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1024 THE LEADER. [Saturday ' "— " ¦ * ¦¦...
BOOKS ON" OUR TABLE. Reminiscences of a ...
We should do our utmost to encourage Urn...
THE HAYTH08WE PAiPEflS, No. 111.* OHIO I...
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" Perhaps The Most Remarkable And Charac...
many years ago . Whilst glaring over the shoulder of his chief , he had not uttered a single sound that might warn the criminals of their danger , knowing that his own life ; would thus be perilled ; hut he resolved next morning to go forth and endeavour to save him , in favour of whom spoke the eloquent voice of blood . Whilst the Zabit yet slept , therefore , Abu Ilalim was abroad , and directing his steps towards some of the well-known haunts of criminals . He penetrated boldly everywhere , exciting surprise and curiosity , for his office was known , but molested by none . For several hours he passed from coffec-liouse to coffee-house , from ruin to ruin , and now and then ventured to ask if a man , his brother , with such and such marks , had been there . But he was unsuccessful , and returned , agitated , to the palace .
" About an hour afterwards , one of the police spies came , and whispered into iW Zabit's car , « Abu Kalim has been abroad this morning , inquiring for his brother , described in such wise ; but he has been disappointed . ' ' Good ! ' said the Zabit , wlio understood all ; and anticipated with ferocious glee a more dramatic termination to the adventure than it at first promised . " No warning was given to the Eifendi ; hut immediately after it was dark a number of men concealed themselves in the neighbourhood of his garden ; whilst the Zabit himself , by means of a false key , got in , attended by Abu Halim and two other officers . They went and took their station in a thick grove of fig-trees mixed with bananas , in the neighbourhood of the lighted kiosque , selected as the theatre of the intended crime . When they were in position the Zabit turned to Abu Halim , and said , touching a pistol— ' One word—a loud breath—the grating of a pebble , and thou art a dead man !' " ' Hader ! ' replied the executioner , touching his head with his right hand , and beginning to tremble .
" The assassins were to be admitted by the same gate that had been used by the Zabit ; and in about an hour the black came down the garden , looking cautiously about , and let them in . They hid themselves in an old . ruined kiosque , not far from the brightly-lighted new one ; and little thought that they were observed from all sides , that the head of the police himself was there , and that every avenue of retreat was guarded . " Selim Aga had only in reality heard some vague hints of what was to he done , and had turned oif the idea with laughter . The fact was , he did not wish a mere intrigue to end in a marriage , especially in such a way . Kadugah , however , in
order , perhaps , to compromise him , had given him a rendezvous that evening , and expected him to arrive as soon as the murder was concluded . She had so arranged her jilans , that she felt certain of success ; and believed that the death of her husband would be attributed to any one rather than to herself . It happened , howexer , among other things , to her disappointment , that a , former mistress of Selim , who lived in the street , and who still loved him , had noticed his frequent visits , and on that night had seen the police-oflicers concealing- themselves . She guessed that the young rake might be in danger , and going forth , threw herself in his way , and warned him to retire to his house : which he did .
" Meanwhile , servants had brought supper to the kiosque , and the Effendi had eaten , whilst Kadugah waited upon him with more than usual complaisance . She was a most stately personage to behold ; and the Zabit , as he looked at her , thought what an awkward thing it would be for him were she not guilty , as he now , having violated the harim , fervently hoped she really was . Suspense was soon at an end ; for Kadugah , having noticed a sign from the attendant black , suddenly , her face changing to that of a demon , rose and began to pour out all her hate in the cars of her astonished husband . At the same time the murderers rushed forth ; but the Zabit , sword in hand , leaped into the kiosque ; Iris men followed ; others , who had quietly got over the wall , burst out on all hands ; and the tln-ee criminals , including the black , were secured .
" Tin ; horrible scene that ensued may be lightly passed over . The Zabit , with unnecessary ferocity , compelled Abu Halim to execute his own brother , and the other culprits on the . spot , and then insisted that Kaduguh likewise should be put to death , lint the Eflendi could not be brought to consent , until the Zabit reminded him that . she had been seen unveiled by a dozen men . Then the wretched husband hid his face in his hands , and Abu Halim did his work without reluctance . . Next day , the Zabit wont to the house of Selim Aga , and asked to see him . The young man , pale and trembling , rose as he entered ; but fell back as if struck by a thunderbolt when , holding out a bloody handkerchief , the stern official muttered , ' I- ' rom Kaduguh ! ' The story was soon told ; and it is said that Selim , well frightened , luicHiiie a reformed man from that tinit ! : but who believes in reformed raken , reformed . smokers , or reformed gamblers ?" We shall return to these volumes for further illustrations of Egyptian life .
1024 The Leader. [Saturday ' "— " ¦ * ¦¦...
1024 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ' "— " ¦ * ¦¦¦ ¦ " ¦ ' \ " ¦— 7 " "V * ' . ' *
Wkiyls Ii1iowfs Tiiimck Years Ttv Edropk...
WKIYLS II 1 IOWFS TIIIMCK YEARS TTV EdROPK . Thrcr I ' v / rs in l < litro /> c , (>/• l'hirct : I hano seen , and l '<( ij > lo L have j \ let . 15 yW . Wella UrowTi , : i 1 ' ufjjil . ivi ! ulave . Charles (< ilpin . An expressive picture , by Tintoretto , represents a poor slave in the hands ol ' ihe hangman , iiliout to be tortured , for having presumed to adopt the CMirist inn faith , and to pay his devotions at the shrine of St . Mark . To the astonishment of the exeeiitioner and tho assembled people , ( St . Mark descends from heaven , and breaks the nick intended for tho humble follower of t he ( Jross . Thus the apostle is made to remove all distinctions in the mutter of religion , betwixt man and man , which pride and tyranny luis set up . This old picture ought to be engraved and distributed among I , he ( -IiriNtiaii citizens of the Southern States of America . They would not fa . il to understand ils purport . It is a " mutely eloquent " protest n ^ -. iinst hIh very . JY 1 iraclcH are not necessary now to assure us of the course we should ¦ p ursue when oppression ; ui ( l its degrading consequences have to be judged . We pity those polife citizens of the great republic , whose beggarly condition antl . soi-did tiisl . es drive them to pursue 11 . tnillic mo revolting . We shall not condescend lo dispute ( heir right and title lo trade in human flesh and blood . We are outraged by the bare ^ conception of slavery , and by the sort of reasoning employed in its defence . To talk , for instance , of the relative merits of this organization over I hat , <>( the superiority of the Whites over the Blacks , and to find in that a plea for oppression , is only a feeble attempt lo satisfy scruples which ou / dit never to bo compromised . We have before us " an interesting volume , ably written , bearing on every page the impress of honest purpose and noble aspiration , and the author ( such in tho btuto of llujigu ) durcu wot lift hia head in auy city of
time to time , to friends in the United States ; where some of the letter have appeared in a journal conducted by Frederick Douglass . Popular events , of recent occurrence in England and in Paris , ( whither our author was sent as a member of the Peace Congress ) are recounted in a modest genuine , very agreeable style . Mr . Brown has received many kind attentions from people of distinction , and one cannot fail to sympathise with liim when he describes the pleasure he has felt at the courteous treatm ent which he has every where received . One is amused by well-told anecdotpsi ,
America , lest he should be hunted down like a beast of the field . On ih ' account , Mr . Wells Brown takes refuge . in England . Thus the vou republic of America is accredited , and truly , with a character o I to be paralleled by despotic government in Europe . It appears thnf Mr . Enoch Price is the legal owner of Mr . Wells Brown . Mr pS estimates the value of Mr . Brown , in the light of merchandise , at the round sum of 325 dollars , and is willing , on the receipt of so much money \ award Mr . Brown his liberty . Legally the master is , entitled to the pro ceeds of our fugitive slave's literary labours . e Mr . Brown ' s new work is composed of a series of letters , -written from
and charmed with pamter-like description of towns , cities , and natural scenery . Indeed , our author gives many very recognisable sketches of " the places he has seen and the people he has met . " His three years of freedom and manhood have been well spent . Though not profound , lie is an acute observer , and , if he sometimes errs , it is in matters for which Ms previous life had altogether left him . unfitted to judge . We are at once reconciled to the harmless errors of judgment by the unobtrusivenesa which everywhere prevails . The work , which has passages both humorous and pathetic , is of interest on independent grounds , and will be specially welcomed by all who are friendly to the cause of the oppressed African .
Books On" Our Table. Reminiscences Of A ...
BOOKS ON" OUR TABLE . Reminiscences a Yachting Cruise . By Mrs . N . M . Condy . Ackerman and Co ., Strand . This little waif of memory lays no claim to criticism . No doubt , to our heroes of Cowes , Plymouth , and Ryde , the characters of the story of a Channel cruise will be familiar enough ; but the drawings which the unpretending narrative accompanies , are from sketches by Nicholas Matthews CojSTDt , the lamented marine artist , snatched away too early from the ungarnered harvest of his graceful genius . He was the Vandervelde of yachts , or , rather let us say , he was to our " pleasure-navy" what Horace Vernet is to the French army : the rapid and brilliant improvisalore of its episodes , incidents , and glories . He drew those rakish schooners that skim the Solent—like a lover ! scarcely robbing them of life and motion , as he dashed them on his canvass with a felicity and insouciance to which conscientious minuteness was never sacrificed . Indeed , his sketch of a darling cvaft was ever like the miniature portrait of some loved and living beauty , touched at once with so prodigal a freedom , so caressing a delicacy , so fond and subtle au abandon . His loss in the peculiar branch of art he cultivated with so much success ( his pencil was never idle ) cannot cosily be replaced . Her Majesty ' s albums , we believe , contain many of the gems of his art . If only for the sake of the illustrationn , tbc « e " lteminiscenees" deserve a nook in the library of every yachtsman , ashore and afloat .
I ^ nrtfaiin .
We Should Do Our Utmost To Encourage Urn...
We should do our utmost to encourage Urn Beautiful , for the Useful encourages itself . —Goe'oik .
The Hayth08we Paipefls, No. 111.* Ohio I...
THE HAYTH 08 WE PAiPEflS , No . 111 . * OHIO IN OF AKCirJ . TKCTU . ltAL TYPES . M !\ NE day during the summer , whilst sauntering through the gallery ol Jjj il the Old Water-Colour Society , I was struck with the incongruity U l lT produced by putting regular architecture into irregular scenery . >! In one case where the artist hail introduced a periodly sy mmetrical ( Ureciim edifice into a mountainous and somewhat wild landscape , the discordant eileet was p articularly marked . " How very unpicturesque , " sm < 1 ii lady to her friend , as they passed ; allowing that I was not alone in m . V opinion . Her phrase , however , set me speculating . Why unp ictuiesque . Picturesque menus—like a picture—like what men choose for pictures . Why then should this he not fit for ii picture ?
Pondering the matter over , it seemed to me thai the artist had sinned against that fundamental unity which is the first essential of a good picture . When the other constituents of u landscape have irregular forms , any artificial sf incline introduced must have : ui irregular form , that it may Hceni /""' of the landscape . The same general character must pervade it anil surrounding objects , otherwise if ; and the scene amid which it stands beeoimnot one thing hut two things ; and we say that it looks out of p lace . '• speaking psychologically , the associated ideas called up by a . building " ' its wings , windows , and all its parts symmetrically disposed , dillcr wh < . V from the ideas associated with an entirely irregular landscape , ami the <» ' <¦
set of ideas tends to banish the other . . I sat down to pursue the train ol" thought ,-and soon culled to mint sundry illustrative facts . 1 remembered thai , a castle , which is more irregu hi in ilsoutlines than any other kind of building , pleases us most when sea . e » ninid . sL crags ami precip ices ; whilst a castle on u plain seems an in < <> i gruity . The partially regular and partially irregular forms of our old 1 armhouses ami our gabled gothie manors and abbeys appear <| iut <> »» '"" ' '"'¦ '" with au undulating , wooded country . In towns we prefer ^ imnetnc a . * Hco Leader , JNoh . V ' J , 1 <> A .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 23, 1852, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23101852/page/20/