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Aug. 23, 1851.] #f> * >**>*** 811
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Aug. 23, 1851.] #F> * >**>*** 811
Aug . 23 , 1851 . ] # f > * >**>*** 811
rSuSEMENT AND INS JBtJCTlON . - A The public are admitted , without . cbarge , to the British ffilk ^ t" ^^|^?» era s lifS ? SSS ^ f ^ pS Bath ^ StS , Fire-irons '; in short ,. every requisite either for ^ iffi ^ h ^ enT lo u cannotberfeceived , became every article is marked in plain figures , and at such pnees as can be nffrrld onlv bv a house who & e gross sales are so enormous a « to enable them g sell the best articles at 10 or 15 per cent , less than any other house in the kingdom ... That we can furnish a mansion is demonstrated by the continued patronage of the nobility and gentry and to prove that we can also suit the necessary and Judicious economy of those moving in a more humble sphere , we are enabled actually to furnish an eight-roomed house for £ 5 and the articles , too . of the best quality and workmanship . This may appear incredible ; but as we are the largest buyers of iron goods , to say nothing of those of our own manufacture , in London , we can do it , and subjoin a list of the requisites : — 1 Hall-lamp .. .. 0 10 6 1 Umbrella-stand 2 t « 1 Bronzed Dining-room Fender and Standards .. o o o 1 Set of Polished Steel Fire-irons n ? r 1 Brass Toast-staud .. JJ 1 o 1 Fire-guard « 1 « 1 Bronzed and Polished Steel Scroll Fender .. " ° ° 1 Set Polished Steel Fire-irons , Bright Pan .. « a r 1 Ornamented Japanned Scuttle and Scoop • 0 4 6 1 Best Bed-room Fender and Polished Steel Fireirons .. .. .. nZr 2 Bed-room Fenders , and 2 Pets of Fire-irons .. J > 7 o Set of Four Block-tin Dish Covers •• S , o 1 Bread-grater , 6 d ., Tin Candlestick , 9 d . .. .. Jj J ~ 1 Teakettle , 2 s . 6 d ., 1 Gridiron , Is . .. « J J 1 Frying-pan , Is ., 1 Meat-chopper , Is . 6 d . .. .. « * « J Coffeepot . Is ., 1 Colander , Is . 0 2 0 1 Dust-panv 6 d ., I Fish-kettle , 4 s 0 4 b 1 Fish-slice , 6 d ., l Flour-box , 8 d . 0 1 2 1 Pepper-box ° ? 4 3 Tinned Iron Saucepans 0 5 0 1 Oval Boiling-pot , 3 s . 8 d ., 1 Set of Skewers , 4 d . .. 0 4 0 3 Spoons , 9 d ., Tea-pot and Tray , 3 s . . ... .. 0 3 9 Toasting-fork .. , .. .. 0 0 6 £ 5 0 0 Notb . —Any one or more of the articles may be selected at the above prices . And all orders for £ 5 and upwards will be forwarded free to any part of the kingdom . Note , therefore , the address . BENETF 1 NK and Co ., 89 and 90 , Cheapside , London ; and if you are about to furnish , and want to buy economically and tastefully visit this establishment .
IVf ORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL JLtJL MEDICINES , Depot , 344 , Strand . —The Partnership of MORISON , MOAT a » d Co ., of the ' British College of Health , " having expired on the 25 th of March last , Mr . Moat Manufactures the above-named medicines ( " Morison ' Pilla" ) from the , Recipes of the late " James Morison , the Hygeist . " Mr . Moat is Member of ' the Royal College of Surgeons , and ; Licentiate of the Society of . Apothecaries , and has devoted many , years to the study df Medicine ; by the employ of a matured "! judgment in the selection' of Drujp , and attention to their thorough combination and uniformity of mixture , he ensures certainty of effect with the least possible unpleasantry . He offers the Pills , thus made .- by himself , as a perfectly safe and efficient purgative , and recommends them to be taken in those cases of illness where the ' services of a medical adviser are not felt to be requisite . Sold with directions , in the usual priced boxes , by all Medicine Venders . Foreig-n Houses dealt with in the most advantageous manner .
DR . OTJLVERWELLON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND 1 NBIGE 8 TION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Hffimorrhoida . Is . each ; by post , Is . fid . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over and careless feeding , & c . of the above harassing and distressing- complaints , with an equally intelligible and popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tableB for every meal in the day , nnd full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated by numerous cases , & e . Vols . 2 and 3 , companions to the preceding , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO 11 E HAPPY . " Jucunde Vivere . " ON URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 3 D , Cornhilr ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Regent-street : consultation hours , ten to twelve ; evenings , aeven till nine .
" A NEW MEDICINE . FRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE—A form of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethral morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubeba are commonly administered . Each Capaule containing- the Specific is made of the pure & t Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may bo conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both clustic and pleasant to take , nfforda the greatest facility for repeating the ( I oh en without inturmiMaion—a deuideratum to persona travelling , visiting , or cn-Kagcd in inminebH , an well aa to those who object to . fluid medi-< -in < : n , being unobjectionable to the inoat auaceptitdu stomach . Prepared only by GEORGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Illiieklriara-roud , London , where they may bo had , and of all Medicine Vendera , iii boxes , at 2 s . iM . und 4 h . fid . each , « r sent free by post ut 3 b . and 5 a . each . Of whom , ultu , inuy be had , in bottled , at 2 a . 9 d ., 4 » . Cd ., and 1 la . each , l'RANKtt ' 8 SPECIFIC SOLUTION OV COPAIBA . TK 3 T 1 MONIAI . N . rrom Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., K . R . H ., President of the Royal Collujje of Burgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomtiu ' u IloMpital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' n College , London . "I iiave made trial of Mr . Kinuka ' a Solution of Copaiba , at "t . TIhmhuh ' b Hospital , in a variety of canes , and the reaulta warrant my Hlating , that it is an elllcaciouB remedy , and one winch doeti not produce tlwi usual unpleasant effecta of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Jonitru Hknhy ( iUHKN . LiiiRoln ' d-inn Ptaldti . April 15 , 1835 . " * roin lirantib y Cooper , Esq ., F . R . 8 ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Burgeon * , Kondon ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' p ' M U |> itttl ' uuA Lecturer on Anatomy , ' ( tec . Mr . iiraiiHby Cooper preaenta hia eompliinentH to Mr . Oeorge ranks , and Una great pleauure in bearing testimony to the enicacv of hi * Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper hna prescribed me solution in ten or twelve cu « ea with \ turfeot bhccbbs . ^ - " tr « et . April 13 . 183 & . " n . >^ Tholl « medicin e * ju-o proteoUid against counterfeit * by the Uluckfrlwra-rond « —bclnir attached to each .
TYE 5 AFNESS — SINGING in the EARS . — JLJ Extraordinary Cures are effected daily , In cases long since pronounced , incurable by the Faculty . Even in cases of total deafnesg , which have existed a lifetime , a P ° » " ~ ° l ? rnv « Jd guaranteed without pain or operation , by a newly ^ covered and infaUible mode of treatment , discovered and practised only by Dr . FRANCIS , Physician . Aurist 40 Liverpool-street Kind ' s Cross London . Dr . F . has applied this new treatment in ? ffe presence of and on several of . the most eminent medical men ofthe day , who have been utterly astonished at its magical effect . All martyrs to these distressing complaints should immediately consult Dr . " Francis , as none need now despair how ever bad their case . Hours of consultation daily from Eleven till Four , and Six till Nine . Country patients , stating their case by letter , will receive the means of cure per post , with such advice and directions as are guaranteed to render failure impossible . —— ¦ ~~
HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SO UGH 1 . HOLLO WAY'S PILLS . —Cure of a Case of Weakness and Debility , of Four Years' standing . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William 8 mith , of No . 5 , Little Thomas-street , Gibson-street , Lambeth , dated Dec . la , lcaa . " To Professor Holloway , ,. " Sib , —I beg to inform you that for nearly five years I hardly knew what it was to have a day ' s health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility , with constant nervous headaches , giddiness , and sickness of the stomach , together with a great depression of spirits . I used to think that nothing could benefit me , as I had been to many medical men , some of whoin , after doing all that was in their power , informed me that they considered that I had some spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure , together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver , making my case so complicated that nothing could be done for me . One day , being unusually ill and in a dejected state , I saw your Pills advertised , and resolved to give them a trial , more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being cured , however I soon found myself better by taking- them , and so I went on persevering u their use for six months , when I am happy to say they effectea a perfect cure , ' ( Signed ) " WILLIAM SMITH , ( frequently called EDWABD ) . " Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway , 214 . Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , aiid by most all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized World , at the following prices—Is . l ^ d ,, 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., 11 s ., 22 s ., and 33 s . each Box . There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes . N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Disorder are affixed to each Box .
BUPTURE 8 EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS ! DR . BARKER still continues to supply tbe afflicted with his celebrated remedy for this alarming complaint , the great success of which , for many years past , readers any further comment unnecessary . It is easy and painless in use , causing no inconvenience or confinement , and is applicable to every variety of single and double rupture , however bad or long-standing , in male or female of any age . The remedy , with full instructions for use , & c , will be sent post free to any part of the kingdom on receipt of 7 s ., in postage stamps , or Poat-office Order , Tjy Dr . Alfred Barker , 48 ? Liverpool-street , King * 6-cross , London , where he may be consulted daily from Ten till One . mornings , and Five till Eighfcf'tienings ( Sundays exempted ) . Post-office Orders to be made pajwble at the Battlebridge Post-office . A great number of te & di ** nrals and-trusses haVe been left behind by persons cured , as thophies of the « U « - cess of thi 9 remedy , which Dr . B . will be happy to give to : any requiring them after a trial of it . DEAFNESS . SINGING NOISES in the HEAD and EARS , EFFECTUALLY CURED . —Dr . Barker ' s remedy permanently restores hearing in all cases , in infancy or old age , howe » er bad or long-standing , even where the Faculty has pronounced it iucurable . It removes all those distressing noises in the head and eara resulting from deafness or nervousness , and enables all aufferers , however bad , to hear the ticking of ^ watch in a few days . The remedy , which is easy in application , w ill be « ent free on receipt of 7 s ., in postage stamps , or Post-ofllco order , by Dr . Alfred Barker , 48 , Liverpool-street , Klng ' s-crosa , London . Consultations daily from Ten till Ono and Five till Eight ( Sundays excepted ) . A cure in every case is guaranteed .
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT and BKAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , & c ? The immense public patronage bestowed upon Miss ELLEN GttAHAM' 8 NIOUKRENE , is sufficient evidence of its amazing properties in reproducing the human hair , whether loat by disease or natural decay , preventing the hair falling off , strengthening weak hair , and checking greyneas . It is guaranteed to produce whiskers , moustaches , & c , in three weeks , without fail . It is elegantly scented ; aud sufficient for three months" u ? e will be sent free , on receipt of twenty-four postage utamps , by Misa Ellen Graham , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-inn-road , London . Unlike all other preparations for the hair , it is free from artificial colouring and filthy greasineaa , well known to be ho injurious to it . At home for consultation daily from two till five . AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS . " My hair is restored . Thanks to your very valuable Nioukreue . "—Misa Mane , Kennington . " I tried every other compound ndvertised , and they are all imnositiouD . Your Nioukrene haa produced the effect beautifully . "—Mr . Jame 8 , 8 t . Albun ' s . " Your Nioukrene is the moat elegant preparation I have ever analysed , being free from colouring matter and injurioiiH scent . The stimulant is excellent . "—Dr . John Thomson , author of a " Treatise on the Iluiniin Hair , " and Profeauor of ChemiHtry . For the nursery it ia invaluable , its balsamic properties being admirably adapted to infants' huir . WHY NOT WALK WITH EASE ? Soft and hard corns and buiiione may bo instantly relieved and permanently cured , by Miss Graham ' s FLOMlflNE , in three iluy j . It in Bent free for thirteen pontage stuinpu . " It cured my coma like magic . ''—Mr . Johns , Hounulow . *• My bunion tutu not appeared uiiice . "—Mrn . Sima Truro .
IMPORTANT TO I . IKK ASSURE RS . NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFK ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Completely Regiatored and Incorporated . Capital X' & 0 , ( HJO in 10 , 000 bIiuicb of XTj each . Deposit XI per aliure . Oilloea , . 'J 4 , Moorgnte-atreet , Hunk , London . TKII . STKKS . « , . !' , I | 1 I 1 <| 0 l '» liner . Emu . I Tliomau Winkworth . K «« i . William Anth ony Purnell . Kaq . | John Poole , Kan . Peroona assured in tlila Ofllco to th « «_ tc » t of JL 3 C 0 imd upwardH on the partici pating ucale , or holders of five aharea and x : ta jr 7 h "! Lii"S ? B < lto iiomiHtttu 8 < : hi > lar " to tho ™ >™ Every dearription of Life Aiwuranoo Inntincik traiuiacted . oi ^ Wa ' aUKj . ""^ inforiUtttio » ™ y bo «**— « «» Applications for iir « mct « H requeatnd l » y order of the Hoard , J . \\ r . 8 PitAOUK , Mmmgor .
TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Loans granted on personal and other securities . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of nearly seven hundred shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Parties desirous of becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , THOMAS H . BAYLIS . Offices ; 40 , Pall-mall , London .
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . Dirbctohs . Samuel Driver , Esq . Thomas Littjedale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq . , Edward Lomax , Esq . Henry Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John Palk Griffin , Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham , Ti : N . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths of profits divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
LO NDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION . Established by Royal Charter , a . d . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head-Office , No . 7 , Royal Exchange . Branch-Office , No . 10 , Regent-street . Actuary—Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . R . S . This Corporation has effected Assurances ou Lives for a period of One Hundred and Thirty Years . The Expenses of managing the Life Department are defrayed by the Corporation , and not taken from the Premium Fund , Fire Insurances effected at Moderate Rates upon every description of Property . Marine Insurances at the Current premiums ofthe day . JOHN LAURENCE , Secretary .
ATHENjEUM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 30 , Sackville-street , London . Established for the Assurance of the Lives of Authors , Painters , Sculptors , Musicians , persons connected with every Art and Science , and the Public generally . Incorporated by Act of Parliament . Capital , £ 100 , 000 , in shares of £ 1 each , to be paid up in full . With Power to increase to a Million . The following are some of the peculiar advantages of this Society : — Entirely new tables based on the latest data . Policies once granted are absolutely INDISPUTABLE on any ground whatever , and payable IMMEDIATELY after satisfactory proof of death . A form of policy granted at the option of the assured , and at the same rates of premium , made payable to holder , thus affording to all an immediately available security for money without the delay , trouble , and expense of an assignment in the usual way nr any exposure of the private affairs or transactions of the assured . HENRY SUTTON , Manager .
RECIPROCAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , Great Coram-street , Russell-equare . Capital— £ 100 , 000 , in 20 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . Deposit , 10 s . per Share . One-tenth of the profits of the Company will form a fund for the relief of aged and distressed Shareholders and Members , their Widows and Orphans . TRUSTEES . T . A . Knight , Esq . I J- Moseley , Ksq ., B . O . I ,. It . Marshall , Esq ., M . A . | Reverend C . Owen , M . A . F . C . Skey . Esq ., F . R . S . This Company ia established for the purpose of bringing the benefits of Life Assurance within the reach of all classes , nnd with this view its detailn have been most carefully considered , bo as to afford every facility and advantage consistent with safety . Three-fifths of the I ' rofits being annually divided among those members who have paid five annual premiuinH . The Business of the Company embraces Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments of every kind ; also Annuities payable During SickncBS ; Assurances of Leaseholds , Copyholda , and other Terminable Interests ; and Guarantee Assurances for the Fidelity of persons in places of Trust . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO ASSURERS . Policies will be granted for any sum aa low ; ih XT * . No l ' olicy Stamp , Kntran . ce Fee , or other charge , except the Premium . Policies indisputable , except in cases of actual fraud . Diseased and Declined Lives assured at equitable mid moderate rates . Premiums may be paid Quarterly or Monthly if desired . Half the Premium , for the flrat seven years , may remain unpaid . Kvery further information may be had on application to the Actuary and Resident Director .
THE LONDON NECROPOLIS AND NATIONAL MAUSOLEUM COM TAIN V . Capital £ 250 , 000 , in 25 , 000 Sharea of . CIO . Culls not to exceed £ 2 per Share , nor bo inudn oftener than once in throe months , with Out ; month's notice . ( Provisionally registered . ) TUUSTKUS . Archibald Haatie , Esq ., M . P . William John Evelyn , Esq . . M . I ' . The Company have obtained a ituitable Bite , antl have ciiniied if to Ixi minutel y unrveyed , and an estimate to ho made of the conl . of rendering it immediately available : thuy are , moreover , prepared to carry out all the requirements oi tin ; public without delay . For proHpoctuaeu and forma of application for ahurea , apply to thu Secretary , at the Oilloea of the Coiuiuiuy , No . 1 (> A , ( ireut ( leortie-atri-et , WestminHter ; to tho Solicitor . ' ! , Mcwra . Ooomlxi and Nickoll , <( , Hridfec-atreet , YV ' eitUuiiii'tei ; und Alexander Doliie , Kaq ., H . Liiiicauter-place , Ktraml ; or to M « Mara . Ilichenaiind Harrison , Stock aud Hhare Brokers . IH , Thr < mdn « edh ) -Htreef ., City . RICHARD CHURCH ILL . Secretary . THE LONDON NKCKOI'OLIH AND NATIONAL MAUSOLEUM COMPANY . NOTICE ia hereb y tf ivon . that NO KUItTIIKK APPLICATIONS FOR HHAUKH in thia Company will bo received ullor the 15 th duy of September next . Hy ordor of the Hoard , RICHARD CHUKCHILL . BecroUry , OOiout of Um Company , 16 a , Great Unorge-Btreut , WetJtminater , Auguut IN .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 23, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23081851/page/23/