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September 23, 1854.] THE LEADER. 911
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September 23, 1854.] The Leader. 911
September 23 , 1854 . ] THE LEADER . 911
f ^ HOLER A ORPHANS . —In 1819 , wben V _ ^ the Cholera was last here , a Home was opened for Orphans , now called tho National Orphan Home , on Ham Common , near Richmond . Nearly Forty thus left have since that time been clothed , boarded , and educated . The Committee have resolved to admit immediately a large number , if the Benevolence of the public will furnish them with the rncans , Possessing two acres of land , through the munificence of a friend , as well as a house now let , but which can be at once occupied by Thirty more Orphans if they had the means , the Committee earnestly place the case before t 3 ie public , especiall y the Clergy , as it is probable collections will lie made ? at the approaching thanksgiving to the Almighty for such an abundant harvest ; . Every information will be given by the Honorary Secretary , the Reverend Joseph Brown , Rector oi Christ Church , Blackfriars-road , and the Assistant SecretaJ-y , Mr . Collings , 37 , Gilliiigham-stvcct , Pimlico . Donations and Subscriptions may bo forwarded to the Treasurer , H . Kingscotc , Esq ., the Honorary Secretaries , or to the account of the National Orphan IIouio , London and Westminster Bank , City ; also to Daltons , Cockspur-strect ; Hatcharcls , Piccadilly ; Nisbftts , Berners-street ; Rivingtons , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , and Waterloo place , Pall-mall ; Seeleys , 54 , Fleet-street , and Hanover-street , Hanover-square .
FRENCH MODERATOR LAMPS . —A very large and superior stock now ON SALE at DEA 1 STE , JJRAl , and Co . 's ( Opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Established A . D . 1700 .
SHOWER and all DOMESTIC BATHS . —Purchasers of these valuable arid important family requisites should immediately inspect DEAjnK , DRAY and . Co . ' s extensive STOCiC , warranted the host manufactured , both for flnish and durability . I > eaiie , Draj , and Co . ' s Recumbciit Sliower Bath forms at the same time an excellent Sponging Bath , and may also be used as a Hip Bath , thus affording , to all the members of the family the various applications of tlie bath . Shower baths of improved construetion Hip , plungnisf , sponging , vapour , and other baths , of various sizes aad . patterns . An Illustrated Pamplilet oil Baths and Bathing may J ) e liad on application , Or free by post . Established A . D ^ TOO .-Deaiie , Dray , and Co ., < openinS to the M-onuincnt ) London-bridge .
FUTVOYE'S WEDDING and BIRTH-1 ) AY PRESENTS .-It would be impossible to enumerate tlie enormous variety of article s ; both valuable and inexpensive , which may be inspected daily at this Estamisnment . All goods marked in plain figures . Illustrated Catalogues sent free on application . It may bo well to state that all visitors to tliis magnificent establishment-will meet with a polite reception whether purchasers or otherwise . Retail , 154 , Regent street , corner of Beak-street ,
"PUTYO YE'S GOLD and SILVER -P- 'WATCHES of English , or Eoreign Manufacture . —The » one tested qualities of these articles are of themselves sufficient to insure the approbation of a discerninff public . Retail , lij-t , Regent-street , corner of Beak-street .
"PUTVOTE'S DRESSING CASES for J ^ - LADIES and GENTLEMEN , in leather , walnut , and other choice woods , from I to 100 guineas , Also , their Government DESPATCH BOXES are too well known to require comment , Retail , 151 , Regent-street , corner of Boat-street .
Tf » TJTVOTE'S gPAPIEB MACHE . — The JL superior qualities of those articles need only be seen to bo fully npprocinted , arisinpr from the well-known fact ( amons tho nristowncy and nobility ) that Mr . Putvoyo is the son of the ovjginnl Inventor of this beautiful work , whose choicest specimens are in possession of her most cracious Majesty . Retail , l . H , Regent-street , corner of Boaic-slrecfc .
FUTVOYE'S FEENC 1 T TIMEPIECES . Tho Ktatistical accounts presented by tho Customs to the Iloiihti of Coiiiinoiis provo that JleRsrs . Putvoyo arc by far the largest importers , GOO of tho most olrigant nnil classical designa in orniolu with glass shade and stand complete , Ironi a to 100 | i , uinoas , may be iuspoctedat 104 ,, ilegeutstrcot , corner of Ucak-strcet .
Tj ^ UTVOYE'S PATENTED ROUND -IL 3 JRASS DIALS , 10 s . ( id . onch , warranted — These Time I leces liavo already a world wido ro [) uUi . tion and their corrccinoMS _ astouiwhos all their owners . To avoid disappoinUnont it is ucceasary to notice on ouch dial , "I ' utvoye , Rotail , ] 5 A , Regcut-streot , corner of Iionlcstreofc .
"PUTVOYK'S PAEISIAN NOVELTIES A . toujoui's Nouyoaux , fi'onns . to 100 guineas , may bo moi'o osiMily linnelnoa than doHcrlbod . Rotjill , ini ,, RoBont-street , cornor of I 5 onk-st , root . M holosalo and e . \ iioi ' t warclioiibos , ^ S im d s » l ) , Wllvw-atroot . Golueii-Houaro . City . 2 i , Groat Wlnchontor-stvoct . Par In , » . i , Ruo do Rivoli .
RUPTUUES .-BY ROTAL LETTERS PATENT . npHE MOC-MAIN liEVER TRL'SS is ¦ JL nllowod by upwards of 200 IModloal Oinillomon to bo if wiOHt olloctlvo iuvontioii in tho curallvo troalmont of . iv l v "< i «" J ' antool HpriiiK ( ho ol'l . on hurtful In ltn J ; " ' '' l' « i ; o nvoidod , a ho ft , JtaiidiiK" Immiik worn round tKaff ' M 1 ! llo i !' , < l roqulHito nwlHtiiiK |>» wci « in mippllod by oln , !? , ;¦ r llll | ld W 1 " llt vH . l Honiiuih ^ vS ? ii ? lurln l i IWBH H ' , U mmU > il ll ° ll « twl ««» . RI « a Hilly l )« ™ < " lV hh FJ \? T' A ' ^ "orll'Uvo rlroulm- may l ) n hnrt , and t « . liV , ^ r . V < ll > cn ;! U 101 "ll 11 tl > "'¦> f « i"v > 'nrd « d by poHt . on iJ SmrSi' Wwlwdy , two lurhnH hclow I i « li pH j'j !"» . uivt / : o ,, ;! : f , Mll"uftM > lHi'ur - Mr--K ) lliN vviii'n ,:, ^; rosr \ *' n \ M l il ? S ^ ' KKliiri rA 1 > a - *«'• p " VAI ! 1 -
Tj ^ ENDEES , STOVES , and Flf tE-IRONS , A Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS 39 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Nos . l & 2 Newman-street , and > l & 5 , Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGER . Y , as cannot be approached slsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 21 . Us . to 51 . 10 s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , HI . 10 s . to 121 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s-to 32- ; Steel Fenders from 21 . 15 s . tool- ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 21 . 15 s . to 71 . Is , ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 ( 1 . the set to 4 ? . 4 s . Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which lie is enabled to sell at these very reduced chareres . Pirstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . HpHE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOE X SILVER . —The Real NICKEL SILVER , introduced 20 years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when PLATED by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article nest to sterling silver that can be employed as s « ch , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from real silver . ffltS ® a . Tea Spoons , per dozen iSs . ... 26 s . .. ; S 2 s . Dessert Rorks „ sos . ... 40 s . ... 46 s . ' Dessertspoons „ 30 s . ... 42 s . . 4 Ss . TaMe Forks „ 40 s . ... 66 s . ... 6 * s . Taile Spoons „ ....... 40 s . ... 58 s . ... 66 s . Tea and coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , & c ., at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the pateiit process . CHEMICALLY FUSE NICKEL ttOT PXATED , . „ ¦' ¦ Fiddle . Thread . King ' s . Table Spoons and Forks , full size , per dozen ..... 12 s . ... 28 s . ... 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s . Tea ditto ... ... .. os . ... lls . ... 12 s . flUTLEEY , WAEE , ANTED .- ~ The most V / varied assortment of TABLE CUTLERY in tfce world , all -warranted , is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BUTTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of . the largeness of the sales . 3 J-inch ivory-handled table-knives , with high slioulders , Us . per dozen ; desserts to match , 143 . ; if to balance , Is . per dozen extra . ; carvers , 4 s . per pair ; larger sizes , from 14 s . Gd . to 26 s . per dozen . ; extra ! fine ivory , 32 s . ; if with silver ferrules , 37 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table knives , 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , ss . 6 d . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . yer pair ; bfacK horn table ) knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s . ; carvers , 2 s . Cd . ; black wood-handled table knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steols , from is . each . Tbe largest stock in existence " of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases aud otherwise , and of the new plated fish , carvers . Also , a large assortment of Bazors , Penknives , Scissors & c , of the best quality . ' D ) ISH CO . jEBS and KOT-WATEE DISHES in cvery material , in great variety , and of the newest and , most recherche . patterns . Tin Dish Covers . < 5 s . 6 d . tho set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 28 s . 9 d . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 58 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver-plated handles , 76 s . 6 d . £ ? , , m 6 d - tho set ' Sheffield plated , loZ . to 1 GL 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-vyater Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ^ Britannia Metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; Electro-plated on Nickel , full size , 11 ? . lls . WILLIAM S . BURTON" has TEN LARGE SHOWKOOmS Call communicating ) , exclusi-vo of the shop , devoted solely to tho show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY < including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once mako theiOelections . Catalogues , with engravings , scut ( per post ) fjroo . Tho money returned tor every article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); Nos . 1 , 2 , and 3 , NEWMAN-STREET ; and land 5 , PERRY'SI'iiACE .
DE . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BB . OWBT COD LIVER OIL . PlUSPAKUD FOR MKDICINAIi USE IK THE L . OFFODEN JSTwlCS , NOUWAV , ANI > PUT TO THE TEST OI ' CHEMICAL , ANALYSIS . TlIIC Mf ) ST KKKKOTUAL itlSMKOY KOK CONsumi'Tion , BitnxuiiiTis , Asthma , Gout , Chronic Rimu-J 1 ATISM , AND Al . I . SCUOI ' UI . OUS DlSBASKS . Approved of and recommended by Behx / emus , Liebio , woiii . Mii . Jonathan Pkhkiua , Fouciuiwit , and numerous other dlHtingmshed Soientino Chomista , prescribed by tho roost eminent Medical Men , and suppliod to tho leading Hospitals of Huropo—ofl ' octlnK » cure or alloviatiug symptoms much more rapidly than any other kind . Extract from " THE LANCET . " July 20 , 1854 . " After a careful cxaminntion of the different kinds of Cod Liver 911 , Dr . do . Tough gives the preference to tho Light Urown Oil over tho Palo Oil , which contains scarooly any volatile fatty acid , a smaller quantity of iodino , phosphoric noid . and tho oloments of bile , and upon which ingredients tho ( iHlcacy of Cod Liver Oil no doubt iiartly donondsT Some of tho dolloionci . 'H of tho 1 ' alo Oil nro attrihntaWo to tho method of itH preparation , aud osnoclally to ita nitration through charcoul . In tho preference of ' tho Liuht lirowu over tho Palo Oil wo fully concur . " \\ « have earofully tented n Hpociinou of tho Lipht Krown Cod Liver Oil , prepared for medical uau under thu dlrootion of }) v . do JoiiKn . and obtained from tho wholesale nicontH MoHHra . Anhau , IIahi'OHU and Co ., 77 , Strand . Wo llnd It to bo Kouuimi , nnd rich in iodino mid the ujoinonlv of bile . " Sold wiToi . RSAT . K aud uistail , in liottloN , Jubollod with Dr . d <> JanKh ' n Htanip and alKnuturo , bv ANiSAU , 11 ARFO 1 U ) , and Co ., 77 , fetraiid , London , Rolo OotiHlprnm ^ H and AgoutH fort ho lliiitod Kingdom nndl tho Uritihh I ' ohhc . ' whIouh , nl , I ho follow 1 n « prlvoNi — IMrKKIAI . MICAHIIIK .. lluir | iliit , ! i , viH . ( Hi . i 1 'inlH , <]* . Slil . ; QuavlH , l ) n . * » * l ' tmr lmH ' - | iiut , 1 h ) U 1 ch fnrwardtid , cauiiiacik i » aii » . l « imy purl of llntjliuul , on i-CM'fliit of u winllliuicu cj 1 " 1 Vii HlillliriKH .
UNITED MUTUAL XIFE ASSTJR-. ANCE SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-cross , London . Policies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . Whole profits divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle . Invalid lives assured at equitable ra , tes . THOMAS PRITCHARD , Resident Director .
XpEEQTTENT TBAVELLERS can IN--I- SURE against RAILWAY ACCIDENTS by the YEAR , tor terms of YEARS * or for tbe whole of LIFE , on application to the Booking Clerks at the Principal Railway Stations , and at the Offices of the EisLWAT Passengebs Assurance Company , s , Oud Bkoad-stbeet , London . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
~ C * AGLE INSURANCE COMPANY , -L ^ 3 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , London . DIEECTOES . THOMAS DEVAS , Esq ., Chairman . JOSHUA LOCKWOOD , Deputy-Chairman . Charles Bischoff , Esq . Richard Harmon Uoyd , Esq . Thomas Boddington , Esq . "VV . Anderson Peacock , Eso-Tv athamel Gould , Esq . Ralph Chas . Price , Esq . Robert Alexander Gray , Esq . Tlios . G . Sambrooke , Esq . Chas . Thos . Holcombe , Esq . William "Wybrow , Esq . AUDITORS . THOMAS ALLEN , Esq . W . HENRY SMITH , juu ., Esq . PHYSICIAN . GEO . LEITH ROTJPELL , M . D ., F . R . S ., 15 , Welbefek-street , SUEGEONS . JAMES SANER . Esq ., M . D ., Tinsbury-sqnare . W M . COOKE , Esq ., ll-D ., 89 , Trinity-square , Towei-hillJ . ¦ .. . '¦ 3 ANKEE 8 . Messrs . GLYN , MILLS , & Co ,, & , Lombard-street . Messrs . HANBURY & LLOYDS , GO , Lombard-street . ACTUARY AND SECRETAKTCHARLES JELLICOE , Esq . The business of the Company comprises Assurances OTt Lives and Survivorships , the Purchase of Lite Interests , tlie sale and purchase of contingent and deferred Annuities , Loans of . Money on Morigage , & c This Company Was established in 1 S 07 , is empowered by the Act of Parliament 53 Oeorgo III .,- and regulated by Deed enrolled in the High Court of Chanceiy . The Company was originally a , strictly Proprietary-one . The Assured , on the participating scale , now participate quinquennially in four-fifths of the amount to be divided . To the present time ( 1853 ) . the Assured have received from the Company in satisfaction of their claims , upwards Of 1 , 400 , 000 ? . The amount at present assured is 3 , 000 , 000 ? . nearly , and the income of the Company is about 125 , 000 ? . At the last Division of Surplus , about 120 , 000 ? . was added , to the sums assured under Policies for the -whole term of Life . . The lives assured are permitted , in time of peace , and not being engaged in mining or gold digging , to reside in any country—or to pass by sea ( not being seafarine persons by profession ) between any two parts of tho sarao" hemisphere —distant more than 35 degrees from the Equator , without extra charge . : All Policy Stamps and Medical Pees are now paid by tho Company . By recent enactments , persons are exempt , under certain , restrictions , from Income Tax , as respects so much of their income as they may devote to assurances on Lives . The Annual Reports of the Company ' s state and . progress . Prospectuses and Forms , may be nad , or will be sent , post free on application at the Office , or to any of tlie Company's Agents .
BANK Or DEPOSIT , No . 3 , Pall-mall Bust , and 7 , St . Martju ' s-place , Trafal gar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine tho Plan of this Institution , toy which « , high rate of Interest inay be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in January and . Jut . y , and for tho convenience of parties residing ; at a distnnce , may ho received at tho Branch Offices , or paid through Country Bankers , without expense . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses sent free on application .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Jloyal Charter , 1847 . Tho Court of Directors grant LETTERS of C REPIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Aiiklaioic at Par . Approved drafts negotiated and se « it for collodion . Business with tho Australian colonies generally , conducted through tho Bank's Agents . Apply at tho Coranany ' w Offices , r > 4 , Old Broad-stroot , London . WILLIAM FUR 1 ) Y , Manager . London , September , 1854 .
npilE MOST CERTAIN PREVENTION X OF CHOLERA YET DISCOYERED .-Furthor Qroat Reduction in Prico .-OUKWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID in tho Best and Cheapest for tho purification of Dwelling Houses , Btal > len , Dog Konnoln , Snips' Holds , Conh-pooIh , Drains , Water ClonotH , &« ., tho IMHlnfection of Sloli Itoonm . Clothing , Li lion , ami for tho Provontion of Contagion mid Bud Bmolls , Tho extraordinary power of this DlninfVcUiip mid Purifying AKont in now acknowledged , and Hm umi ivooiiiinondod by tho Coll <>« o of liiyaU'iana mul tho London Jkmvd of lluaKli . Unlike tho lulion of inuiiy otlior dlMiiilV-otaiuB , it destroys nllnoxioiiH hmioIIh , nml 1 m it naif m-cvtlvmt . J no lnnnufaolui'or , having dcHtroyi'd ft monopoly Umw-roa ny tho /'( duo resumption n / ' the llttvuf a patent , \\ i \ * U >\\ im \ tho public nfraiiiHt nil ( tpt < r /» nit ImitntimiH . Jwiuli ilotUo of Oiwh ' n DirtlTilVclliiK 1 'luld cwhiIiiIiih a dciiMisly <' " »< ( «>»~ Lratcd Noliitlon of Chloride of Zinc , whlfh nun ; Iks ( lllul . ca for vaawftfi MMtimr . s Us fiit / A <> J w << l < ) -. 1 I' / o UinWua' lloi . H iiniiiiMpiniviniircncli lx . lt I .-. Nod liy nil Cliom hIh mid Nhhmhi / r \ u 'iilH in lli < - I ' nlli'd Ivliwdom . Impcriii <| iiaH » « t arl . i pliilH nl Ih . » liiilf-iiliilN < l « l . i nW' ' v ;^ M'l » " <¦ OBi >» -r kiiIIoii . fll iuiiinielwn-d ut 11 . < J . OKAY fy , touuiiorolivl Wlmrf , Jllilu-niid , LwhIui ) . ;
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 23, 1854, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23091854/page/23/