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Acto, 23, 1851.] &%* $,eait$V. 799
HAKMONY-HALL PETITION. Bheftleld, August...
I'OKTKAIT OK ROHHliTIl. A portruit of Ko...
. Sfifft ^S*c _ 31wt> ir it P "T
^ SATURDAY , AUG U ST 23 , 1851.
^uhlit ffims.
There is nothing so revolutionary, becau...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Three Of The Five Men Nnchtrd For Violat...
His name to it . He had been staying at Johnny Broome ' s public-house , and the fraternity had gone down to Brighton races at the expense of William Hamp , accompanied by three ladies . John Broome , Charl e s Staden , and John James were yesterday fully committed for trial . ,,, ,. . ., . In May last a young lady , Miss Wyse , died suddenly in the house of a clergyman , Mr . H e le , at Bishopsteignton sear Exeter . Circumstances since occurred whieh aroused the suspicions of her relatives , and a note from Major EUisoa , her uncle , to Mr . Hele , declining to recei v e that gentleman and his wife at the major ' s house ,
induced Mr . H e l e t o ha v e the b ody e xhumed and examined . The inquest took place on Wednesday and Thursday . The contents of the stomach were submitted to Mr . Herepath , and he found that she had died of prussic acid . One of the servants in the house alleged ill-treatment of Miss Wyse by Mr . and Mrs . Hele . There was no evidence to show that Miss W ys e had b een poisoned . The coroner in summing up said— " In reference to the alleged ill-treatment by Mr . and Mrs . Hele of the deceased , Mr . Hele was a clergyman of the Chureh of England , and could not have gone to such lengths as would have induced the deceased to have committed such
an act : " and the jury returned the following verdict : — " We find that Jane Wyse came to her death by taking essential oil of almonds ; but whether she took it with the intention of putting an end to her life or not , we cannot say . " . ..
Acto, 23, 1851.] &%* $,Eait$V. 799
Acto , 23 , 1851 . ] & % * $ , eait $ V . 799
The German Agitation Union Op London. A ...
THE GERMAN AGITATION UNION OP LONDON . A society under the above name has been formed for the purpose of reestablishing the lawful rig hts of the German people which were overthrown by a despotism as barbarous in its cruelty , and more lawless than that of N aples , and crushing with the same iron weight the whole of Italy and Hungary . The society will make use only of means of agitation within the limits of the laws of England . The society is not merely for discuss i on , but preeminentl y for work .
Each of the members who hare at present acceded to it has undertaken to work in a special department of the business of agitation . To prevent misconception or wilful misrepresentation , the society declares distinctly that it has no pretension whatever to be a secret Government of Germany . The society has entrusted Dr . Karl Tausenau , of Vienna , with its central direction , and has appointed him , with full power , to , be its representative and agent in all its external business and negotiations . London , August 15 , 1851 .
Si gned in the name of the society , Joseph Fioklek . Johannes RonoJ :. Dr . G"OTTFHtBDFRAaiCK . Arnold Ruge . AmANO GOKGO . FltANZ SlOEL . Daniel Hertle . The G-erman Agitation Union of London approves of the position of Dr . Arnold Ruge in the European Central Committee . L o ndon , Augu s t 15 , 1851 .-
Signed in the name of the society , Joseph Fickler . Johannes Rongk . Dr . Gottfried Franck . Franz Sioel . Amand Goeoo . Dr . Karl , Tausenau . Daniel Herti , e . By the power entrusted to me b y the German A gitation Union of London , I he r b y invite all friends of the German popular cause in Europe and Americu , to send their communications , suggestions , periodical or oth e r mo ne y contributi o n s , to me by safe means , and free of postuge . Du . Kjuiii Taajhenau . London , August 15 , 1851 . 8 . Barnard's-inn , Holbom .
Hakmony-Hall Petition. Bheftleld, August...
HAKMONY-HALL PETITION . Bheftleld , August 13 , 1851 . Siu , —On the 27 th of July n general meeting of the members of the Sheffield Branch of the Rational Society w » 8 hi'lu , at which a petition to Parliament on the aubject of Harmony-hall , Homowhut siinilur to that from the Central Board , which appeared in your coluiniiH was unanimously adopted . , 1 « mt it to our member , Mr . Parker , for presentation , and he has informed me by letter that he duly presented the name . Yours , respectfully , Witf . Lawton , Secretary . To the ftditor of the tender .
I'Oktkait Ok Rohhlitil. A Portruit Of Ko...
I'OKTKAIT OK ROHHliTIl . A portruit of Kossuth ia to bo neon in London . We huvc just aeon it in the studio of M . Do ' anai , ltLn countryman , u yaiuttir and scul pt o r . It is a full l * ' -HgtU . ; the Hungarian leader in clothed in hi » usual dresH—one which , . puts < tftt wretched cooturnu to fih ame ; aiwl he appear * to be dolivering n Bp » e £ h Ilia compatriots vouch for the likonesH ; and tho countenance quite comes up to the description of Kossuth , - ^ -bl ending with uinnlmetfB a certain feminine gentlurteafl , whicMia < r beon nottved altxr m Mattmi . ' f
. Sfifft ^S*C _ 31wt> Ir It P "T
. Sfifft ^ S * c _ 31 wt > ir it P "T
^ Saturday , Aug U St 23 , 1851.
^ SATURDAY , AUG U ST 23 , 1851 .
^Uhlit Ffims.
^ uhlit ffims .
There Is Nothing So Revolutionary, Becau...
There is nothing so revolutionary , because there is nothing so unnatural and convulsive , as the strain to keep things fixed when all the world is by the very law of its creation in eternal progress . —Da . Aknold .
Catholic, Not Protestant. Protestantism ...
CATHOLIC , NOT PROTESTANT . Protestantism is rapidly declining in these our days . It has served its purpose ; it has spiritually revolutionized Europe ; it has broken the iron despotism of Rome ; Essentially a state of transition , it has necessarily been attended with the evils of transitional existence , —doubt , indifference , and antagonism . And now it goes on its way towards the things that were .
All Christian sects have aimed , if not to be Catholic , at least to belong to that which is Catholic . In all " persuasions , " that which is worth anything is not the negative portion , but the positive j and it is the Catholic portion of all faiths which is that positive part ; it is the salt which keeps them sweet ; it is the essential , the governing power . The true Catholic religion , therefore , would be the most perfect spiritual government ; and by this , we do not mean spiritual despotism . Protestantism is , however , the reverse of government—it is revolution ; it is only , it can only be the negation of something else that is false ; and the establishment of the principle of that negation as a substitute for a positive faith . However needful that negation may have bee » , it is still . no more than negation .
How , then , can Protestantism lead us anywhere but where it'has led—even to domestic contention , anarchy , and spiritual paralysis . Look upon the reli g ious sta te o f E ng land . We see Protestantism in perfection ; it culminates , it is n o w fallin g by its own disruptive power . Practically , t h e C hurch of Eng lan d seems to v i n dic at e i t s own ex i s t ence an d essence , a b ove all th in g s , by denying the Pope ; while a great meeting of freemen , this week , in Dublin , provoked by Whig persecution , sw ea rs b y the Roman image of Absolutism and denies the denier . Dissent denies the authority of the Church of England : and Rationalism denies the foundations of
Dissent . Pnseyisrn denies Gorhamiam , and Gorhamism flings back the denial in no mincing phrase . Calvinism denies Erastianism , and fervently records its sentence of eternal damnation ; and in more courtl y language Episcopacy damns P resb yterianism . To crown all , the Roman Catholic denies the rig ht of private judgment ; and , as in" * duty hound , private judgment denies everybody else ' s judgment . The great net result of Protestantism , after years of toil , it may be years of bloodshed also , is but the establishment of the negative of the thing impugned—not spiritual freedom , and concord , but sp iritual anarch y and contest .
This state of things is by no means p leasant wherein to live , move , and have our being . We would fain see the end of it . We would fain have a faith . Now , there is only one way of labouring peaceably and rapidly toward the attainment of the true Catholic faith . Since every sect is the embodiment of one pha se of t ruth , let every sect have freedom to establish what is true in the proposition which it embodies , and to work out a disproof of what is false . A true faith in the ultimate attainment of a Catholic religion would encourage that etclf-developinent , and protect it against reciprocal " antagonism " and repression . And it is in this direction alone that we nee
signs of land , of Hafaty , of religious peace . We discern in the aspect of the religious world a disposition to approach to a more Catholic sentimentthe true prelude of a Catholic faifth . ' Disordered as it is > the state of England hopefully ilhislidteH this view . Religious activity \ u more wide-spread than it has been for the past two hundred yearn At the same time there is a Htnmg tendency to liberalise cneods , to waive some pointM , ami expluin away other points of mere doctrinal dinswnt . Hide by side wi th this advance of liberalism , and pnrDl y due to ilia prevalence , we find that wide-spread lmJifferentism in the Church of England , a p henomenon not to he looked on without parn ; an indifteirntism which has it » source also m the belief that laxity of discipline conduces to freedom of
thought and sentiment , whereas it only conduces to laxity of thought and sentiment and belief . The path of escape from this is long and painful . The whole scheme of religious life must have undergone that process of being broken up and reformed , which we have witnessed with too weak a confidence . Sects are splitting into sections-Unitarians , Congregational Dissenters , Baptists , Wesleyans—all , and more , are casting off great pieces of their body , each moving towards some more liberal interpretation of its creed . The Church of England itself seems disposed to divide and fructify ; while Roman Catholics , as we saw by the Irish movement in favour of "the Godless
colleges , " especially before the stupid Whig scheme of resisting the Papal aggression , tend towards a less politico-theocratic form of that faith . The very demand for diocesan synods and a general Convocation of the Church—a demand purely just in itself—shows that religion is disposed to throw off the tutelage of the state , and obtain for itself an existence and means of self-development unobstructed by Acts of Parliament .
One thing we must have : the Church—all Churches must be set quite free from this state control—that unhallowed weapon which each in turn has used against the others . We contend , not for toleration , —it is the hope of the bondman , —but for the just and equal recognition of all sects , churches , and relig ions , their freedom and right to self-developement . The state is a temporal power . It is decomposed , and recomposed , at intervals . It may be this year Tory , that Whig ,
the next day Republican . Its acts are collective and binding , obligatory upon all , per force , or hy convention , wi tho u t compr o mis e o f eternal t ru t h or the search thereof . Sectarian religion , whether of Rome or Canterbury , is not binding upon all : the mere attempt to make it so would create a revolution . State religi o n wi th stat e supremac y is , and can be , nothing more than state politics under the guise of the religious forms of the Church ; and as such it is condemned .
Every creed is but the fallible human perception of the one truth ; but all seek the one God , who still rules over all ; by his blessing , these contentions shall but lead us to recognize the fact , that in our stumblings we have been only too impatient to approach nearer , to the one trut h which is universally . The interference of the state can only be tyranny ; and it is as much a stro ke at sp iritual freedom when it is aimed at the Romanist as it is when aimed at Protestant or
Sceptic . Stand we , then , on the broad ground of equal recognition for all , equal defence by each of ri ghts common to aJL
Seizure Of The Nizam's Territories. As A...
SEIZURE OF THE NIZAM'S TERRITORIES . As a step in the progress of Indian consolidation , we cannot withhold our approval from the confiscation of the Nizam ' s territories ; but it certainl y has the air of a vast practical burlesque to our direct " dependencies , " when we govern those we have , so ill as to be familiar with murmurs of discontent from every quarter of them . It is the more absurd , since the pretext is the non-payment of subsidy , —and to make that good , we are going to seize an annual deficit ; for such is the perennial aspect of the Nizam's exchequer ; and the Indian Government , which undertakes that seizure , is itself conspicuous among great states for being unable to convert a deficit into a surplus .
The joke is tripled , when we imdurstanct that the seizure in to be only "' temporary , " which forbids the idea of such real reform as could alone render the finance healthy . Our present purpose in noticing this ' * transaction , " however , is to assist our readers in porceiving the immediate practical effects . The ulterior effects might be of the noblest and most beneficial kind , if our Government intended really to grapple with the reeonntitution of Hindustan ; but the past forbids any such expectation . We find our Ministers positively ma i ntaining the worst inilnonces of the local institutions —• keeping down the Hindu ' s , for instance , as n race , by absurd disqualification of them as professional men , however manifest their faculties and attainments . The primary object of the seizure is to recover the amount of tribute due—arrears to the extent of £ 850 , 000 . The public revenue of the Nizam i . s wairl to bo £ 1 , 000 , 000 ; the expenditure about £ : $ 00 , () 00 more ; and the Kngli . sh Government proposes to seize about £ 350 , 000 ; leaving the Nizam to make good the increased deficit how ho may . The case is something like that of an ordinary " execution" for debt in this country ,
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 23, 1851, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23081851/page/11/