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J gq. 422; Arrij, 2A, 1858.] THE LEAPEB....
OMTUAliY. John Cuamek.— The oldest of co...
MISCELLANEOUS. The Court.—The Queen held...
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Naval And Military. Camp At Chatham.—The...
Our REGiMBWWAii Establishments . —Mr . W . Wiljiams , M . P . for Lambeth , has got a detailed return e specting these estafoliahmeatis at home and abroad , including West India regiments and colonial corps . They comprise 9243 officers , 16 , 819 , non-commissioned officers , and 196 , 676 rank and file ; total of men , 222 , 238 . There are also 22 , 825 horses . As to the expense of these regiments , the pay and daily allowance amount to 3 , 762 , 174 ? ., and the annual allowances to officers to 93 , 024 ? . ; agency costs , 34 , 572 ? . ; and clothing , 371 , 3437 . a year . The total estimate for the present year is 4 , 26 l , 113 £ —Morning Star . Burning of the James Batnes . —The celebrated clipper ship , James Baines , took fire on Thursday morning in dock at Liverpool , and the flames could only be got under by scuttling the vessel . The conflagration is supposed to have originated in the heating of the cargo . Many of the dock-sheds and an adjacent vessel were injured .
J Gq. 422; Arrij, 2a, 1858.] The Leapeb....
J gq . 422 ; Arrij , 2 A , 1858 . ] THE LEAPEB . _^^ 395
Dinner To Sir James Brooke. A Public Din...
DINNER TO SIR JAMES BROOKE . A public dinner iu honour of Sir James Brooke , K . C . B ., Rajah of Sarawak , took place on Wednesday , in the Queen ' Hotel , Manchester . The Mayor presided , and the company was numerous and distinguished . Mr . E . Fairbairn proposed the health of Sir James Brooke , and in doing so narrated his achievements in the Eastern Archipelago , and highly praised his character . —The toast was warmly drunk . Sir James Brooke , in returning thanks , said that the objects he always had in view in the East involved the happiness of a large native population , and were closely connected with the lives and fortunes of their fellow countrymen in a distant part of the world . " They were objects which might easily be lost by neglect and indifference , and which , if once lost , would as certainly be a source of continual , but unavailing regret to this cbuntry . The question was , whether Sarawak was in future to be supported in this country , as it once had been , or whether it was to be abandoned , as it is at present . After fifteen years of suspense—suspense . which to him was more difficult to bear than misfortune—was it not reasonable that he should ask and expect that this question should at last be decided ? ( I / ear , hear . " ) No Government could exist , as Sarawak is now existing , under a prolonged uncertainty of what was to come . Let them know the truth ; and then , if they found neither sympathy nor encouragement from their countrymen at home , they would bear their lot as they best might , and trust to God and their own energies for the rest . " (
Applause . ) Sir James then proceeded to speak of the manner in which the aid of this country , once promised to Borneo , was suddenly withdrawn , and to point out in detail the advantages which , as the key to China , the middle point of the two great oceans , and the possession of ample fields of coal , that inland ottered to this country . In alluding to the opposition which he had met with in his efforts to promote what he considered to be the advantage both of England and of Borneo , he said , " He would do no more than assure them that , if any man had wronged him , he had forgiven him long ago , and to express his earnest liope that , 'if he himself had wronged any man , he too should be forgiven . Even of that veteran statesman now in his grave ( Mr . Hume ) , who liad so vehemently opposed him while alive , he would
say , ' Pence be to him ! ' { Loud cheers . ) May his errors be forgotten , and tho services which he rendered to his country only be remembered ! " Sir Jamea concluded by again urging tho advantages which this country would derive by forming an alliance with , and establishing a protectorate over the northwest coaat of Borneo ; and by exhorting the influential inhabitants of Manchester to consider tho matter calmly and impartially , and to give their earnest assistance if thoy found , on inquiry ( as lie waa satisfied they would do ) , that his claims for Borneo were founded iu justice —were such as both tho native population and the English residents there had a right to demand , and which tho Government of this country would act wisely and patriotically in allowing .
Omtualiy. John Cuamek.— The Oldest Of Co...
OMTUAliY . John Cuamek . — The oldest of contemporary pianists and composora for tho piano , and ono of tho most celebrated musicians of his time , Juan Baptisto Cramer , died on Friday evening ( the 10 th inat . ) , at his residence in Kewnington-terrace . Ho waa born ut Munhoini in 1771 , and was consequently lit his 88 th year . Jf not absolutely a . grout man , Cramer was at leant ono of those to whom the . art is much Indebted . His chief master for tho pianoforte was the admirable Clemonti , and for com-P 08 itU ) n ^ C . ^ Ji ' .-. Ab ql , ^ JL' | h , ftug . ltJi | p _ i , lmiHHh ^
contemporaneously with WoellJ , Duasok , and Stoibcft , the reputation enjoyed by Cramer as a piuniat wna houoikI to nouo . Ilia school wan that of Duwaok , whom he ia n « id not only to have emulated , but in somo respects , and especially in tlio execution of slow movements , to liavosnrpnssod . He oamoto England at a very early age , aiul accomplished tho greutor part of his artistic caiw in London , whore his lessons wore more in request than those of any other professor . Nevertheless , ho \ va » renowned nil over tl » o Continent both as a omnposor ami a pianist . Atnonff'hlH friends wnttjosepli Haydn , and among his chiol patrons nnd warm admirors wus that most inimical ol
princes , Ferdinand of Prussia , who , notwithstanding he was a prince , was justly esteemed as a musician . Cramer ' s last public appearance in this country was at one of the concerts of the Philharmonic Society , many years ago , when he took the principal part in one of Mozart's trios . His playing on that occasion showed no trace of his former excellence . Mr . Cramer was one of the original partners in the eminent firm of Cramer , Beale , and Co ., from which he withdrew about twenty years ago with a handsome annuity . —Times . Mr . Joseph Malcolmson , one of the merchant princes of Waterford , the head of a cotton-manufacturing firm , which had dealings with all parts of the world , and also of an establishment for the building of iron steamboats , died a few days ago in Ireland .
Lokd Handybide , one of the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland , as well as of the High Court of Justiciary , has died at the house of his brother-in-law in Clackmannansbire , whither he had gone to recruit his health . He was one of the three judges who , last summer , tried Miss Madeleine Smith on the charge of poisoning L'Angellier ; and in the autumn he presided alone at the protracted Falkirk Bank trial . His Lordship was a Liberal in politics . Lord Dunfermline . —James Abercromby , Lord Dunfermline , the Speaker of the House of Commons from 1835 to 1839 , died at Colington House , Scotland , last Saturday morning , in his eighty-second year . He was a son of the celebrated General , Sir Ralph Abercromby , and during his life filled several public posts . In politics he was a Liberal .
Mr . Robert Stephen Rintoul , the founder , proprietor , and editor of the Spectator , died on Thursday evening , of disease of the heart , accelerated by constant attention to the work of his paper . The journal which he created has always held as high a position as any in the ranks of the press ; and Mr . Rintoul has been of service to the Liberal party to which he has consistently belonged .
Miscellaneous. The Court.—The Queen Held...
MISCELLANEOUS . The Court . —The Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday afternoon , and a Drawing-room at St . James ' s Palace on Thnrsda 3 ' afternoon . Her Majesty afterwards , on the latter day , proceeded to the camp at Aldershot . —Prince Albert paid a visit to the Crystal Palace on Wednesday afternoon , and both went and returned by the new line from the Pimlico terminus . —The Queen and Prince Consort attended at the grand annual spring meeting on Monday of the Horticultural Society . The meeting took place at St . James ' s Hall ,
Piccadilh ' , the brilliant colouring and gilding of which harmonized with tb . 2 exquisite tints of the fruits and flowers . The Queen having left ( previously to which she complimented Mr . Owen Jones , the architect of the hall ) , the business of the annual meeting commenced . The Prince Consort took the chair as tho newly-elected President of the Societj ' , and replied in a few words to the addresses made to him by various speakers . He then left , and the flower-show was formally opened to the public . —Tho Prince of Wales has been visiting , during the week , Killarney , Glengariff , Cahirciveen , Valencia , and other spots of interest .
The West Indies . —A most alarming riot ( lasting five days ) has taken place at Antigua . Thomas Barnard , a native of Barbuda , and Henry Jarvis , a nativo of Antigua , got into a quarrel , arising out of a preference shown by certain masters of vessels for Barbuda people . The two men had an encounter , and Jarvis was wounded by ( it is alleged ) a concealed implement . Barnard boasted of his victory '; whereupon , the friends of Jarvis wreaked their vengeance on every Barbuda man , woman , and child they could meet with , and several were very roughly handled . This occurred on Monday , tho 22 nd of March . On the following day , Barnard ' s house was blockaded by the mob during the whole day ; tho police in vain endeavouring to disperse tho rioters . Measures were taken for storming tho
houso ; but tho exhortations of tho Superintendent of Police and of Mr . Justice Loring moderated tho fury of the rioters for a time . At night , however , thoy dispersed through the Htrcots , attacking tho promises of every one who had given anchor to a Barbudian . A great deal of damage was in this way done to property . Haifa dozen policemen wore then armed with muskets and bayonota , and they twice charged tho mob , who received them with sliowors of stones . Four of tho rioters wero wounded by the bayonet , but no groat effect was produced on tho others . About midnight , Mr . Justice Loring ondoavourod to road tho Riot Act ; but ho was assailed with a shower of stonos , twice
knocked down , and forced to fly , Tho riots continued the whole of tho next day , tho authorities being very "Wo"ttlc rf ~ nnd-on-TriurBday-the-inob . resolv . ed _ toTattft ( : li ; , ? . ho , polioo station , whore Barnard had token r / ( jo , Previously to attempting this , thoy paraded tho'Cl / eots , and destroyed many houses . Special constables wore sworn in ; and on tho following morning tho mob attacked tho station . The police remained insido with loaded ilr « - arms , and in tho course of tho night tho Governor arrived . About four in tho morning , the station was assaulted and forced ; but the poUco and Bpoelal constables charged vigorously , nnd tho mob woro driven out . Martini law was then proclaimed ; two floldlilucos ware loaded and placed in position , so 113 to bo
able to sweep the approaches to toe station ) mounted patrols began , to arrive front all quartern ; iba streets were scoured , and several prisoners w « re brought in At the last dates , all was again quiet , and it was not considered necessary to disembark some troops which had been sent from Guadeloupe . The number of casual ties reported ia—killed , eight ; severely wounded thirteen . The Late Snow-storm in the North . —Sorw da ^ tails have been published of the severe snow-storm which , on the 7 th insU , devastated the mountain district reaching from Skiddaw to the Caldbeck Fell sides . The snow was blown about in heavy drifts by a perfect hurricane of wind , and a great many sheep were buried alive . The wind was so strong that grouse and other game , and in some instances sheep , were blown away . For several days the snow lay about in large masses .
Fires . —An extensive fire burst out on Sunday morning , in Great Titchfield-street , Oxford Market , when several houses were more or less damaged , and a vast amount of property was destroyed . The flames were discovered . very early , and the engines were soon on the spot ; but , owing to a want of water , the fire could not be checked so soon as it would otherwise have been . The origin of the calamity is unknown ; but it is stated that this ia the third time within the last few years that a fire has burst out on the same premises . Indiscretion of Educational Agents in India- — The eonduct of Mr . Chapman , Inspector of Education in Behar ( India ) , has recently been censured by the Court
of Directors in a despatch to the Governor-General in Council , dated the 13 th inst . ( No . 52 . ) Referring to certain passages in the reports of Mr . Chapman , embodied in a " General Report on Public Instruction in the Lower Provinces of the Bengal Presidency , for 1855-56 , " the Directors instruct the Governor-General of India to express to Mr . Chapman " the serious displeasure with , which they have viewed his conduct in inducing the natives to believe that it was the order of the Government that their children should attend the schools under his inspection ; " it being their intention that it shall be quite optional with the natives to avail themselves of the facilities for education afforded them or not . The
" over-zeal " of Mr- Chapman is indirectly censured m a subsequent paragraph of the despatch . The directors declare that " the Government will adhere with good faith to its ancient policy of perfect neutrality in matters affecting the religion of the people of India , " and they " most earnestly caution all those in authority under it not to afford hy their conduct the least colour to the suspicion that that policy has undergone or will undergo , any change . " . The Governor-General is also ordered to rebuke Mr . H . S . Reid , of the North-Western Provinces , in the same manner , if it be found that he has pursued the same objectionable course . —Times .
Health of London . — The deaths m London registered in the week ending Saturday , April 17 , were 1207 , being nearly the same as those of the previous week . In the ten years 1848-57 , the average number of deaths in the weeks corresponding with last week was 1102 ; but , as the deaths now returned occurred in an increased population , thfey should be compared with the average after the latter is raised in proportion to the increase , a correction which will make it 1212 . The number actually returned , therefore , agrees almost exactly with that obtained by calculation . Whooping-cough and measles still maintain a high mortality , the former having numbered 77 deaths in tho week , the latter 55 . Two widows died at the age of 96 years—one at Walham-green , another in Islington workhouse . — Last week , the births of 1009 boys and 956 girls , in all 1905 children , were registered in London . In the ton corresponding weeks of the years 1848-57 , tho average number was 1583 . — From the Registrar General ' s Weakly Itetttiii .
Strand Theatkk . —A " screaming" farce , entitled Tour Likeness for a Shilling , tho joint confection of Messrs . Harrington and Yatcs , was produced at this little theatre on Thursday evening with groat success . Pkess Prosecutions . —A lecture is to be delivered in defence of tho free prosa of Eng land and of the right of tho people of England on moral , constitutional , and . legal grounds , to discuss freoly and declare their opinions concerning any efforts that may bo made for tho overthrow of arbitrary power , tho restoration of national independence , and tho establishment of liberty ia any country . The lecture ia to bo delivorod on Wednesday evening next , in St . Martin ' s Hall , by II . J . Slack , Esc ] ., Barristur-at-Law , and tho surplus proceeds given to tho " Prona Prosecution Fund . "
Artificial . Stone . —Tho process by which Mr . Bansome , of Ipswiolv has boon enabled to produce an artificial stone , oxcollv - ? in hardness and durability the natural material , pf < " . nines to be of great uso to builders and decorators . Stone ornaments may , by its moans , be nroduccd at a trifling cost ; and , tho ttguros Doing modfermsfoad ^ T ^ rbythe -chlsolrffroat ^ reoiBion . mfty . bo attained , and beautiful shupos bo producod with a certainty hitherto unknown . Tho composition resomblea a sandstone of the boat quality , and Is of a soft white , or light burr colour , Tho late Dr . Auckland and tho lato Sir Henry do Iu Boeho testified highly to tho morlta of
tho manufacture . Tim National Loiid ' h Day Richt Association . — Tho flrHt animal mooting of tho members and friends of thia association waa hold at tho Vroonmsoim' Tuvorn , Grout Qiicou-utreot . Lincoln ' s Inn-Holds , on Thursday
Leader (1850-1860), April 24, 1858, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24041858/page/11/