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No. 422, Apira _ 24, _jj58J THE LE AJDJg...
^¦¦^^^^^ ^^^~™" 4Prl"iM*rt+rtt* iv 2Lm.UUUH\
—?—Critics are not thelegislators, but t...
"Time," says the Grecian sage, "is the w...
One of the most j eno arkable of contemp...
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No. 422, Apira _ 24, _Jj58j The Le Ajdjg...
No . 422 , Apira _ , _ jj 58 J THE LE AJDJgJB ^ _ 4 9 Jl _
^¦¦^^^^^ ^^^~™" 4prl"Im*Rt+Rtt* Iv 2lm.Uuuh\
literature .
—?—Critics Are Not Thelegislators, But T...
—?—Critics are not thelegislators , but the judges and police of literature . They do not makelaws—they interpret and try to enforce them . —Edinburgh Review . ~«
"Time," Says The Grecian Sage, "Is The W...
" Time , " says the Grecian sage , "is the wisest of all things , " and it is of the essence of wisdom to be just . We may fairly expect , therefore , that all wrongs will eventually be righted . The particular period , however , at which justice will in any case be done is fluctuating and uncertain , being usually expressed by that elastic phrase , " the long run . " There are many pauses , too , before the true ffoal is reached . For while time really does try all , the early
judgments are not unfrequently reversed before the decision , even of time , can be accepted as final . The present age seems fast becoming a court of appeal against all the partial and erroneous decisions of the past ; many of our most distinguished writers and critics being mainly occupied in reversing the moral judgments of their predecessors . This deeper criticism of character we certainly owe in great measure to Cabxyle , who , both , by precept and example , is the greatest living apostle of historic truth . His influence has insensibly diffused itself through nearly the whole of our current literature , and traces of it may be found in quarters where we should least expect it to be felt . The first article of the new
number of the Quarterly Review , on Bosweul and Johnson , supplies an illustration , though in relation to a comparatively humble hero . The first part of the paper , that devoted to Boswelx , is simply an expansion , point by point , of Cablyie ' s noble vindication of the wine-loving laird ' s good qualities both of head and heart . We have space to illustrate by quotation only a single point of the parallel . Carlyxe had well exposed the absurdity of the paradox repeated by successive critics , that the Life of Johnson was a clever book because its author was a fool . " Sometimes , " he says , " a strange enough hypothesis has been stated of him ; as if it were in virtue of the same bad qualities that he did his good work ; as if it were the very fact , of his being among the worst workmen in the world that had enabled him to write one of the
best books therein ! Falser hypothesis , we may venture to say , never arose in liuman soul . Bad is by its nature negative , and can do notbing . Whatever enables us to do anyth ing is by its very nature good . " The writer in the Quarterly gives a detailed exposition of this . Of Boswell ' s rare faculty of strictly and minutely truthful portraiture the writer says : — The value of Boswell ' s graphic narrative is vastly increased by the minute fidelity of the representation . Sir Joshua Reynolds observed of the veracious Johnson , that , admirable as he was in sketching characters , he obtained distinctness at the expense of perfect accuracyand assigned to people more than they really had , whether of
, good or bad ; but to Boswell ' s book the great painter gave the remarkable testimony , that every word of it might be depended upon as if delivered upon oath . Though manv persons , when it appeared , were displeased with the way in which they themselves were exhibited , no one accused him of serious misrepresentation , or of sacrificing truth to effect . He never heightened a scene , exaggerated a feature , improved a story or polished a conversation . His veneration for his hero could not entice him into smoothing down his asperities . Hannah More begged that he might be drawn less rudely than life . " I will not cut off his claws , " Bos well roughly replied , " nor make a tiger a cat , to please anybody . "
The article , which is marked by good sense , good feeling , and minutely accurate information , is thoroughly interesting throughout . The second paper is a slight and sketchy account of a kind of literature and life better known at Paris than in this country—that of the Arabs of social life . Of the remaining articles , that on " Italian Tours and Tourists" is full of pleasant , instructive gossip , and one on " Public Speaking" of seasonable advice . The present number of the Edinburgh Review has also an article on the subject of public speaking , which seems just now to be exciting a good deal of atlike is extinct t
tention The complaint is , that everything oratory amongsus , and even decent speaking rare ; yet the speaker that both the Edinburgh and the Quarterly justly rank as amongst the most distinguished of British orators still sits on the benches of the Upper House-Lord Bkougham . The article in the Edinburgh is a review of the edition of his collected speeches recentl y published The Edinburgh also reviews Mr . Buckle ' s History of Civilization in England favourably , so far as the ability displayed in the work is concerned , unfavourably , in relation to its plan and guiding principles . The author s defective sympathy with litcraturo and life , with popular influences and national-action , is no doubt a sorious disqualification for his work—one oi
the results of which is pointed out in the following extract : — Thi 8 want of Hympathy for the elements of heroism and lofty diameter , when tlicy happen to be separated from high intellectual attainments , or to """" f 081 / 1 ' '" - ^? in an ngo of intellectual obscurity , render * Mr . Buckle entirely ineapnblo of appreciating tho spirit of tho Middle Ages . Because the cm of scepticism had nut begun , because letters wore still chicuy in tho hands of tho clergy , because ( aa ho assorts ) tho art of writing directly oncounigcs tho propagation of falsehood * , because men still believed In mi overruling Providence , —ho represent * tho annuls oi those ages as a twsuo of ohlldish absurdities ; and ho quotos in nupport of . this opinion a multitude of old ives' fublofiextracted from tho chronicles of tho time . Nor does ho introduce u
w . sinKlorenw ^^ ditfon of the Middle Agon . Ilia learning , vast as it appears to be , does not embrace any of tho great lights of raccllmval philosophy , history , or urt ; ho has not ft word , save of acorn , tor tho stupendous labours of tho roat churchmen , for the dialectic * ol tho schools , or for tho genius which never shono more brightly than in tho immortal versos of Dante . Wo upuoal from this narrow and partial decision to tho energy of those groat minds , and to tho Middle Ages themselves . There ? , and nowhere olsu , is to bo found tho root and foundation of those great institutions from which the laws , tho liberties , and tho government of modem liutopo spring . Ihoro are atill to bo
distinguished through t » gloom of ages those gigantic figures of Charlemagne , Alfred , and Norman William , whose strength and wisdom moulded the empires of their posterity ; and to convey an opinion of the Middle Ages solely by a loose statement of their ignorance aa & their credulity , ia to overlook the existence and extent of powers and truths of the utmost importance to tbe subsequent history of mankind . One might infer from . Mr- Buckle , that the records of our race begin with the seventeenth century of the Christian era , because he then first applies his method of interpreting them . The Edinburgh j s defective this quarter in purely literary articles , that on " Edgar Allan Poe" being slight and superficial .
One Of The Most J Eno Arkable Of Contemp...
One of the most j eno arkable of contemporary publicists , Iskander ( M . Alexand & e Hekzen ) , whose contributions to the Leader on the question , of Russian , Serfdom may be in . the remembrance of many of our readers , has written , in French , a striking an d significant pamphlet ( published by Mr . Tkubner ) , under the following title : —France or England ? Russian Variations on the Theme of the Attempt of the \ Uh of January . This strange and suggestive title smacks of the humour peculiar to Russian writers—a humour singularly wild and pungent in quality . But the pamphlet itself is eminently worth reading . Reviewing ia a few vivid and brilliant pages the characteristics of Russian policy , foreign and domestic , since Peter the Great , M . Herzen
concludes on behalf of his country against the French , and in favour of the English alliance . « Russia / ' he says , " occupies an exceptional position . She belongs neither to Europe nor to Asia . A change of dynasty in China does not imply an intervention on her part . The fall of Bonaparte and the accession to the throne of France of Baroche or of Pelissier could neither weaken nor strengthen the po ^ er of the Czar . Russia , in a word , forms in herself a new part of the globe , developing herself in her own manner , assimilating the Western civilization to the upper strata of her society , but remaining perfectly national at the base . " At the death of Nicholas there were two policies open to his successor— -a policy of compression a outrance , and a policy of decisive amelioration . Alexander II . having chosen the latter , his alliance ia
naturally with England . A great people -with a small army and vast conquests , she will disabuse us of uniforms , of parades , Of police , of arbitrary government . A country without centralization , without a bureaucracy , without prefects , without gendarmes , without restrictions of the press , without lim its to the right of public meeting , without revolutions , without reaction—just the reverse of Russia and France . And what a part she plays After the fall and decad ence of the Continent , alone , upright , with head erect , tranquil , full of security sbe contemplates from the midst of the waves the horrible . spectacle of despotic terrorism and espionage . M . Herzen , bein ° - entirely unconnected with any conspiracy , was in no way des libertes laises
menaced by what he calls la loi sur le meurtre ang In the last resort he would have embarked with his printing-press for America . But on the first reading of the Conspiracy Bill , his shamed and indignant feelings told him that he loved England . But the rejection of the Bill reassured him , and lie rejoiced even when he was pursued and pelted by Londonstreet boys as a French spy , for " apeople that has the strength to hate a pollticulpolice is free for ever . " I » another chapter , M . Herzen turns to the condition of Trance , its hopeless oscillations from one extreme to another , its revolutionary jargon , & d its essential propensity to " strong government . " With a truthful severity which we commend to the attention of French .
Liberals , he says ;—• " The Empire would not la 3 t two days if it did not find some sort of point d appui in the French character . It corresponds necessarily to certain elements perfectly national . Say what you will » the election of the 10 th of December , 1848 , was free and popular . " " Can a Bovmpartist England be imagined P" he asks . Again he acutely remarks : " The degrading regime of Imperialism is detested -. for France loves only the poetry of Jfottaparlis / n and not its prose . " France requires a process of thorough-searching self-examination ; unfortunately her deepest thinkers arc not sufficientl y imbued with " the revolutionary tradition" to be listened to by their country" 1011- The French need to be emancipated from " the France of JBt mngcr : "C ' eetpeu dene }) a 3 sympathiser avec la St . jBartMlemy , il fuut aussi ne pas syvipathiaer avec lea journ ^ s de aeptembrc . L " e « t pen de ne pas vouloir ae venger da Waterloo , ilfaut ne pin * « e cotnplaire dans le souvenir d' AusterlUz . How true is the following passage : —
She has but sicken off with a vigorous hand the gotuic dust and the povydor of Versailles , she ha 8 not entered into a normal atate sinco ' 89 , and she > s still the prey of a convulsive aidtfltion , and of all the incoherence of a struggle which has twice already resulted if , tlio negation of every right . Loving riots and centralization , void of the instinct of liberty , und nnxiou * to emancipate tho other peoples , intolerant m tho name of Independence , France has not yet been ablo to fix the cardinal points of her social edifice . How profoundly observed is tho following , whioh wo transcribe m tho original : — SI on veut suiVro le fll roug « qiii paaso d trover * , les cord e n « m revolutlonnaircH , on trouvora un dli-ment constant duns toutoa 1 « b variation , memo d-niB los plus uontradicloiroB ; 0 > Mt 1 ° vioux pod" * ronmln-e ' obt o grand ennonu do la HUorttf—le , . joucemcnentali m * 1 * « J lWne » tntlo , i u ' en-uaut , I'lmpoBltion ioixco p « r lautpnt & acftiamartquca . ' " * T ~ 7 -t-t- ' - ~~
-_ .... , , . , Is not this lruo of nil parties in Franco—LfgitimiutB , OrloanUtB , Republicans , red and moderate , und Socialist s ? Considering the profound disrespect for personal liberty , M . IIisrzen ceases to bo surprised that "Louis XIV ., having passed through tho Phrygian cap fashion , should , become Namwjsom . " But " Imperialism , with its persecution
Leader (1850-1860), April 24, 1858, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_24041858/page/17/