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798 3Cft0 iLea&tft* [Saturday , i ——»—^^...
We find the following in circulation, an...
The Medway arrived on Thursday at Southa...
We understand that a meeting, with the m...
[The following appeared in our Second Ed...
Satum>a.y, August 16. Continental news a...
Father Gavazzi has been lecturing at Edu...
Three of the five men nncHtrd for violat...
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M I S C K Llan E Ous. The New Council Of...
The second annual meeting of the "Westminster Freehold Land Society was held last Wednesday evening , at the Parthenium Rooms , St . Martin ' a-lane , P . E . Barnes , Esq in the chair . From the report of the committee it appeared that 1340 shares had been taken , and the total Bum subscribed was £ 7968 Is . 6 d . Estates at Ea 3 t M ousley and Reigate , Surrey , had been purchased . The former had been allotted to 130 members , and the latter would be allotted in the ensuing autumn . Fifty freefor th
holders had claimed to vote as paid-up members e East Moulsev e 6 tate , and the purchase at Reigate ( where there were a ' large number of members ) would create so many independent voters as entirely to neutralize the great influence of Lord Somers in that borough . The committee were in treaty for estates in Middlesex . An alteration in the rules , whereby the society would be enabled to make purchases more rapidly , was agreed to . The report was unanimously adopted , and a vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings .
Mr . Brown , of Turnmill-street , Clerkenwell , is liable for certain debts contracted in relieving the Polish Refugees . Mr . Brown has not acted from any mercenary motive in succouring the unfortunates , and deserves the support of those who can afford to help him .
798 3cft0 Ilea&Tft* [Saturday , I ——»—^^...
798 3 Cft 0 iLea & tft * [ Saturday , i ——»—^^ ^ , - ^ m .
We Find The Following In Circulation, An...
We find the following in circulation , and readily give it publicity :- ^^^ Dedicated , without Permission , to " The Pure and Apostolic Church" of England , Established . ' " For Securing the Permanence of Religious Instruction .
ADVERTISEMENT . For Sale , the Advowson and next Presentation to the Sinecure Rectory of Soch-Dennis , near Illchester , Somersetshire . Present Incumbent , nearly seventy-nve years of age ( Rector also of Corton , near Sherborne ) . Rent charge , £ 254 . Land-tax , £ 6 16 s . 4 d . Net income , £ 247 17 s . Price , £ 2500 . No congregation . No duties . No Church—nor any probability of one being erected . Although a Sinecure , this a perfectly safe Investment , as the ( Apostolic ) Ecclesiastical Commissioners are enabled , by a . special clause , to purchase Sinecures at the market price . For particulars , apply to Messrs . Beale , Auctioneers , & c , 151 b , Piccadilly , London .
Note . — " Soch-Dennis Rectory , Diccese of Bath and Wells , Incumbent , J . H . Wyndham , 1819 . Patron , Reverend J . H . Wyndham . Value , £ 188 . (?) Population , 11 . "— Clergy List , 1851 .
The Medway Arrived On Thursday At Southa...
The Medway arrived on Thursday at Southampton with American mails . The chief news is that there is an insurrection in New Grenada , caused by some attempts at taxation obnoxious to the people . There is a demand in some of the states of America for educated female physicians . The opening of the triennial Belgian Exhibition of Painting , Sculpture , and the Fine Arts , took place on Sunday , at Brussels , in presence of the King in person . A letter from Vienna in the Cologne Gazette states that there is great agitation in Servia , and that an insurrection is expected . Another dreadful fire has destroyed a large portion of San Francisco . Tlio tiling is getting stale . It excites no interest . One begins to lose all pity for people who are so reckless . This time it is said to have been the work of an incendiary , but who knows .
One of the two Lascars recently tried at Calcutta for burning the . ship Ariel , has been convicted of the crime ; sentence had not been passed . The Yank * cb arc rigging a flying steamship , fitted with engines of VI borne power . iSlie is intended to travel from twenty-four to fifty miles an hour . It has a rudder . The inventor bears the uncomfortable name of Itobjohn . Tom Spring , of pugiiistir . renown , whose real name was TlionwH Wiiucr , died on Wednesday morning . Maria Cage wan executed at Ipswich , on Tuesday , for the murder of her husband by poison . She declared herself innocent to the last .
A party of burglars scaled the walls of the City Bridewell , in ] Jri ( Jg (; -ntret-t , l $ i ; icUfnar « , and carried oil" u quantity of plute , on Monday . This * daring act is supposed to have been performed by some fellows who hud been imprisoned there . A detachment of the Fourth I .. i «? ht Dragoons , who were treated to the Exhibition by their Colonel on Thursday , got drunk in the evening and rioted at the Waterloo Station . No one was killed , but many hurt ; and an extra police force required to capture the rioters . An old man Iris been knocked down and robbed , in the open day , near Bristol . The robber has been captured .
A great Dumber of men , at least thirty , most likely forty , have be * li killed by an explosion of fiie-damp , at . the ' Wubhington Colliery , near . Newcastle . A man , who bravely ventured down with a comrade , immediately after the explosion , has since died . The jury which sat to inquire into the cauHCH of the dreadful accident at the Malabo Vale coal woiks , returned on Saturday the following v < rdic . t ; - " Mini-Hluughter a ^ nuist Moses ( jiilderoy . Stewart , the manager of the works , and lleiny Pillinger , the bailiff . " They were accordingly committed for trial on the coroner '*) warrantand they were at once taken into custody .
, A v ( ry Heiious fire happened at Richmond early on ( Saturday morning . It broke out at the house of a baker in Upper llill-r . treet . 'flic inmate h fortunately were aroused from their bedn and escaped in Hafety ; but the iire i / ained ground so hwiftly that it was deemed neees-Hiiry to ^ end to London for cngim-H ; they arrived at full ppced and the spread of ihe cuflnKiution wuh restrained within it comparatively small Himcu ; the damage done is considerable . The . hoiine of Mr AiulrewH the baker the workbhopo of Mr . Luckett und Mr . Webster , as well
as an Independent chapel close by , are burnt to the ground . The chief sufferers are not insured . A fearful accident happened on Monday , at the coalmines of John Ridgway and Co ., of Ubberley , near Hanley . Seven men and boys , who first descended the shaft , have lost their lives . They went down about halfpast six o ' clock , and had not proceeded more than sixty yards along the level when the explosion ot sulphur took place . It is supposed that one of them must have been some distance before the others , as they are
not so much burnt as blown nearly to pieces ; one man ' s arm is blown off , and the others are very much disfigured . Near five hours elapsed before the could be got out of the shaft , there being so much sulphur . The men could not proceed along the level until after having sent down the shaft a great quantity of water . They obtained the last bodies at half-past eleven o clock . The men must have neglected their instructions of not lighting candles when first going down the shaft ; they had lamps with them , and had they confined the light in them the accident would not have occured . Verdicts of accidental death have been returned in the case of the men killed at Ubberley . The inquest on the Washington explosion is still pending . There was a serious fire at Glasgow on Wednesday .
An oil and spirit warehouse was consumed . Vitriol jars went off like rifles , and oil puncheons like heavy artillery , shaking the ground and spouting up jets of manycoloured flame . The fire , after doing immense damage , was extinguished by the spirited exertions of the fire brigades .
We Understand That A Meeting, With The M...
We understand that a meeting , with the main drift of which we coincide , was held at 40 , Leicestersquare , on the 14 th , for the purpose of obtaining the entire abrogation of the Law of Settlement . Mr . Soden , of Marylebone , took the chair . The question , it was felt , was very wide and complicated , our Poor Laws requiring a thorough revision , both for the sake of the poor and the rate-payers . Mr . Galloway and Mr . Day addressed the meeting , which was ultimately adjourned . Mr . Galloway suggested the formation of a National Anti-Poor Law League . We shall recur to the subject .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 11 th of August , at Montreal , near Sevenoaks , the Viscountess Holmesdale , of a daughter . On the 14 th , at 73 , South Audley-street , the Viscountess Cranlev , of a daughter . On ( he 15 th , at Curzon-street , Mayfair , the Lady Catherine Wheble , of Bulmershe-court , Berks , of a daughter . On the 15 th . at Waresley-park , Huntingdonshire , the Lady Caroline Buncombe , of a son . On the 16 th , the Marchioness of Kildare , in Dublin , of a son . On the 17 th , at Compton-place , Eastbourne , the Lady Fanny Howard , of a daughter . On the nth , at Goldings , Hertford , the wife of T . M . Weguelin , Esq ., of a daughter .
MAURIAGES . On the 12 th of August , at Trinity Church , Twickenham , the Reverend Albert William Loinsworth , youngest son of the late Dr . Loinsworth , Physician to the Forces , to Charlotte Maria , eldest daughter of the . Reverend Richard Cattermole , vicar of Little Marlow , Bucks . On the 12 th , the Reverend Richard King-, of Prestwick , Lancashire , to Charlotte Dundas , youngest daughter of the late Commodore 15 . ithur . st , 11 . N . On tin ; 13 th , at St . James ' s , "Westminster , the Reverend John Harries Thomas , Priest in Ordinary to her Maji-sty , tml Minister of Archbishop Tenison ' s Chapel , ltegent-strret , to Klhn Susan , third daughter of the late Thomas Braine Old fit-Id , Esq ., of Champion-hill , Surrey . On the 14 th , Charles B- Martin , youngest son of the ! ate William Martin , Esq ., of K towards hay , in lh « county of Leicester , to Margarette , second daughter of John Borlate Warren , Esq ., uml niece of Augustus Warren , Uai t ., of Wiirrcnacourt , in the county of Cork .
On llit- Mill , at St . James ' s Church , W < stbourne-terrace . Lieutenant ( Jeorge Augustus Brine , K . N ., second son of . James Urine , Esq ., ' of GrosTcnor-p lar-. e , Hatli , to Ninette , daughter of Cliailes l ' urton Cooper , Eisq ., of 1 J , Grove-eiul-road and Lincoln ' siun . Queen ' s Counsel . On the 14 th , at St . George's Church , Hanover-square , William Hamilton Yatinan . Esq " , of Hyde-pai k-Htrcet , to Elizalieth Tower , second surviving daughter of llie ltevcreml G . T . l'retynian . Chancellor of Lincoln , & c , granddaughter of the hue Lord Lishoj ) of Winchester . On th . > Killi , at St . Diinstati ' s , Stepney , Thomas William Keith , I ' . M ) ., of the ? East India Mohkc , to Mary , hcc . ond daughter of Thomas Uaddeley , Esq ., Kolicitor . On the Kill ) , at Kt . Luki- ' n , Chclvca , Augustus Hervey Brotherton , E ; -q ., of Home , to Mary Isabella Irwin , only daughter of the latt John Mitford Kees , Esq ., of the Itrngal Civil Service .
On tin- iyt . li , at St . Ceorge'n , 1 lanovor-square , by the Venerable the Archdeacon of London , the Honourable Frederick JSyron , Ncronil hoii of the Right Ilonouiable Lor < l liyron . to Mary Jane , second daughter of the lato Kevereint William Wchcomb , of Landlord , in the county of Ehscx .
DiCATIlS . Drowned , on the 'J ~ u < I of May , by the upsetting of a boat , in Siinon'M-b . iy , Cape of Good Hope , on which Htation he had nerved live ; years , Midshipmuu Haniuel II . IYndlrton , II . M . S . OrestcH , af ^ ed twenty-one , eldest son of Captain II . L . l ' endleton , South Uegimeiit . On the 4 th of August , aged ci ^ bty-or . e , Harry DobrCe , Esq ., of lleuu Hrjour . late I ' u-t UU-itl of the Hoy a I Agricultural { Society of Guernsey , of u liic . lt he was one of the founders . On Hie lltli , at Mall ing Abbey , Edmund AUern , of Christchurch , () x foi d , aged nineteen , third Hiitviving hoii of AietaH AkciH , Enq ., of Mailing Abbey , Kent-On the l . ; lli . on board II . Gloriunu , off Gravcucnd , on bin pas-H . igc home , Lii ' ii tenant 11 cin y Scrolls « , Fiftieth Itcgiiuent M . N . I ., yonngeht . huu of the l . ito Lieutenant-Colonel Koroggs , of Standen , WiltH , iigi d twenty-live . On the Kith , at Montgeron , j urnr l ' arif " . in the twelfth jcar of his H |; e , Henry Albert , the kct . oimI pod of Moiui . Youillon , of ltitnoN ei -Hiiiiiit e .
On the Ibth , In bin eighty-lilt , i jenr , tho Hevcrend William 1 ield . ol I . eain , Wruwicli , imllioi />< tlie . " Life of Dr . I ' iiri , "K : o . On lln > Kith , at . bin rc :-idencc , in Sloane utiect , 1 iciilcn . ii . l-( Jrlieial Nathaniel I inlicii , II . E . I . C . H ., at an adxaneed HVf . On the I' . llb , at . Uppm HolloWiiy , in the ei (/ bly-ihii ( l year oi her atfe . Mm . Mary Idirrow , relict of the lato Churlcs Iturrow , Efcq , and grandmother of Churleu . DickciiB , Etuj .
To Headers And Correspondents. Several L...
TO HEADERS AND CORRESPONDENTS . Several letters havebeen received by our publisher complainit , of the non-receipt of papers , or the non-arrival of the Lead * until Monday . We have made inquiry , and find that the erro ^' have not arisen in our office . The Country Edition of th * Leader is published on Friday , and the Town Edition on tlj Saturday , and Subscribers ehould be cartful to specify -which edition they wish to receive . Complaints of irregularity should be made to the particular news- 'agent supplying the paper and if any difficulty should occur again it will be set right on an . plication direct to our office , 10 , Wellington-etreet , Strand London . ' It is impossible to acknowledge the mass of letters we receive Their insertion is often delayed , owing to a press of matter ' and when omitted it is frequently from reasons quite independent of the merits of the communication . Communications should always be legibly written , and on one eide of the paper only . If long , it increases the difficulty of finding space for them . All letters for the Editor should be addressed to 10 , Welling ton . ~ ! street , Strand , London .
[The Following Appeared In Our Second Ed...
[ The following appeared in our Second Edition of last week , J
% Mimxty \ .
Satum>A.Y, August 16. Continental News A...
Satum > a . y , August 16 . Continental news arrived this morning is interesting . The Horn an correspondent of the Times , a Tory of a very sable hue , disposed to see nothing but white vestal purity in the deeds of the throned anarchs of the Continent , has the following passage : — " The prohibition in the shape of exorbitant postage continues in full force against the English journals , and all that corae in remain in the Post office , no one being willing to pay from three shillings to a dollar postage for a paper that costs fivepence . The French journals , such as are admitted , are charged but six sous , so that the immense disproportion can only arise from a determination to exclude the London press . No Liberal paper of any country is allowed , and the People in general must content themselves with the sanctified information given in the two Roman journals ; but means are found to elude the rigour of the Postoffice , and 1 have seen extracts from the Times , and from the Risorgimento , of Turin , giving a part of Mr . Gladstone ' s correspondence with Lord Aberdeen on the subject of M . Poerio ' s trial and imprisonment among galleyslaves at Naples . This correspondence , where it has beea seen here , produces a profound sensation ; and , as Mr . Gladstone is an authority that cannot be doubted , every one is shocked at the cruelty of the Neapolitan police . Had not Mr . Gladstone with his own eyes seen M . Poeno and his fellow-sufferers , I might have hoped that he had been imposed on by the well-known enemies of the royal authority ; but there is no longer any doubt on the subject , and the cruelty of the crime will draw down execrations on the guilty from every honest man . " The Univers , ultramontane organ of Paris , calls King Bomba the " best" and " worthiest" of Kings ; ana asserts that " not a single fact in Mr . Gladstone s two letters will bear examination . " This is rather cool . An article published in the Constitutionnel , the other day , from the pen of Dr . Veron himself , on the candidature of M . de Joinville , has provoked a deal of discussion . It is clear that he will not have the support of the Republicans ; and that the Legitimists prefer the nephew of Napoleon to the grandson of Ei ? aliie B " " ^!' " being out of the question , there remain only the uruau ists , headed by the Barrots and Thiera .
Father Gavazzi Has Been Lecturing At Edu...
Father Gavazzi has been lecturing at Eduibur h , ¦ where he met witli a most hearty r ?? l ™ ° \ Acknowledging a vote of thanks , heBiud— in n land I have found the sky of Italy—the > sun oi n » J —the atmosphere of Italy—tho fields of Italy- » in this city of Edinburgh , a town equal to the n beautiful in Italy . " l ' robnbly this is " cW : ) readers on thi . s side the Tweed .
Three Of The Five Men Nnchtrd For Violat...
Three of the five men nncHtrd for violating V ^ Irish woman at the Forest of Dean , have been ported for life ; and the two others for fifteen yearn . ^ huve i . ot been arrested . The evidence of the poor > ^ details dreadful barbarity . A more atrocious t <> seldom occurred . ., , , g acclt ,,
TJic iiuniiry into the Bedminatfr colliery }^ ie vieontinued , and a ^ niii nd journed , yeslcrdny- ( , > r < 'tty denee k < ill tinned upon thobtateof the rope , ' - , ' ' . ' Tl > c inueh of the . same character as that giv « n ' lseW " , varn general feeling exproHHcd was , that the men * . ()( lt it . of the insecurity of the rope , but afraid to * V * clU , nOt How far this may have been the case " < -
determine . _ ^ " Johnny" Droome , well known in 1 he Iin { J' bffn other Kenth mvn of irregular »« c «> l >» t ¦« " « , „ ,,. « ** charged before the Uri K hton bemhof JVIiki M bcr of ohtatiiigat cards , and " doing" a yo uthiuI - twt > nty the " pint on" tribe , out of three l » ui : ««"\* . tllC feat pound * two HhilliuKH and sixpence , l 11 ' " ^ HamP . * wjih Ui-ighton ; the name of the piRCon w m- tt wj , flli youth of the most verdant dye . 1 »»« T ft . OOIIr »•«* ' ?¦ murder , " aKaine we happily canIlot " »' , fr . nii Il > r ' " Youthful 1 lump , 21 yearn of »^ e , fn- « U Ir , . ivfly > « hire , loHt one hun < lred pounds three tinirn « & llirt ; f-Ktaden , one of the playe . H , eueh Unm I" Vcrdw ** » ° " and bixpcnnj btwnp , and getting you » g Veru
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 23, 1851, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23081851/page/10/