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810 tot) * ^Leaitt* [Saturday ,
FOEEIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
SHAKES. Last Official Quotation for Week...
CORN EXCHANGE. Mabk-lane, August 23.—Mar...
GKAIN, Mark-lane, Aug. 15. Wheat, ft. Ne...
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 39a. to 42». ^...
BUTCHERS" MEAT. VuwaAVU Jk.nu Lhadunhall...
IIhau or l '5 A TTLB AT Smithvibld. Frl«...
FROM THE LONDO, V «AXETi.K. Friday, Augu...
owner. , Bankktjpts.—F. BATNHAH. Hounslo...
THOMAS COOPER, Author of " The Purgatory of Suicides" &cdelivers Orations on the fol-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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810 Tot) * ^Leaitt* [Saturday ,
810 tot ) * ^ Leaitt * [ Saturday ,
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) Satur . Mond . Tuet . Wedn . Thurt . Frid . Bank Stock .... 215 * 215 J 215 ? 215 i 3 per Ct . Red .. 97 | 97 97 97 S 97 f ——3 p . CCon . Ans . 96 | 96 | 96 | 96 ? 9 $ S p . C . An . 1726 . 9 6 | —— 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 968 *>\ 96 * 96 | 966 3 fp . Cent . An . 99 98 g 95 J 99 99 & New 5 perCt » . 124 —— - - — Lon ^ Ans ., 1860 . 7 7 | U ? i — - Ind . St . 104 p . ct . 262 262 261 260 Ditto Bonds .. 57 p 54 p 57 p 53 p 54 p Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 49 p 48 p 47 p 47 p 47 p Ditto , 5 J 0 » ... 49 p 48 p 47 p 47 p - — - Ditto , 8 mall 49 p 48 p 47 p 47 p 44 p ——
Foeeign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOEEIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 81 J Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 28 $ lrLSn 5 per Ce nS ! ' »| ^ i ^ fac ™* . - BuenosAyresep . Cts . 65 Peruvian 44 per Cents . — Chilian 6 per Cents ... - Portuguese 5 per Cent . - Danish 5 per Cents . .. — * P « Ct » . 32 J n ,, ^ i > « npr Cpnts .. 592 Annuities —• ^ ± J * p 5 ? c 2 S' :. Mj »«••!« . 1822 . 4 4 P- Cta . 101 * Ecuador Bonds .. 3 f 8 pan . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 2 0 | French 5 p . C . An . atParis 95 . 55 Passive .. 5 & L _ l— 3 p . Cts ., July 11 , 57 . 30 Deferred .. —
Shakes. Last Official Quotation For Week...
SHAKES . Last Official Quotation for Week ending Friday Evening . Railways . . Banks . Aberdeen .. .. 9 J Australasian .. .. — Bristol and Exeter .. — British North American — Caledonian .. .. 10 i Colonial .. •• •• — Eastern Counties .. 51 Commercial of London .. — Edinburgh and Glasgow 284 London and Westminster — Great Northern .. .. 16 * London Joint Stock .. 18 * Greats . & W . ( Ireland ) — National of Ireland .. — Great Western .. .. 794 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 48 Provincial of Ireland .. — Lancaster and Carlisle 80 Union of Australia .. 35 Lond ., Brighton , & S . Coast 92 ? Union of London .. — London and Blackwall .. 6 $ MINES . London and N .-Western 118 * Bolanos .. ..-.. ¦—Midland 40 | Brazilian Imperial .. — North British .. — Ditto , St . John del Key — South-Eastern and Dover 21 £ Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. .. 80 ? Miscbllanhous . . York . Newcas .. & Berwick 178 Australian Agricultural — Yjwrk and North Midland 16 J Canada — Docks . General Steam . .. — Eastand West India .. — Penins . & Oriental Steam 9 London — Boyal Mail Steam .. — St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
Corn Exchange. Mabk-Lane, August 23.—Mar...
CORN EXCHANGE . Mabk-lane , August 23 . —Market dull at Monday ' s prices . English . Irish . Foreign . Wh «* t .. .. 1760 13 , 070 Barley .... 50 15 , 540 Oats . 7 .. .. 110 28 , 380 Flout .. .. 1620 11 , 760
Gkain, Mark-Lane, Aug. 15. Wheat, Ft. Ne...
GKAIN , Mark-lane , Aug . 15 . Wheat , ft . New 37 b . to 40 » . Maple 89 s . to 30 s . Fin * 40 —41 White 24 —25 Old .. " ..... 41 —4 » Boilers 26 —28 White 41 * —44 Beans , Ticks . .. 25 —27 Fine 38 —40 Old 28 —29 Superior New 40 —41 Indian Corn 37 —28 superior 23 _ 24 Oats , Feed .... 16 —17 Barfev •• 20 — 21 Fine - 17 — 18 Malting ' . ' . ' . ' ... —26 Poland 19 —20 MaltOrd . 46 - 48 Fine .... 20 — 21 Fine "II !! . 50 —52 Potato 19 —20 Peas . IIog 25 —26 Fine .... 20 —21
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 39a. To 42». ^...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 39 a . to 42 » . ^ Seconds 37 — 39 UBseex and 8 uffolk , on board-. hip J 4 — o 7 ^ Norfolk and Stockton 31 — 33 Ame . ican per barrel 20 — 24 Canadian " ® — 24 Whealen Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . * Households , 6 d .
General Average Piiice Of Grain. Whhk. E...
GENERAL AVERAGE PIIICE OF GRAIN . Whhk . Endino Aug . 9 . Imperial Genera x Weekly Average . Wlicat 428 . 3 d . I tty ° •»¦• M . Harlcy 585 11 H ^» nB ^ f Oat * 21 7 | Peas . -, -- Aggregate Awcrape of the b . x w ceK 8 - . Wheat 42 m . fid . I Kyo * ° * * - Barley 25 7 Means •>* i OttU ., 22 1 | Peas ¦ ...- » 0
Butchers" Meat. Vuwaavu Jk.Nu Lhadunhall...
BUTCHERS" MEAT . VuwaAVU Jk . nu Lhadunhall . * Bmtthfibld . * . s . d . » . d . a . a . b . d . j Beef » 4 to 3 2 2 ii to 3 8 Mutton ' » H — 3 6 , 3 4 _ 40 Lamb * 4—4 4 4 0 — 4 8 V « h 1 » 4 — 3 8 u 4 _ 3 8 l ' ork » * — 3 8 3 6 — 310 'j " o sink the offal , por 8 lb .
Iihau Or L '5 A Ttlb At Smithvibld. Frl«...
IIhau or l ' 5 A TTLB AT Smithvibld . Frl « Jay . Monday . Keast - ^ M « - 3930 Slieep 13 . 300 ^ 33 , 05 * 0 Ctalvoa * " ^^ „ 313 ] Pi . * 4 W 410
From The Londo, V «Axeti.K. Friday, Augu...
FROM THE LONDO , « AXETi . K . Friday , Augutt I . » T ' lUNKiUJPTa . —M . Khbny und J Oak ° » 8 t - M » tfUn * s-Une . Xtttolloudruprrs , to surrender August Bi > September Ul ; uollf . tors , Mcam . K «* d , Laiifrford . nnd Mar . Ml * ; "' « d » y-Btr « n > t » « : heupnidc ; official as * ignee , Mr . Caiman , Hir . W-laws . Coriiliill — "G . Nook and J . Wuuahn . frith-street . » *««<> , goMHiniths , AuguHt liii . October 3 ; solicitor . Mr . Tea ? u *• Oowii-court , ofllninl iiHKignee . Mr . Wliitmore , Jlaalugliall-atri . vtr ~ J : ijavky , J « n ., HuUtcwl , buiWw , August ) W , S « i > U > iiiber » 7 i wU «» Wr , Mr .
Parker , Gray ' s-inn-square . and Ch elmsford ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchin-tane Cornhill-H . Beal . Shoe-lane . Fleet-Btreet . bookseller , August 23 , September 27 ; soll"t ° r ' * " Forster , Crosby-square ; official assignee , Mr . ™ " ° ™' Basinghall-street-J . Paul , Oxford- street , milliner . August 82 . September 27 ; solicitor , Mr . 8 eaman , Pancras-lane . Cheap ., side ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore . Bwngh ^ twet—W . F . Donovan , late of Oxford-st :, poulterer , Aug .. 31 . Ort . 3 , iolicitors , Messrs . Smith and Page , Dukerstreet , Manche » tersquare ; official assignee Mr . Whitmore . B ^ f ^^? r £ * r G . Small . Folkstone , tailor , August 23 , September 20 ; solicitors , Messrs . Willougbby and Cox , Clifford's-m n ; official assignee , Mr . Graham—W . Baird . Liverpool , paper-hanger , August £ 1 , September 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Grocott , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool—C . Oley , NewcasUe-upon-Tyne , ship-broker , August 26 , October 7 ; solicitor . Mr . Phillipson , Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee , Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upou-Tyne . Tuesday , August 19 . Bankruptcy Annduso .-T . Brown , Sunderland , ship-
Owner. , Bankktjpts.—F. Batnhah. Hounslo...
owner . , Bankktjpts . —F . BATNHAH . Hounslow , grocer , to surrender August 28 , October 3 ; solicitors , Messrs . Church and Son , Bedford-row ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchin-lane , Cornhill —J . Babier , Exmouth-street and Pleasant-row , Clerkenwell , cheesemonger , September 5 , October 3 ; solicitor , Mr . Murray , London-street , Fenchurch-street ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—W . Smith , Princes-3 treet , Leicestersquare , engineer , September 2 . October 7 ; solicitor , Mr . Holmer , Bridge-street , Southwark ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street—B . Lindsby , Market Deeping , Lincolnshire , draper , August 29 , September 26 ; solicitors , Mr . Jones , Sifr t-lane ; and Messrs . Motteram , Knight , and Emmett , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Bittleston , Nottingham—A . Kbauss . Manchester , share-broker , September £ and 23 ; solicitor , Mr . Bennett , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Pott , Manchester .
Thomas Cooper, Author Of " The Purgatory Of Suicides" &Cdelivers Orations On The Fol-
THOMAS COOPER , Author of " The Pureatorv of Suicides . " & c . delivers Orations on the fol-
lowing subjects : — The Genius of Shaksferb , as displayed in his " Hamlet ;" with Readings and Recitations from the Play , the Music of Ophelia ' s Songs , & c . The Life and Genius of Milton ; with Recitations from Paradise Lost , " & c . The Life and Genius of Borns ; with the Music of some of his Songs , Recitations of " Tam o * Shanter , " & c . The Life and Genius of Byron ; with Readings and Recitations from his Works . The Life and Genius of Shelley ; with Readings and Recitations from his Works . Civilization : What it was in the Past—What it effects for Man in the Present—and the Universal Human Happiness it must produce in the Future . Thi English Commonwealth : Founders of the Struggle—Coke , Seldon , Eliot , Pyui , Hampden , & c—Despotism of the King , and Tyranny of Laud— Civil War—Death of Hampden—Battle of Naseby—Imprisonment , Trial , and Execution of Charies 1 st . The English Commonwealth : Government by Parliament and Council of State—Cromwell in Ireland , and in Scotland—Battles of Dunbar and Worcester—Protectorate and Character of Oliver Cromwell—Lesaona to be derived from the great Commonwealth Struggle . Thi Frbnch Revolution of 1789 : Its Causes , and Progress of Events from its commencement to the Execution of Louis 16 th . The French Revolution of 1789 : Events from the Death of the King to the Fall of the Directory . The Life and Character of Napoleon . The Life and Reign of Louis Philippe ; with a Retrospect of the late Revolution . Columbus ; and the Discovery of America . Cortez ; and the Conquest of Mexico . PiZARRO ; and the Conquest of Peru . Washington ; and the Independence of America . William Tell ; and the Deliverance of Switzerland . Rirnzi the Tribune ; and the "Good Estate . " Massanibllo , the Fisherman of Naples , and " Captain of the People . " Kosciusko ; and the Struggles for Polish Independence . Wickliffi , and the Lollards . Luthbr , and the Reformation . Life , Character , and Influence of OALVIN ; including a Sketch of the Life and Character of SbrveTUS . Gborgb Fox . and Quakerism . Maiiommkd , and Mahommedanism . The Age of Chivalry , and the Crusades . Sir Walter Ralbioh . and the Age of Elizabeth . Mablborooqh , Court Influence , and the Reign of ANNB . Philanthropy : as exemplified in the Lives of BBRNAKD Gilvin ; Obbulin , and John Howard . Perseverance and Independence of Character ; as exemplified in the Life-struggle of Daniel Defoe , the author of "liobin-• on Crusoe . " The Life and Genius of 8 ir Tsaao Newton . The Life und Ueniua of Sir William Jonbs . The Life and Genius of Dr . Johnson . The Life and Ueniua cf Voltaire . The Life and Genius of Rousseau . Administration of Pitt ; and its Influence on our own Times . The Life and Character of the late Sir Robert Peel : hi » Influence on our Age ; und a Glance at Coming Events , which "Cast their Shadows before . " The Wrong * of Iuulanu . The Life and Geniuu of Handel . The Lives and Ucniua of Haydn . Mozart , and BbitiioVBN . With numerous Serial Discourses : such aa , Four on Autonomy , Ten on the lliatory of Greece , Sixteen on Roman History , Twelve on British History , Six on Papal History , Four on tho German People , Pour on the Sclavonic People , & c . Sec . TERMS , TO WORK I NO MEN ONLY . / paying my own Travelling * and other personal Expenses . ) For v » ne Oration , Two i ' oundo . For Tw »? Orations-i-the one delivered on the night followi'ig the other— 'l ?» rco Pounds . For any number of Orations , delivered on successive nighth . Thirty UhillingN oach . 0 , Park-row , Knightsbrldgo . London . * N . B . When the distance from London Is great , and a special journey lias to bo made from the Metropolis , of oourae , some allowance for extra travelling expenuen will be expected . [ 1 can only accept invitations from Yoikahire and Lancaiihlro to the end of October . My fHonda muy addreii me , for the next fortnight— "Care of Mr . Barlow , bookseller , 1 , ftel « oii- * trcot , Mewcostlu-ou-Tyne . " —T . C . J
npiIE BEST WELLINGTON BOOTS made JL to ordei , 21 s . pur pair . 1 IENB . Y LATIMKH . id *) . IiiBho , )» Kat « -atr « et Without re-¦ puctfully rcqueata the attention of the Public to the above v « ry iiiii »()) rtaiit aniioiinnciaoiit . ilia WollluKton Jlootn made to ordrr » t » U , cannot bo « ur-
STEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , & T " Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveva ' i and of the additional lines of communication , now establish I by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company wfil the East , & c . The Company book passengers , and receive o ^ nJ and parcels aa heretofore for CEYLON , MADR 4 S Fir CUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONP k their Steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the ' 20 $ of every month , and from 8 UEZ on or about the 10 th of tl month . ine One of the Company ' s first-class steamers will , however h despatched from Southampton for Alexandria , as an extra shi on the 3 rd of September and 3 rd of November next and f alternate months thereafter , in combination with extra ateanipra to leave Calcutta on or about the 20 th of August and 20 th of n tober . Passengers may be booked , and goods and parcels for " warded by these extra steamers to or from 8 OUTHAMPtAv ALEXANDRIA , ADEN . CEYLON , MADRAS , and CAT ' CUTTA . Kj AL ' BOMBAY . —The Company will also despatch from Bombav about the 1 st of September next , and of every alternate month thereafter , a first-class steam-ship for Aden , to meet there th extra ship between Calcutta and Suez ; and at Alexandria one of the Company ' s steam-ships will receive the passengers , parcels and roods , and convey them to Southampton , calling at Malt * and Gibraltar . a But passengers , parcels , and goods for BOMBAY an ^ WESTERN INDIA will be conveyed throughout from South ampton in the mail steamers , leaving Southampton on the 20 th of October , and of alternate months thereafter , and the corresponding vessels from Suez to Aden , at which latter port a steam-ship of the Company will be in waiting to embark and convey them to Bombay . Passengers for Bombay can also proceed by this Company ' s steamers of the 29 th of the month to Malta , thence to Alexandria by her Majesty ' s steamers , and from Suez by the Honourable East India Company ' s steamers . MEDITERRANEAN . ^ -MALTA— On the 20 th and 29 th oi every month . Constantinople—On the 29 th of the month Alexandria—On the 20 th of the month . ' SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . —Vigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the month . ' N . B . Steam-ships of the Company now pl y direct between Calcutta , Penang , Singapore , and Hong Kong , and between Hob ? Kong and Shanghae . For further information and tariffs of the Company ' s recently revised and reduced rates of passage-money and freight , and for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall-street , London , and Orientalplace , Southampton .
CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT THE 8 YSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NO W PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PROMOTETHB PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier . Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq , London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace , London ; and 13 , Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its objects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing the articles for their consumption , and for the producers in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Association ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , acting- under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and mote acceptable mode of carrying . out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscribers , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder and the first contributors , no express call is made at present , either for contributions or subscriptions . The capital will be further Increased after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , and have experienced its mode of dealing . Customers , after three months' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonus , to be fixed according to the amount of their transactions by the council of the agency , consisting of the trustee * and partners . After payment of all expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to contributors , subscribers , and regular customers , the general profits are to be accumulated , part to form a resone fund , and part to promote cooperative associations . .. Business transacted wholesale and retail . Subscribers , Cooperative Stores , Working Men ' s Associations , Regular Customers , and the Public supplied . . e The Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution oi all orders for any kind of articles or produce ; their 0 P « r' 111 "" , for the present are restricted to GROC 15 RIK 3 , WINKS , an ITALIAN ARTICLES , as a specimen of what can be done wim the support of cooperative customers . ¦ _ a e Rules have been framed and printed to enable any numuer families of all classes , in any district of London , or any . P * ; , " the country , to form themselves into " Friendly Societies < enjoying the boueflt of Cooperative Stores . To be Bent uy ] to parties forwarding four utampa . , „ ;; iw , rv . Particulars of the nature and objects of the Central Cooper tive Agency , with a Digest of the Deed of Settlement , ar « r ' iound in the printed report of a meeting held at the Cent f ! ' fol , of the Agency . To bo uent by po ^ t to parties iorwuruwu A list of articles with the wholesale pricos for ^"' '' ^ Juo btorcs , and a detailed Catalogue for private cuatomore , \ ^^ bo sent by pout on payment of one poatuffO Btamp » or u eale list , and two for the Catalogue . , in ,, i ,. d im-Particularu . Rules . List , and Catalogue will be farwaruc mediately on receipt of ten postage stamps . . hoval'cr » AH communioationa to ho addrenHeci to WM . J * i ^ t . Woodin , Jor . ea , and Co .., ut , the Oentral-oilico , ?» . treet . Fitzroy-8 quare . wnKKlN ' • • OKDE 118 FOR TUB ASSOCIATIONS OI' wu ^ MEN ALREADY IN EXISTENCE—BUI-LOKItS , ^' V ^ kNBAKER 8 . TAILORS . SHOEMAKERS , l : inA ' ]^ \ yfllA ' CAN BE SENT THROUGH THE AGENCY , A «" RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION . ______ — —T —¦ . 11 — — .-.-- ..-. — _ — — | i i «
___ —¦ . 11 ^ — — ..... — _ — — | i i « C OCOA is a nut which , besides farinaccoujJJ'J ,,, stance , contains a bland oil . Tlio oil u « this » oii to advantuiro , which in . that it is 1 « hh liublo M" * . " * Cocoa '" rancidity . PoBBCBBiny theBe two nutritive Bul ) Hta # V *' , i ttr | y if . ''* become a moat valuable article of dlot . more pm » ¦ ( . , i , o »» mechanical or other ineaiiu . tho fiuinuceoun aubat' »» ' . „ ,, r « ve | 't perfectly incorporated with tho oily , that thu ° " , l l (; d ii > J '" tho other from Beparatiufj . Such u union i » P « " «»»» f'f " Cocoa prepared by JAMBB KPl'S ; «» d «»«"• * , " J Uio *« ' ° ful flavour , in part dependent , upon th «> oil . »« rui *¦» j preparation will agree with tho iniiMt delicate bU ) iii «'* Jlu 88 cUJAM EH El'PH . Ilomuiopatliic OhemiBt , ll » . " j ^^ ofl , street , UlooMMbury , » u « l BJi , OW JJroud- ^ y- ^ < < iy , W
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 23, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23081851/page/22/