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896 THE LEADER. [Saturday,
The medical men of Hull have published a...
The Eev. Mr. Moule, of F/ordington, Dors...
The use of castor oil in Cholera has att...
OBTICER AND GENXLEMAM". The Indian navy ...
CAVE CANEM. The English in Paris are goo...
OUR CIVILISATION. Mbs. Saundbks is. the ...
The great "Newman-street" prosecution ha...
At tho Guildhall Police Court, William S...
At Preston, Thomas Halden was chargedwit...
At Bury, a labouring man named Brmlsloy ...
A Nottingham adventurer left that place ...
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At Burlmelocfl Tho (Li.Wa.So Was On Tho ...
The Inquest on Miss Anne Colyer , of Fulham , which- took place last week , and was postponed for an analysis of the stomaxh , has been renewed . She had heen taking " Waterton ' s Cholera Specifics , " which appear to contain * ' a large quantity of ammonia , so strong as to destroy the cork in the phial of the bottle . " The medical evidence went to show that poisoning by ammonia was rare , but when it did take place the appearance of the stomach was similar to that of the deceased , in whose stomach traces of ammonia had been found ; and had slie recovered from the Cholera , it would have been neces sary to treat her for poisoning by ammonia . The verdict was : " Died from Cholera , death having been accelerated by the use of Waterton ' s medicine . "
896 The Leader. [Saturday,
896 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
The Medical Men Of Hull Have Published A...
The medical men of Hull have published a denial to a statement " that Cholera had broken out in that town . " ¦
The Eev. Mr. Moule, Of F/Ordington, Dors...
The Eev . Mr . Moule , of F / ordington , Dorsetshire , has written to Prince Albert , as guardian of the estates of the Duchy of Cornwall , pointing out the coincidence of the appearance of Cholera in Dorchester with the transfer of the prisoners from Millbank Prison to that place . He shows that there is a district of the town peculiarly liable to infection , and expresses his belief that the Cholera has been caused by the wishing of the convicts' clothes in this district .
The Use Of Castor Oil In Cholera Has Att...
The use of castor oil in Cholera has attracted the notice of the Medical Council of the Board of Health . They have investigated , the cases treated with this medicine . The result is not satisfactory . A statement of the cases is published ; and it appears that in 89 cases of Cholera treated by 14 different practitioners with castor oilj on the plan recommended by Dr . Johnson , 68 were fatal , recovery having occurred only in 15 cases , while the six remaining cases are still under treatment . ¦
The War-Meeting At Newcastle. Loud Clank...
THE WAR-MEETING AT NEWCASTLE . LOUD ClANKlCARDE AND LOBO IiTNDHTJRST . A . T the public meeting held at Newcastle a week or tvro ago , on the subject of the war , among other resolutions adopted was one expressive of gratitude and respect from the meeting for tlie able exposition , in the House of Lords , by Lords Iiyndhuist and Clanricarde , of the perfidy and ambition of Russia , and of the necessity of effectually ourbing her power . The resolution has been duly forwarded to their lordships by the chairman , and -these replies have been received . Lord Clanricarde says , after acknowledging the compliment : — " I have no doubt that hostilities might have been avoided with honour and advantage , and the designs of Jiussia been checked by timely decision j but now , in the conduct and the issue of the war are involved the best interests of England , as well as of the Continent , of commerce , and civilisation , and of freedom .,
" f ho meeting at Newcastle , and the forcible speeches there delivered j cannot fail to have a salutary and important effect , and to give energy and influence to sentiments which I believe are generally entertained by tlie British people . " Lord Lyndhurst confines himseif to the personal compliment , saying : — " It is a great satisfaction to mo to find that rny public conduct on this interesting and important subject has met with the approbation of so numerous and enlightened a portion of my fellow-subjects . ¦ " I beg to express through you tho grateful sense I entertain for this cfistinguiahetl mark of thoir favour . Pray accept my best thanks for the courtesy of your communication . '
Obticer And Genxlemam". The Indian Navy ...
OBTICER AND GENXLEMAM " . The Indian navy has contributed to the interesting class of cases which arc rapidly dissociating tine twin designation of officer and gentleman . A trial has taken place in the Bombay Supremo Court , in which Captain S . B . Haines , of the Indian navy , was the defendant , on a charge of embezzlement . The prisoner is a captain in tlie Indian navy , and was employed aa political agent at Aden . He had a treasury under \ m charge , containing public money for public disbursements . It was supplied by consignments of bullion from Bombay , by bills drawn hy him at Aden and money received there , from tho revenue arising from the Post-office , Customs , Pilotage , & c . Deficiencies to a largo amount wore clearly proved to exist , and it -was also shown that largo sums of tho public moncp had been placed in tho hands of a Bombay firm by Captain Ilaines , and mixed up with his private account ; and that tho deficiency had never bean made good .
Tho question left to tho jury waB whether tho prisoner had fraudulently misapplied tho goTcrnment lunda entrusted to his care . Tlioy seemed to think that that term wns not applicable to the case , and acquitted , tho prisoner .
Cave Canem. The English In Paris Are Goo...
CAVE CANEM . The English in Paris are good enough occasionally to offer pleasant matter for the Tribunals . —The following story is told by the Paris Correspondent of a daily paper : — " You may remember recording some time since a strange trial which took place here . A certain Mr . Lousuda laid wait with his valet , and threw some vitriol in the face of a Mr . Wheble , who it appeared , had had < 5 ? es relations with Mrs . Lousada . Mr . Wheble appeared again yesterday in Court as a defendant , not as a plaintiff , in an affair which grew out of the other . Mrs . Lousada ' s aunt had borrowed 150 francs from Mr . Wheble , depositing a small King Cliarles spaniel with him as a security for the money . Probably this is the first instance in the annals of pawnbroking of the canine species being utilised for this purpose . The pledged dog soon afterwards was bestowed by Mr . Wheble as a pledge
of affection on his mistress , a Madame Garcia , and the other day Madame Sagnier went to pay back the 150 francs , and demanded restitution of the dog , but Mr . Wheble , who does not appear to Lave had much experience in the pawnbrokering buisness , or to be aware of its responsibilities , refused to give it up , saying that lie had given it to a lady , and that he could wot take it back from her . They insisted , but finding him peremptory in his refusal , they applied to the Commissary of Police . That functionary , however , could do nothing , and they had accordingly been obliged to bring their action . They demanded that Mr . Wheble should be condemned to heavy damages , otherwise he would keep the dog — ¦ which was worth 600 fran « s at the very least . That sum , indeed , they added , he had offered ^ but they had refused it . Mr . Wheble opposed the action , on the ground that he had
purcliased the dog , and lie ridiculed the idea or a man m his position lending so small a sum on such security . The dog , he said , had been offered him by the plaintiffs for 200 fr . and he had got it by bargaining at 150 fr . He complai ned of their ingratitude to him , and produced a letter written by M-Sagnier in 1852 , expressing gratitude for past services , and asking for a loan of 20 Ofr . He also said that they had merely brought the action as a means of creating scandal to avenge Mmp . de Lousada , their niece , and her mother , Mme . de Vaisore . After patiently weighing all the facts of the case , the tribunal condemned Mr . Wheble to give up tho dog within three days on receiving payment of the loOfr ., and in ease of his neglecting to do so to pay 5 fr . every day ' s delay for a month—after which the tribunal , if the animal be not given up , will again decide what is to be done . It also condemned Mr . Wheble to pay the costs . "
Russia Painted By A Russian. A Resident ...
RUSSIA PAINTED BY A RUSSIAN . A Resident at Berlin has received a suggestive letter from a member of the upper classes of Russia , living in the -interior . The feelings it expresses are not consolatory as regards the prospects of the Czar . The general opinion in the part of Russia in * yhich the writer lives is tha , t , as things stand , she can only be saved by the German Powers . The policy of the Western Powers on attacking Russia from the Asiatic aide , and occupying Sevastopol and Odessa , is felt to be wise . " It is true , ' ho says , " that it is no easy matter to get possession of these towns ; the enemies of Russia know that very well , and this is the reason of their slow and cautious approach to this coast ; hut they hope by a careful organisation of their attack unfailingly to attain their aim . At all
events , the struggle there will be a bloody one . Russia , with a presentiment that that is tho quarter from which the danger would come , lias already stationed two corps d ' armee there under Generals Bebutoff and Andronikoff . A third corps d'armee is already on tlie inarch thither from tho interior , and will serve as reserve . The town of Anapa is being fortilied in all haste , and in its vicinity a body of 20 , 000 picked Russian troops is lying . The entire force of tho troops collected together there ( apparently meaning in the Crimea , and the coasts of tho neighbouring continent ) amount to about 100 , 000 men . Tho shock will thus bo a fearful ono . Should tho Russians bo beaten , as is to be feared ( seeing that the superiority is so great on the side of the enemy , and the Russian army , though it has very brave , has at tlio same
time but tew intelligent generals ) , the hostile forces would stream over the most beautiful and most fertile portions or the Russian empire . > Thoso tracts of country compose the Russian Italy , which is very little known abroad , anu the maintenance of a numerous army is un easy afl ' air , as , in addition to tho most beautiful products of tho soil , such as wheat , maizo , rye , & c , there ia nlao forage in plenty for tho cavalry . Everything of this kind is in such quantities there that gruin has linrdly any money value—for instance , wheat coats Is . Gd . English per bushel ; hay , straw , & o ., h « s no value nt all . Horned cuttle avro in such abundance thoro that tho primcBt beof must bo given to tho poor , and often even to tho dogs simpl y from tho inability of the population to consumolt . The tallow ulono of tlieso immense Herds is used for oxport to foreign countries , "
r Iho winter , though long , is not severe , and cannot ue reckoned for effects like thoso of 1812 , and a " hostilo array could support itself thoro comfortably for years . " " Tho point which tho Western Powers havo selected for their attack is , therefore , well and windy choaon—thnt ia tho moat vulnerable point of tlio ompire . If tho Gorman Powora contiuuo to observe tho tiiuno iiluolion—if they lot tho attack of tlio Knglmh nnd French bo quietly organised—if they wait for tho collifiion then actually to tuko pliico— thoro can bo very little doubt u » to tho future of Kuimin . It . is true Kussm I him a great nnny on loot , but slio ia , uovwlhok-su , not ablo to concentrate inoro than from ' 200 , 000 to 000 , 000 mon on ono point , lta geographical riotiitbn , tho nuturo of tlie locality , tho admiuibtrution of tho couuniAtmriut , tho proaunt political relations in general , involve thut doplorablc utato of things . U n hoslilo invasion of tho southern
provinces of Russia finally is not prevented , the interior ot tlii s empire is as good aa depiivcd . of its vital artery , and Russia must surrender at discretion to her eneffties . You . . . will , I trust , forward to Berlin this matter for reflection , so that help may be sent us from Prussia as rapidly as possible . Conferences and protocols , pacific proposals and diplomatic concoctions are no good here ; they only procure the enemy time to make his attack good . There is only one help possible—one rescue practicable—and that is , that Prussia should immediately despatch 300 , 000 men to Podolia , and even further on towards the Crimea , and prevent the collision . Two months later , and it will be too late . The internal organisation of the Russian army is not of that nature that , when it is once beaten , it can be easily and speedily re-organised . "
He makes light of the Russian soldiers and inferior officers ; and as to the generals , they " are far from equal to the catastrophe in , which they are now involved ; and as to a commander-in-chief , there is none at all , for Paskiewitsch is only an antiquated souvenir — a personage of past history ; and GortschakofF , whom I have met 5 n Warsaw , is , it is true , a highly educated man , -well read in the literature of all countries j but at the same time an elderly used-up man , without a spark of military fire in his eye—a general fit only for parade . " The writer regrets the number of Poles in the Russian army , who are sure , he says , to take the first opportunity of fraternising with their countrymen in tlie French and Turkish armies . He also treats as a delusion the notion tiiat the Turkish soldiers are any longer " barbarian boobies'V-and regrets its being so prevalent among Russian officers . Altogether , the view he takes of the affairs of his . country is gloomy enough .
Our Civilisation. Mbs. Saundbks Is. The ...
OUR CIVILISATION . Mbs . Saundbks is . the wife of a butcher at Barnstaple . She was accused by her husband of having been drinking . She replied , " If you say that again , I'll stab you . " Further altercation ensuing , she carried out her dreadful threat by plunging tlie knife she held in her hand into his side , just below the left arm , on which he exclaimed , " Now you have done it ; come and pull it out , for I can ' t . " The unfortunate man then staggered across the street , bleeding profusely , when he said , " Help me home , for I ' m a dead man ! My wife has done it ; but I provoked her , and I forgive her . " There is very little hope of his life .
The Great "Newman-Street" Prosecution Ha...
The great "Newman-street" prosecution has ended in nothing . Perhaps " high influences" have been effectually at work to stifle inquiry . Money was evidently not wanting when bail suffer recognisances to be quietly estreated , The story is this : —¦ "At the Central Criminal Court , Germain Marmayssg was called upon to surrender « nd take his trial for misdemeanour . The defendamt was committed by the Lord Chief Baron , at the last assizes of Maidstone , in consequence of his admitting , upon his being examined as a witness , that lie was the keeper of a notorious brothel in Newman-street . An action was brought against him by a French prostitute
to recover a sum of money to which she alleged herself to be entitled , as the wages of her filthy occupation , and the defendant was called to contradict her testimony ; and upon Iiis making the admission that lie was tho keeper of tlie liouso in question , tho Lord Chief Baron committed him to take his trial for the offence of keeping a disorderly house . The defendant did not surrender . Mr . Bodkin , who appeared ibr the prosecution , said that tho defendant ought to have appeared at tho last session , and it was pretty well known that he did not intend to como forward and take his trial , and that ho had , in , fact , left this country . Tho recorder ordered tlio recognisances of tho defendant , and also those of hia sureties , to bo estreated . "
At Tho Guildhall Police Court, William S...
At tho Guildhall Police Court , William Scully , " an athletic young fellow , " was committed for a month for an assault on a policeman . He threatened to " do for tho policeman , " and was ordered to lind sureties to keep the peace . He left the dock , ami in a few minutes after the door of tho gaoler ' s room was burst open , and tho policeman rushed in with the prisoner clinging round his neck , and furiously attacking him . lie took a dozen policemen to overpower and handcuff him , and was remanded , in order that his n « yv offence might be considered .
At Preston, Thomas Halden Was Chargedwit...
At Preston , Thomas Halden was chargedwith bigamy , having married one wife in 1846 , deserted , and married , a second . The second wife was unable to attend before tho magistrates to give evidence on . tho second hearing , because in tho interval , between that and the first occasion , she had been confined with twins .
At Bury, A Labouring Man Named Brmlsloy ...
At Bury , a labouring man named Brmlsloy believed his wife to bo faithless with ono Fletcher , whereupon ho sold her to her paramour for a sovereign , who took tho woman home . AH the parties were driven out of tho neighbourhood by tho indignation of tho people .
A Nottingham Adventurer Left That Place ...
A Nottingham adventurer left that place a fewdays ago > with 400 / . trust-money , belonging to the wllb of another person . Ho wua overtaken by tlie lady at Liverpool , -who , instead of taking him buck
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 23, 1854, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23091854/page/8/