to / wondering Europe , he would have returned to his capital to be idolized by the French nation , and to take the highest position of any crowned" head on the continent . Had he secured the independence of the Italians , he would have earned the support and gratitude of that enthusiastic people ; he would have gone far to obliterate the dark remembrance of former passages in his career , and he would have gained Avhat we believe he would gladly
welcome—the respect and esteem of England . His entry into Turin amid the scowling silence of the Piedmontese , was but a foreshadowing of the reception that awaited him , in Paris , where sneers , sarcasms , and ill-omened muttei'ings took the place of the enthusiastic and almost loyal cheers which he received on his departure to place himself at the head of the army of Italy . He has raised up against himself numerous fresh enemies , while he can scarcely be supposed to have gained one
new friend . It would seem hardly possible that this astute politician was unable to perceive that some of these results must follow the step he had decided upon ; and we cannot therefore but conclude that he was compelled to yield to the pressure of somo peculiar circumstances which have not yet been laid bare to our curious gaze . Rumours and surmises are plentiful as to the motives which have influenced iLouis Napoleon . It has been said that the French army is fearfully cut up
and without reserves to Bupport it ; that he was fearful of the attitude of the Prussian aud oven of the Russian Government ; and that he would have brought upon himself the attack of the great German Confederation had ho proceeded to reduce the Austrian strongholds on the Mincio . It is also remarked that he was probably alarmed at the prospect of giving an encouragement to the
revomoderatibn of his enemy granted to him . Meantime the Regent of Prussia congratulates his people upon the important position which their country holds in the balance of Europe , and arrogates to it the credit of having prevented an universal war . The Federal Diet of Germany has consented to restore their contingents and fortresses to a peace footing ; and we find the King of Bavaria making to his Chambers the satisfactory announcement that the Conclusion of peace has lessened the want of money . The most universally interesting andimportant point in our domestic affairs this week has been the discussion of the Budget of otu * new finance
minister , which has been carried without any opposition that could be considered serious . It was obvious from Mr . Gladstone ' s statement that five millions of money were to be raised , and the idea of a loan was unhesitatingly condemned by all the principal speakers . The alternative of an increased income tax was therefore accepted 5 Sir H . Willoughby ' s amendment being negatived without a division , and Mr . Disraeli's withdrawn . Mr . Bright , with all his objection to this peculiar tax , acquiesced in the scheme of the Chancellor of the Exchequer for supplying the inequality of the © t
national balance-sheet . The gratifying result this debate to the public , however , is the promise which has been elicited of a cessation or modification of this unpopular impost before the expiration of another year . Among other topics of Parliamentary discussion have been the reduction of our enormous Indian army , which we are told cannot yet be effected , but is kept in view ; and Mr . Forster ' s proposition for a winter session ¦©! Parliament which , strange to say , was lost . The Edinburgh Annuity Bill was supported by the Government , and opposed by the Church party
Victor Emmanuel ' s position as the leader of the great'Italian nation is for the present lost , and his efforts paralysed , by his submission to the arrangement which has shattered the splendid imaginary fabric , " raised by the too sanguine Cavour of a powerful Northern Italian kingdom of fourteen millions of inhabitants , comprising the most fertile country in Europe , and which would hold a rank among the powers of Europe equal to that held by Prussia . He has shown himself to be but a tool in
the hands of the French Emperor ; yet he is personally as popular as ever , and the affection of the Piednaontese is emulated by the respectful sympathy with which , this unlucky monarch has been greeted by the Lombard and Tuscan people . The resignation of Count Gavotr is indeed a blow to the hopes of Italy and a loss that can hardly be supplied to . his royal master ; yet while all must regret its necessity , no one can doubt the propriety and dignity of the step which that great statesman has taken . The services which he has rendered to
the cause of constitutional liberty in Italy , and the courageous advice given by him to his king and country at the time of the Crimean war cannot soon "be forgotten ; and with such antecedents , it would indeed have been unworthy of him to have participated , even by silence , in the abandonment of those principles which it has been the hope of his life to see firmly established . Great as is the humiliation which has fallen upon Cavour , it must weigh equally heavy upon his king ; and the time must soon come when Victor Emmanuel must repent , and perhaps endeavour to repudiate his shore in the sacrifice of Italy to Franco and Austria .
Whilst the Emperor of the French , m his address of last Tuesday , was fain to confess himself foiled by the serried ranks of the Austrian army behind the walls of Verona , and by the public opinion of all Europe , which lie declares to have been opposed to his polioy—Francis Joseph , with equal absence of bravado , find with simulated moderation , announces his glad aooeptancc of the treaty , his determination to discontinue his armaments and to devote himself to the fostering of the arts of peace . More than all this , he
headed by Mr . Newdegate , who were defeated , and the second reading carried . The volunteer movement , is , we hope x now upoa such a footing that no fear of its failure need be anticipated . The Government have issued copious instructions for the regulation of this force ; and heavy will be their responsibility if they neglect ' to foster the patriotic spirit which is now stirred up throughout the land . The citizens of London , with their chief magistrate nt their howl , on Tlnu'sday made a demonstration on tins suoject , that wo trust will bo marked and followed m over the empire . . ,. , . The record of oriiuo and casualties this week is at
declares his intention to introduce those reforms which the spirit of the time demands , into his dominions , or at least into that part of them which has so nearly been snatched from him . Lot us hope that with returning strength in the finances of hip empire , and the relief from tho pressure of tho foroigu conqueror , tlieso slender hopes for $ ie futuro of Venice mny not altogether vanish . The manifesto of Francis Joseph does wot omit to mention with terms of reprobation the conduct of his allies , whoso mediation ho says , pronrieedHess favourable terms than the
more than usually heavy . A wretched man Shields has murdered his vrlfo nnd unsuccessfully attempted suicide ; while for a precisely sunila * double crimo jinothor lins been sentenced at Xorfc . In Ireland wo hear of o renewal of tho Phcamx conspiracy triitls , and among minor ofloncoH 10 to bo remarked a conunftta for bribery at Nottingham Tho splendid mail-pnokot Paramatta , wLuou cost " xi short iimo hack , tho sum of . £ 160 , 000 , hae been , it is fuaroil , totally wrecked under somewhat singular oirounwtftnoos , though under tho ' charge 01 an experionood captain ; happily no lives were lost , and there is n Blonder hope that tho vessel may be oventually saved ,
lutionary spirit which might oventually load to the downfal of his own power 5 and an Orloanist oomhination or conspiracy of a formidable character is also behoved in some quarters to have been endeavouring to take advantage of his absence from Franco , and of tho gloomy prognostications drawn from tho prodigious losses and small results of tho Woody aeklB of Mogonta and Solforino .
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1859, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23071859/page/3/