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October 23, 185jJ __ THE LEADER, 1027 _
tend in a defence of convenient monopoli...
(Comiitfrrmt lihurs
Kolf KHJN It'UNDH. >l O|.| U ., Uj ( v >...
P'K HMST MATTINU AND MATS OK ( ,,,,,, |/ V. O'V-NllT |, '||i|f|.: . Tli,. Jury of < U.pim X XV I M . ; '' ul,,,,, ' . """'"".mviirded Hi. ' |Yi/,o |\l,.,n | la T. TK.I'! U > A If, ii '"irli,,,,,,, '"' !: 11 ';"'"' ( '¦' •' ' . l'H.I|.,nln Mill) |>uivlin:i.TM will ninl an ^"''"'V mid '!. "'"'""-^I'l, Kil>;-n iiminiliiH iiivm, iini<(|(iulliiil for (.' nli ' ,1, ''*|'''llon<io al. (,1m in,,-,I. niodoiiilo ]>rin,'H. ' ' U; Uuo, ''' ! , 1 .'r' l ll '' , n l>v I m>hI - '•' - Ti-Hour , C\,,H>ii--Nut Fibro Mami' *" • Ll 'i'K<it(i JlilJ, London.
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October 23, 185jj __ The Leader, 1027 _
October 23 , 185 jJ __ THE LEADER , 1027 _
Tend In A Defence Of Convenient Monopoli...
tend in a defence of convenient monopolies to fall 1 rk upon the letter of the statutes , to declare that fines are not changed , that human nature and its ^ ccssi ties remain the same , and that ingenuity can "levisc nothing better than the system which the statutes embody ; or , if not so , yet that the wills of founders are sacred , that the perpetual application of their bequests in statutable manner is guarded by anathemas which they may not encounter ; then , indeed , their manifold perjuries must fall with full weight upon them and they must take the consequences of the
posi-TKlVE IfSITY OBSTBUCTIOK , AND THE SENSE OF THE t . _ Universities , like the establishment , reflect Jumper of the nation ,- they follow the will of the by which they exist , and it is idle to blame them ¦ powei y w jjat t jio nation has chosen them to be , and iOr ! ° ears to be the generous attitude to assume on ! " " rese ' nfc " l n 5 ry > - unless > or unfcil > the subjects of it ° v short-sighted wilfulness of their own , shall compel us into less " lenient feelings . If it should so turn ^ t ns the manner in which the commission has been ° erally received , and the haughty refusal to furnish r _ . 1 e with which its questions have in some in-^ 1 Ces been answered give us reason to fear that it r that the heads and fellows of the various societies
tion into which they thrust themselves . It is not that wo have any fear that by this or any other process they can seriously obstruct the reform which the nation recuires ; the question is . only of the' moral position in which a large body of educated gentlemen are to stand . The arrangements of the founders of the colleges are already evaded for private advantage ; and the nation is at least equally at liberty to revise the existing interpretations , and consider whether the public good is not of as much importance as the comforts and luxuries oi' a few hundred private persons . There can be no doubt of this , and there can he no doubt that this
revision will take effect precisely at the moment when the nation pronounces it necessary . It is for those at present in authority at Oxford to consider whether they will render an opposition ridiculous by resting it on a irround so futile , when , if they would state their real objection to the proposed reform , they might perhaps render real service to it ; and at least our respect would be commanded by a straightforward antagonism . No one believes that founders' wills are their true difficulty . They arc afraid of change , not for itself , but for what it may briii £ . They are afraid of Liberalism , Rationalism ,
< jiTnumi . sm , which they seem to see gathering behind it—and who shall blame them ? certainly not we , it they will only be honest . It is a fair ground of fear . Tlie wisest man cannot leave the familiar ground of custom for an uuti-ietl element without misgiving ; and if" misgiving brcrome active resistance , it is no more than what experience has taught us both to look for and to respect ; only do not lot them make themselves < : onli'inpfible . by culling in a spectral legion of founders to Hii'ir assistance , whom they and we alike know to be no '"" iv Mum phantoms . — " The Oxford Commission , " II eslmhislrr ' R < 'ni . rin .
(Comiitfrrmt Lihurs
( Comiitfrrmt lihurs
•»H»Nkv Malikkt And City Intklltg Knca<]...
•» H » NKV MAliKKT AND CITY INTKLLTG KNCA <] . UKITIS 1 I FUNDS TO It Till ! PAST WICICIv . ( Oi . osino 1 ' iuoi ; ::. ) Kttttir . ilfoi / tlJ ' /' ttrtf . l SI ' edit . Thars . / 'rid . ¦ ¦ in !; S 11 , i 1 ; 22 Ii 224 22 'J 2 'i' ! . ' 220 . "; . ' > " ¦ ' ¦ JViil . lt ,., l j ,, ^ . ,,,, £ ,,,, * n ., j "" < ,,, ; . ' ' ., '" ' ' ( ; < ''i ' . Cm . Ans . loo ; KI 0 . 1 IO (> i l ()(» i 100 . 1 :, ' , '"'' ' ' 'i ' . (' on ., Ac . ioo : ; loo '; loo . , loo : ; loo . ; V .- w "'" "' ' "'• , A" i (> : U io : 5 | io ; i ;; io : t . ; io : t ; , i '"' " : <\ ml , I ' s ' iio ' , ' ( , ¦ ¦¦' <[ . ¦ ! J ! " "'"" K . ciooo ... mh ' m h . - , I . - !"' . '•'""'' '' ¦ fJIOOl ) US . M 5 M . - , SH lii , " , r- ; ,, ' ; " 7 I'I > 7-t ,, 7 ( 1 ,, 7 . s ,, 7 r , , » " <« :::::::::::: : ;; : ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; S ;; Hi ;;; : ; : |
Kolf Khjn It'undh. >L O|.| U ., Uj ( V >...
Kolf KHJN It'UNDH . > l O | . | ., ( > ,: () TATmN nilUllVd rpfiiu WKKIC KNIHNO 'I ' ll II HMDA V lOv UN 1 NO . ) Ci- i-ii ''" ' ;> ' ' l ' . > |> . < ' ! .., ;>| iiii . ; Hiinliniiiii . ' . ik-i- ( ViiIh . ... ' . )'/! i :, , ,.,, ' , "'" , " " '' loi i Sj . mimmIi : $ ,.. c . 'i . in r . il 1 > .,,, ; . j / 'M 1 ' 1 ' I' |> . Ccnl . i . 711 ! -i | . ; iin ; . h : ! |> . (! lti . New Del " . 2 .. J I'm , I , .. '' '"''' < Vlll : l 1 O . "» 1 Spanish Com . (! cr ( il " . of I > m ! , | , i' '"'' ' ' ' '" - < i . » Coupon mil funded ... : t ? l . 'Vuml ,,,. "'''' ' 1 ' " - tll > ' - < il " . »< U Swc . IimIi I ,, him par ' , di .-i . \| r , ¦ ; , f » Tiirliii . li l , oitn , trpcr < Vnl .. ' ¦ ... ¦ I ,, ; . ,:. , ! " ;¦ " i w »^ « 4 i »» - i
P'K Hmst Mattinu And Mats Ok ( ,,,,,, |/ V. O'V-Nllt |, '||I|F|.: . Tli,. Jury Of ≪ U.Pim X Xv I M . ; '' Ul,,,,, ' . """'"".Mviirded Hi. ' |Yi/,O |\L,.,N | La T. Tk.I'! U ≫ A If, Ii '"Irli,,,,,,, '"' !: 11 ';"'"' ( '¦' •' ' . L'H.I|.,Nln Mill) |≫Uivlin:I.Tm Will Ninl An ^"''"'V Mid '!. "'"'""-^I'L, Kil≫;-N Iiminiliih Iiivm, Iini≪(|(Iulliiil For (.' Nli ' ,1, ''*|'''Llon≪Io Al. (,1m In,,-,I. Niodoiiilo ]≫Rin,'H. ' ' U; Uuo, ''' ! , 1 .'R' L Ll '' , N L≫V I M≫Hi - '•' - Ti-Hour , C\,,H≫Ii--Nut Fibro Mami' *" • Ll 'I'K≪It(I Jlilj, London.
P'K HMST MATTINU AND MATS OK ( ,,,,,, |/ V . O'V-NllT K ||;| f | .: . The Jury of Chris X XVI M . ; ul ,,,,, ' . """'"" . nwarded I h ,- | vi / ,, « M ,., lu | l <> T . TK I' ! U > A It , ii '"u-li ,,,,,,, " ' ! . ' ; "' "' ( ' ¦' •' ' . l-inl / Miln Mill ) | , uivlin : i , TM will Mini an ^ "' '"' V mid' ! . "" " - ^ "it Kibre , uuiiuifncl iii-cm , iin ,. <|( iii . ll , ul for ( . ' Hll ' , 1 , '' ^ ' ' 'HOIUIO ill . ( , I | O III ,,-, I . modollllo prillCS . ' ' Uuor i '» ' , '' r I > uhL ' •' ¦ ' ¦'•• Hour , Conou-Wiit Eibro Mauu' *"• 'i ' Knt ( i JliU , London .
Watches I Watches ! Watches !
Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , / with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same r 0-2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same , proportion . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom upon receipt of One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and j > ut in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGEE'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTORY , 27 , CITY £ « . OilZ > , near Flnsbury Square , Xiondon . * ^ * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
PEOFESSIONAL LIFJE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms ,-persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital — Two Hundred and Fifty : Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Majok Henry Stones , LL . E . Deputy-Chairman—James Andrew Duekait , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement by which the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company :- — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows ' and orphans . 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 5 per cent , per annum on the capital originally invested by them . All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of Premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia—Bermuda ^—Madeira—^ Cape of Good Hope—Mauritius—and the British North American Colonies . Medical men in all cases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other aflliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : — ^ ge _ 20 ... £ 1 10 9 I Age—10 ... £ 2 13 6 30 ... £ 1 19 G | 50 ... £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may be had at the Ollices of the Company , or of auy of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD IJAYLIS , Eesident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapside , London .
THE PENINSULAK AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Book Passengers and receive Goods and Parcels for MALTA , EGYPT , INDIA , and CHINA , by their Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20 th of every Month . The Company ' s Steamers also start for MALTA and CONSTANTINOPLE on tho SUth , and VIOO , Ol'OllTO , IiTSllO ^ , CADIZ , and GIBRALTAR , on tho 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of tho Month . For further information apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London ; and Oriental Place , Southampton .
YINEGAlt and its ADULTEIIATIONS . Some time ago , the spirited proprietors of the Lancet nppointed abody of Analj'tical iSanilary Commissioners to analyze , flit ! solids and fluids consumed hy all classes of society . Tho results of these inquiries have been published from time to time , and have asloundeif ' dio people of this country by the fact that , with lew exceptions , every article of food is more or less adulterated with deleterious substances . Tho Commissioners liavo just published a Report of ( heir Analyses of Twenty-eight ' [ Samples of Vinkoaii purchased from different retailers of tho article , who received it from the London manufacturers , four oni . v oil' which wuiMC K 1 U 51 S l'HOM l'OisojN . The first on tho list was m . iiiufkctured by IULLH AND rjNOKRYVOOD , OF TVORWIC 1 I ; An < l as , lOAHTCHKAP , LONDON . Tho re ]) ort goes on lo prove thai the Adulterations , which are of a iiiohI , injurious character , are ctl ' eclcd by the Vinegar JMaliers tlieinselves and not , by the > Retailers . Subiliuric and oilier Ac-Ms aro freely used , and the public health must , inevilalily Hiiflei " . Such conduct on I . ho part of inaniil'ac-l urers ciiiinol , bo ( o <> H (> vercly censured ; and ( ho public ( should lalvo care lo su |)|> ort only such linns as ( bone of IIim , h and Ii n di ; itwool ) , who liavo nianufncliircd a pure and first-rule , article in competition with Ihose who use Sulphuric Acid or Vitriol . The analyses of the Lancet (' oimnissioners furnish a singular confirmation of Ihe decision of 1 , 1 in judges in Ibis parl icular deparlment of the ( deal lOxhibil ion , thn firm of IIii . i . m and 1 ) n i ) i : itwooi > liasnig had the honour of carrying off Ilio I'ri / . o for ( , he HchI , Vinegar on Ibal , oceasi , in . IIii . i . m and I' n i > !• : ii wood ' s V i n k <; a it is su pplied by the most respeclablo Hp irif- < h alers , ( Jnic'cni , and Oilmen in Town and (' ounlry .
I HAL & SON'S KIDKK . DOWN ( QUILTS * f are in : ule in three \ ariel ie : i , Tile I ! " Hi l > I-. it !¦ : I > ( Jiin / l ' , ( ho I ' i . ain (/ ini / r , and Hie l ) nvi' : r . Tim Murdered ( , » uil ( . is in ( ho uminl form of hid quills , and in a , iikimI . elegant and luxuriouK article . Tin * I'linn t ^ , uilt is Hiuiillcr , and in UHel ' nl as an extra covering on Ilio bed , an a wrapper in Ihe < a . rriage , or on Ihc couch . " The Ihivel , i : i a loose case filled w il Ii lOider Down , atl in general iimooii lb < - (\> nl inent . Lists of I ' riri'ti and Hi / . cs mciiI . fren Iiy post , on application lo IIioai . & Hiin ' h Holding Knelory , 11 ) 11 , Tnt . teiihain (! our ( , b ' oad .
! fl Al \ l . ~ K . ni <]( Jlv . i . s now mamiiact tiring | , lu > I iiiom ) , tiuperiop 11 10 A I ) -1 ) If . 10 SS I 0 S tor I , A 1 ) 1 I 0 M jiikI < l 1 <; INTIjIOiM ION , upon nu entirely New Ooiril ruf-l ion . It . It . . linn lor years paid tin" n ( riel est regard ( o lilting ( he Head , and nl inlying ( . ho ulylc ninl ll {; urn of the wearer , re « piiMi ( en loo often IomI , , 'iif'ht of hyllin ordinary \ V ij > , iiiiiliei'M ; ami without which I , ho false heitd-iliVMH is iinmedinl ejy , 1 , 1 , 'iled . Ilis VV igH have likewise I he i ; rni ( . iidwuiliitftt of being only leal her-wei ;; hl ; neither ulirinliing nor <<\ piiiu ling ; nor will liny Iomo colour , or ehange in any clinnile . I ' liccs range ii'nin One ( iiiniin . If .. IIkck , IO : iliiblinlie , l upwanhi ol'Twonly-llve V (> urt ) , Kenioved I ' rom OheapHidn lo t , OKI ) . IKVVHV . llair- ( y ' ufling ,
BANKS OF DEPOSIT AXD SAVINGS BAXKS . INVESTMENT OF CAVITAt , AND SAVINGS . 1 VTATIONAL ASSURANCE and INVEST-_ 1 _ 1 MEjN'T ASSOCIATION , 7 , St . IIabtin ' s PijAce , Tbafalc-ab Square , London ' , A . ND 56 , Pall Mall , Manchestjeb . Established in 1811 . TRUSTEES . Lieut .-Col . the Ripht Honourable Lord George Paget , M . P . Eev . Joseph Prendergast , D . D ., ( Cantab . ) Lewisham . George Stone , Esq ., franker , Lombard Street . MattEow Ilutton Chaytor , Esq ., Eeigate . Tho Investment of Money with this "Association secures equal advantages to the Savings of the Provident , and tho Capital of the Allluent , and affords to both tho means of realising the highest rate of Interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the Funds are employed . The constant demand for advances upon securities of that peculiar class , which are offered almost exclusively to Life Assurance Companies , such as Reversions , Life Interests , & c , enables the Board of Management to employ Capital on more advantageous terms and at higher rates of Interest than coidd otherwise , with equal safety , be obtained . The present rate of Interest in Jive per cent , per annum , and this rate will continue to be paid so long as the Assurance department finds the same safe and jrofitable employment for money . Interest payable half-yearly in January and July . Money intended for Investment is received daily between Hie hours of 10 and 1 o ' clock , at the Offices of the Association . Immediate Annuities granted , and tho business of Life Assurance in all its branches , transacted , on highly advantageous terms . Kates , Prospectuses , and Forms of Proposal , with every requisite information , may be obtained on application at tho offices of the Association , or to the respective Agents throughout the United Kingdom . PETER MORRISON , Mnnaginr ) Director . Applications for Agencies may be made to the Managing Director .
Established 1837 . Incorporated by special A . ct of Parliament . Intendinjj L / ifo Assurers and Policy Holders in other Companies aro invited to examine the rates , principles , and position of tho SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION for MUTUAL LIFE AHSUKANCE by MODERATE 1 'KEMiUMS . The Scottish PitovrnKNT Institution claims nuppriority over other mutual olliees in ( lie following partk-ulars : — 1 . —Premiums at early and middle ; : ij ^ e about a Jourlh lowei ' . Ii . —A more aecurafi ; adjustnu'nt ol' ( he rates ol' premium fo the sevorid M' ^ ea . ' . i . —A iiriiu-i [) lo in tho division ol ' the surplus more safe , equitable , and favourahlo lo yood lives . , j , —JOxemptioii from entry money . All policies indisputable , unless ohUiincd Iiy fraud . Sl'KCIMICNS Ol' l * Ki :. M IUMS . A ) i )\ tta ! Premiums for . L' 100 , with wholv profits . A ^ o 2 <> | ] ir > | : ( o | ; tr > | -io | ~ Ir > ~ ( " , , o \ fwT ~ . t ' l 15 X | I 1 H () | - J , 1 ( i | ' I ( i IO | ' > . 1 L !) | If f > !) I X 1 7 | f . f ~ ] i Annual l ' mnitimx , pai / ahlfj' or 21 i / rnr . i u > ilij , j ' or . 01 ( 10 , with wholr profits . . Apisi | T z 7 > j : m J : ir > T ^* I ^> i f »<> . t'l 7 io | a io h I : ; il . ( i | -j , id s | ;( (> l , | : j i i , « i | i . 7 ii A eomji . 'ii'i . soii of I liese ]> r , 'iiiiiiins wi ( h 11 lose of miy ol licrollieo will nl . iiniio uliow Ilic inline , linle nilvnnln ^ e si'eured in llm Scottish I ' novi hunt . Tlie premiums pnynlile for 21 years onl y me nnarly Hie Maine as nuuiy oIlieeM require during tho wliolo oflifo . PltOC HICKS . Hinci ils insl il ut ion in 1 MH 7 , t . liis Societ y ban i ;; itued ii ]) wnr < ln of r > 7 i )() politics , the iiHsurunees e \ eee , liii | j ; Two [ Millions and n Half , a r , 'null . I he mure Hal isfui -lory , as I he DireeloiH have liiiuly ndhered lo I heir rule ol' allots in ^ No ( . ' iiiiiiiiiMsiun to any oilier ( ban their own roeo ^ nisrd oHieial a ; . ; enl . s . ll : i wliolt ! allairH are in the moil , prosperous condition , us hIiowii Iiy tlio Annual Keporls , which willi pr , isperl iim , laliltts , > f iinniiily anil a : ; Miiranee premium , and every informal ion iniiy lio obi aiiK' , 1 , free , on a | i | ilical ion lo thn Lomlon lirauch , 11 ! , . Mnor-( jato SI reel , < . i ( . y . ( il ' A > K <; K ( lltANT , L ' rsiilrnt Srcrrturi / .
riMIH CONSUM KU . N' . l > K , OT . K < rr . lON 1 HOCIKTV . It . i . 'i | ii ' i )| i >) M ( ' , l li > c-l ii III i ; . li ii Mocii'ly Cm' Ilir ( iroli'ilinn < it '< ' , iii-MiiiiK'i ' . i , Id in iui | ir , 'lii'ii < l nil IIkiho ( hthomh « lui , rccii ^ niMin ; . ; lli >> | ii'in , 'i | ilo , may tlcuirn In f ; i \ , ' I lio hiiik'I ion ul' I heir iimiiich iiikI Hli ( li , iti ; i In lli , < corivH ion xl" an in-I . tio-n 'li-d ^ i-tl mil lo form an l ' . xccn ( i \( i Cuimnil Irn who woulil iinilcrl .-il ., ' lo ciimlucl lln » nc'CNMiiry < ' ( iitch | ioii , I , ' 1 | , o llnoiifli wliii-li il . limy lio ari | iiir <>< l , iiml ; i ^ ' , 'ii ,: i < 'H , 'Ml .: ilili . 'ilio , I ill all | i ; irl .-i ol' I hr liiii );< loin loinvito f lio loriiiat ion ol' Incnl iukI nil \ : i 1 ii ( I * % Hocicl icH , ami lo iimmihI . nil who may ajiply ( or n |> , ' ,-iiil iiilorinal ion , ! im h mi ,-hum of /; ui < liii |; ( hem in Ilioir I ran . iatl ionii . 'I'lni | iiiMic-nl ion | , 'cii ,-ially In com-|) l-clii'ii ( l iiiCiii-iinil ion ivj , 'ni > lin ;; I hn | iro , ln , l ion nil , I Hii ] i |> ly ol' I ho vnrionn nil iclcs ol' Chi , I , InnUliii ;; iiiiilciinln , iii < ' < li < -in < -, clolliiii ^ , riu-niliir , ' , iiii | ili-iin-iil-i , , tc , I In-cIimiioiiIh nl ' cosl . in ijiihi t •{ . ( , pro-| inriii |; , and tlinl rilml in ; f Ihi'in Hn" ntlnlli nil ionn , IViiikIh mill unponil iniiM prai-l inctl , Ihn imiuiti ol' tlilt ' , 1 inn , ami ( ho iliiiniirls Mii- oii ^ li whii'li Ixllrr nu |>| iIi < -: < may lio iid , nro , l nl liiir rali'H . I ' i-omimtI iihth iii ; iy In- linil nl Ilio ( ollotvnif ; HooliHclh'rH in London : ! Vm »« iH . |{ i » lj { way , IM , riomililly : 10 . and W . liooiio , 2 U , Wow Ll < Mi Htroct ; mid JL ' olhiun Kic : hiu-dm > n , 23 , C ' uinliill .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 23, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_23101852/page/23/