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September 23, 1S54. THE LEADER. - $95
In tho seven days extending from the thi...
Tho Cholora has reappeared in Millbunlc ...
Tho epidemic has appeared at Salisbury.
At Belfast and Lisburn it hns not yofc a...
At Burlmelocfl tho (li.wa.so was on tho ...
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Tiie Mormon's. This Sect Has Gained Pros...
companiments of Billingsgate , torn caps , and broken broomsticks . Some have separate buildings in parts of the city remote from each other , and others have farm-houses ; and the wives are thus kept separate , the husband dividing his time between tiem all . Again : — " A wife in Utah cannot live out half her days . In families where polygamy has not been introduced , she suffers an agony of apprehension on the subject which can scarcely be conceived , unuch less described . There is a sad , complaining , suffering look , obvious to the most ordinary observer , which t-ells the story , if there were no other evidence on the subject , . In most cases it is producing premature old age , and some have already sunk into an early grave under an intolerable weight of affliction . The man , from the moment he makes up his irind to bring one or more concubines into the family , "becomes always neglectful of , and in most cases , abusive to his wife . In every instance where it has been introduced it has totally destroyed all union of
affection and interest previously existing . The wife has no further motive to labour and economise for the family , because she finds one or more intruders who havo a right to share in the benefits of her exertions and the concubine , for a similar reason , feels no Interest and makes no effort . The wife hates th-em for interfering with their comforts and estranging the affections of her husband ; they , on the other hand , hate the wife and each other and the children of each other . The husband hates the wife on whose affections he has trampled , and over whom he has tyrannised , and hates each concubine , of whom he tires wlien a fresh one is introduced , and the children hate each other as cordially as a "band of half-starved yourg -wolves . It is hate , and strife , and wretchedness through' 'the whole family circle .. Hecate herself , in her deepest malignity , could not have devised a more effectual scheme to destroy the happiness of mankind . The husband , under the tlouble influence of domestic discord am ] gross indulgence , loses his energy , becomes discouraged , sinks into the bloated , vulgar debauchee , and affords a capital illustration of the truth that
" . ' Our pleasant vices are made the whips to scourge us . ' In-many'families , where there are as yet no concubines , th « wife is anxious to remove : from this va ' lley of Sodom , as well . as on her . own . account as to save her yonng daughters from becoming inmates of a priestly harem ; and , asslie has it in her power to obtain a . divorce at any time , it may seem strange that she should remain the inmate of such a domestic hell . But a divorce would be of no practical benefit to her . She would be compelled to separate from her children ; , ami , as she is powerless to perform an overland journey of over a thousand miles , to bring herself within the protection of a civilised Government , she must , of course , remain , and seek a precarious livelihood , under the discouraging pressure of church vengeance . "
September 23, 1s54. The Leader. - $95
September 23 , 1 S 54 . THE LEADER . - $ 95
The Circulation Of The Czar. Ir Is Not S...
THE CIRCULATION OF THE CZAR . Ir is not surprising that Russian influence should be strong in Germany . The Imperial family has been most assiduous in its intermarriages with the lesser German Courts . " Tlie Emperor Alexander married a Princess of Baden , and the Emperor Nicholas married the daughter of Frederic William III , the sister of the reigning King . Catherine Puulo \ vn : i , a sister of Alexander and of Nicholas , married , first , a Prince of the Oldenburg family , nnd afterwards tl » e > King of Wurtemburg . She died three years after her second maiTKi & c ; but , though the royal widower afterwards married a German Princess , the short residence of Catherine Paulowna iit tliu Court of Stutgardt established there relations wiih 1 ' uMaiii which are now drawn so close as to > need no extraneous strengthening . The eldest son of the King of Wiirte
mburg , Prince Charles , heir to the throne , was married in 18-16 to the Grand Duchess Olga , daughter of the Cznr Nicholas , and one of the King ' s nieces , the Princess Charlotte , now called Helena Paulowna ( for German princesses vlio make Russian marriages change not only thoir names , but their religion aa ivoll ) , is married to the Grand Duke Michael , fourth son of the Emporor Paul . Prince Frederick , the son-in-law of the King , is a colonel of Russian Uhlans ; one of the King's cousins , Princo Eugene , is a general oi infantry in the- service of the Cznr ; and one of his unclw ) , the Duko Alexander , was a Russian gcneral-in-chief , and at the head of the direction of l'oads . The two sons of thla I ) ukc Alexander havo both been major-generals in tho Russian army . Electoral Hosse and Grand Ducal Hesse nro nn less closely allied with tlio Imperial family of Hussia than id Wurtemburg . In Grand Ducal Ilesso Princess Mary , th Q sistur of tho reigning Grand Duko Louis III ., is married to the hereditary Grand Duika of Russia , Alexander Nicolnoivitsch , and her brother , Princo Alexander , is a
maiorgonernl in tlio service of Russia , nnd head of tho Russinn regiment ; of Borissof > lebski . In Electoral Ilesso Princo Frwdorio , a cousin of the Grand Duke , ia married to the Grand Duchess Alexandra , daughter of tho Emperor Niclio-0 , 9 . Ho is tho oolonol of tho Russian regiment of Mnrlapolsk , nnd one of his uncles , Princo Kmile , in eoloiwl of the regiment of tlio dragoons of Khasan . Princo Krnest , one of tho eollatoral branch of Hosso Philippsthnl-Barohfdd , is a retired gone nil of cavalry in tho Kiibuian aorvico . In the lJucny ot Warsaw the reigning duko , Adolpli , i . i married to iMuauoth Miohaolowna , a daughter of the Grand Duko JYUoniiol and niece of tho Czar . In Oldenburg Pvincu Pierre , son ot tho -Osar's sister Catherine Paulowmi , by her llrst inarrmgo with tUo unol « of tho reigning Grand Duko of Old-? wK « P noriUof inf' «» t » 7 in the Russian army , I ' nwi-So - wtl . u , " n ' ? lreotor ° f * Afl ' ' Oivilnnd l & cloalnsinU ,, i UtI ? ° . ' * I *« porml Hi hno « tt » by virtue of a ? S o ' L ? ^« "rai » d D " Consuntiuo Nloo-Gmnll , K mft T mC ( U tho PriiwoBB Aloxumlni , now tho A \ Z > > r ! SH \ A cfwn " , daughter of tlio I > uk « of S . « o Mnh , 5 ' i / ind - ^ « Rnwd-dAu ^ tor of tha Grand l ) ,, ko Michael of KowMd wmftrrioa to tho Duko of
Meeulonburg-Strelitz . The p : iges of the Almanadi tie Gotha show how universally the Russian influence is represented at the Sovereign Courts and among the medialiaed families of Germany . Where there are no intermnrri .-iges with the Imperial family , ther-e are princes , dukes , and archdukes attached to the Muscovite army by military dignities and employments . It is startling to see how many chiefs of Russian regiments , and colonels of Russian Dragoons and Uhlans there are among the haughty nobles who surround the German Sovereigns . "
The Peace Society And Soldiers* Baggage ...
THE PEACE SOCIETY AND SOLDIERS * BAGGAGE . A cask of conscience , in connexion with the war , has occurred at Bow -street : A distress warrant was issued to enforce payment of a fine of 40 s . and costs , imposed upon Mr . E . Lucas , coal and flour-merchant , Millbank-street , Westminster . A few days ago Mr . Lucas was summoned before the Court , to answer the charge of having refused to supply a waggon to convey a portion of the baggage of tiie first battalion of the Scots Fusilier Guards from the Wellington Barracks to one of the railway stations . Other tradesmen had promptly obeyed the directions given to them , in her Majesty ' s service , but the defendant , being a member of the Society of Friends , and also a conscientious adherent to the Peace Association , had resolutely refused to assist the military authosities in any way whatever . Proceedings were taken against Mr . Lucas , and a summons having been served upon him , the defendant attended in person , and expressed
his determination to persist in refusing to allow any of his men , horses , ' or carts , to be employed In . a manner so opposed to his -views , or so repugnant . to tiis conscience . Mr . Lucas stated that it was well known he had always- hitherto done so , and he considered that he . ought not to be applied to again . The magistrate intimated tiiiit the penalty for disobeying orders of that kind was 5 ^ ., to which the defendant replied that he was wdll aware of it , and if his worship thought tit to inflict the fine upon him , he ( Mr . Lucas ) should respectfully decline to pay it . He was then informed that a distress warrant might issue in default , and property to the requisite value would be seized from his premises " ; but the ; dcfisndandant gave his worship to understand that the adoption of this course or any otlier was indifferent to him , and would not alter liis resolution in the matter . Eventually the mitigated penalty ¦ of 21 . andcosts ' was imposed , and three days allowed for payment , at the expiration of which , the money hiring s ' . ill unpaid , the distress wan-ant was directed to be issued .
1 he officers who executed the warrant reported , on their return ,, that they four . d Mr . Lucas absent from his place of business . One of his clerks suggested that the officers might help themselves to a sack of flour , but , seeing some loose money in an open desk , they preferred to take the amount they required , and accordingly did so , the clerk in attendance declining either to sanction or to oppose their mode of satisfying the claim of her Majesty .
Lord John Russell Aistd His Visit To Bri...
LORD JOHN RUSSELL AISTD HIS VISIT TO BRISTOL . The invitation given to Lord John Russell to preside at the opening of the Bristol Atlienamm is causing a " difficulty . " The Conservatives are undecided as to tho manner in which they are to receivo him . An organ of that party is diffuse on the subject . It states : — We are yet five weeks distant from Lord John Russell ' s visit to Bristol to open the Athenanim , yet we have begun a right about tlie little man , before we hnve seen the tip of his nose . If there was one occasion moio than another upon which it behoved people to be careful not to create a difference , it is his Lordship ' s visit . The loader of the Whig
party , it was desirable so to shape his reception that it should be tho historian nnd iin perial statesman , not the politician , wo were welcoming : and inthisspiiit a majority ot the Conservative Town Council undertook , wo confess , tlie somowhat delicate task of entertaining him at a banquet , without any compromise or concession of opinion on their part . A contemporary now protests against this limited modo of receiving the President of her Majesty ' s Council , and wo huvo before us several letters insisting upon a general city jollification , with , wo suppose , triumphal arches , banners , & jo . Tho question , then , naturally resolves itself into tliis : aro wo going to receive his Lordship as a great Whig leader , as tho representative of a party , or- —what we think ho would conceive a much greater compliment , taken in connection with the occasion—as tho accomplirthcd man and friend of letters , tho English gentleman , and , if you will have it , a high servant of tho Crown . So far as tlio suggestions go against hU Inaugural Address being delivered in tho limited theatre of the Athenooum , they aro worth consideration . But one of our correspondents is
<] uUo jciiloud of tho Mayor and Corporation having his Lordahip all to themselves , and proposes that a public mooting bo hold to consider the bent way of testifying thoir regard for tho noble Lord 5 while another gives tlio following pungent programme of tho day ' s proceedings ;—" First lie is to bo rammed , c . ramin « d . and jammed into one ol tho roorna of tho Athonucutn to incut tlio inoinbo . ro , although it in pntoiU to all that they have tint am apartment capable of containing half of their . When ho him managed to mako his HjKiouh in a stifling utinoaphore , nnd , being n weakly man , will bo no doubt coniiidornbly exhausted , lie is to bo smuggled olF in tho Mayor ' s ) atato curriaeo to have aoinothiiig to oat—a Wt of fat turtle , and other delicacies—and to havo tho (• rent , ploaauro of Hitting down and enjoying tho society of tho Corporation of Bristol , who aro to huvo tho solo pleasure of his sooluty , on condition of thoir handing out , M . ouch , for which they nro to ho allowed to bring a ltt < ly , who in tho cotirso of tho evening i * to havo tho grout , privilege of enjoying a warm ico und a bit of plum cuku . "
Public Health.—The Choleua. The Mortalit...
PUBLIC HEALTH . —THE CHOLEUA . The Mortality from Cholera has materially decreased in the last week ; nevertheless the Board of Health is active . —~ The Medical Council . hns commenced its operations and has issued the following circular : — " The Medical Council of the Board of Health , having been requested by the President to prepare any formula that the Board might make public , for use in cases of premonitory diarrhoea , before the arrival of medical aid , the following resolution was agreed to : — - "That the Medical Council think it , as a rule , dangerous for non-medical persons to resort to the use of drugs without medical advice , and especially they deprecate the extensive use of opiates , on the one hand , and , on the other hand , aperients , such , as castor oil and salts . " The Medical Council , moreover deem it impossible to prescribe a remedy which would be appropriately or even safely taken by all persons suffering from diarrhoea . " They are of opinion that the paper called * Precautions against Cholera , ' contains instructions for all the measures which the public unadvised should adopt . But they suggest that the heads of families should consult their usual medical attendants as to the measures to be taken in cases of emergency , and that the medical officers appointed by- boards ot ¦ Guardians , and other parish , authorities , should take care to give the same Information to persons of the poorer classes . "
F Kecautions Against Cholera. I. Apply F...
f KECAUTIONS AGAINST CHOLERA . I . Apply for medicine immediately to stop looseness or the boweld ' -or it-may bring on Cjiolcra . 2 . Do not take any strong opening meJieine without medical advice . 3 . Beware of drink , for excess in . beer , wine , or spirits , is likely to be followed by Cholera . 4 . Drink 110 water whic'h has not been boiled , and avoid that which is not quite clear and well-fcisted-. 5 . Avoid ' eating meat that is tainted , decayed or unripe fruit , and stub fish or raw vegetables- ; cooked " vegetables , or ripe und cooked fruit in moderation , are a necessary part 01 tlic-t at all tisnes . C . Avoid fasting too long . Be moderate at meals . 7 . Avoid great fatigue , and getting heated and then , ohilled . 8 . Avoid getting wet , or remaining in wet cloths . 9- Keep yourself clean , and your body and font us dry and as warm as your means and occnpation ' will permit . 10 . Keep your rooms well cleaned and liine-washed remove all dirt and impurities immediately . I 1 . Keep your windows open as much us possible , to admit : fresh air , and if necessary , use chloride of lime or zinc to > remove any offensive smells . 12 . If there are any dust or dirt lioaps , foul drains , bad . smells , or other nuisances in the house or neighbourhodd , m : ike complaint without delay to tlie local authorities having lepjal power to remove them ; or , if there be no sucli authorities , or you do not know who they aiv , comjplain to the Board of Guardians .
In Tho Seven Days Extending From The Thi...
In tho seven days extending from the third to the ninth of September the deaths of . ' 3 , 413 persons wore recorded ; and 2 , 051 ) of the number were caused by cholora ; which had , in partial eruptions , all over London , destroyed in nine weeks 5 , 26 , 133 , «!)!) , li-H , 720 , 817 , 1 , 287 , 2 , 050 , or in the aggregate , G , 120 lives . Tho outbreak began later than the corresponding outbreak of 1849 , which , by tho same da ' . e , had in 16 weeks been fatal to 10 , 143 persons . Will the epidemic pursue its ravages ? will it observe its . own times , disregard tlie seasons , and exact its full tale ot victims ? Such were the questions that wore asked—with , no Httlo anxiety—by those who watuhed over tho public health during the last wwk ; und tho answer , notwithstanding the lossoa that aro recorded , i . s on thu whole satisfactory . The deaths from all causes have fallen from 3 , 413 to 2 , SSG In tlio week . Tho deatlia from cholera , instead of 2 , 030 , aru 1 , 540 , or 501 loss tlion the deaths from tho s une causa in tlio preceding wniik . Tho total deaths in the present eruption have been 7 , 00 !) ] in the eruption of 181 !) tlie deaths by cholora , un to tho Bs \ me dale , within- one d . iy , woro 11 , 823 . In both , of tho eruptions tho mortality was highest on nearly tho same day of September ; its dueline commenced in th « corresponding week ; and we may now aunguinoly liope that it will descend as rapidly as it did in tho autumn of 1849 . But no exertion should bo spared to » nvo tho thousands whoso lives nro still threatened ; nnd tho dread loason , before regarded bo little , should nuvor bo forgotten—that mon can no longer drink polluted water , brontho impure air , noglocft sanitary moasuros year after your witli impunity ,
Tho Cholora Has Reappeared In Millbunlc ...
Tho Cholora has reappeared in Millbunlc Prison ftinon ff the few prisoners who still remained thoro . Two cases havo terminated fatally .
Tho Epidemic Has Appeared At Salisbury.
Tho epidemic has appeared at Salisbury .
At Belfast And Lisburn It Hns Not Yofc A...
At Belfast and Lisburn it hns not yofc abatedwhile in l > ublin several now cuhos have occurred . It ling broken out- in Madrid , and it was Haul that GonoraKJ'Uonnt-11 had had an attack , but rocovorcd .
At Burlmelocfl Tho (Li.Wa.So Was On Tho ...
At Burlmelocfl tho ( li . wa . so was on tho duuliuo , but it had bi'okon out in Grenada , til . Luoiw , uud St . Vincent .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 23, 1854, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23091854/page/7/